Concentration areas of buckwheat growing in Lithuania


There are favour able conditions for development of crop production in Lithuania, however, the most suitable areas for this production should be taken into consideration. Having formed natural conditions of the areas in regions the price of crop production should be reduced and market competition should be influenced. To establish the most suitable areas for growing and concentration of buckwheat in perspective, the location of these growing areas and crops productivity in regions in 1995 - 2000 are investigated. Purpose of the work - to estimate the availability of conditions for buckwheat growing in regions, rationality of production, real location. Large dotations are given to buckwheat growers so the areas of buckwheat are increased in all regions. In last six years the area of buckwheat growing has increased about 16 6 times. Areas of buckwheat in spring crops fields in 1995 - 2000 in all Lithuanian farms made 1.3 percent. Larger concentration of buckwheat crops is in South and Southeast part of Lithuania. The largest areas of buckwheat crops are in farms where conditions for fanning are not favourable. This research has revealed, that having increased soil capacity by 1 productivity point, the productivity of buckwheat increases by 9 3 kg/ha on average when other factors are constant.The relations between soil capacity and buckwheat productivity are direct, but not strong The average buckwheat productivity in all Lithuanian farms only by 4.9 percent depends on soil fertility point So, buckwheat productivity depends not on quality of soil, but on other factors. In future the areas of buckwheat crops must be concentrated in less favourable regions of Southeast Lithuania, where the productivity of most agricultural plants is not high and where the deep traditions of buckwheat growing exist Furthermore, the growing of buckwheat in this region is stimulated by enterprises, which produce buckwheat grits and buckwheat shell products

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