Changes and tendency of food grain costs in Lithuania


The cost - one of the most important mean of regulation of food grain market - is investigated in this article. An unstable and being on a way of changes whole decade the cost politics of state has a great influence on changes of the costs. So the purpose of this job was to investigate the changes of food grain cost in Lithuania in 1991 - 2000 and the state politics on regulation of costs in this area. Reorganisation of buying up costs in Lithuania begins in 1990. In 1992 the buying up costs system of food grain was used, which was based on supporting costs. In 1993 the costs of grain was regulated, and in 1994 the state regulation was disabled. Nowadays food grain market regulation politic has been going on since 1995. After the law of state regulation in Lithuanian agricultural economic relations came into force, the market was started to be regulated by inquests, minimal limit buying costs and subsidies, according that law. But it is necessary to add that means of grain market regulation has been changing in 1995 - 2000: renounced buying inquests', in 1998 the buying inquests were refused and the new regulation mean - intervention buying - was taken into. Minimal limit buying costs and subsidies increased the price level in the market and that influenced the supply growing and the surplus of food grain

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