Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry (IJFA)
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    118 research outputs found

    Production of Bioethanol from Sugarcane Bagasse with Variations in Yeast Mass

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    Energy availability is an absolute requirement in national development efforts at present or in the future, because it can guarantee energy needs which are the main challenges for the Indonesian state. The existence of limited energy sources, while the need continues to increase requires alternative sources of fossil energy. Bioethanol is one of the bioenergy which is an alternative to replace the use of fossil fuels. This study aims to obtain bioethanol from bagasse (bagasse). The method used is hydrolysis with sulfuric acid. The research step begins with pretreatment of bagasse raw materials, grinded to a size of 100 mesh. Furthermore, the hydrolysis with sulfuric acid at a temperature of 150 oC for 1 hour, to form a slurry. The fermentation process uses a mass variation of yeast Saccharomyces cereviceae with a variation of 6.75; 8.75; 11.25; 13.75 and 16.25 g, for 4 days with pH 5, room temperature and anaerobically. Purification is done by distillation method . The best yield in the study with a mass variation of yeast saccaromyces cerevisiae with a pH of 5 and a fermentation time of 4 days was 57.6 mL. The bioethanol content obtained was 98.93 percent. Keywords: Bagasse, Bioethanol, Saccha sromyces cereviceae, Yeast mass, Fermentatio

    Biocoal Characterization as an Environmentally Friendly Alternative Energy Innovation Composite Variations of Gasified Char with Coconut Shell Charcoal

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    In accordance with the mandate of the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the use of cleaner coal through coal gasification projects, in the future the coal gasification industry will produce char as a by-product. This study aims to characterize coal gasification char using a prototype underground coal gasification (UCG) and the addition of coconut shell charcoal biomass as a raw material for making biobriquettes. By using coal as raw material from the Muara Tiga Besar Mine of PT Bukit Asam, five kinds of coal samples from different layers were obtained, which from the characterization results, both coal and char, did not have too significant deviations so that the research variables could be ignored. The results of the characterization of char from coal gasification results compared to the initial sample of coal showed an increase in calorific value, a decrease in sulfur content and a significant decrease in water content, so it can be concluded that char from coal gasification has good potential as a raw material for biobriquettes. By using char and coconut shell charcoal with the ratio of variations in the composition of char and coconut shell compositions is 100%:0%; 75%:25%; 50%:50%; 25%:75% and 0%:100% carried out the briquetting process. The results of the biobriquette characterization met the criteria of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 01-6235-2000 and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regulation No. 047 of 200

    Preconcentration of Cadmium assisted with sonication using Dowex 50WX2-200 Resin

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    Preconcentration of Cd metal in water has been carried out using Dowex 50WX2-200 resin as a solid phase extractor. The extraction process is carried out with a sonicator. Elution of Cd metal which was adsorbed by the resin was released again using 1M HNO3, then Cd metal was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. In this study, the effect of pH, solution sonication time and metal elution time and eluent volume was studied.The results of the optimization of preconcentration conditions were obtained at pH 3, the duration of the sonication process for metal adsorption was 15 minutes and the elution time was 7.5 minutes and the eluent volume of 1M HNO3 was 10 ml. Method validation is carried out using a method validation is carried out using a Certificate Reference Material, CRM for clean water at optimum conditions. Obtained 97% recovery and 11% RSD (n=3) which shows the accuracy value still meets the acceptability limit according to the AOAC between 70%-125 and precision with % RSD smaller than CV Horwitz, 14%. Keywords: Cd, Dowex 50WX2-200, Flame-SSA

    Features of Vespa affinis Nest Based on X-ray Diffraction, Spectroscopic, and Surface Morphological Studies

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    The main focus of this research is to ascertain the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic pattern, and surface morphology of a hornet (Vespa affinis) nest. The optical microscopic (OM) analysis demonstrated that the nest presented an irregular formation of partition materials. This was confirmed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which revealed the presence of a unique form with a honeycomb-like pattern. Meanwhile, the materials largely consisted of carbon and oxygen elements, as was revealed by the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, while the XRD analysis indicated that the nest was composed of amorphous materials of cellulose and lignin. Finally, the (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis revealed the presence of a number of peaks, which indicated that the material also consisted of a mixture of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin materials. It is envisaged that these results would widen the possibilities of fundamental scientific research on forest products, particularly the use of the V. affinis nest for further biological and chemical researc

