47 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of Medically Assisted Reproduction: An educational overview of methods and applications for healthcare professionals

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    Economic evaluations of the value-for-money of Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) interventions are increasingly important due to growing pressure on healthcare budgets. Although such evaluations are commonplace in the published literature, the number/methodological complexity of different evaluations available, and the challenges specific to MAR interventions, can complicate the interpretation of such analyses for fertility treatments. This article aims to serve as an educational resource and provide context on the design/interpretation of economic analyses for MAR interventions. Several areas are relevant for first-line providers and decision makers: scope of analysis, comparator used, perspective/time horizon considered, outcomes used to measure success, and how results from cost-effectiveness studies can be summarised and used in clinical practice. We aim to help clinicians better understand the strengths/weaknesses of economic analyses, to enable the best use of the evidence in practice, so resources available for MAR interventions can provide maximum value to patients and society

    Démarche d'analyse spectrale en vue d'une interprétation automatique, application à un signal d'engrenages

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    Cet article décrit une démarche complète d'analyse spectrale commune à des experts du signal et du domaine concerné (acoustique, mécanique vibratoire) dans le but d'estimer un contenu spectral. L'originalité réside dans le processus de décision qui est fondé sur une confrontation de méthodes (Fourier, Maximum de Vraisemblance, paramétriques, déflation) couplée à une interprétation spectrale. Une pré-analyse consiste à évaluer certaines propriétés du signal (stationnarité, hypothèse gaussienne) et à étudier son autocorrélation. Ensuite, une démarche est construite à partir d'une succession d'analyses spectrales, aboutissant à la détection et à l'identification des différents motifs spectraux. L'interprétation de chaque étape est facilitée par la mise en place de critères objectifs. Enfin des analyses complémentaires sont envisagées (cyclostationnarité, recherche d'harmoniques)

    Cyclostationnarités d'ordre 1 et 2 : application à des signaux vibratoires d'engrenages

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    Le diagnostic précoce des pannes des engrenages fait, en particulier, appel aux caractéristiques cyclostationnaires du signal vibratoire. La cyclostationarité d'un signal se manifeste sur les propriétés moyennes (ordre 1) et sur les propriétés énergétiques (ordre 2) du signal. Nous montrons l'importance de la prise en compte de ces 2 ordres de cyclostationarité pour l'analyse du signal et pour l'estimation de la corrélation spectrale. Nous appliquons cette nouvelle méthode de caractérisation à un signal vibratoire d'engrenage. L'exploitation complète des propriétés cyclostationnaires d'ordre 1 et 2 apporte de nouveaux moyens de diagnostic

    Early hCG addition to rFSH for ovarian stimulation in IVF provides better results and the cDNA copies of the hCG receptor may be an indicator of successful stimulation

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    A simple, safe and cost-effective treatment protocol in ovarian stimulation is of great importance in IVF practice, especially in the case of previous unsuccessful attempts. hCG has been used as a substitute of LH because of the degree of homology between the two hormones. The main aim of this prospective randomized study was to determine, for the first time, whether low dose hCG added to rFSH for ovarian stimulation could produce better results compared to the addition of rLH in women entering IVF-ET, especially in those women that had previous IVF failures. An additional aim was to find an indicator that would allow us to follow-up ovarian stimulation and, possibly, modify it in order to achieve a better IVF outcome; and that indicator may be the cDNA copies of the LH/hCG receptor. Group A patients (n = 58) were administered hCG and Group B rLH (n = 56) in addition to rFSH in the first days of ovarian stimulation. The number of follicles and oocytes and, most importantly, implantation and pregnancy rates were shown to be statistically significantly higher in the hCG group. This study has also determined, for the first time to our best knowledge, m-RNA for LH/hCG receptors in the lymphocytes of peripheral blood 40 h before ovum pick-up. cDNA levels of the hCG receptor after ovarian stimulation were significantly higher among women receiving hCG compared to those receiving LH. In addition, higher levels were encountered among women with pregnancy compared to those without, although this was not statistically significant due to the small number of pregnancies. It seems that hCG permits a highly effective and more stable occupancy of rLH/hCG receptors and gives more follicles and more oocytes. The determination of cDNA copies could be, in the future, a marker during ovulation induction protocols and of course a predictor for the outcome of ART in the special subgroup of patients with previous failures

    The use of a decremental dose regimen in patients treated with a chronic low-dose step-up protocol for WHO Group II anovulation: a prospective randomized multicentre study.

