453 research outputs found

    A Wealth of Sub-Consensus Deterministic Objects

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    The consensus hierarchy classifies shared an object according to its consensus number, which is the maximum number of processes that can solve consensus wait-free using the object. The question of whether this hierarchy is precise enough to fully characterize the synchronization power of deterministic shared objects was open until 2016, when Afek et al. showed that there is an infinite hierarchy of deterministic objects, each weaker than the next, which is strictly between i and i+1-processors consensus, for i >= 2. For i=1, the question whether there exist a deterministic object whose power is strictly between read-write and 2-processors consensus, remained open. We resolve the question positively by exhibiting an infinite hierarchy of simple deterministic objects which are equivalent to set-consensus tasks, and thus are stronger than read-write registers, but they cannot implement consensus for two processes. Still our paper leaves a gap with open questions

    Curation of NISEED, an integrative framework for the digital representation of embryonic development

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    NISEED (Network for In situ Expression and Embryological Data) is a generic infrastructure for the creation, maintenance and integration of molecular and anatomical information on model organisms. We applied it to ascidians which are marine invertebrate chordates. These animals constitute model organisms of choice for developmental biology because their embryos develop with a small number of cells and an invariant lineage, allowing their study with a cellular level of resolution. In ANISEED (Ascidian NISEED), embryogenesis of ascidian is represented at the level of the genome via functional gene annotations, cis-regulatory elements or gene expression data, at the level of the cell by representing its morphology, fates, lineage, and relations with its neighbors, or at the level of the whole embryo by representing its anatomy and morphogenesis at successive developmental stages. The system provides also tool and standard to enter, annotate, curate and manage data. All results can be accessed through the ANISEED website at "http://aniseed-ibdm.univ-mrs.fr":http://aniseed-ibdm.univ-mrs.fr

    Parastethorus histrio (Chazeau) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) predator of the red mite Oligonychus yothersi (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae), on Paraguay tea (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.Hil.) in Brazil

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    This is the first record of Parastethorus histrio (Chazeau), feeding on eggs, nymphs and adults of the red mite Oligonychus yothersi (McGregor), on Paraguay tea (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.Hil.) in Brazil.This is the first record of Parastethorus histrio (Chazeau), feeding on eggs, nymphs and adults of the red mite Oligonychus yothersi (McGregor), on Paraguay tea (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.Hil.) in Brazil

    Composição química e avaliação da atividade anti-inflamatória e citotoxicidade de óleos essenciais de espécies de Piper do Rio Grande do Sul

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    A utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de inúmeras doenças vem ganhando destaque, devido a uma gama de compostos bioativos que contribuem para a pesquisa e descoberta de novos fármacos para a utilização na terapêutica. O gênero Piper, abrange cerca de 2000 espécies distribuídas em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Na medicina popular, são utilizadas para o tratamento de bronquite, dores intestinais, irritações e inflamação da pele e na preparação de bebidas cerimoniais. Tendo em vista a importância da identificação de novas substâncias, com estudos de atividades biológicas, a fim de proporcionar alternativas efetivas, este estudo avaliou a composição química, atividades antitumoral, anti-inflamatória e antioxidante dos óleos essenciais de espécies de Piper regnelli, Piper gaudichaudianum, Piper xylosteoides e Piper mikanianum. Os óleos essenciais das espécies de Piper foram obtidos por hidrodestilação e analisados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). Quimicamente, ambos os óleos apresentaram os compostos β-selineno (14,2%), bicyclogermacreno (26,30%), apiol (35,11%) e espatulenol (15,83%) identificados como majoritários respectivamente para as amostras de P. gaudichaudianum, P. mikanianum, P. regnelli e P. xylosteoides. Com relação a atividade antitumoral, o óleo de P. regnelli demonstrou uma inibição de 87,27% e 97% na viabilidade frente as linhagens SiHa e MCF-7, respectivamente. Para P. xylosteoides os resultados mostraram que o tratamento induziu uma inibição de 94% e 96% na viabilidade de linhagens SiHa e MCF-7, respectivamente. Para o ensaio antiquimiotáxico as amostras de P. gaudichaudianum e P. mikanianum apresentaram inibição na migração de neutrófilos. Os resultados mostraram uma inibição significativa (p<0,05) na faixa de 0-72,2% e 8,6-100% para P. gaudichaudianum e P. mikanianum, respectivamente nas concentrações testadas. Em P. regnelli o percentual de inibição foi de 21,3-50,6% e em P. xylosteoides o perfil de inibição de 68,5-100%. A aplicação tópica de P. xylosteoides nas doses de 25, 50 e 100 mg/kg inibiu o edema de orelha induzido pelo óleo de cróton em 31, 19, 15,90 e 5,20% dos camundongos, respectivamente. As amostras testadas na concentração de 500 μg/mL apresentaram um baixo perfil de inibição no ensaio TBARS, com 20,0% e 25,6% para P. regnelli e P. xylosteoides, respectivamente. Esses resultados mostram a variabilidade da composição química dos óleos essenciais das espécies Piper, bem como seu importante efeito antitumoral e anti-inflamatório. Desta forma, uma amostra com capacidade antitumoral, anti-inflamatória e antioxidante poderia ser uma alternativa para o desenvolvimento de novas substâncias em terapia, diminuindo os sintomas e acelerando o processo de cura. Além disso, a atividade antitumoral do óleo essencial de Piper regnelli apresentou efeitos citotóxicos em células de câncer uterino humano (SiHa) e adenocarcinoma de mama (MCF7), sendo uma espécie promissora nessa busca de novas substâncias para atividade antitumoral, obtendo resultados satisfatórios quando comparado com outras amostras.The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of numerous diseases has been gaining prominence, due to a range of bioactive compounds that contribute to the research and discovery of new drugs for use in therapeutics. The genus Piper comprises about 2000 species distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. In folk medicine, they are used to treatment bronchitis, intestinal pains, skin irritations and inflammation, and in the preparation of ceremonial drinks. Considering the importance of identifying new substances, with studies of biological activities, in order to provide effective alternatives, this study evaluated the chemical composition, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of essential oils from species of Piper regnelli, Piper gaudichaudianum, Piper xylosteoides and Piper mikanianum. Essential oils from Piper species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Chemically, both oils showed β-selinene (14.2%), bicyclogermacrene (26.30%), apiole (35.11%) and spathulenol (15.83%) identified as majorities respectively for P. gaudichaudianum, P. mikanianum, P. regnelli and P. xylosteoides. Regarding antitumour activity, P. regnelli oil showed an inhibition of 87.27% and 97% in viability against SiHa and MCF-7 cells, respectively. P. xylosteoides the results showed that the treatment induced an inhibition of 94% and 96% in the viability of SiHa and MCF-7 cells, respectively. For the antichemotactic assay, the samples of P. gaudichaudianum and P. mikanianum showed inhibition of neutrophil migration. The results showed a significant inhibition (p <0.05) in the range of 0-72.2% and 8.6-100% for P. gaudichaudianum and P. mikanianum, respectively in tested concentrations. In P. regnelli the inhibition percentage was 21.3-50.6% and in P. xylosteoides the inhibition profile of 68.5-100%. Topical application of P. xylosteoides at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg inhibited croton oil-induced ear edema in 31.19, 15.90 and 5.20% of mice, respectively. Samples tested at concentration of 500 μg/mL showed a low inhibition profile in TBARS assay, with 20.0% and 25.6% for P. regnelli and P. xylosteoides, respectively. These results show the variability of the chemical composition of essential oils from Piper species, as well as their important antitumour and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, a sample with antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity suggest effective alternatives for the development of new substances in therapy, decreasing symptoms and accelerating the healing process. In addition, the antitumour activity of P. regnelli essential oil showed cytotoxic effects on human uterine cervix (SiHa) and brest adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), being a promising species in this search for new substances for antitumor activity, obtaining satisfactory results when compared to with other samples

