1,771 research outputs found
Algorithms for geodesics
Algorithms for the computation of geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution are
given. These provide accurate, robust, and fast solutions to the direct and
inverse geodesic problems and they allow differential and integral properties
of geodesics to be computed.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, 8 figures. Version 2 corrects some errors and adds
numerical examples. Supplementary material is available at
Transitioning from Transmedia to Transreality Storyboarding to Improve the Co-Creation of the Experience Space
Transmedia storytelling is a digital based marketing approach in present day consumer markets. Typically applied to spanning or segueing stories or experiences across media such as film, books, comics and video-games to reach broader target audiences, often triggering a narrative, into which customers can participate and co-create the narrative. Common aims at customer engagement have been through shared stories on present day social media. However, for the creative-consumer, sharing on social media falls short of fully immersive storytelling ecology. Creatives (traditional designers and consumers) would benefit through tools and processes for incrementally expanding dimensions, mediums, fidelity, and shared interactions and senses across multiple media and interactive realities. This paper presents use cases of Transreality Storyboarding Framework (TSF), a design framework that affords creation of experience spaces for consumer-product engagement. Further, we propose a TSF app, to allow non-expert designers/everyday-consumers to contribute to storytelling, participation and production of product experience spaces
Notes on the birds of the tidal lowlands and floodplains of South Sumatra province, Indonesia
During an environmental baseline survey of the tidal lowlands and floodplains of South Sumatra Province in 1988-89, a total of 270 bird species was recorded. This paper focuses on wetland species, including those inhabiting swamp forests. No upland forest habitats are found within the region described. The area supports a diverse avifauna, including some globally threatened species that have a core population here, notably Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea, Storm's Stork Ciconia stormi, Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus, Black-headed Ibis Threskiomis melanocephatus and Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus. The coast has vital passage and wintering grounds that rank second in importance only to coastal wetlands in Bangladesh for East Palaearctic waders in terms of numbers of birds. Three species were recorded for the first time in Sumatra: Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, Steppe/Imperial Eagle Aquila nipalensis/heliaca and Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropa, and first Sumatran breeding records were obtained for Javan Pond-heron Ardeola speciosa and White-headed Stilt Himantopus leucocephalus. A few species were observed outside their previously recorded usual habitats. The paper discusses the principal habitats of the area, and the very rapid rate of development that has occurred during the past two decades. Only one wetland area in the province has protection status, Padang-Sugihan. This Wildlife Reserve does not provide habitat for eight out of the eleven globally threatened species recorded in the study area. Consequently the establishment of two additional swamp reserves and bird sanctuary is strongly recommended
Body condition score, morphometric measurements and estimation of body weight in mature Icelandic horses in Denmark
BACKGROUND: Obesity is related to the development of several diseases like insulin resistance and laminitis in horses. The prevalence of obesity among mature Icelandic horses in Denmark has not been investigated previously. This study aimed to find the prevalence of obesity, to compare body condition score (BCS) based on owner perception with that of an experienced person and to correlate the BCS to body weight (BW) and morphometric measures in a group of mature Icelandic horses in Denmark. A total of 254 Icelandic horses (≥4 years; 140 geldings, 105 mares, 9 stallions) from 46 different farms were included. All horses were assigned a BCS on a scale from 1 to 9 (1 is poor, 5 is moderate and 9 is extremely fat) by their owner and by an experienced person. Two weight tapes were used to assess BW. Girth circumference (GC), neck circumference (NC) and height at withers (HW) were measured, and the GC:HW and NC:HW ratios were calculated. RESULTS: Categorising the horses into four groups, 5.9 % were underweight (BCS 3–4), 70.1 % were optimal (BCS 5–6), 13.8 % were overweight (BCS 7) and 10.2 % were obese (BCS 8–9). The GC:HW and NC:HW ratios increased with increasing BCS, as did the BW estimated with the weight tapes. A GC:HW ratio >1.21 might indicate overweight or obesity in Icelandic horses. Horse owners underestimated the BCS of their horses compared to an experienced person. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study show that 24.0 % of mature Icelandic horses in Denmark are overweight or obese, and that owners tend to underestimate the BCS of their Icelandic horses. The GC:HW ratio might indicate overweight or obesity, however, the ratio for Icelandic horses is different than reported for horses and ponies of other breeds
Results of percutaneous coronary interventions in Iceland during 1987-1998
