160 research outputs found

    Chapter Exploring the intention to walk: a study on undergraduate students using item response theory and theory of planned behaviour

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    Physical activity is one of the most basic human functions, and it is an important foundation of health throughout life. Physical activity apports benefit on both physical and mental health, reducing the risk of several diseases and lowering stress reactions, anxiety and depression. More specifically, physical activity is defined as "any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure" (World Health Organization), including in this definition several activities. Among them, walking has been shown to improve physical and mental well-being in every age group. Despite that, insufficient walking among university students has been increasingly reported, requiring walking promotion intervention. In order to do this, dividing students based on their intention to walk might be useful since the intention is considered as the best predictor of behaviour. In this work, we carried out a study on university students' intention to walk and some of its predictors by exploiting Item Response Theory (IRT) models. In particular, we inspected the predictors of intention by mean of Rating Scale Graded Response Model (RS-GRM). Then we used the Latent Class IRT model to divide students according to their intention to walk, including predictors' scores as covariates. We chose the intention's predictors according to an extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), with both classic and additional variables. The formers are attitude toward behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control, whereas we used risk perception, self-efficacy, anticipation, self-identity and anticipated regret as additional variables. Data was collected administrating a self-report questionnaire to undergraduate students enrolled in the Psychology course at Federico II University of Naples

    Tumblr Facts: Antecedents of Self-Disclosure across Different Social Networking Sites

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    : Previous research investigating antecedents of online self-disclosure pointed out two perspectives: social compensation and enhancement hypotheses, showing controversial findings. Furthermore, most contributions have focused on social networking sites (SNSs) considered mainstream, like Facebook and Instagram, and such results are often considered universally valid for all SNSs. Tumblr is a less-studied SNS with peculiar features-such as anonymity, higher control over the presentation of personal aspects, supportive communities-that could particularly lead individuals to self-disclose. As prior contributions highlighted that the features and affordances could define how a medium will be used, this paper aims to investigate the antecedents of online self-disclosure on Tumblr and other mainstream SNSs. We run a survey on 559 Tumblr users (aged 13-70; M = 28.86; SD = 12.34). T-test showed that Tumblr users have a higher willingness to self-disclose on Tumblr compared to another SNSs (t = 22.44, p < 0.001). A path analysis model confirmed the predictive role of some psychological variables on self-disclosure on Tumblr but not on mainstream SNSs. In particular, self-disclosure on Tumblr was predicted by self-esteem, negative emotionality, and preference for online social interactions, which was in turn predicted by social anxiety. These findings partially supported both social compensation and enhancement hypotheses, indicating that the phenomenon is more complex than expected

    The Mediating Roles of Attitude Toward COVID-19 Vaccination, Trust in Science and Trust in Government in the Relationship Between Anti-vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs and Vaccination Intention

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    : Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many conspiracy theories have spread widely, which has the potential to reduce adherence to recommended preventive measures. Specifically, anti-vaccine conspiracy beliefs can have a strong negative impact on COVID-19 vaccination attitude and intention. The present study aimed to clarify how such beliefs can reduce vaccination intention, exploring the possible mediating roles of attitude toward vaccination, trust in science, and trust in government, among a sample of 822 unvaccinated Italian adults (Women = 67.4%; M age = 38.1). Path analysis showed that anti-vaccine conspiracy beliefs influenced intention to get vaccinated both directly and indirectly through the mediating effects of attitude, trust in science, and trust in government. In particular, the simple mediating effect of attitude was the strongest one, followed by the serial mediating effect of trust in science and attitude itself. Findings provide insights into the design of interventions aimed at reducing misinformation and subsequent vaccine hesitancy

    Unhealthy eating and academic stress: The moderating effect of eating style and BMI

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    : This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between stress and unhealthy eating among undergraduate students, considering the moderation effects of BMI, eating style, and nationality. A total of 748 Italian and French students completed self-report measures of academic stress, emotional eating, restrained eating, BMI, and unhealthy eating intake. Results showed that academic stress increased unhealthy food consumption in Italian students, whereas it reduced junk food consumption in French students. Negative emotional eating and BMI moderated, respectively, the impact of academic stress on sweet food intake and snacking. Finally, no clear support was found for the moderation role of restrained eating

    The Relationship between Healthcare Providers and Preventive Practices: Narratives on Access to Cancer Screening

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    : Cancer screening programs are public health interventions beneficial to early diagnoses and timely treatments. Despite the investment of health policies in this area, many people in the recommended age groups do not participate. While the literature is mainly focused on obstacles and factors enabling access to health services, a gap from the point of view of the target population concerns healthcare providers. Within the "Miriade" research-action project, this study aims to explore the dimensions that mediate the relationship between healthcare providers and preventive practices through the narrations of 52 referents and healthcare providers involved in breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. We conducted ad hoc narrative interviews and used theory-driven analysis based on Penchansky and Thomas' conceptualization and Saurman's integration of six dimensions of healthcare access: affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation, acceptability and awareness. The results show that 21 thematic categories were representative of the access dimensions, and 5 thematic categories were not; thus, we have classified the latter as the dimension of affection. The results suggest trajectories through which psychological clinical intervention might be constructed concerning health, shared health decisions and access to cancer screening

    Clinical and psychosocial constructs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening participation: A systematic review.

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    Research has identified a wide range of psychosocial factors associated to choosing to engage in ongoing cancer screenings. Nevertheless, a systematic review of the theoretical frameworks and constructs underpinning studies on breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening participation has yet to be conducted. As part of the action-research project “Miriade,” the present study aims to identifying the main theoretical frameworks and constructs adopted in the literature over the past five years to explain cancer screening participation. According to the PRISMA guidelines, a search of the MEDLINE/PubMed and PsycINFO databases was made. Empirical studies conducted from 2017 to 2021 were included. The following keywords were used: breast OR cervical OR colorectal screening AND adhesion OR participation OR engagement AND theoretical framework OR conceptual framework OR theory. Overall, 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. Each theoretical framework highlighted clinical and psychosocial constructs of cancer screening participation, focusing on the individuals (psycho-emotional functioning and skills plan) and/or the health services perspectives. Findings from the present study acknowledge the plurality of the theoretical frameworks and constructs adopted to predict or promote breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening adhesion and the need for new research efforts to improve the effectiveness of cancer screening promotion interventions

    Estilos de socialización parental y afrontamiento al estrés en usuarios de salud mental del Hospital Regional de Huancavelica – 2020

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    La investigación buscó dar respuesta a la siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué relación existe entre estilos de socialización parental y afrontamiento al estrés en usuarios de salud mental del Hospital Regional de Huancavelica – 2020? ; Por consiguiente el objetivo principal fue “Determinar la relación que existe entre estilos de socialización parental y afrontamiento al estrés en usuarios de salud mental del Hospital Regional de Huancavelica – 2020. Con respecto a la metodología , como método general se utilizó (método científico), tipo de investigación básico, siendo el nivel de investigación relacional y de diseño correlacional. Trabajamos con una muestra de 60 adolescentes los cuales pertenecían al área de Psicología y que varian entre 12 a 17 años, a quienes se aplicaron dos instrumentos: la Escala de Estilos de Socialización Parental en la Adolescencia - ESPA 29 y el cuestionario de modos de afrontamiento (COPE). Los resultados muestran que el estilo preponderante del padre es el autoritario con un 72% y modo de afrontamiento es el enfocado al problema con 53% mientras que el estilo preponderante de la madre es el autorizativo con un 56% y el modo de afrontamiento al estrés predominante es el enfocado en el problema con un 53 % Adicionalmente, el análisis estadístico nos muestra un p- valor 0.650 para el padre y 0.097 para la madre, En conclusión no existe una relación significativa y directa. Por lo tanto, rechazamos la hipótesis alterna y aceptamos la hipótesis nula. Se recomienda desarrollar talleres de fortalecimiento respecto a los estilos de socialización parental adecuados y afrontamiento al estrés

    Quality of life changes over time and predictors in a large head and neck patients' cohort: secondary analysis from an Italian multi-center longitudinal, prospective, observational study-a study of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO) head and neck working group

