10 research outputs found

    Some of South Sumatran Plants Containing Alkaloids

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    A phytochemical survey for alkoloid-containing plants has been conducted in South Sumatra. During the survey 180 satisfactory herbarium sample were obtained and all of them were tested for alkoloids. The results showed that 33 species gave a positive test for alkoloids, and high alkoloid contents were shown by: Alstonia scholaris, Alstonia angustiloba, Ervatamia coronariaa, Voacanga foetida Bl. K. Schum, Litsea accedentoides K & V, Litsea angualata, Litseato mentosa,  Fibraurea chloroleuca Miers (root),   and Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Mer

    Derivatization of Inseparable Ursolic and Oleanolic Acids of Fagraea fragrans Fruits to Enhance Their Anticancer Activity

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    Inseparable Ursolic acid and its isomeric oleanolic acid are the major compounds in Fagraea fragrans fruits. The white solid crystals , 3.1 % of these triterpenic acids are easyly isolated from alcoholic extracts of these dried fruits. They are well known in both cosmeticeutical and medicinal industries. Therefore the objective of this work is to derivative those to be the  inseparable ethyl ursolate 3-ethyl ether [its isomeric ethyl oleanolate 3-ethyl ether], and to evaluate their anticancer activity against P-388 murine leukemia cells. The results are 71%  of the derivatives have been successfully made from the inseparable ursolic [its isomeric oleanolic] acids by in situ reaction between those triterpenic acids with thionyl chloride and ethanol in benzene. The anticancer activity of ethyl ursolate 3-ethyl ether  [its isomeric ethyl oleanolate 3-ethyl ether] against P-388 murine leukemia cells with IC50 value of 31.36 µg/mL is twofold (1.7)  more potent then their mother compounds, the inseparable ursolic [its isomeric oleanolic] acids with IC50 value of 53.5 µg/mL

    Peningkatan Kelarutan Glukomanan Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) dengan Penggilingan Basah dan Kering

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    Despite of hydrophilic, glucomannan solubility is so slow that its solubility increase is required for easier, faster, and wider application. This research objective was to find a milling method which can enhance glucomannan solubility with high sol transparency, WHC and apparent viscosity. Native glucomannan extract from porang corm was classified into 3 treatments, no milling (native), grinding to pass through 80 mesh sieve (dry milling) or before grinding, the glucomannan were dissolved and precipitated using ethanol (wet milling) which then dried and passed through 80 mesh sieve. Compared to dry milling (13%), wet milling could significantly enhance higher glucomannan solubility (18%) with high sol transparency, WHC and apparent viscosity due to its depolymerization, molecular weight reduction, more porous and amorphous morphology as well

    Produksi Tablet Kosmetika Herbal Buah Tembesu Untuk Perawatan Kulit dan Wajah

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    Buah Tembesu (Fragraea fragrans) memiliki metabolit sekunder asam ursolat, asam oleanolat, dan alkaloid gentianin. Senyawa metabolit sekunder ini telah diteliti dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antiinflamasi, antikanker, antibakterial, antiaging, antifungal, antiviral, antialergik. Senyawa flavonoid juga teridentifikasi pada buah ini yang dapat digunakan sebagai antioksidan dan peredam radikal bebas penahan ageing; dan tanin trimer sebagai antikerut (antiwrinkle). Produk kosmetika herbal dari buah Tembesu telah diuji dan memberikan manfaat bagi peningkatan kesehatan kulit dan wajah. Warga di Desa Limbang Jaya II memiliki pemukiman yang kaya akan pohon Tembesu. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa penyuluhan dan pelatihan pembuatan kosmetika alam akan memberikan nilai lebih bagi hasil alam di desa tersebut. Produk kosmetika ini lebih disukai oleh remaja milenial saat ini karena tidak saja halal tetapi juga berkhasiat untuk perawatan tanpa ada efek samping karena hanya mengandung bahan alami

