147 research outputs found

    NC machining from solid representations

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    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations Through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services

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    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services: 10.4018/jssmet.2010040105: This paper utilizes a technology road-mapping approach to demonstrate how a traditional technology management process can be applied to improve plannin

    Developing an integrated technology roadmapping process to meet regional technology planning needs: the e-bike pilot study

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    Smart grid is a promising class of new technologies offering many potential benefits for electric utility systems, including possibilities for smart appliances which can communicate with power systems and help to better match supply and demand. Additional services include the ability to\ud better integrate growing supplies of renewable energy and perform a variety of value-added services on the grid. However, a number of challenges exist in order to achieving these benefits.\ud Many utility systems have substantial regulatory structures that make business processes and technology innovation substantially different than in other industries. Due to complex histories regarding regulatory and deregulatory efforts, and due to what some economists consider natural monopoly characteristics in the industry, such regulatory structures are unlikely to change in the immediate future. Therefore, innovation within these industries, including the development of\ud smart grid, will require an understanding of such regulatory and policy frameworks, development of appropriate business models, and adaptation of technologies to fit these emerging requirements. Technology Roadmapping may be a useful method of planning this type of future development within the smart grid sector, but such technology roadmaps would require a high level of integrated thinking regarding technology, business, and regulatory and policy considerations. This research provides an initial examination of the process for creating such a type of integrated technology roadmapping and assessment process. This research proposes to build upon previous research in the Pacific Northwest and create a more robust technology planning process that will allow key variables to be tested and different pathways to be explored

    Technology Foresight: A Bibliometric Analysis to Identify Leading and Emerging Methods

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    Foresight studies provide essential information used by the government, industry and academia for technology planning and knowledge expansion. They are complicated, resource-intensive, and quite expensive. The approach, methods, and techniques must be carefully identified and selected. Despite the global importance of foresight activities, there are no frameworks to help one develop and plan a proper foresight study. This paper begins Keywords: technology foresight; strategic foresight; adaptive foresight; Social Network Analysis (SNA); bibliometric tools; data mining; text mining. to close this gap by analyzing and comparing different schools of thought and updating the literature with the most current tools and methods. Data mining techniques are used to identify articles through an extensive literature review. Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques are used to identify and analyze leading journals, articles, and researchers. A framework is developed here to provide a guide to help in the selection of methods and tools for different approaches

    Perspective: Technology Management in the Service Sector

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    This paper reports out of the symposium on \u27Technology Management in the Service Sector\u27 which was held as a part of Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology in 2007. The objectives of the symposium were: to explore how technology management research and education can contribute to the evolving field of services science, management and engineering; to define a research agenda for the field of engineering and technology management that addresses the critical needs of the evolving service economy and to discuss needed funding structures and programs to foster service oriented research. We tackled these issues in two ways. First, the key leaders from academia, industry and government presented the critical issues and challenges that presently exist. Then, small groups analysed the selected topics in depth. We identified three main components of service science: value, people and technology, and explored how researchers in the field of technology management would tackle this new phenomenon

    R&D Management Trends in the United States, India and China

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    This study researches the Management of Research and Development (R&D) in the emerging economies of India and China and compares theirs with R&D in the United States (US). The purpose of this research is to forecast the future of R&D in these three countries. Because R&D is changing rapidly, particularly in China, understanding where they will be in the future is of interest to the scientific, academic, government and business segments of each country. Our research consisted of gathering industry standard measures of R&D from 1996 through 2009. These measures are as follows: R&D spending as a percentage of GDP (total government, industry and universities), researchers per million inhabitants, number of patents granted each year, number publications each year and total number of graduates in all programs in thousands. We gathered and logged the metrics for each year from 1996 through 2009 and used the historical data to forecast future positioning of R&D in these countries. An overview of each country is provided in the introductory portion of this paper. This provides the context for the historical performance of R&D and for expected future performance of R&D in the US, India and China

    Unraveling the attitudes on entrepreneurial universities: the case of Croatian and Spanish universities

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    The objective of this paper is to present evidence that there are different types of supportive faculty members. We conducted a case study on a sample of Croatian and Spanish universities by using an already tested ENTRE-U scale for measuring the faculty members’ attitudes. These two scenarios are quite different in terms of their innovation systems, economic context and university system. We tested and found no evidence of any statistically significant difference due to the country. These two facts suggest the possible existence of an isomorphic trajectory when implementing entrepreneurial universities regardless the context. University managers should be aware of the existence of three different types of supportive individuals. Each of these groups requires a certain program of human resource development. This shifts the debate to how entrepreneurial universities should manage the tensions arising from the need of some degree of specialization in any of the three roles of the faculty members, namely teaching, researching and transfer of the knowledge stemming from research results

    Evaluating university industry collaborative research centers

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    This research provides performance metrics for cooperative research centers that enhance translational research through partnerships formed by government, industry and academia. Centers are part of complex ecosystems and vary greatly in the type of science conducted, organizational structures and expected outcomes. The ability to realize their objectives depends on transparent measurement systems to assist in decision making in research translation. We introduce a hierarchical decision model that uses both quantitative and qualitative metrics. A generalizable model is developed based upon program goals. The results are validated through consultation with experts. The method is illustrated using data from the National Science Foundation's industry/university cooperative research center (IUCRC) program. The methodology provides a basis for a generalizable model and measurement system to compares performance of university science and engineering focused research centers supported by industry and government

    Technology Planning for Emerging Business Model and Regulatory Integration: The Case of Electric Vehicle Smart Charging

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    Smart grid has been described as the Energy Internet: Where Energy Technology meets Information Technology. The incorporation of such technology into vast existing utility infrastructures offers many advantages, including possibilities for new smart appliances, energy management systems, better integration of renewable energy, value added services, and new busiss models, both for supply-and demand-side management. This paper proposes to build upon existing roadmapping processes by considering an integrated set of factors, including policy issues, that are specifically tuned to the needs of smart grid and have not generally been considered in other types of roadmapping efforts. It will also incorporate expert judgment quantification to prioritize factors, show the pathways for overcoming barriers and achieving benefits, as well as discussing the most promising strategies for achieving these goals. © 2016 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Inc
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