111 research outputs found

    Development of 3D city model applying cadastral information

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    Problems of development of 3D city models are analysed. To develop such kind of model a great amount of information has to be computed. Collecting and matching the initial data is the most time and labour consuming job. Therefore first of all we have tried to investigate such a data source that would comprise the biggest part of needed data. We also have been looking for the data source that enabled us to constantly refresh and present the data describing the real or true to life situation. We have analysed the possibilities of city cadastral information system and here we state that it is suitable for that purpose. This article presents the idea how 3D city model consisting of prismatic building block models could be developed with the help of available cadastral information. Article in English Miesto 3D modelio kūrimas taikant kadastro informaciją Santrauka. Nagrinėjamos miesto erdvinio modelio kūrimo problemos. Kuriant tokį modelį reikia apdoroti labai didelius informacijos kiekius. Daugiausia laiko ir jėgų įdedama pradiniams duomenims surinkti ir suderinti tarpusavyje. Del šios priežasties pirmiausia buvo ieškoma tokio duomenu šaltinio, kuriame jau būtu sukaupta didesnė dalis reikalingų duomenų. Pradinių duomenų šaltiniui buvo keliamas patikimumo reikalavimas. Straipsnyje pateikiama idėją, kaip miesto 3D modelis gali būti kuriamas taikant kadastro informaciją

    Timely determining and preventing conflict situations between investors and third parties: some observations from Lithuania

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    The article analyses the possible influence of third-party rights infringed during construction planning on the implementation of an investment project. It analyses the process for defence of third party rights infringed during territorial planning. The focus in this process is on third party rights and opportunities to learn about possible infringement of such rights. In a construction project, judicial disputes are an unwanted risk factor, which may disrupt the entire project. It is therefore necessary to plan and apply preventive measures for the mitigation of such risk at the initial planning stage of a construction project. For that end, the article presents some principles of behaviour and actions that could help investors and third parties to solve conflicts, reduce their negative outcomes or reach an arrangement satisfactory to both disputing parties

    A Cylinder-Type Multimodal Traveling Wave Piezoelectric Actuator

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    Numerical and experimental investigations of a multimodal piezoelectric traveling wave actuator are presented. The actuator consists of a cylindrical stator with a conical hole and piezoceramic rings that are located at the node of the first longitudinal and second bending vibration modes; one piezoceramic ring is also placed at the bottom of the actuator. The actuator is clamped at the bottom using a special supporting cylinder and a ball bearing. Traveling-wave-type vibrations are excited at the top surface of the cylinder by employing a superposition of the first longitudinal and second bending vibration modes of the stator. The conical hole of the stator is used to amplify the vibration amplitudes of the contact surface. Four electric signals with phase difference of π/2 are used to drive the actuator. Numerical and experimental investigations showed that the proposed actuator is able to generate up to 115 RPM rotation speed at constant preload force.This article belongs to the Special Issue IWPMA (International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators) 2019This research has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (Project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0010) under a grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania

    Groving of winter crops in Lithuania and their concentration areas for the future

