2,354 research outputs found

    La frecuencia como dimensión temporal en los reportajes en radio

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    Usulan Perancangan Tata Letak Penyimpanan Komponen Berdasarkan Kriteria Komoditi Komponen (Studi Kasus Di PT Triangle Motorindo Semarang)

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    Kurang lancarnya suplai komponen ke bagian produksi dapat menyebabkan menurunnya produktivitas dari bagian produksi. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan perancangan tata letak penyimpanan komponen yang lebih baik sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu mencari komponen, mengurangi jarak perjalanan operator dalam pengambilan dan pengiriman komponen, dan meningkatkan pemanfaatan kapasitas gudang. PT. Triangle Motorindo merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam USAha perakitan sepeda motor. Secara garis besar, Perusahaan dapat dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu bagian gudang dan bagian produksi dimana bagian gudang menjadi pendukung dari bagian produksi. Bagian gudang terdiri dari gudang sortir, gudang rangka, dan gudang mesin. Dalam mengalokasikan komponen yang disimpan, Perusahaan menggunakan kebijakan penyimpanan random/acak yang berakibat tidak standarnya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencari komponen dan bertambahnya waktu perjalanan operator dalam menyuplai komponen. Penelitian ini memberikan alternatif perancangan tata letak penyimpanan komponen yang dilakukan dengan memperhatikan komponen itu sendiri, dalam hal ini disebut faktor komoditi yang terdiri atas popularity, similarity, characteristic, dan size. Selain berdasarkan komponen yang disimpan, perancangan tata letak penyimpanan ini juga memperhatikan kondisi ruangan yang tersedia. Hasil pengolahan data dan analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tata letak penyimpanan komponen yang terbaik adalah berdasarkan kriteria process similarity. Tata letak penyimpanan komponen berdasarkan kriteria process similarity ini merupakan tata letak penyimpanan komponen terbaik

    Characterisation and Antimicrobial Potential of Actinobacteria Isolated from Momela Soda Lakes, Tanzania

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    Extreme environments such as soda lakes are potential sources of microbes with biotechnological applications in different sectors. This study aimed at isolation, characterization and investigation of antibacterial potential of actinobacteria from Momela Soda Lakes, at Arusha National Park in Tanzania. One hundred and twenty (120) isolates were recovered from soil and water samples using the dilution plate technique. The isolates were morphologically and biochemically characterized, and further, screened for antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion method as well as the micro dilution technique. Cytotoxic effects were determined using the brine shrimp lethality test. Results showed that, all 120 isolates were Gram-positive rod-coccus shaped. Forty-four out of them showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The Streptomyces (101TI) and Dietzia (56BI) strains exhibited exceptionally higher antibacterial activity compared to the rest with inhibition zones of 16.25 and 21.00 mm, respectively. These two strains were toxic against brine shrimp-larvae. Microbacterium (5LI), Hoyosella (113BI), Streptomyces (62BI), Dietzia (117SI), Hoyosella (37SI) and Microbacterium (3BI) strains had low antibacterial and cytotoxic activities. This study therefore revealed that Momela Soda Lakes harbour actinobacteria with antimicrobial potential. Keywords: Actinobacteria; antimicrobial activity; extremophiles; Momela soda lake

    AGISA : ambiente de gestão integrado da sala de aula

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    Nos dias de hoje a informática é usada em todos os níveis escolares atravessando transversalmente todas as disciplinas. Desta forma, não é estranho que um professor com poucos conhecimentos na área da informática tenha de recorrer a estas novas tecnologias para tornar o conteúdo leccionado mais apetecível. Neste sentido impõemse a necessidade de criar ferramentas que ajudem o professor na administração e monitorização da sala, e o assistam na construção e correcção automática de exercícios. O nosso objectivo é permitir a qualquer professor o uso deste tipo de ferramentas.Abstract: Computers play an important role at all levels of education. Nowadays, its application scope is not limited to computer related classes as they can be used with great benefit in an wide range of subjects. It is not uncommon to see a teacher with poor computer knowledge, trying to use computers to improve students' interest in the subjects being taught, and thus improve their performance. The actual software panorama lacks tools to help teachers to use computers in an easy and straightforward way, that permit to control and monitor classroom work, to help building exercises, and the automatic verification and grading of the respective answers.The goal of Agisa is to solve some of those problems.peerreviewe

