782 research outputs found

    Projeto de identidade visual aplicado a um programa de televisão

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    O presente documento descreve a investigação e metodologia efetuadas no projeto de identidade visual para o programa televisivo Pontos Cardeais. Este programa tem o turismo como alicerce, sendo que os episódios informam o espectador sobre as principais atividades e conteúdos turísticos de uma determinada localidade portuguesa. As componentes da identidade visual do programa englobam o genérico, a assinatura e os oráculos. A redefinição destes elementos, que não eram atualizados desde 2008, foi realizada através de uma metodologia definida numa fase inicial, e que permitiu com que o novo grafismo animado aplicado ao programa se tornasse adequado ao enquadramento do mesmo. Este projeto foi realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Design Multimédia, pela Universidade da Beira Interior, e por isso contém várias fases de desenvolvimento. Ao longo dessas etapas, a televisão, o jornalismo, a comunicação visual e por fim o design, que dá foco essencialmente aos motion graphics, são assuntos abordados, uma vez que todos eles precisam do design como intermediário para existirem de forma coerente. Todo o projeto segue uma metodologia definida com o objetivo de dar uma solução eficaz às questões impostas pelo problema inicial.This paper describes the investigation and methodology used in the visual identity project for the television program “Pontos Cardeais”. The program foundation is tourism, being that the episodes inform the viewer about the main activities and tourist contents of a certain Portuguese locality. The components of this project are the opening credits, the program’s signature and the oracles. The redefinition of this elements, that weren’t updated since 2008, was made according to definition of a methodology, in the beggining of the project, that allowed the new contents to became suited to the framework. This project was carried out under the Master's in Multimedia Design, by the University of Beira Interior, and therefore contains several stages of development. Along these stages, the theme is framed, going through its main components. Television, journalism, visual communication and finally design, primarily focused on motion graphics, are the topics approached, since all they need design as an intermediary to exist coherently. All these steps were carried out to provide an effective solution to the issues imposed by the initial problem

    Wild cognition – linking form and function of cognitive abilities within a natural context

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    Interest in studying cognitive ecology has moved the field of animal cognition into the wild. Animals face many challenges such as finding food and other resources, avoiding and deterring predators and choosing the best mate to increase their reproductive success. To solve these dilemmas, animals need to rely on a range of cognitive abilities. Studying cognition in natural settings is a powerful approach revealing the link between adaptive form and biological function. Recent technological and analytical advances opened up completely new opportunities and research directions for studying animal cognition. Such innovative studies were able to disclose the variety in cognitive processes that animals use to survive and reproduce. Cognition indeed plays a major role in the daily lives of wild animals, in which the integration of many different types of information using a diverse range of cognitive processes enhances fitness

    Intraspecific Colour Variation among Lizards in Distinct Island Environments Enhances Local Camouflage.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0135241Within-species colour variation is widespread among animals. Understanding how this arises can elucidate evolutionary mechanisms, such as those underlying reproductive isolation and speciation. Here, we investigated whether five island populations of Aegean wall lizards (Podarcis erhardii) have more effective camouflage against their own (local) island substrates than against other (non-local) island substrates to avian predators, and whether this was linked to island differences in substrate appearance. We also investigated whether degree of local substrate matching varied among island populations and between sexes. In most populations, both sexes were better matched against local backgrounds than against non-local backgrounds, particularly in terms of luminance (perceived lightness), which usually occurred when local and non-local backgrounds were different in appearance. This was found even between island populations that historically had a land connection and in populations that have been isolated relatively recently, suggesting that isolation in these distinct island environments has been sufficient to cause enhanced local background matching, sometimes on a rapid evolutionary time-scale. However, heightened local matching was poorer in populations inhabiting more variable and unstable environments with a prolonged history of volcanic activity. Overall, these results show that lizard coloration is tuned to provide camouflage in local environments, either due to genetic adaptation or changes during development. Yet, the occurrence and extent of selection for local matching may depend on specific conditions associated with local ecology and biogeographic history. These results emphasize how anti-predator adaptations to different environments can drive divergence within a species, which may contribute to reproductive isolation among populations and lead to ecological speciation.This work was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council studentship (www.BBSRC.com), the British Herpetological Society (www.thebhs.org), the Cambridge Philosophical Society (http://www.cambridgephilosophicalsociety.org) and Magdalene College, Cambridge (to KLAM), and a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and David Philips Research Fellowship (grant number BB/G022887/1) to MS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Perceções dos profissionais da intervenção precoce de Coimbra: práticas típicas e práticas ideais

