761 research outputs found

    Présent et futur de la traduction publicitaire : entre eikôs et pathos

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    En traduction publicitaire, la pratique consistant à laisser l’annonce inchangée, à savoir sans aucune modification textuelle ou iconique quels qu’en soient les destinataires et les marchés nationaux ciblés, est peu courante. Seuls certains produits échappent au processus de transformation. Le discours publicitaire étant persuasif par sa nature même, le traducteur se trouve forcé de répondre à la fois aux exigences du code de la langue et des lois de la rhétorique. La présente étude a pour objet l’analyse des stratégies de traduction adoptées en fonction de la typologie du produit commercial annoncé, de la visée argumentative et du destinataire.Advertising language strategy for all markets and for all kinds of public is unusual. There are few products which do not need alteration in text or in image. Due to the persuasive nature of the advertising discourse, the duty of translators is to follow the rules of language code and rhetoric. The aim of this article is to analyze the translation strategies borrowed by translators according to the kind of product advertised, to the argumentative aim and to the addressee

    Le gérondif espagnol et son homonyme français : quelles équivalences ?

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    This paper is a contribution to the analysis of duration and progressive form in Spanish and in French. We approach the topic comparatively. We focus on verbal circumlocutions construed with stative verbs. Our aim is to show when and how the Spanish gerund actually corresponds to the French gerund (gérondif).Con este trabajo queremos aportar nuestra contribución al análisis contrastivo del aspecto durativo y progresivo en español y en francés con objetivos esencialmente didácticos. Con el fin de aclarar cuándo y en qué medida el gerundio puede tener una correspondencia real en el gérondif, nos centraremos más concretamente en las perífrasis verbales construidas con los verbos de estado.Issue d’une approche contrastive et se situant dans une perspective essentiellement didactique, cette étude se veut une contribution à l’analyse de l’aspect duratif et progressif en espagnol et en français. Une attention particulière sera portée aux périphrases verbales bâties avec les verbes d’état dans le but d’éclairer quand et dans quelle mesure le gérondif espagnol (gerundio) peut trouver une correspondance réelle dans le gérondif français

    Jovens “delinquentes” institucionalizados em Portugal : um estudo qualitativo das suas histórias de vida

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    Orientação: Carla Margarida Vieira AntunesNão existe uma definição consensual na literatura para o termo “delinquência juvenil”. Na tentativa de explicação deste fenómeno encontra-se na literatura, teorias intra-individuais, da aprendizagem social, sócio-estruturais e desenvolvimentais. Verifica-se a predominância de estudos focados na prevalência e na identificação de factores de risco ou de preditores da delinquência, sendo escassos os estudos que procuram compreender o fenómeno desde o ponto de vista de quem o vivencia, de carácter qualitativo. Assim, surge este estudo no sentido de colmatar esta lacuna, através da análise da história de vida de 9 jovens, do sexo masculino, institucionalizados num Centro Educativo em Portugal. Para aceder aos participantes recorreu-se ao pedido de autorização para recolha de dados no Centro Educativo à DGRSP, onde posteriormente foi obtido o consentimento informado dos jovens e/ou dos seus representantes legais. As entrevistas foram realizadas e gravadas nas instalações do Centro Educativo, com uma duração média entre os 45 e os 120 minutos e transcritas na íntegra, de modo a salvaguardar-se a integridade dos relatos para posterior análise. Os resultados indicam que a família e o grupo de pares assume um papel central na vida dos jovens, apesar das experiências negativas (e.g.: maus-tratos, rejeição, abandono). Os jovens focam ainda a dificuldade e instabilidade decorrentes da institucionalização, assim como os remorsos associados ao cometimento dos comportamentos delinquentes. Salienta-se a influência negativa das experiências adversas no seu autoconceito e a valorização do ideal de família unida e afetuosa.There is no consensual definition in the literature for the term "juvenile delinquency". In an attempt to explain this phenomenon is common find in the literature, intra-individuais, social learning, socio-structural and developmental theories. In addition to an "abundance" of quantitative studies comparing to the shortage of qualitative studies. Therefore, this study appears in order to bridge this gap, through analysis of speeches of 9 young, male, institutionalized in a Educational Center in Portugal. To access the participants we proceeded to the request for authorisation to collect data in the Education Center at DGRSP, where it was subsequently obtained the informed consent of young people and/or their legal representatives. The interviews were conducted and recorded on the premises of the Educational Center, with an average duration between 45 and 120 minutes and transcribed in full, in order to safeguard the integrity of the reports for further analysis. The results indicates that family and peer groups assumes a central role in their lifes, although the negative experiences (e.g.: mistreatment, rejection, abandonment). Moreover, young people also focus on the difficulty and instability arising from institutionalization, as well as the remorse associated with the practice of delinquent behaviors. Highlighting the negative influence of adverse experiences on their self-concept and the valorization of the ideal of united, protective and affectionate family

    Dalla tradizione orale ad una versione letteraria: il motivo dell'inumazione in due «Cunti» di G. Basile.

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    Pour une didactique de la civilisation pour futurs traducteurs: l'exploitation de la B.D.

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    Si aceptamos el principio según el cual ya no se puede enseñar una lengua extranjera sin ahondar en su dimensión cultural, en un curso de civilización se hace imprescindible el recurso a una metodología didáctica adecuada en función del pú- blico al cual el curso va destinado. De entre las distintas prácticas de enseñanza de la cultura y civilización francesa, cabe destacar la utilización de documentos auténticos como los tebeos (B.D.). Ya ampliamente empleados en las clases de lengua por su interés lingüístico, nuestro fin en este artículo es el de proponer el análisis cultural y sociológico de dos B.D. satíricas y ejemplificar su uso en una clase de civilización destinada a futuros traductores e intérpretes

    Retinal Topographic Maps: A Glimpse into the Animals’ Visual World

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    The vertebrates’ retina has a highly conserved laminar organization of 10 alternating nuclear and plexiform layers. Species differences in the retinal specializations, i.e., areas of higher cell density, among the species, represent specific regions of the visual field of higher importance for a better spatial resolution and indicate distinct evolutionary pressures on the structures of the visual system, which can be related to many aspects of the species evolutionary history. In this chapter, we analyzed the density and distribution of cells of the retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL) and estimated the upper limits of the spatial resolving power of 12 species of snakes from the Colubridae family, 6 diurnal and 6 nocturnal, which inhabit different habitats. Our results revealed lower visual acuity in nocturnal species, compared to diurnal, and we observed different types of retinal specialization, horizontal streak, area centralis, or scattered distribution, with higher cell density in different retinal regions, depending on the species. These variations may be related to ecological and behavioral features, such as daily activity pattern, habitat, and substrate preferentially occupied, hunting strategies and diet. This comparative study indicates the complexity of the adaptive strategies of the snakes’ visual system

    A Escala de Mindfulness Interpessoal na Parentalidade – Versão Bebé: Propriedades Psicométricas e Estrutura Fatorial numa amostra de Mães Portuguesas no Período Pós-parto

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    The present study aims to explore the factor structure and psychometric properties of an adapted version of the Portuguese version of the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale for parents of infants aged 0 to 12 months (the IM-P-I). Two studies were conducted. The first study included 560 postpartum mothers and examined the factor structure and internal consistency of the IM-P-I. The second study included 295 postpartum mothers, with the goal of cross-validating the factor structure of the questionnaire and examining its internal consistency and construct validity. In both studies, the original correlated five-factor model (which included the subscales Listening with Full Attention, Emotional Awareness of the Child, Compassion for the Child, Self-Regulation in Parenting, and Nonjudgmental Acceptance of Parental Functioning) was the best-fitting model. Adequate Cronbach’s alpha values were found for the total scale and for all subscales, except for the Emotional Awareness of the Child subscale. Moderate to strong negative correlations were found between the IM-P-I subscales and anxious and depressive symptomatology and emotional dysregulation. This study shows that the IM-P-I is a psychometrically adequate measure of mindful parenting in the postpartum period.O presente estudo teve como objetivo explorar a estrutura fatorial e as propriedades psicométricas de uma versão adaptada da versão em Português da Escala de Mindfulness Interpessoal na Parentalidade para pais de bebés de 0 a 12 meses (IM-P-I). Foram realizados dois estudos. O primeiro estudo incluiu 560 mulheres no período pós-parto e examinou a estrutura fatorial e a consistência interna do IM-P-I. O segundo estudo incluiu 295 mulheres no período pós-parto, com o objetivo de confirmar a estrutura fatorial do questionário e examinar a sua consistência interna e validade de constructo. Nos dois estudos, o modelo original de cinco fatores correlacionados (que incluiu as subescalas Escutar com Atenção Plena, Consciência Emocional da Criança, Compaixão pela Criança, Autorregulação na Relação Parental, e Aceitação Não Ajuizadora do Funcionamento Parental) foi o modelo que melhor se ajustou aos dados. Foram encontrados valores de alfa de Cronbach adequados para a pontuação total da escala e para todas as subescalas, exceto para a subescala Consciência Emocional da Criança. Foram encontradas correlações negativas moderadas a fortes entre as subescalas do IM-P-I e a sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva e a desregulação emocional. Este estudo mostra que o IM-P-I é uma medida psicometricamente adequada para avaliar a parentalidade mindful no período pós-parto

    First trimester diagnosis of iniencephaly associated with fetal malformations and trisomy 18: Report of a new case and gene analysis on folate metabolism in parents

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    ABSTRACT  Iniencephaly is a rare congenital malformation consisting of a complex alteration of the embryonic development occurring around the third post‐fertilization week and characterized by a hyper‐retroflexion of the cephalic pole. We report a case of iniencephaly associated with acrania‐encephalocele, spina bifida and abnormal ductus venosus in a fetus with trisomy 18 diagnosed at 12 week's gestation in a 41‐year‐old woman. A co‐occurrence between aneuploidy and iniencephaly was documented and polymorphisms on folate metabolism‐related genes were investigated in the parents to assess possible etiologic factors and recurrence risk for neural tube defects (NTD). An homozygous state for the MTRR polymorphism was diagnosed in the mother, identifying a clinical risk for NTD. Once iniencephaly or any other NTD are suspected, genetic analysis, second level ultrasound and fetal karyotype are recommended. Autopsy should also be performed in all cases of early ultrasound‐based diagnosis of fetal malformations