4 research outputs found

    Assessment of Public Capital Expenditure Financing in Zanzibar

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    This study conducted an assessment of public capital expenditure financing in Zanzibar for the period from 1990/91 to 2019/20. Descriptive analysis was used to investigate the type of public capital expenditure undertakings by the RoGZ and major sources of capital expenditure financing while a chi-square test was used to assess performance of public capital expenditure financing in Zanzibar. Findings demonstrated that, development strategies (ZPRP and ZSGRP I-III) put into focus public capital expenditure financing in Zanzibar. It also revealed that, foreign fund and domestic revenue are the major sources of public capital expenditure financing in Zanzibar. The study concludes that Domestic Source, mostly represented by tax revenue in Zanzibar has significantly improved. However, donor funding still heavily dominated public capital expenditure financing in term of estimates. It is further, concluded that, performance of public capital expenditure financing in term of expected values and observed values was not good. Based on the study results, it is recommended that, there is a need for the RGoZ to strengthen its effort in the tax collection and ensure larger share of the tax collected is allocated for public capital expenditure financing in order to reduce over dependency on foreign source for financing capital expenditure in Zanzibar. Keywords: Public Capital Expenditure, Domestic revenue, Foreign revenue, Chi-square DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-2-06 Publication date: January 31st 2021

    Labour Productivity and Money Demand Behavior in Zanzibar

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    This study examines the relationship between labour productivity and money demand behaviour in Zanzibar. We estimate a model with a ARDL specification and bound test for the cointegration and the long run relationship. This paper also offers support to the explanation that if policy-makers are able to conduct proper monetary policies in a timely manner, they might necessarily influence labour productivity permanently following “well-understood” policy rules as the two variable have a positive relationship. Finally, our evidence also points out that causality relationship is from labour productivity to money demand

    Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Analysis of a New Acidicazo Ligand's Metal Complexes

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    حضرت معقدات جديدة للكروم الثلاثي والنحاس الثنائي والكوبلت الثنائي والمنغنيز الثنائي والخارصين الثنائي والروثينيوم الثنائي والروديوم الثلاثي باستخدام  ليكاندالآزو الجديد  4 -((2-امينو-4-فنيل ازو)-مثيل)-سايكلوهكسان حامض كاربوكسيلي تم تشخيص المركبات المحضرة باطياف (الاشعة تحت الحمراء الاشعة فوق البنفسجية – المرئية والكتلة والرنين النووي المغناطيسي البروتوني) اضافة الى التحليل الدقيق  للعناصر ومنحنى التحلل الحراري الوزني مع قياس التوصيلية المولارية وتحديد نسبة الفلز ، اعطت نتائج التحليل ان الليكاند يسلك ثنائي السن مع الكوبلت والنحاس والمنغنيز بينما ثلاثي السن مع بقية العناصر المذكورة سابقا وقد اعطى  الكوبلت والمنغنيز معقد رباعي السطوح بينما معقد النحاس مربع مستوي ومعقدات الكروم والروثينيوم والروديوم والخارصين  ثماني السطوح وبينت دراسة التحلل الحراري استقرارية المركبات حراريا ووجود جزيئات ماء داخل مجال التناسق. يسلك الليكاند سلوك ثلاثية السن متعادل الشحنة في تناسقه مع ايونات الكروم الثلاثي والخارصين الثنائي والروثيميوم الثلاثي والروديوم الثلاثي من خلال ذرة النيتروجين لمجموعتي الامينية والازو وكذلك الاوكسجين لمجموعة الفينولية .بينما تناسق الليكاند مع النحاس الثنائي والكوبلت الثنائي والمنغنيز الثنائي يكون عن طريق النيتروجين لمجموعتي الامين والازو وبالتالي يسلك الليكاند ثنائية السن متعادل الشحنة.The researchers wanted to make a new azo imidazole as a follow-up to their previous work. The ligand 4-[(2-Amino-4-phenylazo)-methyl]-cyclohexane carboxylic acid as a derivative of trans-4-(aminomethyl) cyclohexane carboxylic acid diazonium salt, and synthesis a series of its chelate complexes with metalions, characterized these compounds using a variety technique, including elemental analysis, FTIR, LC-Mass, 1H-NMRand UV-Vis spectral process as well TGA, conductivity and magnetic quantifications. Analytical data showed that the Co (II) complex out to 1:1 metal-ligand ratio with square planner and tetrahedral geometry, respectively while 1:2 metal-ligand ratio in the Cu(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Zn(II), Ru(III)and Rh(III)complexes with octahedral geometry except Mn complex has tetrahedral geometry. The Ligand functions as a neutral tridentate ligand in all complex investigations, coordinating Cr(III), Zn(II), Ru(III), and Rh(III) ions via the N atom of amine and azo groups, as well as the O phenolic OH group. When coordinated with the Cu(II), Co(II), and Mn(II) ions via the two N atoms of the amine and azo groups, this Ligand functions as a neutral bidentate

    Helminths in the etiology of anemia in the tropics, with special reference to hookworms and schistosomes

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