28 research outputs found

    Un marco para la Medición de Modelos Workflow

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    En todo proceso de negocio es muy importante su mejora continua, lo que lleva a las organizaciones a buscar herramientas que den soporte a la realización de estas mejoras. La Gestión de Procesos de Negocio proporciona este soporte mediante los Sistemas de Gestión de Procesos de Negocio (BPMS). Una de las tecnologías más significativas para dar soporte a la automatización de los procesos de negocio son los Sistemas de Gestión de Workflow (SGW). Para favorecer y dar flexibilidad a los SGW, de manera que puedan adaptarse a los cambios constantes del negocio, es fundamental tener un lenguaje de modelado que permita una fácil adaptación de los modelos. De la misma manera es fundamental tener herramientas que permitan medir la calidad de dichos modelos. Acorde a esto, nuestra investigación se centra en la definición de un marco de trabajo para el modelado y la medición de procesos workflow que ayude a la mejora y mantenimiento de los modelos y de los procesos que ellos representan.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Un marco para la Medición de Modelos Workflow

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    En todo proceso de negocio es muy importante su mejora continua, lo que lleva a las organizaciones a buscar herramientas que den soporte a la realización de estas mejoras. La Gestión de Procesos de Negocio proporciona este soporte mediante los Sistemas de Gestión de Procesos de Negocio (BPMS). Una de las tecnologías más significativas para dar soporte a la automatización de los procesos de negocio son los Sistemas de Gestión de Workflow (SGW). Para favorecer y dar flexibilidad a los SGW, de manera que puedan adaptarse a los cambios constantes del negocio, es fundamental tener un lenguaje de modelado que permita una fácil adaptación de los modelos. De la misma manera es fundamental tener herramientas que permitan medir la calidad de dichos modelos. Acorde a esto, nuestra investigación se centra en la definición de un marco de trabajo para el modelado y la medición de procesos workflow que ayude a la mejora y mantenimiento de los modelos y de los procesos que ellos representan.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Clip-off Chemistry : Synthesis by Programmed Disassembly of Reticular Materials

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    Bond breaking is an essential process in chemical transformations and the ability of researchers to strategically dictate which bonds in a given system will be broken translates to greater synthetic control. Here, we report extending the concept of selective bond breaking to reticular materials in a new synthetic approach that we call Clip-off Chemistry. We show that bond-breaking in these structures can be controlled at the molecular level; is periodic, quantitative, and selective; is effective in reactions performed in either solid or liquid phases; and can occur in a single-crystal-to-single-crystal fashion involving the entire bulk precursor sample. We validate Clip-off Chemistry by synthesizing two topologically distinct 3D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) from two reported 3D MOFs, and a metal-organic macrocycle from metal-organic polyhedra (MOP). Clip-off Chemistry opens the door to the programmed disassembly of reticular materials and thus to the design and synthesis of new molecules and materials. Clip-off Chemistry, a new approach to synthesizing molecules and materials based on the programmed de-reticulation and controlled etching at the molecular level in reticular materials, is introduced. Using this strategy, we have transformed two 3D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) into two topologically distinct 3D MOFs, and one metal-organic polyhedra into a metal-organic macrocycle

    Clip-off Chemistry : Synthesis by Programmed Disassembly of Reticular Materials

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    Bond breaking is an essential process in chemical transformations and the ability of researchers to strategically dictate which bonds in a given system will be broken translates to greater synthetic control. Here, we report extending the concept of selective bond breaking to reticular materials in a new synthetic approach that we call Clip-off Chemistry. We show that bond-breaking in these structures can be controlled at the molecular level; is periodic, quantitative, and selective; is effective in reactions performed in either solid or liquid phases; and can occur in a single-crystal-to-single-crystal fashion involving the entire bulk precursor sample. We validate Clip-off Chemistry by synthesizing two topologically distinct 3D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) from two reported 3D MOFs, and a metal-organic macrocycle from metal-organic polyhedra (MOP). Clip-off Chemistry opens the door to the programmed disassembly of reticular materials and thus to the design and synthesis of new molecules and materials. Clip-off Chemistry, a new approach to synthesizing molecules and materials based on the programmed de-reticulation and controlled etching at the molecular level in reticular materials, is introduced. Using this strategy, we have transformed two 3D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) into two topologically distinct 3D MOFs, and one metal-organic polyhedra into a metal-organic macrocycle

    Level of blood pressure control in a hypertensive population when measurements are performed outside the clinical setting