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    Purpose: The present study examined the longitudinal trajectories, through hierarchical modeling, of quality of life among patients with head and neck cancer, specifically symptoms burden, during radiotherapy, and in the follow-up period (1, 3, 6, and 12&nbsp;months after completion of radiotherapy), through the M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory Head and Neck questionnaire, formed by three factors. Furthermore, analyses were conducted controlling for socio-demographic as well as clinical characteristics. Methods: Multi-level mixed-effects linear regression was used to estimate the association between quality of life and time, age, gender, household, educational level, employment status, ECOG performance status, human papilloma virus (HPV) status, surgery, chemotherapy, alcohol intake, and smoking. Results: Among the 166 participants, time resulted to be a predictor of all the three questionnaire factors, namely, general and specific related symptoms and interference with daily life. Moreover, regarding symptom interference with daily activities factor, HPV-positive status played a significant role. Considering only HPV-negative patients, only time predicted patients' quality of life. Differently, among HPV-positive patients, other variables, such as gender, educational level, alcohol use, surgery, age at diagnosis, employment status, and ECOG status, resulted significant. Conclusion: It was evident that quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer declined during RT, whereas it slowly improved after ending treatment. Our results clarified the role of some socio-demographic and clinical variables, for instance, HPV, which would allow to develop treatments tailored to each patient

    Leituras cruzadas: uma experiência de reflexão crítica em didática de geografia UBA-UNIJUÍ

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    This article presents a theoretical and pedagogical experience: the analysis carried out by the INDEGEO-UBA group about materials produced by the Ensino e Metodologias Em Geografia e Ciências Sociais-UNIJUI group. This activity took place at the VI International Colloquium of the Latin American Geography Didactics Network (2021) and its value lies in having constituted an instance of exchange and critical reflection between the research groups. In the first place, an academic and institutional presentation of the aforementioned groups is made; second, an analysis of each of the works received, highlighting their conceptual and didactic contributions. Finally, a synthesis of the disciplinary and educational approach of the work proposal developed by the Brazilian group takes place, in line with the currents of geographical thought shared by REDLADGEO.Este artículo presenta una experiencia teórica y pedagógica: el análisis realizado por el grupo INDEGEO-UBA acerca de materiales producidos por el grupo Ensino e Metodologias Em Geografia e Ciências Sociais-UNIJUÍ. Dicha práctica aconteció en el VI Coloquio Internacional de la Red Latinoamericana de Didáctica de Geografía (2021) y su valor radica en haberse constituido una instancia de intercambio y reflexión crítica entre los grupos de investigación. En primer lugar, se realiza una presentación académica e institucional de los grupos citados; en segundo lugar, un análisis de cada uno de los trabajos recibidos, destacando sus aportes conceptuales y didácticos. Finalmente, tiene lugar una síntesis del abordaje disciplinar y educativo de la propuesta de trabajo desarrollada por el grupo brasileño, en línea con las corrientes de pensamiento geográfico compartidas por la REDLADGEO.Este artigo apresenta uma experiência teórico-pedagógica: a análise realizada pelo grupo INDEGEO-UBA sobre os materiais produzidos pelo grupo Ensino e Metodologias em Geografia e Ciências Sociais-UNIJUI. Essa prática aconteceu no VI Colóquio Internacional da Rede Latino-Americana de Didática da Geografia (2021) e seu valor está em ter se constituído uma instância de intercâmbio e reflexão crítica entre os grupos de pesquisa. Em primeiro lugar, é feita uma apresentação acadêmica e institucional dos grupos mencionados; em segundo lugar, uma análise de cada uma das obras recebidas, destacando suas contribuições conceituais e didáticas. Por fim, ocorre uma síntese da abordagem disciplinar e pedagógica da proposta de trabalho desenvolvida pelo grupo brasileiro, em consonância com as correntes de pensamento geográfico compartilhadas pela REDLADGEO

    Covid-19 And Rheumatic Autoimmune Systemic Diseases: Role of Pre-Existing Lung Involvement and Ongoing Treatments

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    The Covid-19 pandemic may have a deleterious impact on patients with autoimmune systemic diseases (ASD) due to their deep immune-system alterations