67 research outputs found

    Personal risk factors and types of sport associated with drive for thinness and drive for muscularity in NextGen athletes

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    Introduction Professional and student-athletes are at risk of developing symptoms of eating disorders (ED), including drive for thinness and muscularity due to personal risk factors (e.g., low self-esteem) and sport-specific characteristics (e.g., sport requirements). However, limited studies have focused on ED symptoms among NextGen athletes (identified in Canada as élite or relève who compete at the provincial, national, and international levels but are not yet part of national teams. As such, they have access to fewer financial resources and support from their sport federations, which can create additional stress for these athletes. The present study aimed to identify personal risk factors and types of sports associated with (a) drive for thinness and (b) drive for muscularity in NextGen athletes. Methods These athletes (n= 254) aged between 14 and 25 years old completed an online questionnaire. Perfectionism, self-esteem in sport, drive for thinness, and drive for muscularity were, respectively, assessed by the Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport, the Sport State Self-Esteem Scale, the Eating Attitude Test-26, and the Drive for Muscularity Scale. Other personal risk factor (e.g., athletic status) were measured using in-house questions. Each personal risk factor was included in two multiple linear regressions, respectively, to determine which factors were most associated with drive for thinness and drive for muscularity. Results Analyses revealed that perfectionist aspirations during training were linked to a stronger desire for thinness. In addition, not being in school or not having a job were also linked to a stronger desire for thinness. Several variables were found to be associated with a greater desire for muscularity: being a male athlete, playing team sport, weight category sport or endurance sport (as opposed to esthetic sport), having elite status, being less satisfied with one’s current sporting performance and having higher perfectionist aspirations during training. Discussion This study offers initial insights into the factors influencing EDs among NextGen athletes, which provides a foundation for deeper exploration and the creation or modification of targeted interventions. These findings can guide sport organizations in creating guidelines and programs to better support the next generation of national athletes (e.g., create programs to help athletes maintain investments outside)

    Análise do perfil de liderança dos treinadores das categorias de base do futebol brasileiro

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    Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o perfil de liderança dos treinadores das categorias de base do futebol brasileiro. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário de identificação da amostra e a Escala de Liderança Revisada para o Esporte (ELRE), versão auto-percepção. Participaram deste estudo 109 treinadores com média de idade de 38,64 anos (± 10,33) e uma média de tempo de envolvimento na função de treinador igual a 7,05 anos (± 6,01). Os treinadores entrevistados advinham de quatro categorias: sub-20 (33 treinadores), sub-17 (28 treinadores), sub-15 (25 treinadores) e sub-13 (23 treinadores). A análise estatística foi realizada no SPSS versão 11.0. Os resultados mostraram que os treinadores se auto-percebem como sendo mais autocráticos e voltados para os aspectos de treino-instrução de suas equipes. Constatou-se que não houve diferença entre as percepções dos treinadores que trabalham nas quatro categorias de base coletadas. Em relação à forma de trabalho desses treinadores em suas equipes conclui-se que eles são autocráticos e mostram uma preocupação com a conduta educativa e de instrução, denotando preocupação com a melhoria do desempenho técnico, tático e motivacional das equipes. Conclui-se também, que os profissionais entrevistados mostram perfis de liderança semelhantes independentemente da categoria na qual eles estão trabalhando no momento.This study aimed to identify the factors derived from the real leadership style of soccer coaches. This study used a questionnaire to characterize the sample and the Revised Leadership Scale for Sport, real profile version, as instruments for data collection. One hundred and nine soccer coaches of youth teams participated of this research. They presented an average age of 38.64 years (± 10.33) and a direct involvement with coaching of 7.05 years (± 6.01). The interviewees were coaches of four age groups: under 20's (33 coaches), under 17's (28 coaches), under 15's (25 coaches) and under 13's (23 coaches). The results showed that the coaches interviewed perceive themselves as autocratic and orientated to training-instruction aspects as the main components of their leadership profile. The study also found that there were no statistical differences between coaches of the four age groups studied. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that, the real profile of leadership for soccer coaches in youth teams combines autocratic decision style and the technical, tactical and motivational performance of the team; and that the interviewed coaches have the same leadership profile independently of the age group they work with

    Developing individuals whilst managing teams: perspectives of under 21 coaches within English Premier League football

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    The aim of this study was to explore under 21 Development coaches’ thoughts, perspectives, and approaches within this phase of development at English Premier League (EPL) football clubs. Data were collected via one-to-one semi-structured interviews with six under 21 development coaches from six different EPL clubs. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings suggested that under 21 development coaches were situated, culturally and sometimes physically, in-between the academy and first team environments, trapped between two distinct cultures. Under 21 coaches also had contrasting views and approaches with regards to the development of under 21 players and the importance of winning at this stage of development. Participants appeared to favour creating environments that can replicate the first team environment to prepare under 21 players for the transition. The study concludes by proposing more support for under 21 development coaches is required from key stakeholders, regarding clarity of the role and players developmen

    Escala do comportamento do treinador: versão treinador (ECT-T) e versão atleta (ECT-A): o que o treinador diz é confirmado pelos seus atletas?