    Definición de una metodología para análisis de discurso basado en lingüística computacional y técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina

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    Las diferentes acciones realizadas por un ente regulador del estado, generan múltiples opiniones entre los ciudadanos, las cuales forman debates entre las personas haciendo que se encuentren de acuerdo, desacuerdo o parcialmente de acuerdo con las decisiones o estrategias planteadas. Con el fin de conocer las opiniones de los ciudadanos, en Chile se origina un proyecto llamado “Tenemos que hablar Chile” el cual realizaba preguntas estructuradas a un grupo de ciudadanos, donde la respuesta de cada persona era clasificada por el moderador. Dicha etiqueta fue utilizada para diferentes análisis de discurso que se empezaron a desarrollar sin ningún orden específico. Este proyecto fue replicado en Colombia, bajo la misma dinámica para así conocer las opiniones de los ciudadanos, sin embargo, las técnicas utilizadas fueron diferentes al proyecto chileno. Como resultado, se observa que a pesar de que ambos proyectos tenían la misma dinámica y buscaban un resultado similar, no se pudo reutilizar las técnicas desarrolladas en el proyecto de Chile en Colombia. Debido a esto, la propuesta de este proyecto de maestría busca la implementación de una metodología que permite usar diferentes técnicas de análisis de discurso basado en lingüística computacional y aprendizaje de máquina que dote al equipo de analistas con un esquema de etapas las cuales contarán con herramientas y técnicas de Natural Language processing (NLP, por sus siglas en inglés) para mejorar la eficiencia de este tipo de proyectos. Dentro de este proyecto se puede destacar las fortalezas del director quien tiene una alta experiencia en Machine Learning (ML, por sus siglas en ingles) y de NLP, además de las fortalezas del codirector con un amplio entendimiento del proyecto de "Tenemos que Hablar Colombia” (TQHC), y finalmente el estudiante de este proyecto con una base en la Maestría de Ciencia de los Datos y Analítica para generar una investigación sobre las técnicas de NLP.The different actions carried out by a state regulatory body generate multiple opinions among citizens, which form debates among people, causing them to agree, disagree or partially agree with the decisions or strategies proposed. In order to know the opinions of the citizens, in Chile a project called "Tenemos que hablar Chile" (We have to talk Chile) was created, which asked structured questions to a group of citizens, where the answer of each person was classified by the moderator. each person's answer was classified by the moderator. This label was used for different discourse analyses that began to be developed without any specific order. This project was replicated in Colombia, under the same dynamics in order to know the opinions of the citizens, however, the techniques used were different from the Chilean project. As a result, it is observed that although both projects had the same dynamics and sought a similar result, it was not possible to reuse the techniques developed in the Chilean project in Colombia. Due to this, the proposal of this master's project seeks the implementation of a methodology that allows the use of different techniques of discourse analysis based on computational linguistics and machine learning that will provide the team of analysts with a scheme of stages which will have tools and techniques of Natural Language processing (NLP) to improve the efficiency of this type of projects. Within this project we can highlight the strengths of the director who has a high experience in Machine Learning (ML) and NLP, in addition to the strengths of the co-director with a broad understanding of the project "Tenemos que Hablar Colombia" (TQHC), and finally the student of this project with a base in the Master of Data Science and Analytics to generate a research on NLP techniques