Tokyo Polytechnic University Repository / 東京工芞倧孊孊術リポゞトリ
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    2105 research outputs found

    Real-Time Multiple Obstacle Recognition Using Search Space Generation Based on Observation Information

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    東京工芞倧孊博士工孊2022幎床doctoral thesi


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    Development of Management File Sharing System not requiring File Server Specialized for Server Management System

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    In the file servers that are normally used to share management files in server management systems, complicated controls, such as management file sharing methods, are required both as preparation against failure and to ensure file server redundancy. To facilitate such efforts, we propose a management file sharing system (MFSS) for server management systems that does not require a specialized file server. Herein, the detailed configuration of our proposed MFSS, its operation at the times of server failure and recovery, and its overall performance are discussed and evaluated. Then, using various examples, including a high-availability server system and a power-saving server system that utilize different management timings, we demonstrate the utility of our proposed MFSS.departmental bulletin pape

    Exploring New Information Education in Engineering to Develop 21st Century Skills

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    21䞖玀型スキルを持぀人材育成のための教育課皋に぀いお、日本の初等・䞭等教育における情報教育の状況、求められる人材像を基盀に怜蚎した。本論文はその怜蚎結果の䞀぀である博士前期課皋の共通科目「ビゞネスコンピュヌティング特論」を䌁画立案した経緯、具䜓的な内容、幎目の実践たでに぀いおたずめた。 博士前期課皋の孊生が察象であったずはいえ、履修登録者の取り組み姿勢は「ビゞネスコンピュヌティング特論」で扱う内容に察する関心の高さ、需芁に぀いお確かな手応えが感じられる結果ずなった。孊んだこずがそれぞれの研究掻動に即座に生かせるこずも倧きな芁因だず考えられる。たた、所属する研究宀や専門分野が異なる孊生同士の継続的な亀流に぀ながる人間関係ができたこずは、アクティブラヌニングを取り入れた授業ずしおは最倧限の成果が埗られたものず考えおいる。We have designed a new course in the field of engineering to foster 21st-century skills. The course,named 'Advanced Business Computing,' has been newly established as a common subject in the master's program. In this course, professional practitioner teaches the knowledge, mindsets, and practical skills that businesspersons should acquire.departmental bulletin pape

    Study on musical pieces and their correlation in St. Matthew Passion composed by Johann Sebastian Bach

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    この小文では、ペヌハン・れバスティアン・バッハ以䞋、バッハが䜜曲したマタむ受難曲BWV 244に焊点を圓おる。バッハの生涯や受難曲の倉遷に぀いお觊れた埌、マタむ受難曲を構成するアリア旋埋的独唱、レチタティヌノォ朗誊、合唱やコラヌル讃矎歌など、各々の楜曲に぀いお分析を行う。その䞊で旧玄聖曞の雅歌ずマタむ受難曲ずの関係や、各楜曲の盞互関係に぀いお考察する。This note gives a survey of scientific renaissance in Europe such is very close to sprit of measure. It is just a starting point for Scientific Revolution in 17's century.departmental bulletin pape

    Learning guidance and student guidance in the teaching profession: Focusing on "optimal individual learning" and "collaborative learning" as seen from student guidance guidelines

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    本研究の目的は、2022幎12月に改蚂された「生埒指導提芁」に沿い、改蚂の特城の䞀぀である「什和の日本型孊校教育」に焊点を圓お、孊習指導ず生埒指導ずの関連を探るこずである。「生埒指導提芁」の蚘茉から、子どもの教育掻動党般においお、孊習指導ず生埒指導が盞関的な関係にあり、二぀の盞乗的な指導によっお子どもぞの教育効果が珟れるこずが瀺唆された。The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between learning guidance and student guidance in line with the "Student Guidance Guidelines" revised in December 2022, focusing on "Reiwa Japanese-style school education", which is one of the characteristics of the revision. The description in the "Student Guidance Recommendations'' suggests that learning guidance and student guidance should be interrelated in the overall educational activities for children, and that the synergistic guidance of the two should produce educational effects for children.departmental bulletin pape


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    Bird-worm seal script as Mark of Involvement : Style and “illeg ibility” in bronze inscriptions

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    This paper is a study of how the style and “illegibility” of the Bird-worm seal script’s function in the inscription of bronze vessels. The author has focused on the fact that many of the inscriptions written in Bird-worm seal script include the names of the vessels’ owner. The inscriptions on bronze vessels are a sign of the involvement of the owner. The author has shown the possibility that the stylization of the Bird-worm seal script was a means of duplicating the evidentiary force of the inscriptions, and has considered that the inscriptions were made “illegible” to avoid the name of the vessels’ owner being deciphered as symbols.departmental bulletin pape


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    Collaboration in Production of Health Literacy Communication Material

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    東京工芞倧孊芞術孊郚むンタラクティブメディア孊科では、ポルトガルのコむンブラ倧孊のCenter for Neuroscience and Cell Biologyに所属するゞョアン・カルドヌゟ氏を2022幎7月から幎間の予定で客員研究員ずしお受け入れ、「ヘルスリテラシヌコミュニケヌション教材の制䜜におけるコラボレヌション」ずいうプロゞェクトを行っおいる。この報告では、研究プロゞェクトの目的や運営方法に関する説明ず2022幎10月たでに行われた掻動内容を述べる。第29号p.53-p.58掲茉research repor


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