2,009 research outputs found

    Effect of low-cycle-fatigue damage on the strength and ductility of structural steel

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    It is found that the residual stresses and strains at a welding connection may cause material yielding in tension. Structural components, such as a ship in service experience continuous fatigue load cycles due to cyclic stress in addition to residual stresses and other locked-in stresses. Thus, there is a build up of fatigue damage. Currently, structures are designed for fatigue and strength. However, the strength design is undertaken assuming they are virgin structures. Therefore, no interaction between fatigue damage and strength is considered. In reality, structural components such as a ship in service for a considerable period of time will have accumulated damage due to fatigue load cycles and this may interact with the mechanical properties such as strength and ductility of the material. Thus, an interaction between fatigue damage and the mechanical properties of structural steel should be considered for safer structural designs. Since, the residual stress alone can cause yielding of steel at welded connections; cyclic stress is expected to produce low-cycle-fatigue locally at these connections. This study was, therefore, undertaken to understand the effect of low-cycle-fatigue damage on the mechanical properties such as strength and ductility of structural steel

    The Relationship between Mobile Learning and Academic Achievement in a Community College System Online Environment

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    This study poses the question: Is there a relationship between student use of mobile technology in an online environment and student achievement expressed by final grades? The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between mobile learning (m-learning) using mobile technology and academic achievement in terms of final grades in an online environment. The literature on m-learning indicates the freedom and flexibility of the m-learner constitutes a new paradigm in education. The untethered nature of m-learning means students can access course content anywhere, anytime. Studies have focused on the use of specific technologies in learning environments; this study uses a bivariate correlation method to cut across disciplines and measure the magnitude of mobile technology use as a function of degree of access to course materials while mobile. The degree of mobility and GPA were captured through an anonymous survey with analysis designed to discover the relationship between the variables. This study fills an important gap in assessing the impact of m-learning on academic achievement. Overall results did not show a significant relationship between m-learning and academic achievement. Results indicate that a larger study to include location context and quality of institutional support for mobility would better understand the impact of m-learning on academic achievement in the online environment

    Historique des feux au nord du Témiscamingue, Québec

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    L'historique des feux a Ă©tĂ© reconstruit pour une superficie de 2500 km2 Ă  l'interface de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale et de la forĂȘt feuillue septentrionale du sud-ouest du QuĂ©bec. L'objectif primaire de ce projet Ă©tait de rĂ©colter les donnĂ©es de base nĂ©cessaires Ă  la description du rĂ©gime de feux naturels, dans un contexte de remplacement des peuplements aprĂšs incendies sĂ©vĂšres pour la rĂ©gion du TĂ©miscamingue. Cette description du rĂ©gime des feux constitue Ă©galement l'Ă©tape initiale pour le dĂ©veloppement d'un scĂ©nario d'amĂ©nagement forestier basĂ© sur le rĂ©gime des perturbations naturelles pour cette mĂȘme rĂ©gion. Les buts secondaires Ă©taient d'Ă©valuer les effets de diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatio-temporelles sur la frĂ©quence des feux, en dĂ©terminant le rĂŽle des facteurs explicatifs aux Ă©chelles locale, paysagĂšre et rĂ©gionale. Un dispositif d'Ă©chantillonnage alĂ©atoire, utilisant la dendrochronologie conjointement avec les archives gouvernementales et les photos aĂ©riennes, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour dĂ©crire le cycle de feu dans le contexte du modĂšle exponentiel nĂ©gatif. Les Ă©lĂ©ments physiographiques ne prĂ©sentent pas localement d'influence sur la frĂ©quence des feux. Cependant, les patrons d'utilisation des terres associĂ©es Ă  la colonisation affectent significativement la frĂ©quence des feux Ă  l'Ă©chelle du paysage. Un changement temporel dans la frĂ©quence des feux a Ă©tĂ© aussi dĂ©tectĂ© et coĂŻncide avec la pĂ©riode de colonisation Euro-canadienne, ainsi qu'avec des annĂ©es de sĂ©cheresse extrĂȘme pour le site d'Ă©tude. De plus, une pĂ©riode sans feu a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment identifiĂ©e et associĂ©e Ă  la suppression du feu et aux changements climatiques. Les cycles estimĂ©s (-190 Ă  300 ans) pour la section sud-est du site d'Ă©tude seraient reprĂ©sentatifs des cycles naturels due Ă  une moins grande influence humaine. Les longs cycles de feu observĂ©s sont responsables d'une proportion Ă©levĂ©e de forĂȘts anciennes dont la dynamique est surtout contrĂŽlĂ©e par des perturbations secondaires (trouĂ©es, Ă©pidĂ©mies d'insectes). Par consĂ©quent, un rĂ©gime d'amĂ©nagement forestier Ă©quienne Ă  rotation courte qui serait inspirĂ© du rĂ©gime des feux est Ă  remettre en question pour ce secteur. Des pratiques sylvicoles plus diversifiĂ©es s'inspirant Ă  la fois d'une frĂ©quence faible des feux et surtout de la prĂ©sence des perturbations secondaires serait plus en accord avec une approche d'amĂ©nagement s'inspirant des perturbations naturelles

    Contribution of Gypsum-board Sheathing to the Compressive Resistance of Wood Studs Subjected to Gravitational Loads

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    Gypsum board is the most commonly used sheathing material in Canadian residential construction. Current Canadian standards recognize the role of gypsum-board sheathing in bracing studs to prevent weak-axis buckling and in resisting in-plane shear, but do not recognize its potential contribution to axial compressive resistance of a sheathed wall. The research in this thesis, therefore, investigates this contribution for light-frame wood stud walls sheathed with gypsum-board on both sides of the stud. The axial compressive resistance of bare and gypsum-board sheathed studs were computed using new finite element models that account for the nonlinear wood stress-strain relationship and nonlinear shear load-slip response of gypsum-board-to-stud fastener connections. These models were validated using full-scale test data for 100 bare and 19 sheathed studs, and with an idealized responses of fastener connections derived using test data from 283 monotonic and 15 load-reversal tests. The strength distributions of the axial capacities of bare and sheathed studs were quantified by conducting Monte Carlo simulations using these models. As a result, it was determined that gypsum-board sheathing increases the axial compressive resistance of wood studs by a factor of 1.05 to 1.56, depending on the stud size, stud length, gypsum-board thickness, and fastener spacing. A modification factor that conforms to the current CAN/CSA-086-09 equations (CWC, 2009) to account for the strength increment provided by the gypsum-board sheathing was then derived as a function modulus of elasticity of the wood for various stud sizes and lengths, gypsum-board thicknesses, and fastener spacings. The revised equation was used to compute the factored axial compressive resistance of 2400 and 3600 mm long gypsum-board-sheathed 38x89 and 38x140 mm wood studs. A total of 15 additional stud designs are recommended to be included in Part 9 “Housing and Small Buildings” of National Building Code of Canada (NRC, 2010) when the extra strength provided by 12.7 mm or 15.9 mm gypsum-board sheathing, with a maximum fastener spacing of 300 mm, is accounted for

