164 research outputs found

    Foreign body in ear, nose and oropharynx: experience from a tertiary hospital

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    The ocurrence of foreign bodies in otorhinolaryngology is reason of constant searches for emergency services. OBJECTIVE: To value the incidence of patients with foreign body, to analyze the clinical situation and the treatment in these cases. METHOD: The prospective study was realized in 81 patients with diagnosis of foreign body of nose, ear or oropharynx in the otorhinolaryngology service of the Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo between april/2003 and march/2005. RESULTS: 57 cases of foreign body of ear, 13 cases of nose and 11 of oropharynx. These patients, 51.85% were men and 48.15% were women. The age average was 23 years old. The average of the evolution time was 18.36 days, being that 38.27% these cases were taken care in less 24 hours of evolution. Inside the total of patients, 83.95% received initial attendance in the otorhinolaryngology clinic, and 16.05% came of another service after some previous removal attempt. The most common symptom of the foreign bodies cases of oropharynx it was odinofagia present in 90.91% of the cases; in the foreign bodies of nose, the unilateral rhinorrhea and cacosmia were present in 46.15 of the cases; in the foreign bodies of ear, 38.60% evolved without symptoms and 28.07 with hipoacusia. The most frequent foreign body of oropharynx it was the fish spine (54.55%); in the nose it was the paper (30.77%); and in the ear it was the cotton (31.58%). The complications resulting of the presence of foreign body or about the manipulation of these had been found in 13 cases (16.05%). CONCLUSION: Most cases of foreign body conditions, in which a non-specialist professional or a non-professional person previously handles its removal, have a bad evolution with emerging complications. Such outcomes strengthen the fact that an otorhinolaryngologist using the proper equipment must treat patients with foreign body.A ocorrência de corpos estranhos em otorrinolaringologia é motivo de freqüentes consultas em serviços de emergência. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência de pacientes com corpo estranho, bem como analisar o quadro clínico e o tratamento nestes casos. MÉTODO: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo de 81 pacientes com diagnóstico de corpo estranho de nariz, orelha ou orofaringe admitidos no Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo, no período de abril de 2003 a março de 2005. RESULTADOS: Foram 57 casos de corpo estranho de orelha; 13 de cavidade nasal; e 11 de orofaringe. Destes pacientes, 51,85% foram do sexo masculino e 48,15% do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 23 anos. A média do tempo de evolução foi de 18,36 dias, sendo que 38,27% dos casos foram atendidos com menos de 24 horas de evolução. Do total de pacientes, 83,95% receberam atendimento inicial na clínica de otorrinolaringologia, e 16,05% vieram encaminhados de outro serviço após alguma tentativa de remoção prévia. O sintoma mais comum dos casos de corpos estranhos de orofaringe foi a odinofagia presente em 90,91% dos casos; nos corpos estranhos de nariz, a rinorréia unilateral e cacosmia estiveram presentes em 46,15% dos casos; e nos corpos estranhos de orelha, 38,60% evoluíram sem sintomas, e 28,07% com hipoacusia. O corpo estranho mais freqüente de orofaringe foi a espinha de peixe (54,55%); no nariz foi o papel (30,77%); e na orelha foi o algodão (31,58%). As complicações decorrentes da presença de corpo estranho ou da manipulação dos mesmos foram encontradas em 13 casos (16,05%). CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos casos com manipulação prévia para remoção de corpo estranho por profissional não-habilitado ou por leigo evoluiu com complicações, enfatizando que o manejo dos pacientes com corpo estranho deve ser realizado pelo médico otorrinolaringologista e com o uso de material adequado.UNIFESPHospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo Serviço de OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESPSciEL

    Recent Star Formation in Sextans A

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    We investigate the relationship between the spatial distributions of stellar populations and of neutral and ionized gas in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A. This galaxy is currently experiencing a burst of localized star formation, the trigger of which is unknown. We have resolved various populations of stars via deep UBV(RI)_C imaging over an area with diameter \sim 5.'3. We have compared our photometry with theoretical isochrones appropriate for Sextans A, in order to determine the ages of these populations. We have mapped out the history of star formation, most accurately for times \lesssim 100 Myr. We find that star formation in Sextans A is correlated both in time and space, especially for the most recent (\lesssim 12 Myr) times. The youngest stars in the galaxy are forming primarily along the inner edge of the large H I shell. Somewhat older populations, \lesssim 50 Myr, are found inward of the youngest stars. Progressively older star formation, from \sim 50--100 Myr, appears to have some spatially coherent structure and is more centrally concentrated. The oldest stars we can accurately sample appear to have approximately a uniform spatial distribution, which extends beyond a surface brightness of \mu_B \simeq 25.9 mag arcsec^{-2} (or, a radius r \simeq 2.'3$). Although other processes are also possible, our data provides support for a mechanism of supernova-driven expansion of the neutral gas, resulting in cold gas pileup and compression along the H I shell and sequential star formation in recent times.Comment: 64 pages, 22 figures, to appear in A

    Guidelines for documenting and reporting tree allometric equations

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    Given the pressing need to quantify carbon fluxes associated with terrestrial vegetation dynamics, an increasing number of researchers have sought to improve estimates of tree volume, biomass, and carbon stocks. Tree allometric equations are critical tools for such purpose and have the potential to improve our understanding about carbon sequestration in woody vegetation, to support the implementation of policies and mechanisms designed to mitigate climate change (e.g. CDM and REDD+; Agrawal et al. 2011), to calculate costs and benefits associated with forest carbon projects, and to improve bioenergy systems and sustainable forest management (Henry et al. 2013)

    Diversity-dependent temporal divergence of ecosystem functioning in experimental ecosystems

