44 research outputs found

    Instituciones, Segmentación del Mercado de Trabajo y Competitividad en la Economía Política Alemana

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 23-11-2020This doctoral dissertation analyzes the evolution of German labor institutions and their effects on the country’s economic performance throughout the period 1990-2015. Our theoretical framework draws on a specific strand within the political economy literature: the “Varieties of Capitalism debate” in a broad sense. The PhD thesis is organized in 5 related but independent chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the topic. It provides a historical overview of the German political economy since the early-1970s, and illustrates the theoretical underpinnings of the Varieties of Capitalism debate as well as the goals of each chapter. Chapter 2 explores the transformation of the German employment and industrial relations model. Using a firm-level dataset (a sample size of more than 10,000 observations per year), the evolution of different forms of atypical employment and the coverage of the dual system of industrial relations are analyzed across different groups of firms. Additionally, using a shift-share technique, we estimate the impact of the change in the employment structure on this process of institutional change...Esta tesis doctoral estudia la evolución de las instituciones laborales alemanas y sus efectos sobre el desempeño económico durante el período 1990-2015. Nuestro marco teórico descansa en una corriente concreta de la economía política comparada: “el debate de las Variedades de Capitalismo” en un sentido amplio. El trabajo se divide en 5 capítulos independientes, pero vinculados entre sí. El Capítulo 1 es introductorio. En él hacemos un repaso histórico de la economía política alemana desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad, y presentamos el debate de las Variedades de Capitalismo junto con los objetivos de cada uno de los siguientes capítulos. El Capítulo 2 analiza el proceso de liberalización del modelo alemán de empleo y relaciones laborales. Para ello, empleamos una base de datos representativa de empresas (con una muestra de más de 10.000 observaciones al año) y exploramos la evolución de varias formas de empleo atípico y de la cobertura del sistema dual de relaciones laborales en diferentes tipos de compañías. Además, utilizamos una técnica de descomposición para estimar el efecto de la evolución de la estructura del empleo en el cambio institucional...Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEunpu

    Determinantes socio-institucionales de la distribución de la renta. El caso de España (1987-2015)

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    Este trabajo analiza los factores que explican la caída continuada de la participación de los salarios sobre la renta en la economía española a lo largo del periodo 1987-2015. En el análisis se diferencian tres tipos de factores que dan cuenta de este retroceso: técnico-productivos, la acción del Estado y socio-institucionales. A través de una metodología estadístico-descriptiva, combinada con un análisis cualitativo del periodo, el artículo muestra que los cambios en la composición sectorial del empleo, la intensidad del empleo, la política económica y la evolución del marco de relaciones laborales y el mercado de trabajo son las causas del menor crecimiento de los salarios en relación al de la productividad del trabajo. Asimismo, incidiendo en la importancia de las condiciones socio-institucionales, presentamos un índice de capacidad negociadora de los asalariados, que combinando la evolución de hasta ocho variables, permite explicar en términos dinámicos la evolución de la cuota salarial

    Distribución funcional de la renta y capacidad negociadora de los trabajadores en España

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    Este trabajo investiga las razones de la caída continuada de la participación de los salarios en la renta de la economía española durante el período 1987-2015. El análisis toma como variable explicativa fundamental los factores socioinstitucionales que influyen decisivamente en la capacidad de los trabajadores para negociar sus salarios. Identificamos dos grandes ámbitos en los que se han producido importantes transformaciones: el sistema de relaciones laborales y la estructura y regulación del empleo. Primero, empleamos una metodología estadístico-descriptiva para dar cuenta de la relevancia y evolución de ambos. En segundo lugar, elaboramos un índice de capacidad negociadora (ICN) de los trabajadores a partir de siete variables. Nuestras estimaciones indican que el ICN es capaz de explicar gran parte del retroceso de la cuota salarial y que la capacidad de negociación es un determinante fundamental de la distribución funcional de la renta

    Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Adults with Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD): A Study Protocol for a Randomized Feasibility Trial

