3,496 research outputs found

    Uji Kinerja Electrocardiograph Dengan Menggunakan Multipart Simulator Sebagai Parameter Quality Control

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang ???Uji Electrocardiograph (ECG) dengan \ud Menggunakan Multipart Simulator Sebagai Parameter Quality Control??? di RSUD. Haji \ud Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah Membandingkan bacaan alat ukur \ud standar dengan bacaan EKG melalui gambar grafik. Alat yang digunakan adalah multipart \ud simulator. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa nilai kalibrasi 1 mV menghasilkan selisih \ud pengukuran setting dan terukur sebesar 0.2 % untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk bionet dan \ud 2.1 % untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk Burdick, paper speed menghasilkan selisih \ud pengukuran maksimal sebesar 0.1 % untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk bionet dan -0.6 % \ud untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk Burdick, heart rate menghasilkan selisih pengukuran \ud maksimal sebesar 0.7 % untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk bionet dan 0.9 % untuk pesawat \ud EKG dengan merk Burdick dan sensitifitas menghasilkan selisih pengukuran maksimal \ud sebesar 0.3 % untuk pesawat EKG dengan merk bionet dan 0.8 % untuk pesawat EKG \ud dengan merk Burdick. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja EKG masih \ud dalam kondisi baik tidak melebihi Toleransi yang diijinkan


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    This article is based on a research impact of beach reclamation in relation to the economic and socio-cultural social of the people in the Sanur tourism area. The research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, with social economics approach. The data were collected using proportional stratified random sampling derived from interviews and observations, as well as data collected from publications. The number of respondent covered is 100.Beach reclamation which has been done in the Sanur tourism area has been able to give new job opportunities to the local people. But, until now the reclamation cannot significantly increase the earnings of locals. The beach reclamation work has given positive cultural and social impacts to the people of Sanur. The impact have been felt, among others, ease of religious, cultural and sports activities. Keywords : Reclamation impact, economic and cultural socia

    Eorthe: Bumi [Book One]

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    This creative project is a novel that is telling the story of a young man named, Rei, in his journey to find the truth about his late parents to help him find who he is, and a young princess called Aria in her quest, accompanied by Rei and their friends, in order to regain her right as the one and only successor to the throne of a Kingdom named Earendel. In this story, I decided to use quest and social criticism as the two main themes, while the sub-themes are quest for identity, quest for power, and for social criticism, it is change versus tradition. This to assist me in realizing my aim for writing this work which is to help raising more awareness towards our surroundings by promoting discovery process in the young adult world and social change. During their journey, the two major characters will see how some people is still having difficulty in accepting a change in their tradition from having men as the heads of the family to having a woman as one. The family here represents the patriarchal tradition or custom that most of families hold. As for the genre, I chose fantasy with the sub-genre epic fantasy and using the common epic fantasy properties, such as magic, supernatural creatures, the quest conducted by the two major characters, and also the existence of the good and the evil one

    Optimalisasi sumber informasi ilmiah open access dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Universitas Bangka Belitung

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    Background. This article explains how the Bangka Belitung University Library optimizes open access scientific information sources in supporting the learning process at Bangka Belitung University during the Covid-19 pandemic. As is known, during the pandemic, it is impossible to access services face-to-face at the library.Methods. The research method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself. This research was conducted at Library of Bangka Belitung University, the data in this study were collected with observation techniques and documentation related to the optimization of open access scientific information sources in support of the learning process at Bangka Belitung University.Results and discussion. Optimizing the use of open access scientific information sources can be done by, firstly making selected information services from open access scientific information sources, secondly providing search assistance services and downloading electronic books and journals, thirdly through socialization through webinars, social media and user education.Conclusions. The many and varied sources of open access scientific information can be optimized for use in supporting the learning process at Bangka Belitung University, especially during the COVID-19 pandemi

    Optimalisasi sumber informasi ilmiah open access dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Universitas Bangka Belitung

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    Background. This article explains how the Bangka Belitung University Library optimizes open access scientific information sources in supporting the learning process at Bangka Belitung University during the Covid-19 pandemic. As is known, during the pandemic, it is impossible to access services face-to-face at the library.Methods. The research method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself. This research was conducted at Library of Bangka Belitung University, the data in this study were collected with observation techniques and documentation related to the optimization of open access scientific information sources in support of the learning process at Bangka Belitung University.Results and discussion. Optimizing the use of open access scientific information sources can be done by, firstly making selected information services from open access scientific information sources, secondly providing search assistance services and downloading electronic books and journals, thirdly through socialization through webinars, social media and user education.Conclusions. The many and varied sources of open access scientific information can be optimized for use in supporting the learning process at Bangka Belitung University, especially during the COVID-19 pandemi

    The Wiekts

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    In this project, I would like to convey the reality of a patriarchal society through fiction and more specifically, fantasy. This project focuses on the lives of the four major characters representing a patriarchal family. It also focuses on the struggles that each of the characters have between following their own passion and the social expectations. The two themes used in this project are individual against society and male gender roles with the hegemonized patriarchal value as the basis. These values became the burden that men have to take in order to be accepted by the society. To portray this reality through fiction, I am using the realistic fantasy, a sub-genre of fantasy, as the genre of the four stories

    Food Security Management for Indonesia: The Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Food security is very important and is also prone to problems when faced with disaster situations, including diseases such as Covid-19 pandemic. The objectivity of this article is to highlight food security in relation to the availability of access to food sources so that it can meet basic or primary needs in Indonesia. An in-depth literature study with an epistemological positivism approach is needed to answer the problems that make the food crisis the main focus. To ensure food security in Indonesia, the government has prepared various strategies in three important agendas (emergency, temporary, and permanent) to monitor the stability of prices for basic necessities so that they do not skyrocket, increase national food production based on smallholder agriculture, and support small farmers. To achieve this, the Indonesian government has reallocated a larger budget to allocate it to seed assistance, labor-intensive programs, stabilization of food stocks and prices, paying attention to food distribution, and transportation. The implications are expected to make a significant contribution to other countries in anticipation of the food security crisis due to the impact of COVID-19


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    AbstrakSalah satu upaya tanam ganda untuk meningkatkan produksi yaitu melalui tumpangsari. Tumpangsari adalah sistem pertanaman dua jenis atau lebih tanaman secara serempak pada lahan yang sama dalam waktu satu tahun. Tujuan dilakukannya tumpangsari/polyculture ialah untuk mendapatkan produksi yang tinggi dan maksimal dengan lahan yang ada. Karena bercocok tanam dengan tumpangsari tanaman utama akan tetap tumbuh dengan semestinya dan tanaman tumpangsari juga akan tetap tumbuh tanpa mengganggu tanaman utama.Penerapan pola penanaman sistem tumpangsari sangat di pengaruhi oleh pengaturan jarak tanam (densitas) dan pemilihan varietas. Jenis tanaman pangan dengan tanaman pakan yang dapat menjadi pilihan untuk di kembangkan dengan pola tanam tumpangsari, contohnya adalah wijen dengan jagung. Penggunaan jarak tanam yang tepat akan memberikan hasil yang tinggi. Populasi tanaman (jarak tanam) merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil tanaman. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kelurahan Cabenge Kecamatan Lilirilau Kabupaten Soppeng Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dilakukan pada bulan Mei – Juli 2019.Analisis data menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 perlakuan dan di ulang sebanyak 2 kali sehingga terdapat 6 unit percobaan. Pada perhitungan Nisbah Kesetaraan Lahan ( NKL). tertinggi terdapat pada P1 sebesar 1,67,artinya NKL > 1 ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kombinasi memberikan hasil tertinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Nilai tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keuntungan sebesar 1,67% apabila dilakukan tumpangsari, dan P2 memiliki NKL sebesar  1,47%. Kombinasi NKL terkecil terdapat pada P3 sebesar 1,32%. Semua perlakuan pada sistem tanaman tumpangsari memiliki nilai NKL lebih dari 1. Hanya saja pada tanaman P3 nilai NKL lebih rendah di bandingkan dengan tanaman yang lain. System tanaman tumpangsari dapat meningkatkan hasil tanaman dan memberikan pendapatan dan efisien yang lebih tinggi dari pada usahatani monokultur


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    For many years, internship has been viewed as a key point in determining successful of vocational collage’s graduates in the workplace. However, in many cases, internship program has been less effective in developing student’s knowledge and skills due to several factors such as public policy, interrelationship between vocational collage and the industry, student’s capacity and the efficiency of teaching in a vocational collage. To evaluate this issue, Realistic Evaluation (RE) method was carried out to sort out major attributes regarding student’s internship by interviewing embedded group of people, in this case student, lecturer and employer. Based on this study, several recommendations are offered to improve current internship program namely careful plan and arrangement prior to student’s engagement to the workplaces which is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the program and further this includes in campus preparation. Initial preparation in campus including curriculum and policy to support internship program is discussed along with industry placement arrangement including conceptual methods on student work, mentoring and project reports. Meanwhile, arrangement in the workplace, such as setting a project is expected to help student to learn the implementation of science they have studied in the collage/university
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