233 research outputs found

    The organization of out-of-class activity of pupils for mathematics with use of remote educational technologies

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    In article the question of the organization of out-of-class activities of pupils of comprehensive schools for mathematics in the conditions of distance learning is considered, examples of tasks on mathematics which can be offered pupils for research activity are givenВ статье рассматривается вопрос об организации внеклассной деятельности учащихся общеобразовательных школ по математике в условиях дистанционного обучения, приводятся примеры заданий по математике, которые можно предложить учащимся для исследовательской деятельност

    On the hydrodynamic behaviour of a particle system with nearest neighbour interactions

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    In this thesis we will study a system of Brownian particles on the real line, which are coupled through the nearest neighbours by an attractive potential. This model is related to the Ginzburg-Landau model. We will prove two results. The first result is the hydrodynamic equation for the particle density. More precisely, we show that the empirical measure of the particle positions converges in the hydrodynamic limit to a deterministic and absolutely continuous probability measure, where the density solves a nonlinear heat equation. The crucial idea will be the reduction of the particle model to the height model, in the literature also called Ginzburg-Landau interface model. We will obtain the claimed result by taking the limit in the height model and passing back to the particle model. Further, we will outline how this approach generalises to multiple dimensions. The second result is the characterisation of the equilibrium fluctuations in the case of quadratic potential. We will consider the fluctuation field, which is defined as the square root of the number of particles times the difference of the empirical measure of the particle positions and its expectation. Assuming the initial distribution of the particle system to be stationary, we will show that the fluctuation field converges in the hydrodynamic limit to an infinite-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The proof will consist of characterising the accumulation points of the distributions of fluctuation fields by means of a martingale problem and showing tightness

    Trauerspiele mit Gesang und Tanz

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    From 1890 until 1938 in Vienna, Jewish theatre was a lively and fascinating part of the theatrical scene. Yiddish operettas and melodramas, serious plays and so-called Jargonschwänke were staged. The widespread texts of these Jewish theatre-evenings, in Yiddish and German, are discussed and analysed in this work.Jüdische Theatertexte, wie sie von 1890 bis 1938 in Wien aufgeführt und / oder geschrieben wurden, stehen im Zentrum dieser Arbeit. Dazu zählen jiddische Singspiele, Melodramen und ernsthafte Dramen ebenso wie Texte berühmter deutschjüdischer Autoren der Wiener Moderne und die sogenannten Jargonschwänke, die äußerst populär waren

    Design of an instrument measuring P-12 teachers’ cognitive load and intent to adopt technology

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    For P-12 teachers to effectively learn a technology, they must manage the cognitive load inherent to this learning task. Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) can offer insight in how P-12 teachers can manage the cognitive load of learning technology. However, technology adoption research has not used CLT to investigate how P-12 teachers manage the cognitive load of learning how to use technology or the influence of cognitive load on P-12 teachers’ decisions whether to adopt technology. Hence, an instrument measuring cognitive load experienced when P-12 teachers learn about technology during professional development and their intent to adopt the technology may not be available. The purpose of this study was to design a self-report survey instrument measuring the latent constructs of P-12 teachers’ cognitive load during technology professional development and their intent to adopt technology. Access to a validated instrument measuring these latent constructs may facilitate exploration of cognitive load’s influence on technology adoption among P-12 teachers. Diffusion of Innovations and Cognitive Load Theory formed the theoretical foundation of this study and the instrument’s design. The researcher conducted an index of item-objective congruence (IIOC) to evaluate content validity. Using data collected from P-12 teachers participating in technology professional development on the creation of interactive PowerPoint lessons, the researcher conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to explore the factor model most representative of the data and to determine the instrument’s internal consistency and variance explained. Results of the IIOC indicated a lack of consensus among content judges on which forms of cognitive load are being measured. Results of EFA supported a two-factor model explaining 79.759 % of the variance in the observed data. Implications of this study for future research on cognitive load and technology adoption among P-12 teachers is discussed

    Formal verification of a processor with memory management units

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    In this thesis we present formal verification of a memory management unit which operates under specific conditions. We also present formal verification of a complex processor VAMP with support of address translation by means of a memory management unit. The is an out-of-order 32 bit RISC CPU with DLX instruction set, fully IEEE-compliant floating point units, and a memory unit. The VAMP also supports precise internal and external interrupts. It is modeled on the gate level and verified with respect to its specification. Subject of this thesis is based on the formal proof of the VAMP without address translation [Bey05] and on paper and pencil specification, implementation, and correctness proof of a memory management unit.In dieser Dissertation stellen wir die formale Verifikation einer Memory Management Unit vor, welche nur unter bestimmten Operationsbedingungen korrekt arbeitet. Wir stellen auch die formale Verifikation des VAMP vor, eines komplexen Prozessors, der Adressübersetzung unterstützt. Der VAMP ist eine out-of-order 32-Bit RISC CPU mit DLX Instruktionssatz, vollständig IEEE-konformen Fließkommaeinheiten und einer Speichereinheit. Der VAMP unterstützt präzise interne und externe Interrupts. Er ist auf der Gatterebene modelliert und bezüglich einer formalen Spezifikation verifiziert. Diese Arbeit basiert auf dem formalen Beweis des VAMP ohne Adressübersetzung [Bey05] und auf der Papier-und-Bleistift Spezifikation, Implementierung, und dem Korrektheitsbeweis einer Memory Management Unit aus [Hil05]

