214 research outputs found


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    The overall aim of this research paper is to identify the main difficulties faced by street vendors working around Brasília Capital Fitness, an event held in 2019 at the Pavilhão de Exposições do Parque da Cidade, a large events center in the city of Brasília, DF. A research questionnaire was specially designed for this research, aimed at the street vendors working at the event. The questionnaire sought to determine the socioeconomic profile of these workers, their main activities, and main difficulties they encountered when carrying out this work. The results showed that around 60% of the difficulties mentioned by the street vendors were related to inspections of their authorization to work at the event. It is noted that although 70% of the street vendors had authorization to work at the event, many of those inspecting their activities were too high-handed, creating barriers that prevented the street vendors from freely conducting their activities

    Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and the Development of Teaching Knowledge in Amazonia

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    Background: In the face of investigations on how Amazonia is presented in textbooks (TBs), it is clear that there is a limitation in approaching this topic, as it is loaded with stereotypes disregarding socio-environmental issues. Objectives: To understand how teaching knowledge is mobilised by teachers from a formative activity centred on investigative teaching sequences in the Amazonian context. Design: With this in mind, we started with an action research. Setting and Participants: It took place in a municipal school in Ananindeu/PA, with the participation of all teachers who worked in the initial years of elementary school of this institution, a total of five teachers, aged between 28 and 49 years. They are the only members of the teaching staff serving the eight classes at the school, in the morning and afternoon shifts, all with a background in pedagogy and at least one specialisation. Data collection and analysis: We used semi-structured collective interviews, recorded in audio and video, which were later transcribed and analysed through content analysis, carried out in three stages: 1 - Pre-analysis, 2 - Exploration of the material and 3 – Treatment of results and interpretation, based on the theoretical framework adopted in the investigation Results: We understand the mobilisation of teaching knowledge in the construction of Investigative Teaching Sequences (ITSs) aimed at the Amazon context, as a viable alternative, since textbooks disregard the reality of Amazonia, making it invisible throughout its entirety complexity. Conclusions: In this sense, the proposition of inquiry-based science teaching through ITSs focused on the Amazonian context favours overcoming this regional neglect. Therefore, teachers and students can start with an investigative process that takes into account relevant and significant themes for both

    Prevalência de incontinência urinária em idosas e impacto na qualidade de vida/ Prevalence of urinary incontinence in elderly women and impact on quality of life

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    OBJETIVOS: Analisar as características clínico- epidemiológicas e a qualidade de vida em mulheres idosas com incontinência urinária. MÉTODOS: É um estudo epidemiológico transversal de caráter descritivo, do tipo exploratório, em que foram abordadas mulheres com idade de 60 anos ou mais, atendidas no ambulatório de geriatria universitário de Marília-SP. As voluntárias foram submetidas a uma entrevista, na qual responderam dois questionários de qualidade de vida, validados e traduzidos, sendo eles, o King´s Health Questionnaire e International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short Form, e um inquérito estruturado, constando informações pessoais. A análise exploratória dos dados foi realizada por meio do programa estatístico SPSS versão 24, com nível de significância de p?0,05. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de incontinência urinária foi de 73,4%, e o tipo mais comum entre elas, foi a Incontinência Urinária Mista (63,7%). No que diz respeito ao impacto na qualidade de vida, a média dos escores do questionário International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short Form, foi de 13 ± 4,9 (grau grave), e no questionário King´s Health Questionnaire, os domínios mais afetados foram, “impacto da incontinência urinária”, “percepção geral da saúde” e “medidas de gravidade”. CONCLUSÃO: As idosas atendidas no ambulatório de geriatria universitário de Marília-SP apresentam alta prevalência de incontinência urinária, sendo a incontinência urinária mista a mais prevalente, o que afeta gravemente a qualidade de vida destas

