151 research outputs found

    Anatomy and Taxonomy of Three Species of Sea Anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniidae) from the Gulf of California, Including Isoaulactinia hespervolita Daly, n. sp.

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    Specimens of actiniarians from the Gulf of California having a column densely covered with vesicles or verrucae have been attributed to one of three species: Anthopleura dowii, Bunodactis mexicana, or Bunodosoma californica. These three species are difficult to distinguish and are at least partly synonymous: Bunodosoma californica is a pro parte synonym of A. dowii and Bunodactis mexicana is a junior synonym of A. dowii. However, based on anatomy, coloration patterns, types of cnidae in the column, and habitat preferences, I discern three distinct species. I describe specimens attributed to Bunodaetis mexicana not belonging to A. dowii as Isoaulactinia hespervolita, n. sp. I redescribe Bunodosoma californica and A. dowii and designate a lectotype for Bunodosoma californica to resolve taxonomic confusion

    *Anthopleura mariscali*, a new species of sea anemone (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from the Galápagos Islands

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    Asterisks (*...*) surround words or phrases that are to be italicized.*Anthopleura mariscali*, a new species of sea anemone (Actiniaria) known only from the intertidal zone of islands in the Galápagos Archipelago, is described and illustrated. The column of a member of *Anthopleura mariscali* is orange to pink, becoming darker distally, and has prominent endocoelic marginal projections, each of which bears an acrorhagus on the oral surface and several verrucae on the adoral surface. Distally, the projections are typically frosted with opaque white patches. Living firmly adherent to the substratum in cracks and crevices, the animal is inconspicuous in life

    A RNA-seq approach to identify putative toxins from acrorhagi in aggressive and non-aggressive Anthopleura elegantissima polyps

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    Background The use of venom in intraspecific aggression is uncommon and venom-transmitting structures specifically used for intraspecific competition are found in few lineages of venomous taxa. Next-generation transcriptome sequencing allows robust characterization of venom diversity and exploration of functionally unique tissues. Using a tissue-specific RNA-seq approach, we investigate the venom composition and gene ontology diversity of acrorhagi, specialized structures used in intraspecific competition, in aggressive and non-aggressive polyps of the aggregating sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Actiniaria: Actiniidae). Results Collectively, we generated approximately 450,000 transcripts from acrorhagi of aggressive and non-aggressive polyps. For both transcriptomes we identified 65 candidate sea anemone toxin genes, representing phospholipase A2s, cytolysins, neurotoxins, and acrorhagins. When compared to previously characterized sea anemone toxin assemblages, each transcriptome revealed greater within-species sequence divergence across all toxin types. The transcriptome of the aggressive polyp had a higher abundance of type II voltage gated potassium channel toxins/Kunitz-type protease inhibitors and type II acrorhagins. Using toxin-like proteins from other venomous taxa, we also identified 612 candidate toxin-like transcripts with signaling regions, potentially unidentified secretory toxin-like proteins. Among these, metallopeptidases and cysteine rich (CRISP) candidate transcripts were in high abundance. Furthermore, our gene ontology analyses identified a high prevalence of genes associated with “blood coagulation” and “positive regulation of apoptosis”, as well as “nucleoside: sodium symporter activity” and “ion channel binding”. The resulting assemblage of expressed genes may represent synergistic proteins associated with toxins or proteins related to the morphology and behavior exhibited by the aggressive polyp. Conclusion We implement a multifaceted approach to investigate the assemblage of expressed genes specifically within acrorhagi, specialized structures used only for intraspecific competition. By combining differential expression, phylogenetic, and gene ontology analyses, we identify several candidate toxins and other potentially important proteins in acrorhagi of A. elegantissima. Although not all of the toxins identified are used in intraspecific competition, our analysis highlights some candidates that may play a vital role in intraspecific competition. Our findings provide a framework for further investigation into components of venom used exclusively for intraspecific competition in acrorhagi-bearing sea anemones and potentially other venomous animals. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1417-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Caracterización socio productiva y ambiental en la Comunidad de San Joaquín, Municipio El Tuma La Dalia II semestre 2015