    The SspA subtilisin-like protease of Streptococcus suis triggers a pro-inflammatory response in macrophages through a non-proteolytic mechanism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Streptococcus suis </it>is a major swine pathogen worldwide that causes meningitis, septicemia, arthritis, and endocarditis. Using animal models, a surface-associated subtilisin-like protease (SspA) has recently been shown to be an important virulence factor for <it>S. suis</it>. In this study, we hypothesized that the <it>S. suis </it>SspA subtilisin-like protease may modulate cytokine secretion by macrophages thus contributing to the pathogenic process of meningitis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-differentiated U937 macrophages were stimulated with recombinant SspA prior to monitor cytokine secretion by ELISA. Our results indicated that the recombinant SspA was able to dose-dependently induce IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, TNF-α, CXCL8 and CCL5 secretion in macrophages. The heat-inactivated protease was still able to induce cytokine secretion suggesting a non-proteolytic mechanism of macrophage activation. Using specific kinase inhibitors, evidence were bought that cytokine secretion by macrophages stimulated with the recombinant SspA involves the mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway. While stimulation of macrophages with low concentrations of recombinant SspA was associated to secretion of high amounts of CCL5, the use of recombinant SspA at a high concentration resulted in low amounts of CCL5 detected in the conditioned medium. This was found to be associated with a proteolytic degradation of CCL5 by SspA. The ability of SspA to induce cytokine secretion in macrophages was confirmed using a mutant of <it>S. suis </it>deficient in SspA expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, this study identified a new mechanism by which the <it>S. suis </it>SspA may promote central nervous system inflammation associated with meningitis.</p

    Histoire de l’art et anthropologie, 6. Le modùle, la copie

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis Gingipains Trigger a Proinflammatory Response in Human Monocyte-derived Macrophages Through the p38α Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Signal Transduction Pathway

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis, the major etiologic agent of chronic periodontitis, produces a broad spectrum of virulence factors, including Arg- and Lys-gingipain cysteine proteinases. In this study, we investigated the capacity of P. gingivalis gingipains to trigger a proinflammatory response in human monocyte-derived macrophages. Both Arg- and Lys-gingipain preparations induced the secretion of TNF-α and IL-8 by macrophages. Stimulation of macrophages with Arg-gingipain A/B preparation at the highest concentration was associated with lower amounts of cytokines detected, a phenomenon likely related to proteolytic degradation. The inflammatory response induced by gingipains was not dependent of their catalytic activity since heat-inactivated preparations were still effective. Stimulating macrophages with gingipain preparations was associated with increased levels of phosphorylated p38α MAPK suggesting its involvement in cell activation. In conclusion, our study brought clear evidence that P. gingivalis Arg- and Lys-gingipains may contribute to the host inflammatory response, a critical factor in periodontitis-associated tissue destruction

    Combined detailed and quasi steady-state time simulations for large-disturbance analysis

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    peer reviewedThis paper deals with the simulation of long-term power system responses to large disturbances in the presence of discrete events. A method combining detailed and quasi steady-state time simulations is presented, the former being used for accuracy and the latter for ef ciency reasons. Detailed time simulation is used to analyze the short-term period following a large disturbance and identify the discrete controls triggered. Next, quasi steady-state simulation is used to simulate the same time interval with the discrete controls imposed as external events, before letting the system evolve as usual in the long term. This simple method has been successfully tested on the Hydro-Québec system

