10 research outputs found

    Caractérisation des modes coutumiers de gestion locale de l’eau dans le bassin de la Bougouriba 7

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    Face aux défis de l’éradication de la pauvreté et la gestion de l’environnement, l’Etat burkinabè a adopté depuis 1998, les principes de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE). La stratégie pour atteindre cet objectif se traduit notamment par la mise en place au niveau local de Comités Locaux de l’Eau (CLE). Cependant, la complexité les droits de propriété sur l’eau est souvent un défi pour la mise en place d’activités pratiques

    Raciocínio covariacional em cálculo: desenvolvimento a partir de tarefas

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    Visto que analisar de forma coordenada as variações de duas grandezas interdependentes (raciocínio covariacional – RC) é um aspecto central da aprendizagem do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, discutimos habilidades do RC mobilizadas durante discussões matemáticas desencadeadas pelo trabalho com tarefas. Realizamos uma investigação qualitativa, de cunho interpretativo, a partir de recortes da produção escrita e trechos de diálogos de um grupo de estudantes de Engenharia que cursaram essa disciplina, no trabalho com uma tarefa envolvendo uma garrafa que enche. A tarefa possibilitou a exploração de habilidades como: constituir quantidades e raciocinar sobre seu processo de medição; imaginar quantidades variando continuamente; coordenar pares de quantidades que variam juntas (tempo, altura, volume e raio). Além disso, os estudantes foram capazes de estabelecer uma relação entre a altura e o volume, construindo uma representação na qual a inversão na concavidade do gráfico mostrou compreensão da existência de uma mudança na taxa de variação nessa situação

    Raciocínio covariacional em cálculo

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    Visto que analisar de forma coordenada as variações de duas grandezas interdependentes (raciocínio covariacional – RC) é um aspecto central da aprendizagem do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, discutimos habilidades do RC mobilizadas durante discussões matemáticas desencadeadas pelo trabalho com tarefas. Realizamos uma investigação qualitativa, de cunho interpretativo, a partir de recortes da produção escrita e trechos de diálogos de um grupo de estudantes de Engenharia que cursaram essa disciplina, no trabalho com uma tarefa envolvendo uma garrafa que enche. A tarefa possibilitou a exploração de habilidades como: constituir quantidades e raciocinar sobre seu processo de medição; imaginar quantidades variando continuamente; coordenar pares de quantidades que variam juntas (tempo, altura, volume e raio). Além disso, os estudantes foram capazes de estabelecer uma relação entre a altura e o volume, construindo uma representação na qual a inversão na concavidade do gráfico mostrou compreensão da existência de uma mudança na taxa de variação nessa situação

    Ideologies. Development models and irrigated land tenure: the bagré irrigation project in Burkina faso

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    This paper discusses the history of irrigation development and related land allocation in the Bagré area in the South of Burkina Faso. It specifically analyses current processes at play as part of the recent Bagré Growth Pole Project implemented by the government of Burkina Faso with support of the World Bank. The paper stresses the efforts made to put in place a fair and equitable compensation mechanism for the people being affected by the extension of the irrigated area downstream of the Bagré dam. The practicalities and thresholds considered in the compensation scheme are partly driven by the need to free some rainfed land to allow agro-entrepreneurs to settle in the area, financially contribute to the infrastructural costs of developing irrigation, and develop intensive and profitable irrigated production systems. This leads to socially constructing land scarcity, and threatens the future viability of smallholder farming. This happens even though the expressions of interests received to date by Bagrepole from agro-entrepreneurs appear little likely to trigger the virtuous development circle hoped for

    Heat transfer in a swirling fluidized bed with Geldart type-D particles

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    A relatively new variant in fluidized bed technology, designated as the swirling fluidized bed (SFB), was investigated for its heat transfer characteristics when operating with Geldart type D particles. Unlike conventional fluidized beds, the SFB imparts secondary swirling motion to the bed to enhance lateral mixing. Despite its excellent hydrodynamics, its heat transfer characteristics have not been reported in the published literature. Hence, two different sizes of spherical PVC particles (2.61mm and 3.65mm) with the presence of a center body in the bed have been studied at different velocities of the fluidizing gas. The wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients were measured by affixing a thin constant foil heater on the bed wall. Thermocouples located at different heights on the foil show a decrease in the wall heat transfer coefficient with bed height. It was seen that only a discrete particle model which accounts for the conduction between the particle and the heat transfer surface and the gas-convective augmentation can adequately represent the mechanism of heat transfer in the swirling fluidized bed