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia da Educação, Desenvolvimento e Aconselhamento, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraNa Intervenção Precoce (IP) têm existido, no decorrer dos anos, diversos marcos importantes que proporcionaram o seu contínuo desenvolvimento e evolução (Pereira, 2009). Tem-se verificado uma crescente preocupação em compreender as perceções dos profissionais e as práticas que implementam, bem como avaliar a qualidade das práticas utilizadas, pelo que estas devem ser baseadas nas evidências (Almeida, 2007). Este estudo procurou compreender as perceções que os profissionais das Equipas Locais de Intervenção (ELI) de Coimbra têm relativamente às práticas que habitualmente utilizam (típicas) e às práticas que consideram ser ideais. Nesta investigação, foi utilizada uma amostra de 84 profissionais das 10 equipas de Coimbra, maioritariamente do sexo feminino e com idades compreendidas entre os 23 e os 54 anos, e teve por objetivo estudar: 1) as perceções dos profissionais da IP relativamente às práticas típicas e às práticas ideais, 2) a existência de possíveis diferenças entre os dois tipos de práticas, 3) a relação que as variáveis sociodemográficas possam ter em relação a ambas as práticas, e 4) a existência de possíveis diferenças entre as 10 equipas de Coimbra. Para o efeito, foi utilizado o Questionário Sociodemográfico e a Escala de Avaliação de Serviços dirigidos a Famílias em Contextos Naturais, tradução da F amilies in Natural Environments Scale of Service Evaluation (McWilliam, 2011). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que não existem diferenças entre as práticas típicas e ideais de cada equipa. Por sua vez, verificou-se que existem diferenças entre as práticas dos profissionais e ainda em relação às variáveis sociodemográficas idade, anos de experiência profissional em IP e profissão. De forma a promover as práticas recomendadas junto dos profissionais, torna-se necessário que estes tenham formação contínua. Sugere-se ainda a criação de uma base de dados, facilitando a partilha de informação, a comunicação, e a rentabilização do tempo dos profissionais.Over the years, the Early Intervention (EI) has undergone several important milestones that prompted its continuous development and evolution (Pereira, 2009). Moreover, a growing concern has been verified in order to understand the perceptions of the professionals and the practices they are implementing. Likewise, the same increasing concern is noticeable for evaluating the quality of the implemented practices, since these should be based in evidences (Almeida, 2007). This study aimed to understand the perceptions of the professionals from the Local Intervention Teams (LIT) regarding the practices they typically use and those considered ideals. In this investigation, a global sample of 84 professionals from 10 teams of Coimbra was used, with mostly women and ages between 23 and 54 years old. Particularly, it was aimed to study: 1) the perception of the IP professionals relatively to the typical practices and ideal practices, 2) the existence of eventual differences between the two types of practice, 3) the influence of sociodemographic variables in both practices, and 4) the existence of eventual differences among the 10 teams of Coimbra. For this purpose, it was used the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Portuguese version of F amilies in Natural Environments Scale of Service Evaluation (McWilliam, 2011). Results showed no differences among the typical and ideal practices of each team. However, differences between the two practices of the professionals were verified, as well as concerning the sociodemographic variables age, years of professional experience on EI and career. In order to promote the recommended practices among professionals, it becomes necessary that they have continuous formation. It is also suggested the construction of a data base, easing the share of information, the communication and the maximization of the professionals' working time

    Facetas de porcelana VS facetas de resina composta

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaA procura na satisfação das exigências estéticas actuais resulta numa procura constante, por parte dos profissionais de Medicina Dentária, não só no conhecimento, como também no aprimoramento da técnica. Actualmente, a busca pela estética acompanhada pelo desenvolvimento dos materiais dentários levou a que as facetas estéticas fossem consideradas tratamentos de excelência. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a comparação de dois materiais, porcelana e resina composta, na elaboração de facetas estéticas. A estética e o comportamento biomecânico foram avaliados, para ambos os materiais. No confronto entre os dois tipos de materiais dentários, foram avaliadas as suas indicações, contra-indicações, benefícios e desvantagens, bem como o diagnóstico, plano de tratamento e procedimentos clínicos utilizados para a confecção de facetas de porcelana e resina composta. Para a distinção da resina composta e da cerâmica avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: cor, adaptação marginal, biocompatibilidade, estética, resistência, preparação, retenção, acabamento, sobrevivência clínica, potencial de reparação e o seu custo. A cerâmica tem sido alvo de grande evolução no âmbito científico. Assim, com o desenvolvimento dos vários sistemas cerâmicos, tornou-se relevante descrever os diversos sistemas e o seu comportamento na prática clínica. A utilização de facetas de porcelana permite um tratamento predictivel e com elevada longevidade clinica. A resistência à fractura, estabilidade da cor, estética e biocompatibilidade são características vantajosas provenientes da sua utilização. Contrapondo, as facetas de resina composta apresentam instabilidade relativamente à cor. Contudo, apresentam características vantajosas como a possibilidade de reparação, preparação menos agressiva no dente, custo e resistência à abrasão. Assim, torna-se fulcral que a escolha do material utilizado na confecção de facetas varie em função da especificidade de cada caso. The demand in meeting the current aesthetic requirements results in a constant search for the professionals of Dental Medicine, not only in knowledge but also in the improvement of the technique. Currently, the search for aesthetic accompanied by the development of dental materials has meant that the veneers were considered treatments of excellence. This study aimed to compare the materials, porcelain and composite resin, for the preparation of esthetic veneers. The aesthetic and biomechanical behaviors were evaluated for both materials. In the confrontation between the two types of dental materials, was evaluated the indications, contraindications, benefits and disadvantages as well as the diagnosis, treatment plan and clinical procedures used for making porcelain veneers and composite resin. For differentiation of composite and ceramics evaluated the following parameters: color, marginal adaptation, biocompatibility, aesthetics, strength, preparation, retention, completion, clinical survival, repair potential and its cost. The ceramic has been progressing in the scientific field. Thus, with the development of various ceramic systems, it became important to describe the various systems and their behavior in clinical practice. The use of porcelain veneers treatment allows predictivel clinical and high longevity. The fracture toughness, color stability, biocompatibility and aesthetics are advantageous characteristics resulting from their use. Opposing the composite resin veneers present instability in relation to color. However, have advantageous features such as the possibility of repair, the less aggressive tooth preparation, cost and abrasion resistance. Thus, it becomes crucial that the choice of material used in the manufacture of facets vary according to the specifics of each case


