2,083 research outputs found


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    University  is one of the educational providers who establish experts for the future. Especially for the teacher education major is always needed innovation in learning. Related to this case, a learning model for increasing creativity of students in transfering knowledge and skills possessed is needed. Constructivist and collaborative learning models can assist students in developing character education (moral character and performance).The method used interpretative method, some literatures related to interpreting, it was analyszed into a learning concept. The elements of constructivist are put in the lesson study steps.Keyword: Contructivist, Character

    Analisis Nilai-Nilai Moral Pada Film Unbaedah Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar Di Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang sebuah karya sastra film berjudul Unbaedah yang disutradarai oleh Iqbal Ariefurrahman. Film ini menceritakan tentang kebiasaan tamak seorang ibu bernama Baedah yang suka mengambil jatah lebih dari satu sehingga membuat ibu-ibu lainnya geram dengan perbuatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pesan moral yang ada dalam film Unbaedah dan keterkaitannya sebagai alternatif bahan ajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Peneliti menonton tayangan film, menganalisis, dan mencatat segala hal yang berhubungan dengan tujuan penelitian. Sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari tayangan youtube film Unbaedah. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam film Unbaedah dan kelayakannya  sebagai alternatif bahan ajar. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah film Unbaedah mengandung nilai-nilai moral yang terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri, dan hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain dalam lingkungan sosial. Wujud nilai moral yang menghubungkan antara manusia dengan Tuhan pada film Unbaedah meliputi: Ikhlas, Iman, Takwa, dan Berdoa. Wujud nilai moral yang berhubungan dengan diri sendiri meliputi: Jujur, Tanggung Jawab, dan Mengakui Kesalahan. Wujud nilai moral yang berhubungan dengan manusia lain dalam lingkungan sosial meliputi: Sopan Santun, Peduli, Tolong Menolong dan Ramah. Adapun kelayakannya sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di SMP sesuai dengan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) 3.12 menelaah struktur dan kebahasaan teks ulasan (film, cerpen, puisi, novel dan karya seni daerah) yang diperdengarkan dan dibaca. Kompetensi dasar ini bertujuan setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan struktur, menentukan keunggulan dan kelemahan teks ulasan berdasarkan isinya, serta mampu bekerjasama dengan menyajikan dan menampilkan teks ulasan berdasarkan video yang ditayangkan dengan tepat dan penuh percaya diri. Kandungan pesan ditunjukkan oleh karakter-karakter dalam film Unbaedah dengan menampilkan pesan moral yang dapat diambil hikmahnya dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar. Kata Kunci: Nilai moral, film Unbaedah, alternatif bahan ajar

    COVID-19’s Psychological Influences: How Have University Students Been Affected?

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    Undergraduate students are well-known as a vulnerable population prone to stress, anxiety, depression and various other psychological problems during their academic time at university or college. With the introduction and sudden integration of the COVID-19 pandemic into the daily lives of these high-risk students, globally, many people are concerned with how the mental health of this population will be affected, given the presence of the pandemic in addition to the multiple safety measures put in place in an attempt to contain the virus. This includes students having been subjected to prolonged implementation of shelter-in-place mandates and requirements of social-distancing across the globe that caused widespread feelings of newfound isolation. Several questions are explored in this paper: How were post-secondary students handling their emotions surrounding COVID-19 and how has it drastically altered life as we once knew it to be? What were some significant coping strategies that students used and felt were effective or even ineffective during this time of extreme stress and anxiety? Most importantly, how did nursing students fare in comparison to students with different majors since nursing students also have, in addition to their academic stress, clinical and healthcare setting stress and feelings of uncertainty? This paper investigates with a literature review the manifestations and/or exacerbations of negative mental health issues associated with Coronavirus on higher education students, especially taking a closer look into nursing students. Furthermore, this paper proposes a research study aimed toward collecting more data on California students and perspectives of their mental health status and coping mechanisms in relation to COVID-19

    Helca Mining Company

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    A new Carnosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Tithonian) of Colorado

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    A disarticulated skeleton of a theropod from the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) strata of McElmo Canyon in Montezuma County, Colorado was discovered in 1953 by the late J. T. Gregory and D. Techter. For nearly 55 years the specimen remained unnoticed in the collection of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History in New Haven, Connecticut. Several cranial and postcranial elements are relatively well preserved and include the premaxilla, maxilla, dentary, teeth, quadratojugal, braincase, metacarpals, partial pubis and ischium, astragalus, partial tibia and fibula, metatarsals, pedal phalanges, and several partially preserved ribs. The specimen represents a new genus and species of basal carcharodontosaurid, which shares some morphological similarities with Late Jurassic allosaurids. As such, the new genus and species is the first unequivocal carcharodontosaurid from the Late Jurassic of North America. The presence of a North American carcharodontosaurid during the Late Jurassic provides evidence that the clade may have originated on that continent and that the Carcharodontosaurids split from the allosaurids in the Middle or Early Jurassic

    Scientific Workflows for Metabolic Flux Analysis

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    Metabolic engineering is a highly interdisciplinary research domain that interfaces biology, mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Metabolic flux analysis with carbon tracer experiments (13 C-MFA) is a particularly challenging metabolic engineering application that consists of several tightly interwoven building blocks such as modeling, simulation, and experimental design. While several general-purpose workflow solutions have emerged in recent years to support the realization of complex scientific applications, the transferability of these approaches are only partially applicable to 13C-MFA workflows. While problems in other research fields (e.g., bioinformatics) are primarily centered around scientific data processing, 13C-MFA workflows have more in common with business workflows. For instance, many bioinformatics workflows are designed to identify, compare, and annotate genomic sequences by "pipelining" them through standard tools like BLAST. Typically, the next workflow task in the pipeline can be automatically determined by the outcome of the previous step. Five computational challenges have been identified in the endeavor of conducting 13 C-MFA studies: organization of heterogeneous data, standardization of processes and the unification of tools and data, interactive workflow steering, distributed computing, and service orientation. The outcome of this thesis is a scientific workflow framework (SWF) that is custom-tailored for the specific requirements of 13 C-MFA applications. The proposed approach – namely, designing the SWF as a collection of loosely-coupled modules that are glued together with web services – alleviates the realization of 13C-MFA workflows by offering several features. By design, existing tools are integrated into the SWF using web service interfaces and foreign programming language bindings (e.g., Java or Python). Although the attributes "easy-to-use" and "general-purpose" are rarely associated with distributed computing software, the presented use cases show that the proposed Hadoop MapReduce framework eases the deployment of computationally demanding simulations on cloud and cluster computing resources. An important building block for allowing interactive researcher-driven workflows is the ability to track all data that is needed to understand and reproduce a workflow. The standardization of 13 C-MFA studies using a folder structure template and the corresponding services and web interfaces improves the exchange of information for a group of researchers. Finally, several auxiliary tools are developed in the course of this work to complement the SWF modules, i.e., ranging from simple helper scripts to visualization or data conversion programs. This solution distinguishes itself from other scientific workflow approaches by offering a system of loosely-coupled components that are flexibly arranged to match the typical requirements in the metabolic engineering domain. Being a modern and service-oriented software framework, new applications are easily composed by reusing existing components
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