46 research outputs found

    Development of High School Students' Mathematical Reasoning Ability Instruments on Three Dimension Material

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an evaluation tool for learning mathematics to measure the mathematical reasoning abilities of high school students. The type of development applied is related to the model developed by Thiagarajan. The study population consists of four schools in Pasuruan City. The sample of this research was class XII SMA YALC Pasuruan. Data collection techniques used mathematical reasoning instruments about three-dimensional material consisting of three descriptive questions. Data analysis uses validity, reliability, discriminatory power and difficulty. The results of this study indicate that the assessment tool measures the mathematical reasoning abilities of high school students which are well developed and feasible so that they can be used

    Design for Development of Canva Application-Based Audio-Visual Teaching Materials on the Thematic Subject "Myself (Me and My New Friends)" Elementary School Students

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    Pembelajaran matematika kurang optimal karena keterbatasan media pembelajaran. Sebagian besar guru hanya mengandalkan materi dan latihan manual, yang terlalu membatasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat media pembelajaran audiovisual berbasis aplikasi Canva pada pembelajaran tematik kelas 1 SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pengembangan media berdasarkan model pengembangan four-D. Karena keterbatasan peneliti, pengembangan media ini baru sampai pada tahap pengembangan. Dengan kata lain baru sampai tahap validasi oleh validator. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua profesional media, dua profesional materi, dan dua praktisi, serta lima belas siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rumus rata-rata untuk mendapatkan skor efikasi rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media audiovisual berbasis aplikasi Canva Tematik pada topik 'Diriku (Aku dan Teman Baruku) memperoleh skor relevansi 4,73 untuk ahli materi dan 4,92 untuk ahli media Berdasarkan media audiovisual dari Pengembangan pembelajaran berbantu aplikasi Canva

    Learning Application Derivative Algebraic Functions: Ethnomathematical Studies and Digital Creator Books

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    Learning mathematics has been meaningful if it is associated with real-life problems. Ethnomathematics is an activity in which mathematical concepts are related to the local "Lontong Sayur" culture that students often encounter in real life. Ethnomathematics needs to be applied to students at the high school level. It aims to make it easier for students to understand mathematical concepts, one of which is ethnomathematics based on Digital Book Creator. This study aims to create a product as a Book Creator based on the application of ethnomathematics in learning. Applications derived from algebra help teachers create conducive conditions for students to learn. The development model used in this research is the Borg and Gall development model in the research and data collection stages. Book Creator is a simple tool for creating exciting books. The validation of materials, learning media, and culture received a score of 3.58 using "good" criteria. Book Creator can be developed to understand documents more in context to understand documents from concrete to abstract and provides several menus, namely: a) Presenting user guides and brief descriptions of Book Creator; b) Business plans and concept maps; c) A summary of the material is presented in stages equipped with sample questions and quizzes containing learning videos, audiovisual sections, and aptitude tests; and d) Summarizing, presenting summary/basic learning materials

    Problems, Solutions, and Expectations: 6C Integration of 21 st Century Education into Learning Mathematics

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    21st century education requires the integration of six competencies (6C) into the classroom. Because it is important to equip students with better skills. This survey examines the problems faced by mathematics teachers in integrating 21st century pedagogic 6Cs into integrated mathematics skills, and solutions to overcome these problems. This qualitative study collected data through questionnaires from 15 mathematics teachers spread across eight different schools. As a result, low student motivation, difficulties in integrating several skills, difficulties in time management, lack of understanding of student concepts, and difficulties in making lesson plans, as well as limited teaching materials. To overcome this problem, we integrate ideas based on providing videos (it's much better if you use/design videos yourself to suit the characteristics and interests of students), group work, providing private discussion rooms by watshapp, providing short material summaries with narration so that language is easy for students to understand, use timers to manage time, and ask for references and exchanges. Make lesson plans with other teachers