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    Objetivo: descrever a situação clínica e epidemiológica da sífilis gestacional em Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, entre os anos de 2012 e 2018.Método: estudo epidemiológico, descritivo e transversal de natureza quantitativa. Como instrumento de coleta, foram utilizados dados da ficha de notificação da sífilis gestacional cadastradas no Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o teste quiquadrado com nível de significância 5% (p<0,05).Resultados: evidenciou-se aumento dos casos de sífilis gestacional. A assistência foi oferecida a 522 pacientes, entre 19 e 29 anos (58,1%), com etnia parda (69,1%) e com ensino médio incompleto (24,5%); predominou a sífilis primária (30,8%) e alto índice de não tratamento do parceiro (57,1%). Conclusão: dentro do período estudado, houve aumento dos casos de sífilis gestacional e não tratamento do parceiro. Este estudo poderá contribuir para o planejamento de ações de prevenção primária e secundária, visando diminuir a incidência da doença e suas consequências.Objective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological situation of gestational syphilis in Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil, between the years 2012 to 2018.Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study of a quantitative nature. As a collection instrument, data from the gestational syphilis notification form registered in the Epidemiological Surveillance Department were used. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test was used, with a 5% significance level (p<0.05).Results: an increase in gestational syphilis cases was evidenced. Care was offered to 522 women, aged between 19 and 29 years (58.1%), with brown ethnicity (69.1%) and incomplete high school education (24.5%); latent syphilis predominated (58.1%), followed by primary syphilis (30.8%) and a high rate of non-treatment of the partner (57.1%).Conclusion: within the period studied, there was an increase in cases of gestational syphilis and non-treatment of the partner. This study may contribute to the planning of primary and secondary prevention actions, aiming to decrease the incidence of the disease and its consequences.Objetivo: describir la situación clínica y epidemiológica de la sífilis gestacional en Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, entre los años 2012 y 2018. Método: estudio descriptivo y transversal de carácter cuantitativo. Se utilizaron como instrumento de recogida los datos de la ficha de notificación de sífilis gestacional registrada en el Departamento de Vigilancia Epidemiológica. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado con un nivel de significación del 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: se evidenció un aumento de los casos de sífilis gestacional. La asistencia se ofreció a 522 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 19 y los 29 años (58,1%), de etnia parda (69,1%) y con estudios secundarios incompletos (24,5%); predominó la sífilis latente (58,1%), seguida de la sífilis primaria (30,8%) y un alto índice de no tratamiento de la pareja (57,1%). Conclusión: dentro del período estudiado, hubo un aumento de los casos de sífilis gestacional y no tratamiento de la pareja. Este estudio puede contribuir a la planificación de acciones de prevención primaria y secundaria, con el objetivo de disminuir la incidencia de la enfermedad y sus consecuencias

    Impact of a radiological protection campaign in emergency paediatric radiology: a multicentric observational study in Brazil

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a paediatric radiological protection campaign, implemented in the emergency units of a healthcare provider network in Brazil. This campaign aimed to promote awareness among emergency department physicians, regarding justifcation of paediatric X-ray referrals for paranasal sinus, chest and CT exams, as a strategy to reduce exposure to ionising radiation. Method: Frequency analysis of common paediatric imaging referrals from 19 emergency departments was performed for a 3-year period (2015–2018) to coincide with before, during and after the implementation of the radiation protection campaign. The campaign was multifaceted and involved dissemination of educational materials and imaging referral guidelines along with quarterly meetings with participating centres’ leaderships. Additionally, patient dose cards were distributed to patients/carers. The Chi-Square test was used to examine the association between the type of examination and the patient’s age group. Exact-Fisher test was performed to check for an association between participant engagement and the existence of the radiation protection committee. Results: Referrals reduced by 25% following the campaign with no reports of misdiagnosis. Many referrals in the youngest age groups. In 15 units, a radiological protection committee was created to raise awareness and to create a multi professional team to communicate the risks and benefits of radiological procedure in children. Conclusion: The campaign resulted in a substantial reduction in radiological referrals while promoting a radiation protection culture. Simple education initiatives can contribute to savings in both finances and radiation doses, particularly important in radiosensitive cohorts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio