26 research outputs found

    Probing the Circumnuclear Stellar Populations of Starburst Galaxies in the Near-infrared

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    We employ the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility's near-infrared spectrograph SpeX at 0.8-2.4μ\mum to investigate the spatial distribution of the stellar populations (SPs) in four well known Starburst galaxies: NGC34, NGC1614, NGC3310 and NGC7714. We use the STARLIGHT code updated with the synthetic simple stellar populations models computed by Maraston (2005, M05). Our main results are that the NIR light in the nuclear surroundings of the galaxies is dominated by young/intermediate age SPs (t2×109t \leq 2\times10^9yr), summing from \sim40\% up to 100\% of the light contribution. In the nuclear aperture of two sources (NGC1614 and NGC3310) we detected a predominant old SP component (t>2×109t > 2\times10^9yr), while for NGC34 and NGC7714 the younger component prevails. Furthermore, we found evidence of a circumnuclear star formation ring-like structure and a secondary nucleus in NGC1614, in agreement with previous studies. We also suggest that the merger/interaction experienced by three of the galaxies studied, NGC1614, NGC3310 and NGC7714 can explain the lower metallicity values derived for the young SP component of these sources. In this scenario the fresh unprocessed metal poorer gas from the destroyed/interacting companion galaxy is driven to the centre of the galaxies and mixed with the central region gas, before star formation takes place. In order to deepen our analysis, we performed the same procedure of SP synthesis using Maraston (2011, M11) EPS models. Our results show that the newer and higher resolution M11 models tend to enhance the old/intermediate age SP contribution over the younger ages

    The AGNIFS survey: spatially resolved observations of hot molecular and ionised outflows in nearby active galaxies

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    We present the hot molecular and warm ionised gas kinematics for 33 nearby (0.001z0.0560.001\lesssim z\lesssim0.056) X-ray selected active galaxies using the H22.1218μ_2 2.1218 \mum and Brγ\gamma emission lines observed in the K-band with the Gemini Near-Infrared Field Spectrograph (NIFS). The observations cover the inner 0.04-2 kpc of each AGN at spatial resolutions of 4-250 pc with a velocity resolution of σinst\sigma_{\rm inst}\approx20 kms1{\rm km s^{-1}}. We find that 31 objects (94 per cent) present a kinematically disturbed region (KDR) seen in ionised gas, while such regions are observed in hot molecular gas for 25 galaxies (76 per cent). We interpret the KDR as being due to outflows with masses of 102^2-107^7 M_\odot and 100^0-104^4 M_\odot for the ionised and hot molecular gas, respectively. The ranges of mass-outflow rates (M˙out\dot{M}_{\rm out}) and kinetic power (E˙K\dot{E}_{\rm K}) of the outflows are 103^{-3}-101^{1} M_\odotyr1^{-1} and \sim1037^{37}-1043^{43} erg s1^{-1} for the ionised gas outflows, and 105^{-5}-102^{-2} M_\odot yr1^{-1} and 1035^{35}-1039^{39} erg s1^{-1} for the hot molecular gas outflows. The median coupling efficiency in our sample is E˙K/Lbol1.8×103\dot{E}_{K}/L_{\rm bol}\approx1.8\times10^{-3} and the estimated momentum fluxes of the outflows suggest they are produced by radiation-pressure in low-density environment, with possible contribution from shocks.Comment: 37 pages, published in MNRAS - A few typos in the text and in the label of Fg 1 were corrected in this versio

    HARMONI at ELT: overview of the capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's first light, adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph.

