436 research outputs found

    Education / work in the city-field relationship

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    The urban is propagated as the space for overcoming traditionalism and poverty, while the countryside has become synonymous with backwardness and in that same context education is inserted. Thus, the objective is to analyze the city / countryside relationship from the back and forth of the peasant children to an urban full-time school) and what this mobility causes in the social reproduction of the peasant subject. In order to achieve the proposed objective, a methodological path was traced, from bibliographic research to fieldwork. From the data and information collected, it was possible to understand that the State provides schools in the countryside, but with teachers who often reproduce the mode of urban education.Lo urbano se propaga como el espacio para superar el tradicionalismo y la pobreza, mientras que el campo se ha convertido en sinónimo de atraso y en ese mismo contexto se inserta la educación. Por lo tanto, el objetivo es analizar la relación ciudad / campo de ida y vuelta de los niños campesinos a una escuela urbana de tiempo completo  y qué causa esta movilidad en la reproducción social del sujeto campesino. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, se trazó una ruta metodológica, desde la investigación bibliográfica hasta el trabajo de campo. A partir de los datos y la información recopilada, fue posible comprender que el Estado proporciona escuelas en el campo, pero con maestros que a menudo reproducen el modo de educación urbana.O urbano é propagado como o espaço moderno, enquanto o campo passou a ser sinônimo do atraso e nesse mesmo contexto é inserida a educação nos dois espaços. Assim, o objetivo consiste em analisar a relação cidade/campo a partir do vai e vem dos filhos dos camponeses para uma escola de tempo integral urbana e o que essa mobilidade ocasiona na reprodução social do sujeito camponês. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, traçou-se como percurso metodológico, desde pesquisa bibliográfica a trabalho de campo. A partir dos dados e informações coletadas, foi possível entender que o Estado propicia escolas no campo, mas com professores que muitas vezes, reproduzem o modo de educação urbana

    Será que o perfil académico e científico dos ministros e secretários de estado da saúde europeus importa para um processo de decisão informado?

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    ABSTRACT - Background: The impact of health politicians’ qualifications on healthcare quality has not been widely studied. Objectives: To assess whether academic qualifications and scientific output of European health decision makers correlate with healthcare quality, as well as with other developmental and scientific indices. Methods: We assessed the academic qualifications and scientific output of health ministers and state secretaries of EU member states. Based on the highest academic degree held, we created an academic score for each politician, and calculated the average academic score of each country’s health politicians. Associations between the average academic score and public perception of healthcare quality and other developmental and scientific variables were tested by means of simple and multiple linear regression models. Results: Half of the politicians held qualifications in the field of health, followed by economics and management (37%) and social sciences (35%). Over the last 10 years, 28% politicians had authored publications indexed in Web of ScienceTM, mostly in the field of health. The average academic score of health European politicians was negatively correlated with both public perception of healthcare quality (ρ = –0.473; p = 0.011) and with countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (ρ = –0.664; p < 0.001). In a multiple linear regression model, the GDP per capita was independently and negatively associated with the average academic score (p = 0.038), but the same was not observed for the public perception of healthcare quality (p = 0.722). Conclusions: While correlation does not imply causation, in European countries with higher GDP per capita, health politicians tend to be less qualified.RESUMO - Contexto: O impacto das qualificações académicas dos decisores políticos em saúde não foi ainda amplamente estudado. Objectivos: Avaliar se o perfil académico e científico dos decisores em saúde europeus se relaciona com a qualidade de prestação de cuidados de saúde, bem como com outros índices de desenvolvimento e científicos. Métodos: Efectuámos um levantamento das qualificações académicas e da produção científica dos ministros da saúde e respectivos secretários de estado dos Estadosmembros da União Europeia. Partindo do grau académico mais elevado alcançado, construiu-se um score académico para cada político e calculou-se o score académico médio para cada país. Foram construídos modelos de regressão linear para avaliar associações entre o score académico médio e a percepção pública da qualidade da prestação de cuidados de saúde e outras variáveis de desenvolvimento e científicas. Resultados: Metade dos políticos apresentavam qualificações académicas na área da saúde, seguindo-se economia e gestão (37%), e ciências sociais (35%). Nos últimos 10 anos, 28% dos políticos publicaram em revistas indexadas na Web of ScienceTM, a maioria na área da saúde. O score académico médio dos políticos Europeus em saúde correlaciona-se negativamente quer com a percepção pública da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde prestados (ρ = –0.473; p = 0.011) quer com o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita (ρ = –0.664; p < 0.001) do respectivo país. No modelo de regressão linear múltipla, o PIB per capita demonstrou uma associação negativa independente com o score académico médio (p = 0.038), mas o mesmo não foi observado para a percepção pública da qualidade da prestação de cuidados de saúde (p = 0.722). Conclusões: Embora correlação não implique causalidade, nos países Europeus com PIB per capita mais elevado, os decisores políticos em saúde tendem a apresentar menos qualificações académicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Inspirational Effect of Major Sporting Events on Attenders’ Attitudes and Behaviours

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    Background The inspiration effect of attending major sporting events has become a highly researched area, leading on from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games’ ‘inspire a generation’ objective, but has been largely limited to measuring ‘intention’ to change behaviour in terms of sport and physical activity participation of attenders aged 26 and over rather than its impact on younger attenders. By adopting the EBIC Model (TTM + TPB), this study aims to address this need by contributing towards testing the inspirational effect of attending the 2018 Women’s Hockey World Cup, through the measuring of both the intangible (intention and attitude) and tangible (behaviour change) outcomes. It also examined the leveraging strategies implemented by event stakeholders to increase sport and physical activity participation. Methods A mixture of self-administered 454 questionnaires (407 event-based and 47 post-event) and phone interviews were used. The event-based questionnaire enabled the collection of both pre and during-event data, and interviews with the event stakeholders (three members of the England Hockey events team and one from UK Sport), the leveraging of the event. Email exchanges between these members providing additional evidence, helped to further complement data from interviews. Results/Findings Results showed the inspiration effect to be prevalent amongst the younger demographic (16-25) and that there are facilitating and mitigating factors which significantly affect sport and physical activity participation. Of the attenders in the event-based sample, 84.5 percent were already active, with no significant changes in sport and physical activity participation being found. Any changes in behaviour were attributed to those who were already active. Leveraging strategies were present pre, during and post-event, however most of the v attenders in the sample reported to having not experienced any of these implemented strategies. Conclusions Attending a major sporting event can contribute, and thus act as a catalyst to increase sport and physical activity participation. However, this change in behaviour was not shown to be significant and was attributed predominantly to attenders who were already active. This PhD study contributed towards the testing of the inspirational effect of attending major sporting events in the UK, by measuring the attitude and behaviour change in attendees

    Combined antibiotic therapy spacers either commercial or handmade are superior to monotherapy – a microbiological analysis at the second stage of revision

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    Background: Antibiotic-loaded spacers are often used during two-stage exchange for periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs) both for its mechanical properties and as a means of local antibiotic delivery. Purpose: The main goal of this study is to compare the efficacy of different options of antibiotic(s) in spacers concerning the rate of positive cultures at the second stage. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated two-stage exchange procedures for infected hip or knee arthroplasty performed between 2012 and 2018 in which adequate (at least four deep tissue samples) culture results in both stages were available. The type of spacer and antibiotics used, in addition to several other patient, infection and treatment-related variables, were registered and correlated to microbiological findings in the second stage. Results: Fifty-eight cases were included with a 19.0 % (11/58) overall rate of positive cultures during reimplantation. With a mean follow-up of 46 months, failure rate was significantly higher at 63.6 % (7/11) in cases with positive cultures at reimplantation compared to 4.3 % (2/47) for those with negative cultures during reimplantation ( p < 0.001). The need for additional surgeries was also significantly higher (odds ratio (OR) 122.67, confidence interval (CI) 95 % 11.30-1331.32, p < 0.001). Multivariable analysis revealed antibiotics in the spacers were the main independent prognostic risk factor associated with positive cultures at the second stage with an advantage for combined antibiotics. Monotherapy is associated with failure with an OR of 16.99. Longer time between surgeries did not have statistical significance ( p = 0.05), and previous surgical treatment for PJI, presence of difficult-to-treat microorganism(s), duration of systemic antibiotic therapy or even treatment within a dedicated septic team were not shown to be independent risk factors. Among combined antibiotic spacers, there were no significant differences between the rate of positive cultures during the second stage, comparing commercially available vancomycin/gentamicin spacers to hand-mixed vancomycin/meropenem manufactured spacers (8.3 % [2/24] vs. 15.0 % [3/20], p = 0.68). Conclusions: Results show that combined antibiotic therapy spacers are advantageous when compared to gentamicin monotherapy as they produce significantly lower rates of subsequent positive cultures during the second stage. Hand-mixed high-dose vancomycin/meropenem spacers seem to perform just as well as prefabricated commercially available vancomycin/gentamicin options. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic level III.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Considerações sobre a inexistência de Defensoria Pública na Comarca de Porto Alegre do Norte-MT

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    A Defensoria Pública foi organizada por intermédio da Lei Complementar nº. 80/1994, sendo reconhecida pela presente lei como uma instituição permanente, essencial à função jurisdicional do Estado, sendo dever do mesmo minimizar a carência do acesso à Justiça e dar efetivo cumprimento para solução desse conflito. Mesmo com a instituição da Defensoria Pública, o direito ao acesso à Justiça tem sido cerceado por falta de atendimento jurídico através da Defensoria em diversas Comarcas do Estado de Mato Grosso, acarretando uma dificuldade gerada pela falta de informação e de como acessar ao judiciário. Este artigo é um instrumento de informação no sentido de apontar o quanto a falta da instalação de núcleos da Defensoria Pública pode interferir no andamento processual, prejudicando, assim, o direito fundamental de acesso à justiça aos mais necessitados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, ainda, refletir sobre a importância da garantia constitucional prevista no artigo 5º, inciso LXXIV, da Constituição Federal, aos cidadãos de baixa renda e sobre a importância da prestação de assistência jurídica no município de Porto Alegre do Norte - MT. A pesquisa utilizada para o presente estudo foi método documental, na qual foram utilizados despachos de nomeações de advogado dativo em conjunto com dados bibliográficos e entrevistas

    Automedicação em Jovens e Adultos da Região Centro de Portugal

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    Resumo Introdução: A automedicação é uma prática frequente e, atualmente é um fenómeno em desenvolvimento crescente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram estimar a prevalência da automedicação em jovens e adultos da região centro de Portugal, caracterizar a prática de automedicação e identificar fatores associados à automedicação. Métodos: Realizámos um estudo analítico e transversal. A colheita de dados foi efetuada com recurso a um questionário, autoaplicado e respondido online, a indivíduos residentes na região centro de Portugal com idades ≥ 16 anos. A amostra ficou constituída por 182 indivíduos, com uma média de idades de 33,88±12,62 anos, sendo a maioria do género feminino (66,5%). As prevalências foram expressas em percentagens. Para comparação de proporções utilizou-se o teste qui quadrado e a magnitude de associação entre um fator e a condição foi estimada através do cálculo do odds ratios, com os respetivos intervalos de confiança a 95%. Resultados: Verificámos que a prevalência de automedicação ao longo da vida foi de 85,7%, e, nos últimos 6 meses, de 85,9%. A maioria da amostra (50,3%) referiu que pratica automedicação por iniciativa própria, sendo os medicamentos mais utilizados os analgésicos (78,8%) e os anti-inflamatórios (54,5%), salientando que 7,1% dos indivíduos referiu que se automedica com antibióticos. O local de aquisição mais frequente dos medicamentos foi a farmácia (82,5%) e, grande parte dos indivíduos (92,3%), afirma ter conhecimento dos riscos dos medicamentos. A prática da automedicação associou-se com a idade (≤ 25 anos OR=1,28; IC95% 1,16-1,41) e com o agregado familiar com filhos (OR=4,77; IC95% 1,94-11,71). Conclusão: Concluímos que a automedicação é uma prática muito frequente entre os jovens e adultos da região centro de Portugal, associando-se a idades mais jovens e aos agregados familiares com filhos.Abstract Background: Self-medication is a common practice and currently is a phenomenon in increasing development. The aims of this study consisted in estimating the prevalence and characterize self-medication among adolescents and adults of the Central region of Portugal and identify the socio-demographic variables that are associated with self-medication. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed. For data collection we used an online self-administered questionnaire, which was applied to individuals resident in the central region of Portugal, obtaining a final sample of 182 individuals with the average age of 33.88±12.62 years, higher among female gender (66.5%). Prevalences were expressed in percentages. Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test and the magnitude of association between risk factor and condition was estimated by odds ratio, with the respective 95% confidence interval. Results: The prevalence of self-medication during life was 86.7% and in the last six months 85.9%. The majority of the sample (50.3%) referred the practice of self-medication on their own initiative, and the most used drugs were painkillers (78.8%), anti-inflammatories (54.5%) and antibiotics (7.1%). Most of the drugs were acquired in the pharmacy (82.5%) and 92.3% affirm having knowledge about the risks that the medicine they have self-medicated with may cause. The practice of self-medication is associated with age (≤ 25 years OR=1.28; 95%CI 1.16-1.41) and families with children households (OR=4.77; 95%CI 1.94-11.71). Conclusion: Self-medication is a very common practice among young people and adults in the central region of Portugal, which is associated with younger ages and families with children households