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    El estudio caracterización socio productivo y ambiental en la comunidad San Joaquín Municipio El Tuma – La Dalia Matagalpa 2015 – 2016 se tomó en cuenta los siguientes objetivos. Analizar las características sociales, productivas y ambientales de la comunidad San Joaquín. La población sujeta de estudio fue 65 productores, la técnica de investigación una encuesta. Para el procesamiento de los datos se realizó una base datos en el programa spss versión 5, determinando porcentaje y frecuencia de los indicadores y para los gráficos el programa Excel, Se determinaron los siguientes resultados: Entre los productores encuestados el sexo que sobresale es el masculino, la edad más avanzada es de 79 años, el 79% tiene un nivel académico de primaria, su situación financiera es regular, cuentan con escuela de primaria y no existe ningún centro de salud. La principal actividad agrícola es la producción de granos básico (Arroz, maíz, frijol) con un rendimiento de 96,900 kg maíz, 88,000 kg frijol y 7,400 kg arroz, en cuanto a lo pecuario la producción de aves de patio con 655 y las dificultades encontradas son los bajos recursos económicos y los altos costos de insumos.La contaminación de las fuentes de agua se da por el uso de agroquímicos, no se le da manejo adecuado a las aguas mieles y la mayoría de los productores no practican ninguna obra de conservación de suelo en sus unidades productivas. Palabras claves: socio, productivo, ambiental, productores, comunida

    A sea anemone symbiotic with gastropods of eight species in the Mariana Islands

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    Asterisks (*...*) indicate words or phrases that are to be italicized.Fifty-two specimens of the small sea anemone *Neoaiptasia morbilla* Fautin and Goodwill, 2009, were collected attached to shells of gastropods living in shallow subtidal sand on Saipan and Tinian, Mariana Islands, in 1988 and from 2003 through 2007. The anemones were associated with gastropods of eight species belonging to five families. Relative abundance of gastropods in an area where the anemones occurred was the same as the relative abundance of gastropods to which anemones were attached, from which we conclude that the anemones had no preference among the species of gastropods. A gastropod typically carried one or two anemones, but a few with three and four were collected. The anemone was generally located antero-dorsally on cerithiids and terebrids, postero-dorsally on cones, and in an intermediate position on strombids. The position on the shell minimizes the distance between anemone and substrate surface

    A new species, *Adamsia obvolva* (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria), from the Gulf of Mexico, and a discussion of the taxonomy of carcinoecium-forming sea anemones

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    Asterisks (*...*) surround words or phrases that are to be italicized.*Adamsia obvolva* is a new species of sea anemone (order Actiniaria, family Hormathiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, symbiotic with the hermit crab *Parapagurus pictus* (Smith, 1883). The pedal disc of the anemone enwraps the gastropod shell in which the hermit crab lives, and secretes a thin, chitinous carcinoecium that lies between the pedal disc ectoderm of the anemone and the gastropod shell. The description of *A. obvolva* n. sp. highlights many of the problems confounding the systematics of actiniarians symbiotic with hermit crabs. *Adamsia obvolva*, which has been misidentified as *Paracalliactis involvens* (McMurrich, 1893), presents a suite of attributes that blur the distinction between the genera *Adamsia* Forbes, 1840, and *Calliactis Verrill*, 1869. We review definitions of these genera and emend *Adamsia* to include only those species that form a carcinoecium and have a lobed pedal disc. To better differentiate between *A. obvolva* and *P. involvens*, we investigate the syntypes of *Adamsia involvens* McMurrich, 1893, which had been transferred to *Paracalliactis*, and of its putative synonym *Urticina consors* Verrill, 1882; we redescribe the species as *Paracalliactis consors* (Verrill, 1882). *Adamsia obvolva* and *P. consors* can be distinguished by tentacle number, the cinclides on the lower column of specimens of *A. obvolva*, and cnidae distribution and size. The taxonomic changes we propose are summarized in a diagnostic key to actiniarian families and genera that live attached to gastropod shells

    The Phylum Cnidaria: A Review of Phylogenetic Patterns and Diversity 300 Years After Linnaeus

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    Systema Naturae includes representatives of every major lineage of the animal phylum Cnidaria. However, Linnaeus did not classify the members of the phylum as is now done, and the diversity of the group is not well represented. We contrast the Linnaean perspective on cnidarian diversity with the modern, phylogenetic perspective. For each order, we detail diversity at the family level, providing phylogenetic context where possible

    The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus

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    Systema Naturae includes representatives of every major lineage of the animal phylum Cnidaria. However, Linnaeus did not classify the members of the phylum as is now done, and the diversity of the group is not well represented. We contrast the Linnaean perspective on cnidarian diversity with the modern, phylogenetic perspective. For each order, we detail diversity at the family level, providing phylogenetic context where possible