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    Objetivou-se verificar o nível de associação entre as percepções de atletas e treinadores de esportes coletivos e individuais nas seis dimensões do comportamento do treinador - Treinamento Físico (TF), Treinamento Técnico (TT), Preparação Mental (PM), Estabelecimento de Objetivos (EO), Reforço Pessoal Positivo (RPP), Reforço Pessoal Negativo (RPN) - acessado pela Escala do Comportamento do Treinador - Versão Treinador (ECT-T) e Versão Atleta (ECT-A). Participaram 181 atletas (114 homens e 67 mulheres) de nove modalidades esportivas com idade média de 17,15 anos (± 1,48) e seus respectivos treinadores (N = 32), todos do sexo masculino, com idade média de 32,88 (± 8,91). Treinadores e atletas responderam aos 38 itens de mesmo conteúdo dos questionários mencionados. A correlação não-paramétrica de Spearman mostrou a inexistência de associação significativa, ao nível a = 0,05, entre as percepções treinadores e atletas de modalidades coletivas nas dimensões TT, PM, EO e RPP. Entre treinadores e atletas de modalidades individuais também não foram verificadas associações significativas em cinco dimensões: TF, TT, PM, EO e RPP. Dentre outras razões, a baixa compatibilidade entre as percepções de atletas treinadores, pode estar relacionada a falhas no processo de organização do treinamento. Além disso, o relacionamento de cada treinador com os atletas sob o seu comando parece informar mais do que a simples categorização: modalidades coletivas versus individuaisThe purpose of this study was to verify the level of association between athletes and their coaches' perceptions, according to the kind of sport (individual or group), in the six dimensions of coaching behavior - Physical Training (PT); Technical Training (TT); Mental Preparation (MP); Goal Setting (GS); Personal Positive Rapport (PPR) Personal Negative Rapport (PNR) - accessed by the two Brazilian versions of Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport: Coaches (ECT-T) and Athletes Versions (ECT-A). Participated 181 athletes (114 male and 67 female) of nine different sports with mean age of 17.15 years (± 1.48) and their respective coaches (N = 32), all male, with mean age of 32.88 years (± 8.91). Coaches and athletes answered the 38 items, which have the same content, in the mentioned questionnaires. The non-parametric Spearman correlation showed the inexistence of significant association, at a level = 0.05, between the coaches and athletes perception of group sports in the dimensions TT, MP, GS and PPR. In addition, there were no significant correlations between coaches and athletes perceptions of individual sports in the following dimensions: PT, TT, MP, GS and PPR. Among others reasons, the low compatibility involving the coaches and athletes perceptions can be associated with failures in the training organization process. Besides, the relationship of each coach with their athletes appears to add more information than the simple categorization: group modalities versus individual modalitie

    Population genomics of speciation and admixture

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    The application of population genomics to the understanding of speciation has led to the emerging field of speciation genomics. This has brought new insight into how divergence builds up within the genome during speciation and is also revealing the extent to which species can continue to exchange genetic material despite reproductive barriers. It is also providing powerful new approaches for linking genotype to phenotype in admixed populations. In this chapter, we give an overview of some of the methods that have been used and some of the novel insights gained. We also outline some of the pitfalls of the most commonly used methods and possible problems with interpretation of the results

    Problem Gambling and Problem Gaming in Elite Athletes : a Literature Review.

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    Researchers have raised concerns about mental health in elite athletes, including problem gambling, where research hitherto is scarce. While gambling has been assessed in the younger student-athlete population, neither gambling nor the recently recognized behavioral addiction of gaming disorder has been sufficiently addressed in the elite athlete population. The present systematic literature review aimed to summarize research knowledge on the prevalence and correlates of problem gambling and problem gaming in elite athletes. Research papers were searched systematically using the Scopus, PsycINFO, and PubMed/MEDLINE databases and evaluated following a PRISMA paradigm. For the elite athlete population, eight reports on problem gambling and one report on problem gaming were found. While at least five papers indicated an increased risk of problem gambling in elite athletes compared to the general population, one study from Australia indicated the opposite. Problem gambling was generally more common in male athletes. Knowledge of problem gaming prevalence is thus far limited. It is concluded that increased research in problem gambling and problem gaming in elite athletes is warranted
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