    Influence of operating conditions on ceramic ultrafiltration membrane performance when treating textile effluents

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    This work studies the performance of three commercial ceramic ultrafiltration membranes (ZrO2–TiO2) treating raw effluent from a textile industry. The effect of crossflow velocity at 3, 4 and 5 m s−1 as well as membrane characteristics, such as molecular weight cut-off (30, 50 and 150 kDa), on process performance were studied. Experiments were carried out in concentration mode in order to observe the effect of volume reduction factor simultaneously. Results showed a combined influence of both crossflow velocity and molecular weight cut-off on flux performance. TOC and COD removals up to 70% and 84% respectively were reached. On the other hand, almost complete color (>97%) and turbidity (>99%) removals were achieved for all the membranes and operating conditions

    Impacto del uso de un cemento de bajo carbono en la mejora de la sostenibilidad de la producción de cemento

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    A preliminary assessment of conditions for the industrial manufacture of a new cementitious system based on clinker-calcined clay and limestone, developed by the authors, referred as “low carbon cement” is presented. The new cement enables the substitution of more than 50% of the mass of clinker without compromising performance. The paper presents the follow-up of an industrial trial carried out in Cuba to produce 130 tonnes of the new cement at a cement plant. The new material proved to fulfill national standards in applications such as the manufacture of hollow concrete blocks and precast concrete. No major differences either in the rheological or mechanical properties were found when compared with Portland cement. Environmental assessment of the ternary cement was made, which included comparison with other blended cements produced industrially in Cuba. The new cement has proven to contribute to the reduction of above 30% of carbon emissions on cement manufacture.Se presenta la evaluación preliminar de las condiciones de fabricación industrial de un nuevo sistema cementicio a partir del empleo de clínquer; arcillas calcinadas y piedra caliza; desarrollado por los autores; denominado “cemento de bajo carbono”. El nuevo cemento posibilita la reducción de más de un 50% de la masa de clínquer; sin comprometer el comportamiento del material. El presente trabajo presenta el monitoreo de la producción industrial en una planta en Cuba; de 130 t del nuevo cemento. El cemento obtenido cumple con las regulaciones nacionales de calidad y su empleo tiene similar rendimiento que el cemento Pórtland para la producción de bloques y hormigón de 25 MPa. Se realiza el análisis de impacto ambiental del cemento ternario mediante la comparación con otros cementos producidos industrialmente. El nuevo cemento puede contribuir a la reducción de más del 30% de las emisiones de CO2 asociadas a la manufactura de cemento

    Modelling agronomic properties of Technosols constructed with urban wastes

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    International audienceThe greening of urban and suburban areas requires large amounts of arable earth that is a non-renewable resource. However, concentration of population in cities leads to the production of high amounts of wastes and by-products that are nowadays partly recycled as a resource and quite systematically exported out of urban areas. To preserve natural soil resources, a strategy of waste recycling as fertile substitutes is proposed. Eleven wastes are selected for their environmental harmlessness and their contrasted physico-chemical properties for their potential use in pedological engineering. The aim is (i) to demonstrate the feasibility of the formulation of fertile substrates exclusively with wastes and (ii) to model their physico-chemical properties following various types, number and proportions of constitutive wastes. Twenty-five binary and ternary combinations are tested at different ratios for total carbon, Olsen available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, water pH, water retention capacity and bulk density. Dose-response curves describe the variation of physico-chemical properties of mixtures depending on the type and ratio of selected wastes. If these mixtures mainly mimic natural soils, some of them present more extreme urban soil features, especially for pH and P Olsen. The fertility of the new substrates is modelled by multilinear regressions for the main soil properties