    Alkaloids of Fagraea fragrans (Tembesu) Fruits

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    The aim of this paper is to visualize the alkaloids of Fagraea fragrans fruits therefore the fruits can be scientifically used as herb traditional medicines and phytocosmetics.  Three alkaloids have successfully been identified from those Fagraea fragrans fruits, Loganiaceae. They are gentialutine, gentianine, and isaindigotone. The alkaloids were alternately explored by means of ether and 2% H2SO4 extractions. The sulphuric acid phase was naturalized with ammonium chloride and then extracted with ethyl acetate. The residue were then subjected to silica gel G60 (70-230 mesh) column chromatography and eluted with 40% ethyl acetate in n-hexane. The LC-MS spectral of alkaloids gave the protonated molecular ion peaks at m/z (r.t. minute) = 150.08 (1.39), 176.06 (4.80), and 351.37 (5.24) respectively


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    Robusta coffee is one of the plants used as a drink and has an efficacious content that can be modified to be used as a cure for diarrhea. This research was conducted To determine the effect of synbiotic coffee with a combination of coffee, prebiotic inulin chicory, probiotic B. bifidum, and glucose on the growth and antibacterial activity of the probiotic Bifidobacterium bifidum BRL-130. Organoleptic testing of synbiotic coffee was performed on 30 panelists, then the growth test used the total plate count method, and the antibacterial test used the paper diffusion method. The organoleptic test showed that the selected formula 1 had the highest average taste of 3.76. In the symbiotic coffee growth test, the best results were obtained in week 1 of plain water with a temperature of 40°C with the number of colonies 5.95 x108 CFU/mL. Antibacterial activity test using paper disc diffusion method with a variation of the selected formula 1 treatment control, 2 treatment control pure robusta coffee powder, positive control of ciprofloxacin antibiotic, and negative control of aquadest solvent. The antibacterial activity of synbiotic coffee against E. coli showed that there was an inhibitory response in formula 1 against Escherichia coli bacteria in the first week of storage, 12.3±1.1 mm with strong criteria. &nbsp


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    This paper describes 3-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid and its structural isomer 3-hydroxyo/ean-12-en-28-oic acid isolated from Fragraea fragrans fruits and their biological activitiesanti-tumor, anti-inflammation,anti-microbial, and anti-fungal included their ultra violet photo-protective effect after exposed under sunlight radiation. They are useful for cosmetic ingredient. The above triterpenes are very promoting compounds for leukemia L1210 anti-tumor due to limited reports dealing with this type triterpenoid anti-tumor test. They significantly gave IC50value of 5.78 JJg/mLagainst leukemia L1210cells, relatively closed to IC50value of drugs, 4.0 JglmL [12-13,17J


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    This paper describes 3-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid and its structural isomer 3-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid isolated from Fragraea fragrans fruits and their biological activities; anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal included their ultra violet photo-protective effect after exposed under sunlight radiation. They are useful for cosmetic ingredient. The above triterpenes are very promoting compounds for leukemia L1210 anti-tumor due to limited reports dealing with this type triterpenoid anti-tumor test. They significantly gave IC50 value of 5.78 µg/mL against leukemia L1210 cells, relatively closed to IC50 value of drugs, 4.0 µg/mL [12-13,17]

    Oxidation and Acetylation of Ursolic and Oleanolic Acids Isolated from <i>Fragraea fragrans</i> fruits; Antiproliferation of P388 Leukemia Cells

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    An interesting natural product chemistry aspect of Fragraea fragrans is that their fruits are richness with ursolic acid and its isomer oleanolic acid (3.05% of dried powder). As our continuous work on these inseparable structural isomeric triterpenes, this paper reports that 51.0% of inseparable 3-oxo-ursolic[3-oxo-oleanolic] acids and 48.6% of inseparable 3-acethyl-ursolic [3-acethyl-oleanolic] acids have already been made from those triterpenes as starting materials of the oxidized and acetylated compounds and evaluated their activity against P388 leukemia cells. The activity of 3-oxo-ursolic [3-oxo-oleanolic] acids with IC50 = 18.6 µg/mL exhibited three-fold more potent against P388 leukemia cell proliferations compared to ursolic [oleanolic] acids with IC50 = 53.5 µg/mL; while the 3-acethyl-ursolic [3-acethyl-oleanolic] acids with IC50 = 37.9 µg/mL showed two-fold more potent then their parent triterpenes (IC50 = 53.5 µg/mL) in the inhibition of P388 leukemia cell growth