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenPurpose: To evaluate potential changes in clinical indications and the composition of the patient population undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in Iceland from 1987 to 1998. Furthermore, to assess changes in success rate and major complications for the procedure during the study interval in a small nation with one PCI centre. Material and methods: The first PCI was performed in Iceland in May 1987. A registry has been kept from the start that includes clinical and procedural data, and records of complications and mortality. During the study interval a total of 2440 PCIs were performed. The annual procedure rate was low at first, with a steep rise during the last years. Based on procedural changes over the years the study interval was divided into three periods: I. 1987-1992 (471 procedures); the learning years, II. 1993-1995 (796 procedures); increasing number of PCIs and the method established, III. 1996-1998 (1173 procedures); increasing use of stents and new antiplatelet regime used. Results: From period I to III, the rate of elective PCI declined from 82% to 52% (p<0.001), subacute procedures increased from 14% to 44% (p<0.001), acute PCI from 0.8% to 3% (p<0.05), and ad hoc procedures from 0.4% to 28% (p<0.001). This reflects an increase in PCI on patients with acute coronary syndromes, as the ratio of patiens with unstable angina increased from 15% to 36% (p<0.001). Also, 1-vessel PCI decreased proportionally from 93% to 83%, while 2 and 3 vessel procedures increased from 7% to 17% (p<0.001). The proportion of patients 70 years or older increased from 7% to 27% (p<0.001). Still, the success rate for PCI increased from 83% to 93% (p<0.001) and the use of stents rose sharply from 0% to 56%. The ratio of PCI due to restenosis declined somewhat between period II and III, from 15% to 12% (p=0.06). Simultaneously, the rate of acute coronary bypass surgery after PCI decreased from 4.2% to 0.2% (p<0.001) and significantly fewer patients had elevated creatinine kinase levels (4.0% vs 2.7%, respectively, p<0.05). However, clinical acute myocardial infarction after PCI remained similar at 1.3% and 0.9%, and the in hospital mortality was 0.6% and 0.4%. Conclusions: On a national basis the rate of PCI in Iceland is amongst the highest in Europe. Thus, in 1998, when the population in Iceland was 275,000, 453 PCIs were done (1647 procedures per million inhabitants). An increased number of subacute and acute PCIs is carried out, more complicated procedures are performed in patients with widespread disease, and the patient population is growing older. Still, the success rate is high and the frequency of complications and mortality relatively low.Markmið: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta árangur kransæðavíkkana á Íslandi á tímabilinu 1987-1998. Ennfremur að kanna hugsanlegar breytingar á ábendingum fyrir kransæðavíkkunum og á sjúkdómsbakgrunni þeirra sjúklinga sem komu til aðgerðar og hvort breytingar hefðu orðið á árangri, tíðni fylgikvilla og aðgerðartengdum dauðsföllum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Frá því fyrsta kransæðavíkkunin var gerð hér á landi í maí 1987 hefur nákvæm skrá verið haldin yfir alla sjúklinga. Skráð voru aðalatriði úr sjúkrasögu, klínískt ástand sjúklings og aðalábending fyrir aðgerð, áættuþættir fyrir kransæðasjúkdómi, niðurstöður kransæðamyndatöku, tæknileg framkvæmd aðgerðarinnar, árangur, fylgikvillar og aðgerðartengd dauðsföll. Á árunum 1987-1998 voru alls gerðar 2440 kransæðavíkkanir. Rannsóknartímabilinu var skipt í þrjú tímaskeið: I. 1987-1992 (471 aðgerð); fyrstu lærdómsárin, II. 1993-1995 (796 aðgerðir); aukinn fjöldi aðgerða og aðferðin fest í sessi, III. 1996-1998 (1173 aðgerðir); vaxandi notkun stoðneta og ný blóðflöguhamlandi lyf notuð. Niðurstöður: Frá tímabili I til III minnkaði hlutfall valinna víkkunaraðgerða úr 82% í 52% (p<0,001), hálfbráðum víkkunum fjölgaði úr 14% í 44% (p<0,001), bráðum víkkunum úr 0,8% í 3% (p<0,05), og víkkunum í beinu framhaldi af kransæðamyndatöku fjölgaði úr 0,4% í 28% (p<0,001). Þessar breytingar endurspegla aukningu á víkkunaraðgerðum hjá sjúklingum með bráða kransæðasjúkdóma og hlutfall sjúklinga með hvikula hjartaöng jókst einnig úr 15% í 36% (p<0,001). Ennfremur lækkaði hlutfall víkkunaraðgerða á einni kransæð úr 93% í 83%, en jókst á tveimur og þremur æðum úr 7% í 17% (p<0,001). Sjúklingum 70 ára og eldri fjölgaði úr 7% í 27% (p<0,001). Samtímis jókst tíðni velheppnaðra víkkunaraðgerða úr 83% í 93% (p<0,001) og notkun stoðneta frá því að vera engin í 56%. Hlutfall sjúklinga sem komu til víkkunar vegna endurþrengsla lækkaði úr 15% í 12% (p=0,06). Jafnframt lækkaði tíðni bráðra hjáveituaðgerða vegna fylgikvilla við víkkun úr 4,2% í 0,2% (p<0,001), hækkun á hjartaensímum eftir víkkanir minnkaði úr 4,0% í 2,7% (p<0,05), en tíðni klínískt staðfests hjartadreps eftir víkkunaraðgerð hélst svipuð, 1,3% og 0,9%, svo og dánartíðni á sjúkrahúsi, sem var 0,6% og 0,4%. Ályktanir: Miðað við fólksfjölda er tíðni kransæðavíkkunaraðgerða á Íslandi með því hæsta í Evrópu. Árið 1998, þegar fólksfjöldi var 275.000, voru gerðar 453 aðgerðir, sem samsvarar staðlað 1647 aðgerðum á milljón íbúa. Á undanförnum árum hefur fjöldi hálfbráðra og bráðra víkkunaraðgerða aukist, fleiri æðar eru oftar víkkaðar í einu og hlutfall eldri sjúklinga fer vaxandi. Þrátt fyrir þetta er hlutfall velheppnaðra víkkunaraðgerða hátt og tíðni fylgikvilla og dauðsfalla eftir aðgerð lág
The World as an Interface: Exploring the Ethical Challenges of the Emerging Metaverse
Mixed reality is emerging as the next phase of personal computing. Once Apple Glass is released augmented and mixed reality will go mainstream and the impact on our behaviour will be as dramatic as when the iPhone was released. In parallel, what used to be 2D webpages are becoming 3D worlds, collectively forming a meta universe of virtual or mixed reality domains -the ‘Metaverse’. Mixed reality is precisely where the best affordances of the digital and analogue worlds should work together to create entirely new interactive learning, social and economic opportunities. In this paper we reflect on how the physical world will itself become an interface making reality even more machine-readable, click-able, and searchable. We further propose how society will need to ensure that the appropriate boundary management is in place to allow us as co-creators of the metaverse to protect our ethical rights of privacy, integrity, and autonomy
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