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    In women with chronic anovulation, the choice of the FSH starting dose and the modality of subsequent dose adjustments are critical in controlling the risk of overstimulation. The aim of this prospective randomized study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a decremental FSH dose regimen applied once the leading follicle was 10-13 mm in diameter in women treated for WHO Group II anovulation according to a chronic low-dose (CLD; 75 IU FSH for 14 days with 37.5 IU increment) step-up protocol. METHODS: Two hundred and nine subfertile women were treated with recombinant human FSH (r-hFSH) (Gonal-f) for ovulation induction according to a CLD step-up regimen. When the leading follicle reached a diameter of 10-13 mm, 158 participants were randomized by means of a computer-generated list to receive either the same FSH dose required to achieve the threshold for follicular development (CLD regimen) or half of this FSH dose [sequential (SQ) regimen]. HCG was administered only if not more than three follicles >or=16 mm in diameter were present and/or serum estradiol (E(2)) values were <1200 pg/ml. The primary outcome measure was the number of follicles >or=16 mm in size at the time of hCG administration. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics and ovarian parameters at the time of randomization were similar in the two groups. Both CLD and SQ protocols achieved similar follicular growth as regards the total number of follicles and medium-sized or mature follicles (>/=16 mm: 1.5 +/- 0.9 versus 1.4 +/- 0.7, respectively). Furthermore, serum E(2) levels were equivalent in the two groups at the time of hCG administration (441 +/- 360 versus 425 +/- 480 pg/ml for CLD and SQ protocols, respectively). The rate of mono-follicular development was identical as well as the percentage of patients who ovulated and achieved pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the CLD step-up regimen for FSH administration is efficacious and safe for promoting mono-follicular ovulation in women with WHO Group II anovulation. This study confirms that maintaining the same FSH starting dose for 14 days before increasing the dose in step-up regimen is critical to adequately control the risk of over-response. Strict application of CLD regimen should be recommended in women with WHO Group II anovulation

    The use of a decremental dose regimen in patients treated with a chronic low-dose step-up protocol for WHO Group II anovulation: a prospective randomized multicentre study

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    BACKGROUND: In women with chronic anovulation, the choice of the FSH starting dose and the modality of subsequent dose adjustments are critical in controlling the risk of overstimulation. The aim of this prospective randomized study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a decremental FSH dose regimen applied once the leading follicle was 10-13 mm in diameter in women treated for WHO Group II anovulation according to a chronic low-dose (CLD; 75 IU FSH for 14 days with 37.5 IU increment) step-up protocol. METHODS: Two hundred and nine subfertile women were treated with recombinant human FSH (r-hFSH) (Gonal-f) for ovulation induction according to a CLD step-up regimen. When the leading follicle reached a diameter of 10-13 mm, 158 participants were randomized by means of a computer-generated list to receive either the same FSH dose required to achieve the threshold for follicular development (CLD regimen) or half of this FSH dose [sequential (SQ) regimen]. HCG was administered only if not more than three follicles >or=16 mm in diameter were present and/or serum estradiol (E(2)) values were or=16 mm in size at the time of hCG administration. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics and ovarian parameters at the time of randomization were similar in the two groups. Both CLD and SQ protocols achieved similar follicular growth as regards the total number of follicles and medium-sized or mature follicles (>/=16 mm: 1.5 +/- 0.9 versus 1.4 +/- 0.7, respectively). Furthermore, serum E(2) levels were equivalent in the two groups at the time of hCG administration (441 +/- 360 versus 425 +/- 480 pg/ml for CLD and SQ protocols, respectively). The rate of mono-follicular development was identical as well as the percentage of patients who ovulated and achieved pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the CLD step-up regimen for FSH administration is efficacious and safe for promoting mono-follicular ovulation in women with WHO Group II anovulation. This study confirms that maintaining the same FSH starting dose for 14 days before increasing the dose in step-up regimen is critical to adequately control the risk of over-response. Strict application of CLD regimen should be recommended in women with WHO Group II anovulation