1,491 research outputs found

    Response of sea-surface temperature to atmospheric forcing processes

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    The present investigation is devoted entirely to an analysis of the response of the sea -surface temperature to atmospheric forcing processes over various time and space scales. After an introductory chapter where the author has endeavoured to outline what he considers to be some of the more physical concepts involved, the simple but effective technique of 'superposed epochs' is used in an attempt to study the short -period variation of sea -surface temperature at Ocean Weather Stations 'M' and 'I' as a function of various meteorological parameters. Periods of enhanced turbulence associated with windy conditions are observed to produce a significant lowering of the sea -surface temperature when subsurface thermal stratification prevails (summer season), at both stations. Sudden increases or decreases of the sea- surface temperature at station 'I' are observed to accompany changes in the wind direction, more especially during the winter season. Failure of the sea -surface temperature at Ocean Weather Station 'I' to respond to periods of greatly increased evaporative and sensible heat cooling is attributed to a near -compensating effect of warmer water advection.A simple algebraic method is developed in chapter 3 with the intention of relating both the magnitude and direction of induced drift currents to the corresponding geostrophic wind vector, during periods of assumed predominantly advective sea -surface temperature change; the poor quality of the sea -surface temperature data used is invoked as being largely responsible for the relative lack of success of the method in the periods studied.Finally, following formulation in chapter 4, and description of acquiring model input data in the first part of chapter 5, an amended depth- integrated enthalpy continuity equation is used with input data from three case studies of dissimilar meteorological forcing, to provide values for the month -tomonth change of mean monthly anomalous sea -surface temperature, evaluation of the model being effected through comparison of predicted anomaly changes with those observed. The individual contributions of anomalous surface cooling and anomalous advection to sea temperature anomaly change give agreement of varying closeness but on all occasions the best results are achieved from a comination of these two processes; inclusion of a horizontal eddy conductivity term produces deteriorations over 'heat and advection'- predicted values in all case studies. In regions of significant anomalous wind stress curl, neither sea temperature anomaly changes produced in part by advection due to alternative meridional Sverdrup -type flow, nor changes otherwise consequent to vertical motion (and associated effects, as mentioned in the introduction), necessarily induced as a baroclinic compensation in the absence of Sverdrup type transport, are observed to be consistent with actual changes

    Teacher Perspectives Concerning the Implementation of a Balanced Literacy Program in a Suburban K-2 School

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    This research drew upon teacher responses to make recommendations for future support and professional development within school D. The qualitative data collected allowed me to tailor my recommendations to the specific needs of school D\u27s teachers, as they work to implement a balanced literacy program. This study highlights what the teachers feel is needed to help them become successful with balanced literacy

    "Quality of Life", Road Pricing and the "Level of Service" of Urban Roads

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    This paper addresses the definition of the “level of service” of urban roads in the context of developments in road pricing. It investigates the measurement of the “level of service”, technological developments in road tolling, drivers acceptance of road pricing, and the impacts of road pricing on the “quality of life” of urban areas

    It\u27s The Nicest Sort Of Feeling : Ting - a - ling - a - ling - ling

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    The Governor-Generalship of Sir Lee Stack in the Sudan, 1917-1924.

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    The subject of this thesis is the history of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan during the governor-generalship of Sir Lee Stack, 1917-1924. The study is based primarily on the unpublished records of the Sudan Government and various collected private papers. The first chapter deals with the appointment of Stack to succeed Sir Reginald Wingate; the economic and political effects on the Sudan of the first world war; the structure of the central government and the officials who directed it; and provincial administration. Stack's relations with Wingate and Viscount Allenby as high commissioners in Cairo are discussed. Among the most important developments of Stack's tenure were the emergence, on the one hand, of Sayyid 'Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi as leader of the revivified Mahdist sect, and, on the other, of secular opposition to the Sudan Government. The second chapter traces the rise of Sayyid 'Abd al-Rahman, the nature of his support, and the government's attempts both to utilize and to limit his influence. The second part of the chapter charts the tentative beginnings, after the war, of secular opposition, and in focussing on the disturbances of 1924 attempts to analyse the motives of this opposition and the response of the government to it. The surge of Egyptian nationalism following the war led to a fundamental change in the relationship of Egypt and Britain, the co-domini in the Sudan. The Sudan's prominent place in the complicated series of negotiations before and especially after the British declaration to Egypt in February 1922, is considered in chapter three. An attempt is made to analyse the reasons for the breakdown in negotiations that culminated in the British ultimatum to Egypt in November 1924 following the assassination of Sir Lee Stack. The ultimatum itself and its consequences in the Sudan are considered in detail. Revived Mahdism, secular opposition, and Egyptian hostility, combined with a latent mistrust of educated Sudanese led the administration under Stack away from the direct, "bureaucratic" methods of the Wingate era toward Indirect Rule. This development is traced in the final chapter, in which conclusions are reached regarding the nature of Indirect Rule in the Sudan and its consequences for the political future of the country

    Reactivity of metal oxide nanocluster modified rutile and anatase TiO2: Oxygen vacancy formation and CO2 interaction

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    The reduction of CO2 to fuels is an active research topic with much interest in using solar radiation and photocatalysts to transform CO2 into higher value chemicals. However, to date there are no photocatalysts known that can use solar radiation to efficiently reduce CO2. One particularly difficult problem is activating CO2 due to its high stability. In this paper we use density functional theory simulations to study novel surface modified TiO2 composites, based on modifying rutile and anatase TiO2 with molecular-sized metal oxide nanoclusters of SnO, ZrO2 and CeO2 and the interaction between CO2 and nanocluster-modified TiO2. We show that reduction of the supported nanocluster is favourable which then provides reduced cations and sites for CO2 adsorption. The atomic structures and energies of different adsorption configurations of CO2 on the reduced modified TiO2 composites are studied. Generally on reduced SnO and CeO2 nanoclusters, the interaction of CO2 is weak producing adsorbed carbonates. On reduced ZrO2, we find a stronger interaction with CO2 and carbonate formation. The role of the energies of oxygen vacancy formation in CO2 adsorption is important because if reduction is too favourable, the interaction with CO2 is not so favourable. We do find an adsorption configuration of CO2 at reduced CeO2 where a CO bond breaks, releasing CO and filling the oxygen vacancy site in the supported ceria nanocluster. These initial results for the interaction of CO2 at surface modified TiO2 provide important insights for future work on CO2 reduction using novel materials

    Occupational Characteristics of Leading Canadian Executives

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    Pour connaître le lieu d'origine, le milieu social, la formation et la carrière professionnelles des dirigeants d'entreprise de renom au Canada, on a eu recours à un questionnaire-enquête. Les interviouwés, des présidents de conseil d'administration et des présidents ou vice-présidents de grandes entreprises canadiennes principalement, ont répondu dans une proportion de 49 pour cent et 485 réponses étaient utilisables pour fins d'analyse.71 pour cent des répondants étaient nés au Canada, mais un pourcentage anormalement élevé d'entre eux provenaient de la Colombie Britannique et des provinces des Prairies, alors que le Québec et les Maritimes n'ont pas donné leur juste part. Les différences d'éducation et de culture peuvent expliquer cette constatation. Les dirigeants originaires des États-Unis détiennent un nombre beaucoup trop considérable des postes de commande dans les grandes entreprises canadiennes, principalement dans les industries qui se sont développées rapidement.Un fort pourcentage des dirigeants d'entreprise importants étaient natifs de la ville, avaient une éducation avancée et avaient commencé leur carrière comme cols blancs. La plupart avait reçu leur instruction post-secondaire au Canada, principalement dans les grandes universités de Toronto et de Montréal ainsi que dans les collèges privés d'Ontario. Il est manifeste que beaucoup d'entre eux ont: émigré de leur place d'origine vers ces centres de haut savoir. Fait frappant, la proportion de hauts dirigeants formés dans les universités de langue française est presque négligeable.Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, on retrouve une grande partie des dirigeants, qui possèdent une formation supérieure, dans les industries qui comptent un fort pourcentage d'entreprises jeunes et en voie d'expansion. De même, il y a un pourcentage plus élevé de dirigeants de formation supérieure dans les firmes où la proportion des capitaux étrangers est la plus élevée.Enfin, le passage des postes commande secondaires aux postes de commande supérieurs se fait très rapidement et 89 pour cent des répondants ont été promus à des fonctions de direction après moins de quinze ans de service. D'une façon générale, le cheminement de la carrière des dirigeants d'entreprise canadiens importants ressemble de très près à celui des dirigeants d'entreprise de renom aux États-Unis.The purpose of this study is to investigate the geographic origins, the social and educational backgrounds and the occupational and career patterns of top executives in Canadian Companies

    Laugh While You\u27re Dancing Around

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    Change Point Detection in Software Performance Testing

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    We describe our process for automatic detection of performance changes for a software product in the presence of noise. A large collection of tests run periodically as changes to our software product are committed to our source repository, and we would like to identify the commits responsible for performance regressions. Previously, we relied on manual inspection of time series graphs to identify significant changes. That was later replaced with a threshold-based detection system, but neither system was sufficient for finding changes in performance in a timely manner. This work describes our recent implementation of a change point detection system built upon the E-Divisive means algorithm. The algorithm produces a list of change points representing significant changes from a given history of performance results. A human reviews the list of change points for actionable changes, which are then triaged for further inspection. Using change point detection has had a dramatic impact on our ability to detect performance changes. Quantitatively, it has dramatically dropped our false positive rate for performance changes, while qualitatively it has made the entire performance evaluation process easier, more productive (ex. catching smaller regressions), and more timely