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    Background: To determine whether the number of optimally controlled hypertensive patients is higher using self-measurement of blood pressure at home and ambulatory monitoring, compared to using conventional blood pressure measurements at the doctor&#8217;s office. Method: An observational, cross-sectional, multicentre, descriptive study of a random sample of 237 primary health care patients, known to be hypertensive, from Badajoz (Spain). Blood pressure was measured at the doctor&#8217;s office and by self-measurement at home. Those patients showing good control by self-measurement were subjected to 24-hour ambulatory monitoring. Optimal control was understood as blood pressure < 140/90 mm Hg when measured at the doctor&#8217;s office, and < 135/85 mm Hg when self-measured at home and by daytime ambulatory monitoring. Results: Mean systolic/diastolic measurements at the doctor&#8217;s office and by self-measurement were 145.6/83.9 and 134.0/78.7 mm Hg, respectively (p < 0.000). In the population optimally controlled by self-measurement and who subsequently received ambulatory monitoring, the mean blood pressure was 121.8/73.4 and 125.6/76.2 mm Hg, respectively (p = 0.002; p < 0.000). When measured at the doctor&#8217;s office blood pressure was controlled in about 29.5% (95% CI 23.7-35.3%) of patients, in 38% when self-measured (95% CI 31.4-44.2%; p < 0.000), and in 24.5% when it was confirmed through ambulatory monitoring (95% CI 15.4-33.6%). Sensitivity and positive predictive values of the office measurements for the detection of patients who were well-controlled by self-measurement were 50% and 64.3%, respectively, and 53.4% and 73.8% as regards ambulatory monitoring. Conclusions: A higher level of control is achieved with self-measurement at home not confirmed by ambulatory monitoring. Therefore, the white coat effect does not seem to influence the percentage of well-controlled patients detected at the doctor&#8217;s office. Office blood pressure does not appear to be useful in distinguishing which individual patients are optimally controlled

    Revista del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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    Actividad trófica de limícolas invernantes en salinas y cultivos piscícolas de la bahía de CádizUso de microhábitat del ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvatycus L.) en robledales y áreas ecotonales del Pirineo.Dieta de los pollos de tres especies simpátricas de alcaudones (Lanius spp.): variaciones con la edad, estacionales e interespecíficasOcupación de distintos modelos de nidal por el estornino negro (Sturnus unicolor)Estudio comparado sobre la biología de la reproducción de tres especies simpátricas de alcaudones (real Lanius excubitor, dorsirrojo L. collurio y común L. senatorFluctuación estacional del peso corporal de los machos adultos de Arvicola sapidus MILLER, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae)Acerca del significado de los ataques de alcaudones Lanius spp. sobre aves.Distribución de los emididos Mauremys leprosa, SCHW (1812) y Emys orbicularis, L. (1758) de la provincia de Badajoz. Factores que puedieran influir en sus áreas de ocupaciónDeterminación de la edad relativa en la rata de agua meridional, Arvicola sapidus MILLER, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae)Activity pattern, home range and habitat preference by coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve of the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico.Características de los refugios diarios y estacionales de Testudo graeca en DoñanaDieta del gato cimarrón (Felis catus L.) en el piso basal del Macízo de Teno (Noroeste de Tenerife)Peer reviewe

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020&ndash;2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cari&ntilde;ena Roja (Catalu&ntilde;a, INCAVI), Mandr&egrave;gue (Arag&oacute;n, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020–2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cariñena Roja (Cataluña, INCAVI), Mandrègue (Aragón, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density.This work, performed by the VIOR (Viticultura, Olivo y Rosa) group of the Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC), forms part of the project “Valorización de variedades minoritarias de vid por su potencial para la diversificación vitivinícola. Resiliencia a enfermedades fúngicas influenciadas por el cambio climático” (MINORVIN) (RTI 2018-101085-RC32), funded by MCIN/AEI/, 10.13039/501100011033 and the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artificial intelligence within the interplay between natural and artificial computation:Advances in data science, trends and applications

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    Artificial intelligence and all its supporting tools, e.g. machine and deep learning in computational intelligence-based systems, are rebuilding our society (economy, education, life-style, etc.) and promising a new era for the social welfare state. In this paper we summarize recent advances in data science and artificial intelligence within the interplay between natural and artificial computation. A review of recent works published in the latter field and the state the art are summarized in a comprehensive and self-contained way to provide a baseline framework for the international community in artificial intelligence. Moreover, this paper aims to provide a complete analysis and some relevant discussions of the current trends and insights within several theoretical and application fields covered in the essay, from theoretical models in artificial intelligence and machine learning to the most prospective applications in robotics, neuroscience, brain computer interfaces, medicine and society, in general.BMS - Pfizer(U01 AG024904). Spanish Ministry of Science, projects: TIN2017-85827-P, RTI2018-098913-B-I00, PSI2015-65848-R, PGC2018-098813-B-C31, PGC2018-098813-B-C32, RTI2018-101114-B-I, TIN2017-90135-R, RTI2018-098743-B-I00 and RTI2018-094645-B-I00; the FPU program (FPU15/06512, FPU17/04154) and Juan de la Cierva (FJCI-2017–33022). Autonomous Government of Andalusia (Spain) projects: UMA18-FEDERJA-084. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of Galicia: ED431C2017/12, accreditation 2016–2019, ED431G/08, ED431C2018/29, Comunidad de Madrid, Y2018/EMT-5062 and grant ED431F2018/02. PPMI – a public – private partnership – is funded by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and funding partners, including Abbott, Biogen Idec, F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., GE Healthcare, Genentech and Pfizer Inc