    Sistema de Monitoramento & Avaliação dos Programas Esporte e Lazer da Cidade e Segundo Tempo do Ministério do Esporte

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    A Pesquisa avaliativa se enquadrou no tema 7 do referido edital, cujo objeto de estudo era a "Avaliação de políticas públicas e programas de esporte e lazer mantidos pelo Governo Federal". Seu período de realização foi entre 2008 e 2010, tendo sido desenvolvida pelo Centro de Estudos de Esporte e de Lazer do Departamento de Educação Física da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, com a participação de professores do Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia - Tratamento da Informação Espacial e do Instituto de Educação Continuada (IEC).Neste livro, apresenta-se a pesquisa avaliativa realizada em dois programas nacionais geridos pelo Ministério do Esporte, a saber: o Programa Esporte e Lazer na Cidade e o Programa Segundo Tempo, com o objetivo de criar seus respectivos sistemas de monitoramento & avaliação. A pesquisa surgiu da necessidade de definição de normas e procedimentos de fiscalização sistemática, coordenada, eficiente e responsável com atualização permanente dos referidos programas. O livro apresenta no capítulo 1 o objeto da pesquisa e o seu contexto; no capítulo 2, as opções teórico-metodológicas dos pesquisadores; no capítulo 3, o processo metodológico; no capítulo 4, os resultados da aplicação da pesquisa nacional; no capítulo 5, reflexões sobre o processo de gerenciamento da pesquisa; no capítulo 6, as considerações finais em que são apresentados desafios para os gestores dos programas, no sentido de contribuir para a qualificação dos mesmos.A pesquisa foi realizada através do Edital de Chamada Pública do Centro de Desenvolvimento do Esporte Recreativo e do Lazer (Rede CEDES) 01/2008/ME/SNDEL/REDE CEDES, para projetos de pesquis

    Evaluation of biotechnological processing through solid-state fermentation of oilseed cakes on extracts bioactive potential

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    Oilseed cakes (OC) are natural sources of lignocellulosic biomass, produced every year in large amounts. In addition to their main applications as animal feed, plant or soil fertilizer, and compost, they present enormous potential for being used in biotechnological processes for the obtainment and extraction of valuable bioactive compounds. This work evaluated the effect of solid-state fermentation on the bioactive properties of extracts obtained from the bioprocessing of OC and evaluated the effect of solvents on the recovery of compounds with higher bioactive potential. A general decrease of EC50 values was observed for fermented extracts obtained using a mixture of water/methanol (1:1) as extraction solvent. A decrease in the minimum inhibitory concentration was observed for fermented water extracts compared to non-fermented. Additionally, growth inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes was observed when using aqueous methanolic fermented extracts. These extracts also exhibited a higher percentage of growth reduction against phytopathogenic fungi, and some extracts exhibited increased protection against genotoxic agents such as camptothecin and bisphenol A. It was demonstrated that bioprocessing of OC through SSF is an effective approach to obtaining valuable compounds with bioactive properties for use in the food, pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Sci ence and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/BIO/04469/2020 and UIDB/04033/2020 units. Daniel Sousa acknowledges the fnancial support pro vided by national funds through FCT(PD/BD/135328/2017), under the Doctoral Program “Agricultural Production Chains – from fork to farm” (PD/00122/2012) and from the European Social Funds and the Regional Operational Programme Norte 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deteção remota multiespectral e hiperespetral como fonte de conhecimento no sector português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica

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    ABSTRACT: Remote sensing is an invaluable tool to increase geological and mining knowledge, due to its screening view and variable discrimination and identification capabilities of the target materials. In this study an overview of remote sensing research developed and ongoing within the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB) since 2000 is given. Multispectral and hyperspectral datasets were processed using hybrid methods, related both to general and detailed characterization, to: 1) support geological, mineral and hydrothermal mapping, 2) generate products derived from multivariate analysis and band ratios, 3) enhance correlation with radiometric data, 4) provide elements for environmental assessment concerning mining activity, 5) map Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) based on spectral field signatures, 6) quantify AMD based on high correlation mineralogical mapping, and 7) monitor AMD. The results highlight the importance of the quantitative digital support given by remote sensing tools within the Portuguese Sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB), ruled by georesource exploitation in different stages of the Mine Lyfe Cycle.RESUMO: A deteção remota é uma ferramenta valiosa para aumentar o conhecimento geológico e mineiro, devido à visão sinótica e à capacidade variável de discriminação e identificação dos materiais-alvo. Neste trabalho dá-se uma visão geral da investigação através dos trabalhos de deteção remota desenvolvidos e em curso no Setor Português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (SPFPI) desde 2000. Os dados multiespectrais e hiperespectrais foram processados usando métodos híbridos quer para a sua caracterização geral quer detalhada para: 1) apoiar a cartografia geológica, de mineralizações e sistemas hidrotermais, 2) gerar produtos de análise multivariada e rácios de bandas, 3) melhorar a correlação com dados radiométricos 4) fornecer elementos para avaliação ambiental em áreas mineiras, 5) cartografar a drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) com assinaturas espectrais de campo, 6) quantificar a DAM através de cartografia mineralógica de alta correlação, e 7) monitorizar a DAM. Destaca-se a importância do suporte digital quantitativo dado por ferramentas de deteção remota no SPFPI, regido pela exploração de georrecursos em diferentes fases do Ciclo de Vida das Minas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High-intensity interval training upon cognitive and psychological outcomes in youth : a systematic review

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Development of innovative and time-efficient strategies to involve youth in physical activity is pivotal in the actual inactivity pandemic. Moreover, physical activity may improve academic performance, of great interest for educators. This present systematic review aimed to analyze the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cognitive performance and psychological outcomes in youth. A database search (Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and PsycINFO) for original research articles was performed. A total of eight articles met the inclusion criteria, and the Cochrane risk of bias tool was used. The studies' results were recalculated to determine effect sizes using Cohen's d. Different HIIT interventions reported improvements on cognitive performance at executive function (d = 0.75, +78.56%), linguistic reasoning (d = 0.25, +7.66%), concentration (d = 0.71, +61.10%), selective attention (d = 0.81, +60.73%), non-verbal and verbal abilities (d = 0.88, +47.50%; d = 1.58, +22.61%, respectively), abstract reasoning (d = 0.75, +44.50%), spatial and numerical abilities (d = 37.19, +22.85%; d = 1.20, +8.28%, respectively), and verbal reasoning (d = 1.00, +15.71%) in youth. Regarding psychological outcomes, HIIT showed higher self-concept (d = 0.28, +8.71%) and psychological well-being in boys and girls (d = 0.73, +32.43%, d = 0.39, +11.58%, respectively). To sum up, HIIT interventions between 4-16 weeks, for 8-30 min/session, at ≥85% maximal heart rate, would provide positive effects on cognitive performance and psychological outcomes in youth.This research was funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, I.P.), under the project UIDB/04045/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio