81 research outputs found
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Electronic Land Registration at the Office of National Land Agency
The purpose of this research is to analyze: 1) Implementation of electronic land registration at the Office of the National Land Agency of Sragen Regency. 2). The effectiveness of the implementation of electronic land registration at the Office of the National Land Agency of Sragen Regency. The approach method used in discussing this research problem is a sociological juridical approach. The research specifications used are descriptive analytical research. This type of data uses primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study concluded: 1) The implementation of electronic land registration at the Office of the National Land Agency of Sragen Regency can guarantee legal certainty, because electronic certificates are guaranteed by law and can be used as legal evidence. Registration of this electronic certificate can be through PPAT assistance through the site https://loket.atrbpn.go.id. After the service registration and documents have been uploaded, the land office will later validate the applicant's files online. If the verification is smooth, a deposit order will be printed and the Applicant needs to make payments according to the applicable rules. After making the payment, the file will be processed immediately. The collection is done by coming to the BPN Office of Sragen Regency according to the specified schedule. 2). The effectiveness of electronic land registration at the National Land Agency Office of Sragen Regency is more effective than conventional land registration. This is because the implementation of land registration online or electronically provides many benefits to the community
The study of development degree among the cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province
The first step in regional development planning is to identify the current status of the area in which the identification is required for the analysis of various sections including economic, social and cultural ones. In order to allocate funds and resources among different regions, identifying their position in the relevant section and rank them in terms of development potentials is necessary. There are different methods to rank economic, social and cultural sections that necessarily do not lead to the same answers. Among these methods, taxonomy analysis by combining the different indices of development, determines the development degree of the regions. The present study is ranking 10 cities of Sistan and Balochestan province according to several indicators such as education, health, agriculture, industry and mining, culture, population, and housing in separate and combined form in terms of development during the years 1996-2006 using 70 common indices. In 1996, Zahedan was the most developed city and Nikshahr was the least developed city while in 2006, Zahedan again was the most developed city in province and Sarbaz was the least developed city due to its newly established
Étude de la concordance de deux méthodes de mesure de l'écart utilisées pour déterminer l'existence présumée de besoin
La présente étude jette un regard sur la méthode habituellement utilisée pour mesurer l’existence présumée de besoin. Cette méthode que l'on appelle "méthode de l'écart calculé” est comparée à une méthode dite "méthode de l'écart estimé" dans le but de vérifier jusqu'à quel point il y a concordance entre les réponses des personnes consultées. Pour chaque méthode, trois stratégies de questionnement ou dimensions ont été testées afin de vérifier si ces dernières influent sur les réponses de ces personnes. Quatre hypothèses ont été formulées et vérifiées à cet effet. La vérification des hypothèses de l'étude s'est effectuée auprès de 178 conseillers en orientation scolaire au Maroc, répartis en trois groupes; à l'aide de trois questionnaires, de deux formes chacun, administrés à deux reprises. L'analyse des résultats montre qu'il y a un très faible niveau de concordance entre les écarts (résultats) lorsque l’on utilise la méthode de l’écart calculé et la méthode de l’écart estimé; et que les deux types d’écart calculé et estimé sont significativement différents à l’intérieur de chacune des dimensions. Il s’est avéré aussi que la deuxième et la troisième dimension ne sont significativement différentes ni pour la méthode de l’écart calculé ni pour la méthode de l'écart estimé. Il s'est avéré également que la première et la deuxième dimension sont significativement différentes lorsque l'on utilise la méthode de l'écart estimé mais elles ne le sont pas lorsque l'on utilise l'autre méthode; et finalement, que la première et la troisième dimension sont significativement différentes pour chacune des deux méthodes utilisées. La conséquence de ces constats nous amène à suggérer beaucoup de prudence dans l'emploi de la méthode de l'écart calculé pour mesurer l'existence de besoin.Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model for the Islamic economy
This article is concerned with the debate around the economic knowledge evolution and the role of ethics in economy. It reports on the 2008 crisis, the research literature reveals two main problems: the efficiency of the economic modeling and the failure of the ethical system.The authors explore the use of the new Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium “DSGE” model in the case of Islamic economy, it can enable to develop a new approach, taking into account the criticism of the models used before the crisis, and giving more importance to the ethical principles.The question is to know if the principles of Islamic economy feed into a sustainable economic system.The characteristic of this model lies in the consideration of Islamic principles, namely the abolition of interest rates and their replacement by the rate of return of the capital. In this perspective, it is supposed that the intervention of the monetary authorities is done by an unconventional approach. The model also distinguishes itself by the integration of Zakat. The model is applied in the case of Morocco.The results of simulations show that the introduction of these Islamic principles has no negative effects on the macroeconomic and financial conditions of Morocco and that the stability of the economic system is maintained
Optimasi Pengolahan Bijih Kromit Secara Gravity Dengan Meja Goyang (Optimization of Gravity Chromite Processing with Shaking Table)
Peningkatan kadar unsur atau mineral dari bijih/ ore hasil penambangan biasanya selalu dilakukan dalam industri pertambangan, bagaimana menggoperasian peralatan secara optimal diperlukan kajian yang mendalam. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan mengamati parameter-parameter mempengaruhi peningkatan kadar dengan mengunakan alat meja goyang (shaking table) yang merupakan alat yang mengunakan prinsip metoda grafitasi, bijih yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah bijih kromit yang berasal dari Kabupaten Morowali - Sulawesi Tengah. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memvariasikan ukuran feed/ umpan dengan rentang 106 - 900 µm (mikron) hasil crushing dan grinding yang sudah dilakukan pengayakan, kemiringan deck/meja dengan rentang 5 O -15 O dan frekuensi stroke 35 rpm - 50 rpm. Hasil percobaan memperlihatkan bahwa makin kecil ukuran umpan, kadar Cr (%) makin meningkat nilai optimal pada ukuran -150 + 106 µm, hal ini disebabkan makin bebasnya mineral kromit terpisah dari gangue mineral juga meningkatnya derajad liberasi. Kemiringan meja antara 5O-10O meningkatkan kadar konsentrat Cr (%) namun mengalami penurunan 10O-15O nilai optimal dicapai pada kemiringan 10O. Frekuensi stroke rentang 35 rpm -50 rpm memberikan hasil optimal pada kadar Cr (%) pada stroke 35 rpm. Perhitungan recovery pada hasil optimal /kadar Cr (%) paling tinggi memberikan hasil 44,92 % masih tergolong rendah, memungkinkan diperbaiki dengan peningkatan homogenitas ataupun pengaturan persen solid umpan yakni dengan penambahan conditioning tank
Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Qualities of Raw Milk from Collection Centers and Hawking Activity in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region (Morocco)
The study aims to analyze the two circuits of the dairy chain: authorized and unauthorized, by studying the parameters influencing the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of milk in both networks. Samples of raw milk (n=22), collected from nine collection centers (CCL): four authorized and five unauthorized in the region of Kenitra, and four hawking points in the region of Rabat, during a period between March and May 2022, were analyzed to evaluate their physicochemical and bacteriological qualities. The physicochemical quality of the milk included the measurement of chlorides, lactose and fat content, and the determination of titratable acidity and freezing point. The bacteriological quality was assessed by counting the total aerobic mesophilic flora (TAMF), total and fecal coliforms, presumed pathogenic staphylococci and searching for Salmonella. The fat content varies considerably depending on where the milk samples are collected; the average is 4.13% for licensed collection centers, versus 2.94% for unlicensed collection centers and 2.82% for hawking activity. Â In terms of hygienic quality, the average bacterial load of TAMF in milk from the authorized collection centers is 3.8Ă—108 CFU/ml. Total coliforms (TC) are present with an average rate of 9.37 Ă—105 CFU/ml with an average portion of 7.87 Ă—103 CFU/ml in fecal coliforms (FC), and 1.03 Ă—106 CFU/ml for presumed pathogenic staphylococci. On the other hand, milk samples from unauthorized collection centers and hawking activity showed higher levels of microbial contamination than those from licensed collection centers. Salmonella was not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The non-compliance with hygiene practices and the late application of cold during the milking, the collection, and the transportation of raw milk, partly explain the origin of this finding
Problématique Des Refoulements Des Produits De La Pêche Exportés Par Le Maroc Et Leur Impact Economique
In this paper, we dealt with the problem of the rejections of fishery products exported to other countries via Morocco and their economic impact. The study was conducted using a survey by exporters of the fishing industry. The analysis of data shows that backflows can be caused by different sanitary or documentary reasons. Also, the health profile for the main species can be assessed by a criticality matrix "fish species: hazard: commodity". The determinants of the rejections of exported fish products were analyzed by a multiple regression. This econometric technique is considered valuable in our study to evaluate the impact of a set of variables on the cost of the rejections of fishery products. The rejections of fishery products have a tremendous impact both on fish business operators as well as for the competent authorities. Hence, there is the need to control the various health hazards associated with fishery products by professionals. This was done by adopting plans for health control within their establishments and for the strengthening of official control by the competent authority in a coregulation framework
Sifat limbah plastik yang sulit diurai oleh alam manjadi latar belakang penelitian mengenai pengolahan plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Pirolisis selain mampu mengolah plastik dengan aman, juga menghasilkan produk cair yang bisa menjadi alternatif sumber bahan bakar. Penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya menunjukkan hasil pirolisis dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada jenis plastik yang diolah. Suhu tinggi dan rendemen hasil menjadi kendala yang perlu dipecahkan dalam proses pirolisis limbah plastik. Penggunaan katalis zeolit alam diharapkan dapat meningkatkan rendemen hasil dan menurunkan suhu proses pirolisis plastik HDPE, sehingga didapat produk cair yang mendekati karakteristik bahan bakar cair bensin. Rasio penggunaan katalis, suhu proses dan karakteristik produk cair yang didapat merupakan variabel yang akan diamati dalam penelitian ini. Nilai specific gravity, pour point dan flash point yang mendekati karakteristik bensin, serta hasil pembacaan GC-MS produk dijadikan parameter yang menentukan keberhasilan penelitian ini
Analyse du modèle de corégulation de la sécurité sanitaire des produits de la pêche au Maroc à  travers l'exemple des dangers «histamine», «parasites» et «sulfites»
Co-regulation in food safety represents the shared responsibility between food business operators and the competent authority (CA) to ensure food safety and to comply with the health requirements of importing countries. The evolution of food regulation on one hand and the quality assurance of the veterinary services of the ONSSA according to the ISO 17020 standard on the other hand, need studying the regulation model adopted at national level. The objective of this work is to analyze the main health risks associated with fishery products from a co-regulatory perspective. The hazards targeted by this study are histamine, parasites and sulfites. The approach is based on structured interviews with fishery products professionals and veterinary inspectors responsible for control and certification. The main hazards are controlled by adopting health control plans (PMS) by the professionals within the establishments as well as the official control carried out by the inspecting veterinarians. The PMS implementation can produce conflicting injunctions for the veterinary inspectors of the competent authority.
Keywords: Co-regulation, fishery products, food safety, PMS, risk, ONSSA, Morocco.La corégulation en sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires implique une responsabilité partagée entre les opérateurs économiques du secteur alimentaire et l’autorité compétente en vue de maîtriser la sécurité sanitaire et être conforme aux exigences sanitaires des pays importateurs. L’évolution de la réglementation alimentaire d’une part et la mise sous assurance qualité des services vétérinaires de l’ONSSA selon la norme ISO 17020 d’autre part, nécessite d’étudier le modèle de régulation adopté au niveau national. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les principaux risques sanitaires liés aux produits de la pêche dans le cadre de l’approche de corégulation. Les dangers ciblés par cette étude sont l’histamine, les parasites et les sulfites. L’approche se base sur la réalisation d’entretiens structurés auprès des professionnels des produits de la pêche et des vétérinaires inspecteurs chargés du contrôle et de la certification. Les principaux dangers sont maîtrisés par l’adoption de plans de maîtrise sanitaire (PMS) par les professionnels au sein des établissements ainsi que le contrôle officiel effectué par les vétérinaires inspecteurs. La mise en place du PMS dans les établissements peut produire des injonctions contradictoires pour les vétérinaires inspecteurs de l’autorité compétente.
Mots clés: Corégulation, produits de la pêche, sécurité sanitaire, risque, PMS, ONSSA, Maroc.
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