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    One important component in the education system to measure the success and performance of the learning process is assessment activities. The importance of assessment in the learning process can be used as a benchmark for improving the quality of teaching. The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematics learning assessment tool to measure students' abilities in understanding mathematics. The type of development used is related to the model developed by Thiagaran. The study population consisted of five public schools in the city of Pasuruan. The sample of this research was class XII SMA/SMK YALC Pasuruan. The data collection technique used a descriptive test to complete fifteen math questions on three dimensional questions. Data analysis uses validity, reliability, strength, and difficulty. The results of this study indicate that the Essay Test instrument has 12 valid items (3 deleted/deactivated items). Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that the instrument designed to measure students' abilities in understanding mathematics meets valid criteria and can be used in learnin

    Development of "Material Gaya" Teaching Materials Based on Creative Science Videos (CSV) for Class VIII Junior High School Students

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    Teaching materials are a resource for teachers and students to carry out the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to develop innovative teaching materials that enable students to achieve superior learning outcomes. One of the innovative and creative teaching materials is Creative Science Video-Based Teaching Materials (CSV). In this study, we aim to commercialize creative science teaching materials by using videos as style teaching materials. We also assess product quality based on materials and media reports. The research variables were validated by material, expert and video experts. In addition, the professional quality of audiovisual media has great potential. This research is an R n D with statistical evaluation results of material expert verification by CSV type reaching 3.62, media experts reaching 3.84. Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that science teaching materials such as style teaching materials can be developed through Creative Science Video-Based Teaching Materials (CSV


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat instrumen diagnostik two-tier yang dapat mendeteksi miskonsepsi siswa tentang materi segitiga dan segiempat. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk membuat instrumen dari bahan segitiga, sedangkan metode RD digunakan untuk membuat instrumen dari bahan segi empat. Validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen diagnostik two-tier dievaluasi. Uji validitas instrumen menunjukkan bahwa 8 soal dari 10 soal materi segitiga dan 7 soal dari 10 soal materi segi empat dinyatakan valid. Instrumen tersebut kemudian diujicobakan pada siswa SMP kelas tujuh dan delapan. Hasil tes dianalisis dan ditafsirkan untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahpahaman. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini, miskonsepsi siswa tentang materi segitiga antara lain mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis segitiga berdasarkan panjang sisi dan besar sudut, serta menentukan tinggi segitiga yang menyebabkan mereka salah menghitung luas segitiga. Kesalahpahaman tentang materi segi empat di kalangan siswa termasuk indikator teoritis untuk mendefinisikan segiempat dan jajaran genjang

    Designing the Development of Canva Application-Based Audio-Visual Teaching Materials on the Material "Point to Point Distance" for High School Students

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    Mathematics learning is not optimal because of limited learning media. Most teachers only rely on manual materials and exercises that are too strict. The purpose of this research is to create an audiovisual learning media based on the Canva application for class XII learning. This type of research is media development based on the four-D development model. Due to the limitations of researchers, the development of this media has only reached the development stage. The subjects of this study were 2 media experts, 2 material experts, 2 practitioners and 25 students. Data collection methods in this study are observation methods, interview methods, and questionnaire methods. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the average formula to obtain an average efficacy score. As a result, the audiovisual media based on the Canva application on the topic "Distance point to point" achieved a relevance score of 4.53 for content experts and 4.65 for media expert

    The Role of Teachers and Communication Information Technology (ICT) Media in the Implementation of Mathematics Learning in the Digital Age

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    The current era of modernization has brought the Indonesian nation forward in the development of science and technology. This is marked by the existence of information and communication that spreads quickly in life, including in the world of education. Along with the development of ICT, one must also be able to adjust, sort, and utilize the development of information and communication so that it can make a positive contribution to students. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of teachers and information communication technology (ICT) media in the implementation of mathematics learning in the Digital Age. This research is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative research type with a literature review that seeks to describe the role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning. In this study, the authors used various written sources such as articles, journals, and documents that were relevant to the studies in this study. This Literature Study focuses on the role of a teacher in learning mathematics, digital technology in education, and the use of technology in education, as well as digital-based learning media. Learning has an important role in efforts to improve the quality of education, so that learning can bring meaning and benefits to students. The conclusion in this paper is that ICT mastery is an indicator of a teacher's competence. The selection and use of ICT media must be correlated with learning and adapted to the needs of learning activitie