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    The research was carried out during 1993-2000 at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture. There are favourable conditions for development of crop production in Lithuania, however, the suitability of areas for their production must be taken into consideration. After establishing those areas, natural conditions of the regions should allow reducing the price of crop production and influence the market competition. For establishing the area’s most suitable for growing and concentrating winter crops in perspective, the location of their growing areas and crops capacity among the regions in 1993-2000 were investigated. The cartogram of wheat crop area in 1993-2000, when it comprised about 25.5% of all crop area, reveals the region’s most suitable for winter crop growing. It is almost the whole Middle zone, however, the Panevėžys region is less suitable for this purpose. The averages of winter crop capacity in the regions in 1993-2000 were in resilient correlation with soil productivity scale - in all farms it’s depended on soil productivity by 73.9%. The average of winter crop capacity in all Lithuanian farms in 1993-2000 was 2.74 t/ha. The crop capacity was highest in the Šakiai, Joniškis and Pasvalys regions. After summarizing the research results, the following area for wheat crop growing were suggested: the west boundary of this area should cross the Mažeikiai, Akmenė, Šiauliai, Kelmė, Raseiniai and Jurbarkas regions, the east boundary should cross the Biržai, Kupiškis, Panevėžys, Jonava, Kaunas, Prienai, Alytus and Marijampolė regions. The most suitable are Pasvalys, Pakruojis and Šakiai regions.The areas for future growing of triticale may be used not only the Middle zone, but also the West zone, such as the Kretinga, Šilutė, Plunge, Šilalė, Tauragė and Raseiniai regions, and the East zone regions such as Kupiškis, Ukmergė, Širvintos, Vilnius, Šalčininkai, Lazdijai, Kaišiadorys and Utena. The areas for rye crop growing lye in the subzone of Southeast Lithuania and Šilutė region, where turf sand and sandy soils are predominant. The large part of rye crop is growing in other regions of the East zone, however, in regions near the Middle zone their part in the crop structure is smaller. More rye crops are sowed in the West zone. The average capacity of rye crops on all Lithuanian farms depends on soil productivity by 63.0%. The largest rye crop capacity in 1993-2000 was observed in Joniškis, Pakruojis and Radviliškis regions. In future, the subzone of Southeast Lithuania and Šilutė region should be used as the areas for rye crop growing. The neighbouring regions are suitable for rye crop growing (Žemaitija - Plungė, Telšiai and Šilalė regions)

    Regional peculiarities of grain growing development : economical evaluation and perspectives in Telšiai district

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama, ar Telšių apskritis turi pranašumą kitų šalies apskričių atžvilgiu auginant javus, siūlomos javininkystės plėtros apskrityje kryptys. Įvertinus sektoriaus vidine, ir išorinę aplinką, perspektyvai pagrįsti atlikta sektoriaus privalumų, trūkumų, galimybių ir grėsmių analizė. Tyrinu nustatyta, kad Telšių apskrities žemės ūkio naudmenos nėra našios, todėl ir intensyviai auginant javus jų derlingumas ir produkcijos konkurencingumas yra mažesni negu Vidurio Lietuvoje ir kai kuriose kitose našių žemių zonose. Nestabili valstybės ekonominė politika verčia žemės ūkio subjektus mažinti auginamų javų plotus ir keisti jų rūšinę struktūrą. Apskrityje prastas apsirūpinimas traktoriais, javų kombainais, ypač Telšių bei palankiausias sąlygas javininkystei turinčiame Mažeikių rajone, čia pranašaujamos intensyvios javininkystės plėtros galimybės. Pagrindimai šio sektoriaus plėtros uždaviniai yra: intensyvus javų auginimas Mažeikių rajone, belukščių avižų, pašarinių žirnių, lubinų auginimas pardavimui ir jo intensyvinimas versliniuose ūkiuose, grikių auginimo plėtra Telšių rajone, grūdų saugojimo ir perdirbimo, sėklų ruošimo ir beicavimo pajėgumų išsaugojimas, modernizavimas ir plėtra, apsirūpinimo javų kombainais gerinimas.The article deals with the comparative advantage of Telšiai district in grain growing and also formulates the main tasks of grain sector development in the above - mentioned district. According to the research data the land - tenure of the above - mentioned district is not very productive and that is the main reason for rather low grain productivity in comparison to the land - tenure of Middle Lithuania and some other regions of fertile soil. The unstable political situation in Lithuania makes the subjects of agriculture decrease sown areas and change their species composition. The supply of harvest combines is rather poor especially in Mažeikiai district local administration where grain productivity could be very high. The main tasks of the sector development are the following: the intensive grain cultivation in Mažeikiai district local administration, the expansion of buckwheat area and the improvement of harvest - combine supply

    Changes in the Lithuanian intervention cereal purchasing system and their influence on cereal growers

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    Due to natural and climatic conditions, periodicity of production and other factors, the growing of cereals isn't the branch of business where free market regulates supply and demand at the same time securing revenue for cereal growers. Therefore, our state invokes various levers for production and revenue regulation. One of the main measures of the state's intervention into the inner market of cereals, i.e. the system of intervention purchases is analysed in the article. It enables cereal growers to sell cereals (under unfavourable market conditions) to the State Enterprise Lithuanian Agricultural and Food Products Market Regulation Agency, which administrates intervention purchases in the country for the fixed intervention price. In Lithuania, the intervention cereal purchasing system was started to be applied in 1988. It was under constant rcstructurization. Till the accession to the European Union the cereal intervention purchasing model applied in the European Union has been tried to adapt and after the accession to the European Union the same model as in other Union's countries has been started to be applied.The analysed changes and the reasons of the cereal intervention purchasing system in the country till the accession to the E U and after it enabled to evaluate the significance of the application of this system in order to stabilize prices of cereals and maintain revenues of cereal growers

    Grūdų ūkio plėtros galimybės ir perspektyvos Telšių apskrityje

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    Santr. anglBibliogr.: p. 83 (7 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Kompiuterinis modeliavimas architektūroje

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    Knygoje trumpai apžvelgiamos paplitusios kompiuterinio projektavimo sistemos, modeliavimo metodai dvimačiams ir trimačiams objektams kurti. Mokomoji knyga skirta inžinerinės architektūros ir architektūros programų studentams, studijuojantiems kompiuterinę, taiko¬mąją grafiką, kompiuterinį modeliavimą architektūroje

    Concentration areas of buckwheat growing in Lithuania

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    There are favour able conditions for development of crop production in Lithuania, however, the most suitable areas for this production should be taken into consideration. Having formed natural conditions of the areas in regions the price of crop production should be reduced and market competition should be influenced. To establish the most suitable areas for growing and concentration of buckwheat in perspective, the location of these growing areas and crops productivity in regions in 1995 - 2000 are investigated. Purpose of the work - to estimate the availability of conditions for buckwheat growing in regions, rationality of production, real location. Large dotations are given to buckwheat growers so the areas of buckwheat are increased in all regions. In last six years the area of buckwheat growing has increased about 16 6 times. Areas of buckwheat in spring crops fields in 1995 - 2000 in all Lithuanian farms made 1.3 percent. Larger concentration of buckwheat crops is in South and Southeast part of Lithuania. The largest areas of buckwheat crops are in farms where conditions for fanning are not favourable. This research has revealed, that having increased soil capacity by 1 productivity point, the productivity of buckwheat increases by 9 3 kg/ha on average when other factors are constant.The relations between soil capacity and buckwheat productivity are direct, but not strong The average buckwheat productivity in all Lithuanian farms only by 4.9 percent depends on soil fertility point So, buckwheat productivity depends not on quality of soil, but on other factors. In future the areas of buckwheat crops must be concentrated in less favourable regions of Southeast Lithuania, where the productivity of most agricultural plants is not high and where the deep traditions of buckwheat growing exist Furthermore, the growing of buckwheat in this region is stimulated by enterprises, which produce buckwheat grits and buckwheat shell products

    Changes and tendency of food grain costs in Lithuania

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    The cost - one of the most important mean of regulation of food grain market - is investigated in this article. An unstable and being on a way of changes whole decade the cost politics of state has a great influence on changes of the costs. So the purpose of this job was to investigate the changes of food grain cost in Lithuania in 1991 - 2000 and the state politics on regulation of costs in this area. Reorganisation of buying up costs in Lithuania begins in 1990. In 1992 the buying up costs system of food grain was used, which was based on supporting costs. In 1993 the costs of grain was regulated, and in 1994 the state regulation was disabled. Nowadays food grain market regulation politic has been going on since 1995. After the law of state regulation in Lithuanian agricultural economic relations came into force, the market was started to be regulated by inquests, minimal limit buying costs and subsidies, according that law. But it is necessary to add that means of grain market regulation has been changing in 1995 - 2000: renounced buying inquests', in 1998 the buying inquests were refused and the new regulation mean - intervention buying - was taken into. Minimal limit buying costs and subsidies increased the price level in the market and that influenced the supply growing and the surplus of food grain