15 research outputs found

    Continuous and Placement Assessment Results as a Predictor of Student Achievement in Primary Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the performance of out-of-school children in speed school and accelerated learning programs as a basis for success in primary schools. This research field has received very little attention. The continuous assessment and placement test results of students at risk were not used much in the literature, which this study aims to fill. The total number of students involved in the study was 624. The study used the continuous assessment average scores and placement test scores as predictor variables. The results show that the relationship between placement test and 1st-semester score in grade four was significant, r (196) = .501, p < .001. For the Accelerated Learning Program, the placement test and 1st-semester score in grade three were significant, r (111) = .413, p<.001. As a tool to forecast primary school students' future achievement, the teacher-made continuous assessment appears to be less useful than placement tests for children who come through speed school. Students from speed school backgrounds performed better than students from formal schools; students from accelerated learning program backgrounds performed almost similarly to students from formal schools except in environmental science. The study indicated that in grade four of formal primary school, continuous assessment was found to be poorly linked with student knowledge and skills. However, the results show that both comparisons found placement examinations to be a reliable indicator of children's achievement in primary schools. It can be concluded that students who joined grades three and four of formal school through speed school and an accelerated learning program are capable of achieving minimum learning competence in the subsequent educational outcomes in elementary grades

    Profiling adult literacy facilitators in development contexts: An ethnographic study in Ethiopia

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    Teachers/facilitators in adult literacy learning programmes are recognised as being vital to successful learning outcomes. But little is known about them as a group. This small-scale research project comprising ethnographic-style case studies of five adult literacy facilitators (ALFs) in Ethiopia seeks to throw some light on these teachers, their backgrounds and what they bring to their teaching, with a view to improving the effectiveness of their work. The researchers found that all of the ALFs had high levels of commitment, but none of the ALFs received much in the way of training, and professional support for their role was in some cases missing. The degree (and their perception) of their own literacy practices varied greatly among them, even in their common use of mobile phones. It also emerged that while they had all fought very hard for their own education, one of the main reasons all of them stated for going into literacy teaching was not a general belief in the value of education but their priority need of a regular income. Another insight is that the female ALFs struggled more than their male counterparts in engaging learners; the women were criticised more excessively than the men. This research reveals something of the diversity of facilitators, and concludes that further such studies are needed in different contexts

    ウダガワコウサイ ノ ポトカラヒイ ニ ツイテ : コモンジョ ノ カイドク ト ランパク シッパン ノ シャシン トクセイ

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    Kohsai Udagawa (1821-1887) was one of scientists in Japan. He lived from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate to the early days of the Meiji era. Present paper is about interpretation of his manuscript concerning Niepceotype albumen wet plate photography, named "Potokarahii" and the results of experiment on the process. It was supposed that the old document was a translation from a Dutch technical book. It contains preparation and image formation on a silver iodide-albumen photosensitive layer on a glass plate. It consists of following items ; introduction, cleaning of glass plate, preparation and coating of iodide-albumen solution, sensitization, light exposure, development, fixing, washing and drying. Interpretation was a little difficult, because the manuscript was composed of classical Chinese characters. "hentai-kana", classical Japanese character, and old Dutch technical terms and units. Sentitometric exposure of plates was operated in the way of time scale, because a light wedge could not be contact with the wet surface of plates.ISO photographic speed calculated from the results of 5500 K sensitometry was equivalent to 4 × 10^, although effective speed was about ten times faster in taking picture as is mentioned in the later part of the abstract. Development time was shortened by treatment with saturated gallic acid solution before light exposure. Solarization of image appeared in the higher exposure region without the treatment. In addition to them, it was desired to add silver nitrate solution into a gallic acid developer to obtain a negative image having proper density on the plate. Spectral response was observed in the region of 330 nm-500 nm with maximum sensitivity at 400 nm. Effective speed of the plate was 4 × 10^ in taking picture, owing to the sensitivity to ultra violet and blue rays. It took 10-15 minites at F numbers of 8-11 to take portrait or still life in the open air. Some consideration was made for the reason why "Potokarahii" was not published in those days

    Amputation Totale de La Verge: A Propos de Trois Observations

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    But: présenter les aspects anatomocliniques, étiologiques et prendre en charge les amputations de verge dans le service d’urologie. Observations: il s’agissait de trois observations cliniques. Les patients étaient âgés de 25 ans, 18 ans et 30 ans. Le motif de consultation était l’amputation totale de la verge. Le délai de consultation était de 2 heures (n = 2) et 24 heures (n = 1). L’étiologie était criminelle (n = 2) et psychogène (n = 1). L’extrémité distale de la verge amputée était emportée par les bourreaux ou dissimulée par le patient. La prise en charge consistait en: un parage, la confection d’un méat urétral, la pose d’une sonde urétrovésicale. Un accompagnement par psychothérapie était nécessaire. Conclusion: qu’elle soit d’origine criminelle ou psychogène, l’amputation totale du pénis est rarissime. Les conséquences sont urinaires, sexuelles et psychogènes. La prise en charge doit être multidisciplinaire

    Tumeur de Buschke-Löwenstein: à propos de 8 cas et revue de la littérature

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    Objectifs: présenter les caractéristiques cliniques, anatomopathologiques et la prise en charge de la tumeur de Buschke-Löwenstein (TBL) à l’Hôpital Général de Référence Nationale (HGRN) de N’Djaména au Tchad Sujets et Méthodes: étude prospective descriptive colligeant 8 patients porteurs d’une TBL de mai 2009 à juin 2012. Les variables étudiées étaient cliniques, paracliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutives. Le traitement consistait à faire une « cautérisation-exérèse » sous anesthésie locale ou rachianesthésie selon l’étendue de la lésion. Pour les lésions vulvaires, un pansement gras séparant les lèvres était fait. Le port de la sonde urinaire était nécessaire pour tous les patients. Résultats: huit patients étaient pris en charge, deux femmes gestantes et six hommes. L’âge moyen était de 28,8 ans avec des extrêmes de 18 et 60 ans. Un patient était séropositif pour le VIH et la syphilis. Un seul patient avait présenté une récidive après 5 mois nécessitant une seconde « cautérisation-exérèse » avec succès. L’analyse histologique de la pièce avait conclu à une TBL. Les 2 gestantes avaient accouché par voie basse et les fœtus n’étaient pas contaminés. Conclusion: La TBL est une pathologie relativement fréquente qui affecte des patients jeunes des 2 sexes au service d’urologie. La « cautérisation-exérèse » est le meilleur traitement