56 research outputs found

    First generation immigrant judgements of offence seriousness: evidence from the crime survey for England and Wales

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    This exploratory paper delves into differences and similarities in the rated seriousness of offences suffered by victims of different national origin. The issue is important because a mismatch between police and victim assessments of seriousness is likely to fuel discord. It was found that first generation immigrants did not differ in their rating of the seriousness of offences against the person from either the indigenous population or according to region of birth. However those of Asian origin rated vehicle and property crime they had suffered as more serious than did other groups about crimes they suffered. The anticipated higher seriousness rating of offences reported to the police r was observed for all groups. People of Asian origin reported to the police a smaller proportion of offences they rated trivial than did people in other groups. Analysis of seriousness judgements in victimization surveys represents a much-underused resource for understanding the nexus between public perceptions and criminal justice responses

    Prevalence of the thioamide {···H-N-C=S}2 synthon-solid-state (X-ray crystallography), solution (NMR) and gas-phase (theoretical) structures of O-methyl-N-aryl-thiocarbamides

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    Structural investigations, i.e. solid-state (X-ray), solution (1H NMR) and gas-phase (theoretical), on molecules with the general formula MeOC(S)N(H)C6H4-4-Y: Y = H (1), NO2 (2), C(O)Me (3), Cl (4) have shown a general preference for the adoption of an E-conformation about the central C&ndash;N bond. Such a conformation allows for the formation of a dimeric hydrogen-bonded {H&ndash;N&ndash;C=S}2 synthon as the building block. In the cases of 1&ndash;3, additional C&ndash;H...O interactions give rise to the formation of tapes of varying topology. A theoretical analysis shows that the preference for the E-conformation is about the same as the crystal packing stabilisation energy and consistent with this, the compound with Y = C(O)OMe, (5), adopts a Z-conformation in the solid-state that facilitates the formation of N&ndash;H...O, C&ndash;H...O and C&ndash;H...S interactions, leading to a layer structure. Global crystal packing considerations are shown to be imperative in dictating the conformational form of molecules 1&ndash;5.<br /

    Complexes of the tripodal nitrilotrimethylenetrisphosphonic (H6L) and P,P\u27,P\u27\u27-triphenylnitrilotrimethylenetrisphosphinic (H3L) acids with the copper(II) ion. Synthesis and charaterization of [Hpy][Cu(H3L)(H2O)] and [Cu(HL)(py)]2.2Me2CO

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    The complexes [Hpy][Cu(H3L)(H2O)] 1 (L6 = nitrilotrimethylenetrisphosphonate) and [Cu(HL&deg;)(py)]2&middot;2Me2CO 2 [(L&deg;)3 = P,P,P&quot; -triphenylnitrilotrismethylenetrisphosphinate)] have been isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography, near IR-visible spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The structure determination has shown the complexes to be constituted by monomeric and dimeric units respectively. In the monomer the metal atom is surrounded by the phosphonate ligand and a water molecule, with a geometry between a trigonal bipyramid and a square pyramid. The two copper atoms in the dimer are held together by an arm of the tripod ligand, with a pyridine molecule as additional ligand, and display octahedral geometry. The presence of monomeric and dimeric species in aqueous solutions of 1 and 2 has been shown by ESMS studies. The formation in water solution of the dimer [{Cu(H3L)}2]2-, as a minor species, has been supported by potentiometric measurements, whereas only the monomeric anion [CuL&deg;] has been ascertained to be present. In general the ligand H3L&deg; forms less stable copper(II) complexes than H6L.<br /

    Whatever happened to repeat victimisation?

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    Crime is concentrated at the individual level (hot dots) as well as at area level (hot spots). Research on repeat victimisation affords rich prevention opportunities but has been increasingly marginalised by policy makers and implementers despite repeat victims accounting for increasing proportions of total crime. The present paper seeks to trigger a resurgence of interest in research and initiatives based on the prevention of repeat victimisation.N/

    Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts

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    Genetic monitoring of populations currently attracts interest in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity but needs long-term planning and investments. However, genetic diversity has been largely neglected in biodiversity monitoring, and when addressed, it is treated separately, detached from other conservation issues, such as habitat alteration due to climate change. We report an accounting of efforts to monitor population genetic diversity in Europe (genetic monitoring effort, GME), the evaluation of which can help guide future capacity building and collaboration towards areas most in need of expanded monitoring. Overlaying GME with areas where the ranges of selected species of conservation interest approach current and future climate niche limits helps identify whether GME coincides with anticipated climate change effects on biodiversity. Our analysis suggests that country area, financial resources and conservation policy influence GME, high values of which only partially match species’ joint patterns of limits to suitable climatic conditions. Populations at trailing climatic niche margins probably hold genetic diversity that is important for adaptation to changing climate. Our results illuminate the need in Europe for expanded investment in genetic monitoring across climate gradients occupied by focal species, a need arguably greatest in southeastern European countries. This need could be met in part by expanding the European Union’s Birds and Habitats Directives to fully address the conservation and monitoring of genetic diversity

    On Hamiltonian cycles in two-triangle graphs

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