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    Introduction Grief is an emotional reaction to the loss of a loved one with a natural recovery. Approximately 10% of people who lose a loved one develop prolonged grief disorder (PGD). Internet-based and computer-based interventions (ie, internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy, iCBT) are a cost-effective alternative that makes it possible to reach more people with PGD. The main aim of this study is to assess the feasibility of a new iCBT-called GROw-for PGD. As a secondary objective, the potential effectiveness of GROw will be explored. Methods and analysis This study is a two-arm feasibility randomised trial. A total of 48 adults with PGD who meet the eligibility criteria will be randomised to the experimental group (iCBT: GROw) or the active control group (face-to-face CBT treatment). The treatment is organised sequentially in eight modules in the iCBT format and 8-10 sessions in the face-to-face format, and both formats have the same therapeutic components. There will be five assessment points with qualitative and quantitative evaluations: screening, baseline, after the intervention, 3-month follow-up and 12-month follow-up. Consistent with the objectives, the measures are related to the feasibility outcomes for the main aim of the study (participant adherence, expectations and satisfaction with the treatment, preferences, alliance and utility) and psychological and mental health outcomes for secondary analyses (symptoms of grief, symptoms of depression, symptoms of anxiety, affectivity, quality of life, work and social adaptation, post-traumatic growth, purpose in life, mindfulness and compassion). Ethics and dissemination The Ethics Committee of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellon, Spain) granted approval for the study (CD/002/2019). Dissemination will include publications and presentations at national and international conferences

    Institutional Foundations of Demand-Led Growth: A New Research Agenda

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    Este trabajo presenta una introducción a la teoría de los modelos de crecimiento dirigidos por la demanda dentro del campo de la economía política comparada (EPC). Primero, se ofrece un esquema analítico con las características fundamentales de esta nueva agenda de investigación planteada por Baccaro y Pontusson (2016), como son la tipología de modelos y las variables principales que los determinan. En segundo lugar, se profundiza en la relación existente con los regímenes de demanda (wageled/profit-led) y se propone un enfoque basado en el comportamiento de la inversión como determinante de los modelos de crecimiento. Finalmente, se aplica empíricamente este enfoque a cinco economías europeas del periodo 1995-2018. La principal conclusión es que la agenda de investigación de los modelos de crecimiento tiene el potencial para renovar tanto los estudios de EPC como los de regímenes de demanda, así como aportar una interpretación más profunda de la evolución reciente de las economías europeasThis paper presents an introduction to the theory of demand-driven growth models within the field of Comparative Political Economy. First, it offers an analytical scheme with the fundamental characteristics of this new research agenda proposed by Baccaro and Pontusson (2016), such as the typology of models and the main variables that determine them. Secondly, we analyze the existing relationship with demand regimes (wage-led/profit-led) and we propose an approach based on investment behavior as a determinant of growth models. Finally, we apply empirically this approach to five European economies in the period 1995-2018. The main conclusion is that the research agenda of growth models has the potential to renew both Comparative Political Economy and demand regime studies, as well as to provide a deeper interpretation of the recent evolution of European economie

    Variable Pacing Is Associated with Performance during the OCC® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (2017–2021)

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    [EN] The current evidence suggests that pacing may not be affected by performance level or sex in trail-running races as may occur in road running races. However, the previous studies included races of >100 km. Therefore, we aimed to verify the influence of performance level and sex on pacing in the last four (2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021) editions of a shorter (56.3 km) ultra-trail running race (i.e., Orsières–Champex–Chamonix; OCC®) that maintained the same race profile. The mean finishing time for the 5656 participants was 10 h 20 min 33 s ± 2 h 01 min 19 s. Pacing variability (CV%) was higher in high-level participants, thus showing a greater ability to adapt their pace to the race profile than low-level runners. Males also had a higher pacing variability than females although the effect sizes were small. Based on the current findings, we may recommend for non-elite OCC® participants to adapt their pace to the race profile with a slower pace during uphills and a faster pace during downhills. Further studies including participants’ experience are necessary to confirm the effectiveness of this suggestion in trail-running races of variable distances.S

    Energy embedded in food loss management and in the production of uneaten food: seeking a sustainable pathway

