1,147 research outputs found

    Ecoando vozes : a regulação do serviço de acesso condicionado e o impacto na exibição de longas metragens nacionais

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Publicidade e Audiovisual, 2015.A monografia pretende por meio de um estudo de caso compreender os impactos gerados na exibição de longas-metragens nos canais de Televisão por Assinatura com a implementação da lei 12.485 de 2011 que regula o Serviço de Acesso Condicionado (SEAC). A norma incide sobre os canais de conteúdo qualificado (pagos), sob a forma de política pública de ação afirmativa (cotas). Como recorte de pesquisa foram utilizados os dados fornecidos pela Superintendência de Acompanhamento de Mercado (SAM) da Agência Nacional do Cinema (ANCINE) em conjunto com o Observatório Brasileiro do Cinema e do Audiovisual (OCA) no período de 2011 a 2013. A partir de análise dos dados fornecidos percebe-se um aumento significativo na exibição de longas-metragens nacionais pelos canais de televisão por assinatura no Brasil, entretanto partes dos canais regulados utilizam de subterfúgios do mercado cinematográfico audiovisual e da inexistência de maior regulação da lei 12.485/2011 para repetir ou priorizar obras em longa metragem; em especial aquelas de maior renome no mercado de bilheteria nas salas de cinema em detrimento de outros conteúdos independentes e de menor expressividade econômica e política

    On the convergence of the power flow methods for DC networks with mesh and radial structures

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    The convergence analysis of the power flow methodologies for direct current (dc) electrical networks is addressed in this paper. The Banach fixed-point theorem is employed to prove the convergence and uniqueness in the power flow solution for two different alternatives based on graph theory named successive approximations and triangular-based power flow. The successive approximation method works with radial and mesh grids, including multiple voltage-controlled sources. The triangular-based method only deals with radial structures and one slack node. A six-nodes high-voltage dc system is used to illustrate the convergence of the graph-based methods under study. Three test feeders composed of 33, 35, and 69 nodes are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches when compared with classical methods such as Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel. In addition, large-scale radial distribution networks are generated randomly with 50 to 200 nodes to demonstrate the scalability of studied power flow methods regarding processing time and the number of iterations. All the simulations have been conducted in MATLAB software

    Construcción de un Sistema para la Producción Limpia en el Proceso de Esmaltado en la Sección ALPHA de la Empresa EDESA S.A.

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    The world today, together with the technological, social and cultural progress and the impact they cause in society and its environment, require that man is fully aware of these changes and innovates conservation tools. In this context, the care of the environment and the health of the population in general are important, considering that the processes of production until the present time are the main polluting agents; Then the application of the premise of cleaner and ecosystem-friendly production through research, development and application of new technology and redesign of processes becomes essential. One of the companies of the country, located in the city of Quito, that understands this concept is EDESA S.A. Which within its industrial activity seeks to maintain pollution levels below what is indicated by the municipal regulations in force for the Metropolitan District of Quito. Within the processes within the sanitary ware manufacture is the enamelling of pieces, where two problems have been identified: 1.The generation of enamel residues and their dispersion towards the environment through the chimneys of the conventional cabins Of enamelling. 2. Prolonged exposure of workers and the population in general to the substances and materials that make up the ceramic enamel. Consistent with the objectives of continuous improvement in the processes, the company, through its managers have proposed to implement the project to build a system for cleaner production in the ALPHA enameling area of ​​the industrial complex, as a pilot program, in A period of six months; This will allow us to know the strengths and weaknesses of the plan. The pilot project will be implemented in order to solve environmental and health problems in general, offering the community a cleaner ecosystem and a better quality of life.The world today, together with the technological, social and cultural progress and the impact they cause in society and its environment, require that man is fully aware of these changes and innovates conservation tools. In this context, the care of the environment and the health of the population in general are important, considering that the processes of production until the present time are the main polluting agents; Then the application of the premise of cleaner and ecosystem-friendly production through research, development and application of new technology and redesign of processes becomes essential. One of the companies of the country, located in the city of Quito, that understands this concept is EDESA S.A. Which within its industrial activity seeks to maintain pollution levels below what is indicated by the municipal regulations in force for the Metropolitan District of Quito. Within the processes within the sanitary ware manufacture is the enamelling of pieces, where two problems have been identified: 1.The generation of enamel residues and their dispersion towards the environment through the chimneys of the conventional cabins Of enamelling. 2. Prolonged exposure of workers and the population in general to the substances and materials that make up the ceramic enamel. Consistent with the objectives of continuous improvement in the processes, the company, through its managers have proposed to implement the project to build a system for cleaner production in the ALPHA enameling area of ​​the industrial complex, as a pilot program, in A period of six months; This will allow us to know the strengths and weaknesses of the plan. The pilot project will be implemented in order to solve environmental and health problems in general, offering the community a cleaner ecosystem and a better quality of life