    Clones de alto risco de Klebsiella pneumoniae produtores de ESBL colonizando pacientes de UTI em Natal, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Background and objectives: colonization by extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients is considered a risk factor for infections, and poses as a source of spreading these strains in hospital facilities. This study aimed to perform the genetic characterization of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates recovered from surveillance swabs in an ICU in northeastern Brazil. Methods: the isolates were recovered between 2018-2019 from the nasal, axillary, and rectal sites of 24 patients admitted to the ICU. Bacterial identification was performed by traditional biochemical tests. Antimicrobial susceptibility was assessed by disk diffusion, and ESBL phenotype was detected by double-disc synergy test. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for blaCTX-M, blaSHV, and blaTEM genes, PFGE, and MLST were carried out in representative isolates. Results: a total of 27 isolates were recovered from 18 patients (75%). The ESBL production was detected in 85% of isolates. Resistance to ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and most of the β-lactams tested was recurrent, except for carbapenems. The blaSHV, blaTEM, and blaCTX-M genes were found in high frequency, and the CTX-M-(1, 2 and 9) groups were identified. Seven sequence types (ST11, ST14, ST17, ST395, ST709, ST855, and ST3827) were described, most of them considered high-risk. Conclusion: these findings emphasize the potential threat of well-established high-risk clones in an ICU, and highlight the importance of monitoring these clones to prevent infections.Justificación y objetivos: la colonización por Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de β-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en pacientes de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) se considera un factor de riesgo para infecciones, y se presenta como una fuente de propagación de estas cepas en instalaciones hospitalarias. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar la caracterización genética de aislamientos de K. pneumoniae productores de BLEE recuperados de hisopos de vigilancia en una UCI en el noreste de Brasil. Métodos: los aislamientos se recuperaron entre 2018-2019 de sitios nasales, axilares y rectales de 24 pacientes ingresados en la UCI. La identificación bacteriana se realizó mediante pruebas bioquímicas tradicionales. La susceptibilidad antimicrobiana se evaluó mediante difusión en disco, y el fenotipo BLEE se detectó mediante la prueba de sinergia de doble-disco. La polymerase chain reaction (PCR) para los genes blaCTX-M, blaSHV y blaTEM, PFGE y MLST se llevaron a cabo en aislamientos representativos. Resultados: se recuperaron 27 aislamientos de 18 pacientes (75%). La producción de ESBL se detectó en 85% de los aislamientos. La resistencia a ciprofloxacino, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprima y a la mayoría de los β-lactámicos evaluados fue recurrente, excepto a los carbapenémicos. Los genes blaSHV, blaTEM y blaCTX-M se encontraron en alta frecuencia, y se identificaron los grupos CTX-M-(1, 2 y 9). Se describieron siete sequence types (ST11, ST14, ST17, ST395, ST709, ST855 y ST3827), la mayoría consideradas de alto riesgo. Conclusión: estos hallazgos enfatizan la amenaza potencial de los clones de alto riesgo bien establecidos en una UCI, y resaltan la importancia de monitorear estos clones para prevenir infecciones.Justificativa e objetivos: a colonização por Klebsiella pneumoniae produtora de β-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL) em pacientes de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é considerada um fator de risco para infecções, e representa uma fonte de disseminação dessas cepas em instalações hospitalares. Este estudo objetivou realizar a caracterização genética de isolados de K. pneumoniae produtores de ESBL recuperados de swabs de vigilância em uma UTI no Nordeste do Brasil. Métodos: os isolados foram recuperados entre 2018-2019 dos sítios nasal, axilar e retal de 24 pacientes internados na UTI. A identificação bacteriana foi realizada por testes bioquímicos tradicionais. A suscetibilidade antimicrobiana foi avaliada por disco-difusão, e o fenótipo ESBL foi detectado pelo teste de sinergia de duplo-disco. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) para os genes blaCTX-M, blaSHV e blaTEM, PFGE e MLST foram realizados em isolados representativos. Resultados: foram recuperados 27 isolados de 18 pacientes (75%). A produção de ESBL foi detectada em 85% dos isolados. A resistência à ciprofloxacina, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprima e à maioria dos β-lactâmicos testados foi recorrente, exceto para os carbapenêmicos. Os genes blaSHV, blaTEM e blaCTX-M foram encontrados em alta frequência, e os grupos CTX-M-(1, 2 e 9) foram identificados. Sete sequence types (ST11, ST14, ST17, ST395, ST709, ST855 e ST3827) foram descritos, a maioria deles considerados de alto risco. Conclusão: esses achados enfatizam a ameaça potencial de clones de alto risco bem estabelecidos em uma UTI, e destacam a importância do monitoramento desses clones para prevenir infecções

    Occurrence of the Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in Jataí, Brazil

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    The objective was to characterize the introduction of the passion fruit woodiness disease in plants and fruits of passion fruit in Jataí - GO. Plants of passion fruit showed the symptoms of the virus at the end of the first year in the field. Infection was confirmed by serological analysis using the PTA ELISA indirect test. This report will contribute to the information already known about this disease, and will serve as a basis for passion fruit producers to identify symptoms in plants affected with the virus

    Contribution of the Cerrado as Habitat for Sunflower Pollinating Bees

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    Agricultural landscapes sometimes include natural habitats which can support the ecosystem by enhancing the pollination of crops, thus boosting the productivity. This research was conducted between May and July 2017, in the municipality of Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, to assess the Cerrado from the perspective of it being a crucial habitat to sustain the sunflower-pollinating bees (Helianthus annuus L.). The bees were sampled using entomological nets and pan traps, in specifically marked out plots (20 m x 150 m), in the Cerrado, and in a sunflower crop, at different distances from the Cerrado border. The assessment was done in terms of the composion and species richness, abundance of individuals and the mass (g) of the sunflower chapters exposed and isolated from the floral visitors. While species richness showed no differences between the Cerrado and sunflower crop, a difference was observed for abundance, with more numbers of individuals in the sunflower crop, most likely because of the food source supply. In the sunflower crop, the bee diversity decreased proportionally as the distance from the border increased. The seed mass of the sunfl ower chapters was significantly higher in the flowers open to visitors than in those of the isolated chapters open for visitation. From the results, it was evident that the bees presente in the Cerrado visit the sunflower crop to gather pollen and nectar, and thus assist in cross-pollinating them and raising the productivity

    Utilização de Técnicas de Manejo Comportamental e Neuropsicológicas para Intervenção dos Transtornos de Aprendizagem

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    O diagnóstico de dislexia do desenvolvimento é um fator de risco para as dificuldades de aprendizagem da matemática e exige programas de intervenção específicos e alicerçados no perfil cognitivo desse grupo clínico. Além dos déficits cognitivos, esses indivíduos também apresentam prejuízos emocionais e sociais. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de um programa de intervenção da matemática, focado na habilidade de transcodificação numérica. Técnicas de manejo comportamental foram associadas ao treino cognitivo para lidar com os prejuízos emocionais. A intervenção foi realizada em três pacientes com diagnóstico de dislexia e sintomas de baixa autoeficácia, desmotivação e ansiedade de desempenho. Os pacientes participaram de sessões individuais, sendo que o programa foi estruturado em 12 sessões de 60 minutos cada. Para avaliação da eficácia do programa utilizou-se um delineamento de pré e pós-teste. Os resultados demonstraram que todos os pacientes obtiveram ganhos tanto quantitativos, quanto qualitativos. Entretanto, nem todas as habilidades treinadas obtiveram uma melhora significativa, atribui-se esse desfecho a diferenças no perfil cognitivo e emocional dos pacientes.The diagnosis of developmental dyslexia is a risk factor to mathematical learning difficulties and requires specific intervention programs grounded in the cognitive profile of this clinical group. Besides the cognitive deficits, these individuals have emotional and social impairment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a math intervention program focused on numerical transcoding ability. Behavioral management techniques were used to deal with the emotional disregulation, during the cognitive intervention. The intervention was performed with three patients diagnosed with dyslexia and symptoms of low self-efficacy, demotivation and performance anxiety. Patients participated in individual sessions of the program which was structured in 12 sessions of 60 minutes each. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the program, it was used pretest and posttest design. The results demonstrated that all patients had both quantitative and qualitative gain. However, some abilities did not show significative improvement. This scenario is related to pacients differences in cognitive and emotional profile

    Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial, Antinociceptive, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Two Chemotypes of Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus

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    Preparations from Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus (Gomes) L.R. Landrum (Myrtaceae) have been widely used in Brazilian folk medicine. This study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the crude ethanol extracts, fractions, semipurified substances, and essential oils obtained from leaves of two chemotypes of P. pseudocaryophyllus and to perform the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory screening. The ethanol extracts were purified by column chromatography and main compounds were spectrally characterised (1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR). The essential oils constituents were identified by GC/MS. The broth microdilution method was used for testing the antimicrobial activity. The abdominal contortions induced by acetic acid and the ear oedema induced by croton oil were used for screening of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities, respectively. The phytochemical analysis resulted in the isolation of pentacyclic triterpenes, flavonoids, and phenol acids. The oleanolic acid showed the best profile of antibacterial activity for Gram-positive bacteria (31.2–125 μg mL−1), followed by the essential oil of the citral chemotype (62.5–250 μg mL−1). Among the semipurified substances, Ppm5, which contained gallic acid, was the most active for Candida spp. (31.2 μg mL−1) and Cryptococcus spp. (3.9–15.6 μg mL−1). The crude ethanol extract and fractions from citral chemotype showed antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects

    O território e a prática da Terapia Ocupacional social em direitos humanos: reflexões a partir do Centro de Referência das Juventudes /Territory and the social Occupational Therapy practice in human rights: reflections from the Youth Reference Center

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    Objetivo: Este artigo discorre sobre o território como um dos pilares da prática da terapia ocupacional, pautada nos direitos humanos, junto às juventudes. Síntese dos elementos do estudo: A terapia ocupacional no campo dos direitos humanos tem como papel articular a promoção de ações socioeducativas e sensibilizar pautas que perpassam a juventude e seus direitos, o que demanda uma compreensão do território. Conclusão:A partir da leitura e compreensão das dinâmicas do território é que os terapeutas ocupacionais podem operacionalizar equipamentos voltados aos direitos humanos da juventude, como o Centro de Referência da Juventude. Palavras chaves: Terapia Ocupacional. Território Sociocultural. Direitos Humanos. JuventudeAbstractObjective: This paper discusses the territory as one of the pillars of the practice of occupational therapy based on human rights with young people. Synthesis of the study’s elements: Occupational therapy in the field of human rights has the role of articulating the promotion of socio-educational actions and raising awareness about guidelines that permeate youth and their rights, which demands an understanding of the territory. Conclusion: Based on reading and understanding the dynamics of the territory, occupational therapists may operate equipments aimed at the youth’s human rights, such as the Youth Reference Center.Keywords: Occupational Therapy. Sociocultural Territory. Human Rights. YouthResumenObjetivo: Este artículo discute el territorio como uno de los pilares de la práctica de la terapia ocupacional basada en los derechos humanos con los jóvenes. Síntesis de los elementos de estudio: La terapia ocupacional en el campo de los derechos humanos tiene el papel de articular la promoción de acciones socioeducativas y la sensibilización de los lineamientos que permean a la juventud y sus derechos, lo que exige una comprensión del territorio. Conclusión: A partir de la lectura y comprensión de las dinámicas del territorio, los terapeutas ocupacionales pueden operar equipos dirigidos a los derechos humanos de los jóvenes, como el Centro de Referencia Juvenil.Palabras clave: Terapia Ocupacional. Território Sociocultural. Derechos Humanos. Juventu