45 research outputs found

    Adições ao gênero Lessingianthus (Asteraceae, Vernonieae) da América do Sul

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    Two new species of Lessingianthus (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) are described and illustrated. One of these L. Foliosus Dematt., bears a resemblance to L. Vepretorum, but can be separated from it by its linear leaves, that are lanate on the abaxial surface, and by its shorter internodes. The other new species, L. Lapinhensis Dematt. Can be easily separated from L. Brevifolius and other taxa of the genus by the combination of stems 8-18 cm tall, glabrous linear leaves and campanulate involucres. Thirteen other taxa previously described as Vernonia are transferred to the genus Lessingianthus and two lectotypes are designated here.Duas novas espécies de Lessingianthus (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) são descritas e ilustradas. Uma dessas espécies, L. foliosus Dematt., apresenta semelhança com L. vepretorum, mas diferencia-se dela pelas folhas lineares, lanosas na face abaxial e pelos entrenós mais curtos. A outra espécie, L. lapinhensis Dematt., pode ser distinguida facilmente de L. brevifolius e outros táxons do gênero pela combinação de caule 8-18 cm compr., folhas lineares, glabras e invólucro campanulado. Outros treze táxons descritos como Vernonia são transferidos para o gênero Lessingianthus e dois lectótipos são aqui designados.Fil: Dematteis, Massimiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Angulo, Maria Betiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; Argentin

    A preliminary investigation of maintenance contributions to commercial air transport accidents

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Aircraft maintenance includes all the tasks needed to ensure an aircraft’s continuing airworthiness. Accidents that result from these maintenance activities can be used to assess safety. This research seeks to undertake a preliminary investigation of accidents that have maintenance contributions. An exploratory design was utilized, which commenced with a content analysis of the accidents with maintenance contributions (n = 35) in the official ICAO accident data set (N = 1277), followed by a quantitative ex-post facto study. Results showed that maintenance contributions are involved in 2.8 ± 0.9% of ICAO official accidents. Maintenance accidents were also found to be more likely to have one or more fatalities (20%), compared to all ICAO official accidents (14.7%). The number of accidents with maintenance contributions per year was also found to have reduced over the period of the study; this rate was statistically significantly greater than for all accidents (5%/year, relative to 2%/year). Results showed that aircraft between 10 and 20 years old were most commonly involved in accidents with maintenance contributions, while aircraft older than 18 years were more likely to result in a hull loss, and aircraft older than 34 years were more likely to result in a fatality

    Lectotypifications in Meliosma (Sabiaceae)

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    As part of the treatment of Meliosma (Sabiaceae) for Flora Mesoamericana, four lectotypes are selected for Lorenzanea dentata var. minor Liebm., L. ira Liebm., L. grandifolia Liebm., and L. vernicosa Liebm., and four second-step lectotypifications are performed for Lorenzanea dentata Liebm., L. glabrata Liebm., Meliosma donnellsmithii Urb., and M. tonduzii Donn.Sm


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    Medicare was created to serve all Canadians. This fact also makes the design of healthcare products and services challenging because the user base is hugely diverse. In our quest for universality, it might be appealing to target our designs at mainstream users first, and then make adjustments to accommodate the needs of users who we might consider to be “outliers”. But there’s a different approach, one that does the complete opposite, that promises to be more effective at coming up with breakthrough products and services. This approach targets not the majority but the fringe users first, under the theory that users with exceptional needs provide the best ideas, and that products and services developed to meet these needs could, in time, also appeal to mainstream users. Through a careful review of the literature and the application of these concepts to the student’s own work, this paper explores the roles of outliers in the design of healthcare products and services. It makes the distinction between those with design agency(ability to design their own solutions) and those without, and proposes a framework, design by exception, in which outliers are sought after, rather than accommodated, in healthcare design projects

    Digitalizador 3D para imagens antropométricas do pé

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    Este artigo apresenta um sistema de hardware e software para extrair medidas de pés da população brasileira. Sabe-se que os pés são diferentes, dependendo de diversos fatores como sexo, idade, raça, etc. Atualmente, pouco se tem levado em consideração estas diferenças no processo de construção do calçado brasileiro. A idéia é, colher uma imagem plantar do pé através de um scanner e ao mesmo tempo cinco imagens laterais através de uma câmera giratória. A partir destas imagens obter medidas de interesse e usando da técnica de triangularização gerar um modelo do pé em 3D, que possibilitará a confecção de formas de calçados na exata medida do pé.In this paper hardware and software systems is present to acquisition to feet anthropometrics measurements of Brazilians people. It knows itself that the feet are different, depending on diverse factors as sex, age, race, etc. This work consists of acquisition of plantar foot image with sensor type horizontal scanning and webcam to lateral image turn off foot. Within these images obtain measures of interest using to technical of triangularization to create a 3D model of foot.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Digitalizador 3D para imagens antropométricas do pé