    The great american navel : le grand roman américain et le langage approprié

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    Ce mĂ©moire a pour objectif d'analyser le phĂ©nomĂšne du Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain comme reprĂ©sentation de l'imaginaire national, en en faisant l'archĂ©ologie. Je propose, Ă  partir de ce postulat initial, de procĂ©der Ă  un balayage sociologique des Ă©lĂ©ments qui entrent en ligne de compte dans la composition formelle et symbolique de certaines oeuvres marquantes ayant eu droit au titre de Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain. Il s'agit d'une sorte d'histoire chronologique de l'expression et de ses reprĂ©sentations littĂ©raires. OpĂ©ration qui mĂšnera Ă  une analyse approfondie de la prise en charge du langage, de l'espace et du temps comme discours dans Underworld de Don Delillo, parangon de ce qu'est le Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain dans son acception moderne. Underworld jouera le rĂŽle d'un prisme, apte Ă  rendre compte du roman contemporain (pour des notions telles que l'obsession de la mĂ©moire collective et individuelle, l'absorption des mythes fondateurs, la contamination entre culture d'Ă©lite et culture de masse) et de ses prĂ©dĂ©cesseurs (on peut penser Ă  la rĂ©actualisation des archĂ©types, aux intertextes, aux rĂ©Ă©critures). Entre une sociologie qui prendrait comme point d'appui une littĂ©rature amĂ©ricaine analyste de son environnement, et une sociocritique d'un roman emblĂ©matique comme Underworld, ce mĂ©moire cherche aussi Ă  crĂ©er un pont entre diffĂ©rentes oeuvres qui pensent et ont pensĂ© l'AmĂ©rique Ă  la fois comme un tout prĂ©hensible et un concept fuyant, Ă©quivoque. Dans un premier temps, il s'agira de proposer une analyse sociologique et historique de l'expression Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain et d'en examiner les corrĂ©lats Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de l'imaginaire social de l'AmĂ©rique. Dans un aller-retour entre la sociĂ©tĂ© et le livre qui s'en veut le reflet, je tenterai de dĂ©gager les lignes de tensions et les chevauchements, autrement dit les instants d'imprĂ©cisions entre la rĂ©alitĂ© et le mythe, entre le vrai social et le faux livresque. En quoi les oeuvres littĂ©raires qui se rĂ©clament du Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain sont-elles rĂ©vĂ©latrices des ambiguĂŻtĂ©s propres Ă  leur milieu? Se consacrer ensuite Ă  l'Ă©tude d'Underworld, c'est chercher Ă  investir le coeur de la problĂ©matique. Le roman sera abordĂ© sous les deux angles suivants: premiĂšrement, son rapport au langage et au discours (la parole, la voix, l'Ă©nonciation). Qu'est-ce que l'AmĂ©rique, comment ĂȘtre AmĂ©ricain? DeuxiĂšmement, et par extension, son appartenance au corpus Grand Roman AmĂ©ricain, dans une perspective d'intertextualitĂ© qui permettra de bien saisir les enjeux majeurs qui regroupent et recoupent les diffĂ©rentes Ă©poques littĂ©raires et les diffĂ©rentes Ă©critures. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : LittĂ©rature amĂ©ricaine, Imaginaire social, OralitĂ©, Mythes, IdĂ©ologies

    Combining image analysis, genome wide association studies and different field trials to reveal stable genetic regions related to panicle architecture and the number of spikelets per panicle in rice

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    Number of spikelets per panicle (NSP) is a key trait to increase yield potential in rice (O. sativa). The architecture of the rice inflorescence which is mainly determined by the length and number of primary (PBL and PBN) and secondary (SBL and SBN) branches can influence NSP. Although several genes controlling panicle architecture and NSP in rice have been identified, there is little evidence of (i) the genetic control of panicle architecture and NSP in different environments and (ii) the presence of stable genetic associations with panicle architecture across environments. This study combines image phenotyping of 225 accessions belonging to a genetic diversity array of indica rice grown under irrigated field condition in two different environments and Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) based on the genotyping of the diversity panel, providing 83,374 SNPs. Accessions sown under direct seeding in one environement had reduced Panicle Length (PL), NSP, PBN, PBL, SBN, and SBL compared to those established under transplanting in the second environment. Across environments, NSP was significantly and positively correlated with PBN, SBN and PBL. However, the length of branches (PBL and SBL) was not significantly correlated with variables related to number of branches (PBN and SBN), suggesting independent genetic control. Twenty- three GWAS sites were detected with P ≀ 1.0E-04 and 27 GWAS sites with p ≀ 5.9E−04. We found 17 GWAS sites related to NSP, 10 for PBN and 11 for SBN, 7 for PBL and 11 for SBL. This study revealed new regions related to NSP, but only three associations were related to both branching number (PBN and SBN) and NSP. Two GWAS sites associated with SBL and SBN were stable across contrasting environments and were not related to genes previously reported. The new regions reported in this study can help improving NSP in rice for both direct seeded and transplanted conditions. The integrated approach of high-throughput phenotyping, multi-environment field trials and GWAS has the potential to dissect complex traits, such as NSP, into less complex traits and to match single nucleotide polymorphisms with relevant function under different environments, offering a potential use for molecular breeding
