116 research outputs found

    Dynamic capabilities to match multiple product generations and market rhythm

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    Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to provide greater insights to managers seeking to time properly the launches of innovative new products (NPs) across multiple generations. This paper aims to address the rhythm matching problem by developing a typology and a conceptual framework of the interaction between a firm’s technological readiness to launch NPs and a market’s receptivity in influencing a firm’s long-term performance. Design/methodology/approach –:Based on the new product development (NPD) and diffusion of innovation literatures, the paper develops a model explicitly to address the rhythm matching problem by highlighting the interaction between a firm’s technological readiness to launch new products and a market’s receptivity in influencing a firm’s long-term performance. The logic of this model may be described as follows: long-term performance is a function of matching: products to customer needs, marketingmix dynamics to customer segments and buying behavior dynamics, and logistics, supply chain management, and inventory to market dynamics and financial efficiency; uncertainty in: knowledge of needs, market segments and their dynamics, and market dynamics is all a function of time, as is financial efficiency. Therefore, a firm’s long-term performance is a function of these matches over time. Findings : Deriving from the proposed model and typology, it was found that in independent rhythm windows, the management focus is on a single generation and each successive generation can be planned independently. In market- imposed windows, firms aim at adapting their own NP readiness rhythm to the market receptivity rhythm. In firm-imposed windows, firms have the initiative to drive the market receptivity rhythm. In dynamically resultant windows, everything is more complicated because firms’ NP readiness rhythm and market receptivity rhythm influence each other. Originality/value : The model and typology developed in this paper are a breakthrough result of synthesizing various traditions of NPD and diffusion of innovation research. It is believed that the paper provides a rich conceptual framework drawing together extant research on the development and introduction of new products. The framework is intended both to explicitly inform managers of the importance of rhythm matching as well as to the factors that influence such matching. It is also intended to provide a lens with which further research can be directed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization in NPD and the long- term success of the firms

    Optical and electric manifestations of incommensurate phase in NH₄HSeO₄ crystals

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    Temperature dependences of the optical path difference by the variable part of refractive index D = (n − 1)l and the components ε′ and ε′′ of complex dielectric permittivity for NH₄HSeO₄ single crystal are studied in the temperature range of 220–300 K. Anomalous behaviour of these dependences in the range of incommensurate phase 250–262 K was observed. Analysis of the results of dielectric investigation predicts a considerable decrease of the coefficient of elastic stiffness C in the narrow temperature range of 256–260 K at the transition from the paraelectric to incommensurate phase.Досліджено температурні залежності різниці оптичних шляхів за змінною частиною показника заломлення D = (n − 1)l та компонент ε′ і ε′′ комплексної діелектричної проникливості для монокристала NH₄HSeO₄ в області температур 220–300 K. Виявлено аномальну поведінку цих залежностей в області несумірної фази 250–262 K. Аналіз результатів діелектричних досліджень свідчить про значне зменшення коефіцієнта пружної жорсткості C у вузькій температурній області 256–260 K при переході з параелектричної у несумірну фазу

    The curvature tensor of (\ka,\mu,\nu)-contact metric manifolds

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    We study the Riemann curvature tensor of (\kappa,\mu,\nu)-contact metric manifolds, which we prove to be completely determined in dimension 3, and we observe how it is affected by D_a-homothetic deformations. This prompts the definition and study of generalized (\kappa,\mu,\nu)-space forms and of the necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be conformally flat

    An extension of the benefit segmentation base for the consumption of organic foods : a time perspective

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    Benefit segmentation is a long-standing marketing approach that emphasises the ‘what’ and ‘how’ dimensions of consumer benefits; that is, what benefits consumers perceive in product/service consumption, and how such benefits are perceived. This research proposes a fresh time-based approach to benefit segmentation – namely, focusing on the ‘when’ element or when in time benefits take effect. Drawing upon a survey of UK consumers, it explains and discusses consumption motivations through examining antecedents of temporally dominated benefits in application to organic food. Specifically, the study investigates why some consumers predominantly seek present-based benefits vis-à-vis future-based benefits or vice versa in organic food purchase and consumption behaviour. Using correlation and regression analyses, the research findings establish significant associations of level of involvement, prior knowledge level, and product usage level, and some association of time orientation with the temporally emphasised consumption benefits consumers ultimately pursue. Overall, the research highlights the added contribution of a time perspective in a benefit segmentation approach which can assist marketers in understanding better and communicating more effectively with consumers through drawing up consumer profiles based on when in time their dominantly pursued benefit for an offering is perceived to take effect

    Design and acoustic tests of the ATHENA WFI filter wheel assembly development model towards TRL5

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    The filter wheel (FW) assembly (FWA), developed by the CBK Institute, is one of the critical subsystems of the wide field imager (WFI) instrument on board the Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics—mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-25 space science program (launch scheduled around 2035). The instrument has to collect soft x-rays with very high quantum efficiency, thus WFI requires extremely thin optical blocking filter (OBF). Due to its thickness (∼150 nm) and large area (∼170 mm × 170 mm) needed to achieve a 40 ′ × 40 ′ instrument field of view, the filter is extremely vulnerable to acoustic loads generated during Ariane 6 rocket launch. On the other side, FW mechanism has to provide high overall reliability, so it is more favourable to launch the instrument in atmospheric pressure (without vacuum enclosure for filter protection). Design efforts of the FW subsystem were focused on two issues: providing maximal possible sound pressure level suppression and smallest possible differential pressure across the OBF, which should prevent filters from damaging. We describe the design of a reconfigurable acoustic-demonstrator model (DM) of WFI FWA created for purposes of acoustic testing. Also, the acoustic test campaign is described: test methodology, test criteria, and results discussion and its implication on future FWA design. In general, tests conducted with the FWA DM showed that current design of WFI is feasible and the project can be continued without introducing a vacuum enclosure, which would significantly increase system complexity and mass

    A virtual reality and retailing literature review: Current focus, underlying themes and future directions

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    This literature review reveals the current research focus, underlying themes and prominent research gaps in the Virtual Reality (VR) literature. 89 journal articles from the 22 years are thematically analysed in order to non-obvious reveal interconnections and themes, including research focus over time and underlying themes by research discipline. Over half of all papers focus on the need to understand the VR shopping consumer, yet no consensus exists as to what the optimal experience is or how to design effective v-Commerce stores. The most prominent research gaps are related to the unique HCI aspects in v-Commerce that influence shopping behaviours. The impact of this review is establishing the current challenges and future directions for academia in order to make v-Commerce a viable reality. Specifically, future research should focus on develop human factor theory in VR shop design (i.e. social dimension, eye-tracking etc.)

    Augmented Reality: What Motivates Late Millennials towards Fashion Mobile Apps?

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    Generation Z is expected to be a dominant demographic and economic group. Cyber-waviness, constant reliance on smart devices that allows them to be always connected are among some of their intrinsic characteristics. The combination of this reality with the ever-changing technological environment is compelling retailers to reshape their business strategies, to meet this group desires and expectations and to foster their engagement. Augmented reality (AR) is emerging as a technological solution that pleases both consumers and retailers. This paper aims to answer two main questions: (1) How does generation Z evaluate an AR experience? (2) Which attributes/benefits do they value or not during an AR experience? Drawing on a qualitative methodology – content analysis of 34 interviewees – we discuss six main dimensions the potential customer value of the relationship between them and AR experiences under retailer context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites

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    Accurate and reliable quantification of brain metabolites measured in vivo using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a topic of continued interest. Aside from differences in the basic approach to quantification, the quantification of metabolite data acquired at different sites and on different platforms poses an additional methodological challenge. In this study, spectrally edited γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) MRS data were analyzed and GABA levels were quantified relative to an internal tissue water reference. Data from 284 volunteers scanned across 25 research sites were collected using GABA+ (GABA + co-edited macromolecules (MM)) and MM-suppressed GABA editing. The unsuppressed water signal from the volume of interest was acquired for concentration referencing. Whole-brain T1-weighted structural images were acquired and segmented to determine gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid voxel tissue fractions. Water-referenced GABA measurements were fully corrected for tissue-dependent signal relaxation and water visibility effects. The cohort-wide coefficient of variation was 17% for the GABA + data and 29% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. The mean within-site coefficient of variation was 10% for the GABA + data and 19% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. Vendor differences contributed 53% to the total variance in the GABA + data, while the remaining variance was attributed to site- (11%) and participant-level (36%) effects. For the MM-suppressed data, 54% of the variance was attributed to site differences, while the remaining 46% was attributed to participant differences. Results from an exploratory analysis suggested that the vendor differences were related to the unsuppressed water signal acquisition. Discounting the observed vendor-specific effects, water-referenced GABA measurements exhibit similar levels of variance to creatine-referenced GABA measurements. It is concluded that quantification using internal tissue water referencing is a viable and reliable method for the quantification of in vivo GABA levels

    Development of a diagnostic protocol for dizziness in elderly patients in general practice: a Delphi procedure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dizziness in general practice is very common, especially in elderly patients. The empirical evidence for diagnostic tests in the evaluation of dizziness is scarce. Aim of our study was to determine which set of diagnostic tests should be part of a diagnostic protocol for evaluating dizziness in elderly patients in general practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a Delphi procedure with a panel of 16 national and international experts of all relevant medical specialities in the field of dizziness. A selection of 36 diagnostic tests, based on a systematic review and practice guidelines, was presented to the panel. Each test was described extensively, and data on test characteristics and methodological quality (assessed with the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies, QUADAS) were presented. The threshold for in- or exclusion of a diagnostic test was set at an agreement of 70%.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During three rounds 21 diagnostic tests were selected, concerning patient history (4 items), physical examination (11 items), and additional tests (6 items). Five tests were excluded, although they are recommended by existing practice guidelines on dizziness. Two tests were included, although several practice guidelines question their diagnostic value. Two more tests were included that have never been recommended by practice guidelines on dizziness.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study we successfully combined empirical evidence with expert opinion for the development of a set of diagnostic tests for evaluating dizziness in elderly patients. This comprehensive set of tests will be evaluated in a cross-sectional diagnostic study.</p