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    Recently, important efforts have been made to define food loss management strategies. Most strategies have mainly been focused on mass and energy recovery through mixed food loss in centralised recovery models. This work aims to highlight the need to address a decentralised food loss management, in order to manage the different fractions and on each of the different stages of the food supply chain. For this purpose, an energy flow analysis is made, through the calculation of the primary energy demand of four stages and 11 food categories of the Spanish food supply chain in 2015. The energy efficiency assessment is conducted under a resource use perspective, using the energy return on investment (EROI) ratio, and a circular economy perspective, developing an Energy return on investment ? Circular economy index (EROIce), based on a food waste-to-energy-to-food approach. Results suggest that the embodied energy loss consist of 17% of the total primary energy demand, and related to the food categories, the vegetarian diet appears to be the most efficient, followed by the pescetarian diet. Comparing food energy loss values with the estimated energy provided for one consumer, it is highlighted the fact that the food energy loss generated by two to three persons amounts to one person's total daily intake. Moreover, cereals is the category responsible for the highest percentage on the total food energy loss (44%); following by meat, fish and seafood and vegetables. When the results of food energy loss and embodied energy loss are related, it is observed that categories such as meat and fish and seafood have a very high primary energy demand to produce less food, besides that the parts of the food supply chain with more energy recovery potential are the beginning and the end. Finally, the EROIce analysis shows that in the categories of meat, fish and seafood and cereals, anaerobic digestion and composting is the best option for energy recovery. From the results, it is discussed the possibility to developed local digesters at the beginning and end of the food supply chain, as well as to developed double digesters installations for hydrogen recovery from cereals loss, and methane recovery from mixed food loss.This work has been made under the financial support of the Project Ceres-Procom: Food production and consumption strategies for climate change mitigation (CTM2016-76176-C2-1-R) (AEI/FEDER, UE) financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain

    Assessing energy and environmental efficiency of the Spanish agri-food system using the LCA/DEA methodology

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    Feeding the world’s population sustainably is a major challenge of our society, and was stated as one of the key priorities for development cooperation by the European Union (EU) policy framework on food security. However, with the current trend of natural resource exploitation, food systems consume around 30% of final energy use, generating up to 30% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Given the expected increase of global population (nine billion people by 2050) and the amount of food losses and waste generated (one-third of global food production), improving the efficiency of food systems along the supply chain is essential to ensure food security. This study combines life-cycle assessment (LCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the efficiency of Spanish agri-food system and to propose improvement actions in order to reduce energy usage and GHG emissions. An average energy saving of approximately 70% is estimated for the Spanish agri-food system in order to be efficient. This study highlights the importance of the DEA method as a tool for energy optimization, identifying efficient and inefficient food systems. This approach could be adopted by administrations, policy-makers, and producers as a helpful instrument to support decision-making and improve the sustainability of agri-food systems

    Towards a Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus index: A review of nutrient profile models as a fundamental pillar of food and nutrition security

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    The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach should be promoted as a tool for sustainable management of resources through the interconnection of these three fundamental pillars. Particularly, food security must ensure healthy and balanced diets for everyone, but selecting individual indicators to assess all slants covered by this element is not an easy task. Hence, the objective of this paper is two-fold, to review nutrient profiling (NP) models that allow to categorize foods and evaluate diets based on their nutritional quality, and to choose the most appropriate model to be used within a WEF nexus index. To address this issue, a total of 159 documents were assessed, appraising the geographic distribution, and time evolution of the publications, as well as the characteristics and potential applications of the NP systems. The review concludes that the NRF9.3. model is the most liable option to be used in a WEF nexus index, presenting the best characteristics by means of the definition of scores and thresholds, and the use of an 'across-the-board' criteria and a reference quantity of 100 kcal, alongside offering higher ability to assess diets and foods than the other competitive model (HEI) through the evaluation of nutrients to encourage instead of foods. A secondary outcome of the review is the identification of the NP models as a useful tool to enable institutions with information to establish policies in the field of public health and facilitating the decision-making process according to the current healthy claimsThe authors are grateful for the funding of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the KAIROS-BIOCIR project (PID2019-104925RB) (AEO/FEDER, UE) and of the Interreg Atlantic Area through the NEPTUNUS project (EAPA_576/2018). Daniel Hoehn thanks the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spanish Government for their financial support via the research fellowship BES-2017-080296. Jorge Cristóbal acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Beatriz Galindo” grant BEAGAL18/00035