    Anomalous twinning in AZ 31 magnesium alloy during electrically assisted forming

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    The electro plastic effect (EPE) occurs in materials exposed to high electric currents, on the order of 102 to 104 A mm-2, during elastic or plastic deformation. Current pulses with durations of about 10-3 s are usually used to limit resistive heating of the sample. As a result, a reduction the macroscopic of flow stress and enhanced ductility is observed, The EPE may therefore be exploited to support the deformation of inherently brittle materials. The underlying microscopic mechanisms enabling the flow stress reduction and increase in ductility are still unresolved. Besides the obvious contribution of Joule heating, various mechanisms of electron -dislocation interactions, resulting in increased dislocation mobility or changed dislocation density, have been proposed. In the present study, the EPE was investigated using samples of extruded pure magnesium and AZ 31 Mg alloy, which were subjected to one or ten current pulses with a current density of 700 A mm-2 and 1 ms duration while subjected to constant compressive strain below the yield point. During the experiments the mechanical response of the sample to the current impulse, a drop of stress, the occurrence of residual plastic strain and hardening of the sample, was observed. The magnitude of the observed reduction in stress depends on the relative orientations of texture and current direction. In the case of multiple pulses, the first current pulse led to a significantly larger drop than the subsequent pulses. Reference experiments using hot air and inductive heating were conducted, in which samples were subjected to identical strains and similar temperature profiles. A similar softening could not be observed. The subsequent optical and EBSD microstructural observations, using appropriate metallographical preparation techniques, revealed unusual twinning in the samples subjected to current pulses. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Diseño de investigación para la implementación de un sistema de control de inventario para una empresa de e-commerce dedicada a la venta de accesorios para vehículos, ubicada en el municipio de San Miguel Petapa, Guatemala

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    Propone la implementación de un sistema de control de inventario para una empresa de e-commerce, que permita garantizar la optimización y el manejo adecuado del inventario de la organización ubicada en el municipio de San Miguel Petapa, de la ciudad de Guatemala

    Bloom-forming cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates in five Argentinian reservoirs: Multi-year sampling

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    Harmful algal blooms are important threats to reservoir condition. Over a 15-year period, we sampled fiveArgentinian reservoirs to identify the responsible species for harmful algal blooms and determine the waterquality factors driving their occurrence. These reservoirs exhibit diverse morphological and hydrological characteristics and are distributed across varying climatic zones. Cyanobacterial blooms included an array of species,including toxin producers such as Raphidiopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon gracile, and Microcystis aeruginosa. Incontrast, dinoflagellate blooms were predominantly characterized by Ceratium. The cyanobacterial blooms primarily occurred in the shallower reservoirs located in warmer regions, whereas dinoflagellate blooms occurredwhere temperatures were lower. The most intense blooms occurred during the summer, and although cyanobacterial and chlorophyte blooms co-occurred, they never coexisted with dinoflagellate blooms. We identifiedcyanotoxins in the reservoirs over the past three years, a phenomenon previously unreported in the region. Giventhat these reservoirs are drinking water sources for human populations, ongoing and systematic monitoring isneeded to protect public health. Controlling the proliferation of algae and cyanobacteria in reservoirs requiresresource management at the watershed level, and in the case of the Itiyuro and El Limon, requires binational management with Bolivia.Fil: Alvarez Dalinger, Florencia Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Borja, Claudia Nidia. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Cs.naturales. Catedra Biologia y Diversidad de Protistas Autotrofos y Fungi.; ArgentinaFil: Lozano, Verónica Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Moraña, Liliana Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Cs.naturales. Catedra Biologia y Diversidad de Protistas Autotrofos y Fungi.; ArgentinaFil: Salusso, Maria Monica. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Cs.naturales. Catedra Biologia y Diversidad de Protistas Autotrofos y Fungi.; Argentin

    Stress-induced transformation in a Ni-Mn-In alloy and the concomitant change of resistivity

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    In this work, the influence of mechanical stress on magnetic properties and electric resistance of a Ni-Mn- In alloy was studied. It is shown that compression of Ni-Mn-In polycrystalline specimens brings about a stressinduced martensitic transformation. Optical images recorded in-situ confirmed the formation of a martensitic structure during loading and back-transformation upon unloading. Unloading after deformation of specimens that had experienced compressive strains up to 6%resulted in full recovery of their resistivity and magnetic susceptibility. The sharp increase in the electric resistance caused by the stress-induced transformation opens up new possibilities for Ni- Mn-In alloys to be used as a material for sensors responding to mechanical stress