    Les jeux de rôles dans un processus de modélisation participatif avec des SMA : résultats de 5 expériences menées dans les 5 dernières années

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    Since 1996, we have used Role Playing Games (RPG) with our Multi-Agent System (MAS) platform, CORMAS (Bousquet et al. 1998), in different experiments about local land use management, water management, negotiations between foresters and breeders, and preservation of wild genetic resources by local peasants. Each experiment tested a different sort of coupling between RPG and CORMAS, from a RPG simply explaining the MAS model to a RPG strongly evolving in the different steps of the modeling itself. Each experiment tested also different objectives for this linking, from the improvement of the modeler's knowledge about the issue to the support of an endogenous debate within the local community. For a better knowledge of the use of these games, we varied in each experiment (i) the links between the games and the reality; (ii) the nature of knowledge put at players' disposal (players' knowledge or external expert's knowledge, technical or social knowledge,...); (iii) the adaptability and the upgrade ability of rules; (iv) and of course the supports of the game (board game; links with MAS; type of rules, players and organizer,...). Finally, the difficult question of validation was started on by several ways, from computer and statistical validation as well as the different possibilities of players' validation. In this paper, we have begun a formalized appraisal of these six experiments, allowing us stressing the advantages and disadvantages of each methodological step as regards the different possibly purposes of the participatory modeling.Depuis 1996, nous avons utilisé les jeux de rôles avec notre plateforme de système multi-agent, CORMAS (Bousquet et al, 1998), dans différentes expériences à propos de la gestion locale du territoire, de la gestion de l'eau, des négociations entre forestiers et éleveurs, et de la préservation des ressources génétiques par les paysans locaux. Chaque expérience a testé différentes formes de couplage d'un modèle SMA à un jeu de rôles, depuis un jeu de rôles expliquant simplement le modèle SMA jusqu'à un jeu évoluant fortement dans les différentes étapes de la modélisation. Chaque expérience a également testé différents objectifs pour ce couplage, depuis l'accroissement de la connaissance du modélisateur jusqu'à la facilitation d'un débat au sein de la communauté locale. Pour une meilleure connaissance de l'usage de ces jeux, nous avons fait varié dans chaque expérience (i) les liens entre les jeux et la réalité, (ii) la nature de la connaissance mise à la disposition des joueurs (connaissance des joueurs ou connaissance d'experts extérieurs, connaissance technique ou sociale), (iii) l'adaptabilité des règles, (iv) et bien sûr les supports de jeu (plateau, , lien avec le SMA, types de règles, joueurs, organisateurs_). Enfin, on a commencé à abordé la difficile question de la validation par différentes voies, par l'informatique, les statistiques ou les acteurs eux-mêmes. Dans cette communication, nous avons commencé une évaluation de ces expériences, nous permettant d'insister sur les avantages et désavantages de chaque étape méthodologique, en fonction des différents objectifs de la modélisation participative

    Difficultés de la participation en recherche-action : retour d'expériences de modélisation d'accompagnement en appui à l'aménagement du territoire au Sénégal et à la Réunion

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    How can scientists help institutions and local stakeholders be more involved in land use and territorial management processes? Decentralization of land use management is far from complete in Senegal and La Réunion Island. Despite exhaustive legislation, local populations remain little involved in the decisions that affect their land. This is partly due to the difficulties in understanding and managing the complexity of dynamic and interacting social and environmental systems. The Domino project aims at accompanying decision processes by proposing to stakeholders to build and explore scenarios of land use management. This experiment in participatory modelling, done on two contrasting sites, is built on complex partnership dynamics. In this paper we do a comparative analysis of difficulties raised by the involvement of partners in companion modelling. We conclude by discussing the need for quality process in action-research


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