    Um antropólogo no cartório: o circuito dos documentos

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    O artigo reflete sobre o modus operandi da burocracia estatal brasileira, por meio de pesquisa de campo em um tabelionato de notas e o acompanhamento de pessoas na busca por documentos emitidos por cartórios. Procura-se pensar sobre os aspectos formais e informais no processo de fabricação de documentos: o constante e obrigatório remeter a outros documentos, o papel dos conhecidos junto a organizações burocráticas estatais, além de outras categorias nativas como segurança, confiança e responsabilidade. Inspirado nas leituras de Latour sobre a ciência e o direito e o modo de construção desses saberes na prática, concebe-se toda a circulação de documentos, palavras e pessoas como uma forma de comunicação engendrada pela burocraci

    Etnografia de Espaços Estatais: Os Nomes das Ruas da Cidade de São Paulo

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    Trata-se de uma etnografia realizada na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo com o objetivo de compreender o processo de denominação de logradouros públicos. Reflete-se sobre o modus operandi do relacionamento parlamentar e destes com os demais públicos, configurando uma antropologia do Estado. Articula-se, ainda, o significado da outorga de nomes com processos sociais mais abrangentes de cunho classificatório, caracterizando uma antropologia da paisagem. Conclui-se pela indissociação e complementaridade dos processos políticos e classificatórios na atribuição dos nomes de logradouros, demonstrando como a história e memória contidas nestes são criadas na prática cotidiana do trabalho parlamentar.This article discusses an ethnography held in the City Council of São Paulo in order to understand the process of naming public places. The modus operandi of the relationship among councilmen and between them and the public is examined, setting an anthropology of the State. Furthermore, the meaning of granting names is articulated with broader social classificatory processes, characterizing an anthropology of landscape. Political and classificatory processes of naming public places are inseparable and complementary, as we show how history and memory contained in these processes are created in the daily practice of parliamentary work

    Guía técnica para el diseño de instalaciones eléctricas en instituciones de asistencia médica en Colombia

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    Ingeniería EléctricaEn el presente proyecto se describe la necesidad de implementar un texto que sintetice todos los procesos exigidos por la normatividad técnica Colombiana, el cual comience desde los procesos administrativos, pasando por las normativas de seguridad hasta el tipo de accesorios requeridos para dicha instalación, permitiendo a los ingenieros y técnicos, usar esta guía como apoyo idóneo para las instalaciones eléctricas en una instalación de asistencia médica. Considerando la importancia de optimizar la búsqueda de información, se plantea “Guía técnica para el diseño de instalaciones eléctricas hospitalarias”, donde sea más práctico y fácil encontrar toda la información requerida para el diseño de este tipo de instalación.The present project describes the need to implement a text that synthesizes all the processes required by Colombian technical regulations, which starts from administrative processes, through security regulations to the type of accessories required for such installation, allowing Engineers and technicians, use this guide as an appropriate support for electrical installations in a medical care facility. Considering the importance of optimizing the search for information, a "Technical guide for the design of hospital electrical installations" is proposed, where it is more practical and easy to find all the information required for the design of this type of installation