    Synthesis and Caracterization Catalyst γ-Al2O3 and Al/γ-Al2O3 Using XRD Analysis

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    Catalysts have an essential role in chemical processes because they can control reactions and produce the desired product. In general, catalysts function to speed up chemical reactions that can take place by lowering the activation energy. By decreasing the activation energy, the minimum energy required for the collision is reduced so that the reaction can occur faster. Selection of the suitable material to be used as a catalyst is an effort that must be made to achieve a successful process and obtain cost efficiency. The choice of material as metal and support was the aim of this research. Aluminum (Al) was the material chosen as metal and γ-Al2O  as the support. The method used in the synthesis of this catalyst was dry impregnation. It is hoped that more metal will stick to the support. In this study, catalyst synthesis was carried out with two variations of treatment. The first treatment was using Al as metal and γ-Al2O3 as the support. The second treatment did not use metal only γ-Al2O3 as the support. The resulting material was characterized by XRD analysis. The analysis found that in the diffractogram pattern of Al /γ--Al2O3, the peaks appeared at 2θ = 37o, 46o, and 67o. The impregnation process went well. Aluminum was evenly distributed (sticks) to the pore surface of the support and entered the pores

    Processing Mixture of Polypropylene (PP) Plastic Waste and Palm Fiber Waste into Alternative Fuels

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    AbstractThe increasing accumulation of plastic and industrial biomass wastes, as well as the declining reserves of petroleum as an energy source, have become significant topics of discussion. Therefore, this research aims to determine alternative energy sources in the form of fuel derived from cracking a mixture of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and palm fiber (SKS) waste. It also aims to determine the quantity and quality of the derived products. The cracking process with a catalyst to feed ratio of 1:10 and a time of 40 minutes led to the highest % conversion Cracking Result Liquid (CHP) product of 48.08% with the variation condition of PP to SKS ratio of 1.5:1 at a temperature of 500°C. The GC-MS analysis results showed that the % area of the CHP product contains fuels, such as gasoline (32.97%), kerosene (5.36%), and diesel (2.24%).Keywords: Cracking, Polypropylene, plastic waste, palm fiber, alternative energi Abstrak (Indonesian)Meningkatnya akumulasi limbah, baik itu sampah plastik maupun limbah biomassa hasil industri, serta menurunnya cadangan minyak bumi sebagai sumber enegi, menjadi topik masalah yang cukup signifikan untuk dibahas dan dicarikan solusinya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mencari sumber energi alternatif berupa bahan bakar yang berasal dari perengkahan campuran sampah plastik jenis PP (Polypropylene) dan limbah biomassa serabut kelapa sawit (SKS), serta mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Perengkahan yang dilakukan dengan perbandingan katalis dan umpan 1:10 dan waktu 40 menit, menghasilkan %konversi produk CHP (Cairan Hasil Perengkahan) tertinggi sebesar 48,08% dengan kondisi variasi rasio PP:SKS adalah 1,5:1 dan suhu 500°C. Hasil analisa GC-MS menunjukkan % area produk CHP tersebut mengandung bahan bakar seperti bensin (32,97%), minyak tanah (5,36%) dan solar (2,24%). Kata Kunci : Perengkahan, Polypropylene, sampah plastik, serabut kelapa sawit, energi alternati

    Analysis of downdraft low rank coal performance gasification by variations coal to syngas product

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    Indonesia has the potential for abundant coal reserves. Data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2011) states that Indonesia's total coal is estimated at 119.4 billion tons, of which 48% is located in South Sumatra, with 70% of the deposits being brown or low quality coal. With the high amount available, the direct use of coal has several shortcomings, one of which is that coal releases gases (CO2, N2O, NOx, SOx and Hg) which cause global warming. Coal gasification is a process for converting solid coal into a gas mixture that has a fuel value (Triantoro, A., 2013). Coal gasification will produce producer gas in the form of synthetic gas (syngas) with the main components consisting of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and (CH4) gas. By converting coal using gasification as a clean energy producer, a blower as a regulator of air flow, a cyclone as a tar separator and a gas cooler. Based on the results of testing the variation of coal used, the variation of 5515 Kcal / Kg coal has a rapid rise in temperature and is able to produce a flame for 115 minutes. with the composition of Syngas CO and CH4 of 12.4% an 1.2%, while the coal variation of 4640 Kcal / Kg produces the highest H2 of 6.9%. Coal 5515 Kcal / Kg produces the largest percentage of syngas conversion, carbon conversion, LHV, power output and stove efficiency, namely 13.46%, 70.397%, 2.427 MJ / Kg, 18.403 KW and 31.23

    Design of Dry Cell HHO Generator using NaCl Solution for Hydrogen Production

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    Nowadays, electrical energy is a source of basic human needs, which continues to increase with the increase in population, both in the household sector, government agencies and industry. With the increase in excessive use of electricity, it can produce emissions, and also the carbon produced will certainly have an impact on global warming because electricity is mostly still using fossil-based energy for that the use of other alternative energy is very helpful to reduce dependence on the use of fossil fuels. One of the things that attracts the attention of researchers today is using renewable energy in an effort to reduce the use of fossil energy. Among the most common alternative energies found is water, so this research focuses on designing dry cell type HHO (Hydrogen Hydrogen Oxygen) Generaor technology with water electrolysis which will produce hydrogen gas. The HHO generator functions to break down water (H2O) into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms which became known as HHO gas or Oxy-Hydrogen. Testing the gas flow HHO Generator will use NaCl and there is a reservoir tube to see the rise and fall of water from the gas produced. NaCL used in the size of 20 grams, 50 grams, 75 grams, and 100 grams dissolved in 500 cc of water. From the results of this study, variations in NaCL affect the release of gas bubbles in the reservoir tube where the hydrolysis test of 500 cc of water with 100 grams of NaCL at a time of 180-210 seconds produces 175 cc of gas

    Synthesis of Epoxide as Intermediate Compounds for Biolubricant Production from Crude Palm Oil

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    The use of biolubricant must be encouraged to reduce environmental pollution from non-biodegradable lubricants by utilizing crude palm oil. This study aims to synthesize epoxide compounds from crude palm oil (CPO) as intermediate compounds to produce Biolubricant and determine the kinetic reaction and the enthalpy of the epoxide reaction. The process of synthesizing epoxide was carried out in a stirred reactor. The epoxidation reaction occurred at 60, 70, and 80 °C for 30 – 180 min with 30 min intervals using 1, 2, and 3% H2SO4 as catalysts. The highest conversion was obtained at a reaction temperature of 70 °C at 90 min using 2% H2SO4 of 87.59%. The characteristics of the epoxide compound produced have a density of 0.951 g/cm3, a kinematic viscosity of 44.388 CSt, an acid number of 4.32 mg NaOH/g oil, and oxirane number of 5.731 g/cm3. The reaction kinetic constant and enthalpy were 0.0104 mol/mL min and 10494.762 J/mol. The synthesized epoxide from crude palm oil was proven to be a suitable intermediate compound for biolubricant production

    Isotherm and Thermodynamics Study of Congo Red and Procion Red Adsorption over Natural and Zn/Fe Pillared Bentonite

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    The effect of initial Congo Red and Procion Red concentration on isotherm adsorption and thermodynamic adsorption study using natural and Zn/Fe Pillared bentonite have been conducted. The adsorbents were also characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-Ray analysis (SEM-EDX). The study showed that the optimum dye removal of Congo Red and Procion Red was obtained at the initial dye concentration of 80 mg/L. The adsorption isotherm study showed that the Congo Red and Procion Red adsorption on natural and Zn/Fe Pillared bentonite followed the Freundlich isotherm model. The adsorption thermodynamics study showed that the adsorption of Congo Red and Procion Red occurred endothermically, wheraas the positive value of entropy indicated a high level of disorder of adsorption for both dyes. Furthermore, the FTIR, XRD, and SEM-EDX analysis showed that the pillarization of Zn/Fe on bentonite successfully well occurred, and it could be concluded that the adsorption of Congo Red using natural and Zn/Fe pillared bentonite showed a better adsorption process than Procion Red


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