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    Este artigo apresenta um sistema de hardware e software para extrair medidas de pés da população brasileira. Sabe-se que os pés são diferentes, dependendo de diversos fatores como sexo, idade, raça, etc. Atualmente, pouco se tem levado em consideração estas diferenças no processo de construção do calçado brasileiro. A idéia é, colher uma imagem plantar do pé através de um scanner e ao mesmo tempo cinco imagens laterais através de uma câmera giratória. A partir destas imagens obter medidas de interesse e usando da técnica de triangularização gerar um modelo do pé em 3D, que possibilitará a confecção de formas de calçados na exata medida do pé.In this paper hardware and software systems is present to acquisition to feet anthropometrics measurements of Brazilians people. It knows itself that the feet are different, depending on diverse factors as sex, age, race, etc. This work consists of acquisition of plantar foot image with sensor type horizontal scanning and webcam to lateral image turn off foot. Within these images obtain measures of interest using to technical of triangularization to create a 3D model of foot.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Index Balearicum (III) : an annotated check-list of the vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands. Additions (2008-2016) and corrections

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    This compilation includes nomenclatural and taxonomic updates to the check-list of vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands. This update includes plants described between 2008 and 2016, and contains corrections to other entries included in previous works.Aquesta compilació inclou actualitzacions nomenclaturals i taxonòmiques per al catàleg de plantes vasculars descrites de les Illes Balears. Aquesta actualització inclou plantes descrites entre 2008 i 2016 a més de correccions per a altres tractades en treballs anteriors.Esta compilación incluye actualizaciones nomenclaturales y taxonómicas para el catálogo de plantas vasculares descritas de las Islas Baleares. Esta actualización incluye plantas descritas entre 2008 y 2016 además de correcciones para otras tratadas en trabajos anteriores

    Taxonomic revision of Acosmium Schott (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Sophoreae)

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    This work presents a taxonomic revision of Acosmium Schott, including an identification key, descriptions, illustrations, and a distribution map for the taxa. Acosmium is a South American genus with three accepted species: A. cardenasii H.S. Irwin & Arroyo, A. diffusissimum (Mohlenbr.) Yakovlev, and A. lentiscifolium Schott. Acosmium fallax (Taub.) Yakovlev is proposed as a new synonym of A lentiscifolium. In addition, aspects on morphology and specific delimitation in Acosmium, as well as on its geographical distribution, which appears to be strongly associated with the distribution of the seasonally dry tropical forests in South America, are discussed.Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão taxonômica de Acosmium Schott, incluindo chave de identificação, descrições, ilustrações e mapa de distribuição dos táxons. Acosmium é um gênero sul-americano com três espécies reconhecidas: A. cardenasii H.S. Irwin & Arroyo, A. diffusissimum (Mohlenbr.) Yakovlev e A. lentiscifolium Schott. Acosmium fallax (Taub.) Yakovlev é proposto como sinônimo de A. lentiscifolium. Em adição, são discutidos aspectos sobre a morfologia e delimitação específica em Acosmium, bem como sobre sua distribuição geográfica, que parece estar fortemente associada com a distribuição das florestas tropicais estacionais secas na América do Sul.164174Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Monocotiledóneas y pteridófitos de La Planada, Colombia

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    Este artículo corresponde a una segunda entrega sobre la flora de La Planada y que se inicio con la publicación sobre las Dicotiledóneas (Mendoza-C & Ramírez-P 2001). Antecedentes sobre estudios florísticos en la Reserva se documentan en este trabajo previo. El presente artículo incluye registros de 14 familias de Monocotiledóneas (de acuerdo a la clasificación propuesta por Cronquist 1988) y 23 familias de Pteridófitos (de acuerdo a la clasificación seguida por Moran & Riba 1995). En total se presentan registros de 312 especies, 191 de ellos corresponden a Monocotiledóneas y 120 a Pteridófitos