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    A sinfoni view of the nuclear activity and circumnuclear star formation in NGC 4303

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    We present new maps of emission-line flux distributions and kinematics in both ionized (traced by HI and [Fe II] lines) and molecular (H2) gas of the inner 0.7 × 0.7 kpc2 of the galaxy NGC 4303, with a spatial resolution 40-80 pc and velocity resolution 90-150 km s-1 obtained from near-IR integral field spectroscopy using the Very Large Telescope instrument SINFONI. The most prominent feature is a 200-250 pc ring of circumnuclear star-forming regions. The emission from ionized and molecular gas shows distinct flux distributions: while the strongest HI and [Fe II] emission comes from regions in the west side of the ring (ages ~ 4 Myr), the H2 emission is strongest at the nucleus and in the east side of the ring (ages > 10 Myr). We find that regions of enhanced hot H2 emission are anti-correlated with those of enhanced [Fe II] and HI emission, which can be attributed to post-starburst regions that do not have ionizing photons anymore but still are hot enough (~2000 K) to excite the H2 molecule. The line ratios are consistent with the presence of an active galactic nucleus at the nucleus. The youngest regions have stellar masses in the range 0.3-1.5 × 105 M and ionized and hot molecular gas masses of ~0.25-1.2 × 104 M and ~2.5-5M, respectively. The stellar and gas velocity fields show a rotation pattern, with the gas presenting larger velocity amplitudes than the stars, with a deviation observed for the H2 along the nuclear bar, where increased velocity dispersion is also observed, possibly associated with non-circular motions along the bar. The stars in the ring show smaller velocity dispersion than the surroundings, which can be attributed to a cooler dynamics due to their recent formation from cool gas.RAR acknowledges support from FAPERGS (project no. 2366-2551/14-0) and CNPq (project no. 470090/2013-8 and 302683/2013-5). LC acknowledges support from CNPq special visitor fellowship PVE 313945/2013-6 under the Brazilian programme Science without Borders. LC, JP and SA are supported by grants AYA2012-32295, AYA2012-39408 and ESP2015-68964 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain. DAS, RR and TSB thank CNPq for financial support

    Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback processes in nearby active galaxies – II. The sample and surface mass density profiles

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    We present and characterize a sample of 20 nearby Seyfert galaxies selected for having BAT 14--195keV luminosities LX1041.5L_X \ge 10^{41.5} erg s1^{-1}, redshift zz\le0.015, being accessible for observations with the Gemini Near-Infrared Field Spectrograph (NIFS) and showing extended [OIII]λ\lambda5007 emission. Our goal is to study Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) feeding and feedback processes from near-infrared integral-field spectra, that include both ionized (HII) and hot molecular (H2_2) emission. This sample is complemented by other 9 Seyfert galaxies previously observed with NIFS. We show that the host galaxy properties (absolute magnitudes MBM_B, MHM_H, central stellar velocity dispersion and axial ratio) show a similar distribution to those of the 69 BAT AGN. For the 20 galaxies already observed, we present surface mass density (Σ\Sigma) profiles for HII and H2_2 in their inner \sim500 pc, showing that HII emission presents a steeper radial gradient than H2_2. This can be attributed to the different excitation mechanisms: ionization by AGN radiation for HII and heating by X-rays for H2_2. The mean surface mass densities are in the range (0.2ΣHII35.90.2\le \Sigma_{HII} \le 35.9)M_\odotpc2^{-2}, and (0.2ΣH213.90.2\le \Sigma_{H2} \le 13.9)×103\times10^{-3}M_\odotpc2^{-2}, while the ratios between the HII and H2_2 masses range between \sim200 to 8000. The sample presented here will be used in future papers to map AGN gas excitation and kinematics, providing a census of the mass inflow and outflow rates and power as well as their relation with the AGN luminosity.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A sinfoni view of the nuclear activity and circumnuclear star formation in NGC 4303 – II. Spatially resolved stellar populations