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    The effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning generally increase over time, but the underlying processes remain unclear. Using 26 long-term grassland and forest experimental ecosystems, we demonstrate that biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships strengthen mainly by greater increases in functioning in high-diversity communities in grasslands and forests. In grasslands, biodiversity effects also strengthen due to decreases in functioning in low-diversity communities. Contrasting trends across grasslands are associated with differences in soil characteristics

    Structure and dynamics of the deoxyguanosine-sensing riboswitch studied by NMR-spectroscopy

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    The mfl-riboswitch regulates expression of ribonucleotide reductase subunit in Mesoplasma florum by binding to 2′-deoxyguanosine and thereby promoting transcription termination. We characterized the structure of the ligand-bound aptamer domain by NMR spectroscopy and compared the mfl-aptamer to the aptamer domain of the closely related purine-sensing riboswitches. We show that the mfl-aptamer accommodates the extra 2′-deoxyribose unit of the ligand by forming a more relaxed binding pocket than these found in the purine-sensing riboswitches. Tertiary structures of the xpt-aptamer bound to guanine and of the mfl-aptamer bound to 2′-deoxyguanosine exhibit very similar features, although the sequence of the mfl-aptamer contains several alterations compared to the purine-aptamer consensus sequence. These alterations include the truncation of a hairpin loop which is crucial for complex formation in all purine-sensing riboswitches characterized to date. We further defined structural features and ligand binding requirements of the free mfl-aptamer and found that the presence of Mg2+ is not essential for complex formation, but facilitates ligand binding by promoting pre-organization of key structural motifs in the free aptamer

    Riboswitch structure: an internal residue mimicking the purine ligand

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    The adenine and guanine riboswitches regulate gene expression in response to their purine ligand. X-ray structures of the aptamer moiety of these riboswitches are characterized by a compact fold in which the ligand forms a Watson–Crick base pair with residue 65. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a strict restriction at position 39 of the aptamer that prevents the G39–C65 and A39–U65 combinations, and mutational studies indicate that aptamers with these sequence combinations are impaired for ligand binding. In order to investigate the rationale for sequence conservation at residue 39, structural characterization of the U65C mutant from Bacillus subtilis pbuE adenine riboswitch aptamer was undertaken. NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography studies demonstrate that the U65C mutant adopts a compact ligand-free structure, in which G39 occupies the ligand-binding site of purine riboswitch aptamers. These studies present a remarkable example of a mutant RNA aptamer that adopts a native-like fold by means of ligand mimicking and explain why this mutant is impaired for ligand binding. Furthermore, this work provides a specific insight into how the natural sequence has evolved through selection of nucleotide identities that contribute to formation of the ligand-bound state, but ensures that the ligand-free state remains in an active conformation

    Globally, functional traits are weak predictors of juvenile tree growth, and we do not know why

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    1. Plant functional traits, in particular specific leaf area (SLA), wood density and seed mass, are often good predictors of individual tree growth rates within communities. Individuals and species with high SLA, low wood density and small seeds tend to have faster growth rates. 2. If community-level relationships between traits and growth have general predictive value, then similar relationships should also be observed in analyses that integrate across taxa, biogeographic regions and environments. Such global consistency would imply that traits could serve as valuable proxies for the complex suite of factors that determine growth rate, and, therefore, could underpin a new generation of robust dynamic vegetation models. Alternatively, growth rates may depend more strongly on the local environment or growth–trait relationships may vary along environmental gradients. 3. We tested these alternative hypotheses using data on 27 352 juvenile trees, representing 278 species from 27 sites on all forested continents, and extensive functional trait data, 38% of which were obtained at the same sites at which growth was assessed. Data on potential evapotranspiration (PET), which summarizes the joint ecological effects of temperature and precipitation, were obtained from a global data base. 4. We estimated size-standardized relative height growth rates (SGR) for all species, then related them to functional traits and PET using mixed-effect models for the fastest growing species and for all species together. 5. Both the mean and 95th percentile SGR were more strongly associated with functional traits than with PET. PET was unrelated to SGR at the global scale. SGR increased with increasing SLA and decreased with increasing wood density and seed mass, but these traits explained only 3.1% of the variation in SGR. SGR–trait relationships were consistently weak across families and biogeographic zones, and over a range of tree statures. Thus, the most widely studied functional traits in plant ecology were poor predictors of tree growth over large scales. 6. Synthesis. We conclude that these functional traits alone may be unsuitable for predicting growth of trees over broad scales. Determining the functional traits that predict vital rates under specific environmental conditions may generate more insight than a monolithic global relationship can offer

    Intramolecular Cohesion of Coils Mediated by Phenylalanine–Glycine Motifs in the Natively Unfolded Domain of a Nucleoporin

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) provides the sole aqueous conduit for macromolecular exchange between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells. Its diffusion conduit contains a size-selective gate formed by a family of NPC proteins that feature large, natively unfolded domains with phenylalanine–glycine repeats (FG domains). These domains of nucleoporins play key roles in establishing the NPC permeability barrier, but little is known about their dynamic structure. Here we used molecular modeling and biophysical techniques to characterize the dynamic ensemble of structures of a representative FG domain from the yeast nucleoporin Nup116. The results showed that its FG motifs function as intramolecular cohesion elements that impart order to the FG domain and compact its ensemble of structures into native premolten globular configurations. At the NPC, the FG motifs of nucleoporins may exert this cohesive effect intermolecularly as well as intramolecularly to form a malleable yet cohesive quaternary structure composed of highly flexible polypeptide chains. Dynamic shifts in the equilibrium or competition between intra- and intermolecular FG motif interactions could facilitate the rapid and reversible structural transitions at the NPC conduit needed to accommodate passing karyopherin–cargo complexes of various shapes and sizes while simultaneously maintaining a size-selective gate against protein diffusion