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    We present a spatially resolved stellar population study of the inner ∼200 pc radius of NGC 4303 based on near-infrared integral field spectroscopy with SINFONI/VLT at a spatial resolution of 40–80 pc and using the STARLIGHT code. We found that the distribution of the stellar populations presents a spatial variation, suggesting an age stratification. Three main structures stand out. Two nuclear blobs, one composed by young stars (t ≤ 50 Myr) and one with intermediate-age stars (50 Myr 2 Gyr) is distributed outside the two blob structures. For the nuclear region (inner ∼60 pc radius) we derived an SFR of 0.43 M yr and found no signatures of non-thermal featureless continuum and hot dust emission, supporting the scenario in which an LLAGN/LINER-like source is hidden in the centre of NGC 4303. Thus, our results reveal a rather complex star formation history in NGC 4303, with different stellar population components coexisting with a low efficiency accreting black hole in its centre.The Brazilian authors acknowledge support from FAPERGS (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecnologico). L.C. acknowledges support from CNPq ´special visitor fellowship PVE 313945/2013-6 under the Brazilian program Science without Borders. L.C. and S.A. are supported by grants AYA2012-32295, AYA2012- 39408, ESP2015-68964-P, and ESP2017-83197-P, and J.P. is supported by grant AYA2017-85170-R, all from the Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad of Spain. The STARLIGHT project is supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo a pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo) and by the France-Brazil CAPES/Cofecub progra

    The Complex, dusty narrow-line region of NGC 4388 : gas–jet interactions, outflows and extinction revealed by near-IR spectroscopy

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    We present Gemini/GNIRS (Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph) spectroscopy of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388, with simultaneous coverage from 0.85 to 2.5 μm. Several spatially extended emission lines are detected for the first time, both in the obscured and unobscured portion of the optical narrow-line region (NLR), allowing us to assess the combined effects of the central continuum source, outflowing gas and shocks generated by the radio jet on the central 280 pc gas. The H i and [Fe ii] lines allow us to map the extinction affecting the NLR. We found that the nuclear region is heavily obscured, with E(B − V) ∼ 1.9 mag. To the NE of the nucleus and up to ∼150 pc, the extinction remains large, ∼1 mag or larger, consistent with the system of dust lanes seen in optical imaging. We derived position–velocity diagrams for the most prominent lines as well as for the stellar component. Only the molecular gas and the stellar component display a well-organized pattern consistent with disc rotation. Other emission lines are kinematically perturbed or show little evidence of rotation. Extended high-ionization emission of sulphur, silicon and calcium is observed to distances of at least 200 pc both NE and SW of the nucleus. We compared flux ratios between these lines with photoionization models and conclude that radiation from the central source alone cannot explain the observed high-ionization spectrum. Shocks between the radio jet and the ambient gas are very likely an additional source of excitation. We conclude that NGC 4388 is a prime laboratory to study the interplay between all these mechanisms.20 page(s

    A SINFONI view of the nuclear activity and circumnuclear star formation in NGC 4303

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    We present new maps of emission-line flux distributions and kinematics in both ionized (traced by HI and [FeII] lines) and molecular (H2) gas of the inner 0.7x0.7kpc2 of the galaxy NGC4303, with a spatial resolution 40-80pc and velocity resolution 90-150 km/s obtained from near-IR integral field specroscopy using the VLT instrument SINFONI. The most promiment feature is a 200-250pc ring of circum-nuclear star-forming regions. The emission from ionized and molecular gas shows distinct flux distributions: while the strongest HI and [FeII] emission comes from regions in the west side of the ring (ages~4Myr), the H2 emission is strongest at the nucleus and in the east side of the ring (ages>10Myr). We find that regions of enhanced hot H2 emission are anti-correlated with those of enhanced [FeII] and HI emission, which can be attributed to post starburst regions that do not have ionizing photons anymore but still are hot enough (~2000K) to excite the H2 molecule. The line ratios are consistent with the presence of an AGN at the nucleus. The youngest regions have stellar masses in the range 0.3-1.5E5 MSun and ionized and hot molecular gas masses of ~0.25-1.2E4 Msun and 2.5-5 Msun, respectively. The stellar and gas velocity fields show a rotation pattern, with the gas presenting larger velocity amplitudes than the stars, with a deviation observed for the H2 along the nuclear bar, where increased velocity dispersion is also observed, possibly associated with non circular motions along the bar. The stars in the ring show smaller velocity dispersion than the surroundings, that can be attributed to a cooler dynamics due to their recent formation from cool gas.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA