136 research outputs found

    The Argumentative Competence in the Official Certification Examinations DELF and DELE

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    Depending on the language assessed in the official certification examinations for the DELE and DELF B1 and B2, the requirements for the development of the candidate’s argumentative competence will be specific. Determined by the rules guiding the examinations to obtain the official certification in a level, the task contents in exercises about topics reveal a specific conception of the argumentative dimension that a French or a Spanish discourse must have.En fonction de la langue Ă©valuĂ©e dans les examens de certification officielle pour l’obtention du DELF et du DELE B1 et B2, les exigences concernant le dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence argumentative chez le candidat vont ĂȘtre spĂ©cifiques. ConditionnĂ© par les normes auxquelles se plient les Ă©preuves qui visent Ă  la certification officielle d’un niveau, le contenu de la tĂąche attendu dans les exercices des sujets rĂ©vĂšle une conception propre de la dimension argumentative que doit avoir un discours en français ou en espagnol

    Meropenem/colistin synergy testing for multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains by a two-dimensional gradient technique applicable in routine microbiology

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    Objectives Precise assessment of potential therapeutic synergy, antagonism or indifference between antimicrobial agents currently depends on time-consuming and hard-to-standardize in vitro chequerboard titration methods. We here present a method based on a novel two-dimensional antibiotic gradient technique named Xactℱ. Methods We used a test comprising a combination of perpendicular gradients of meropenem and colistin in a single quadrant. We compared test outcomes with those obtained with classical chequerboard microbroth dilution testing in a study involving 27 unique strains of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from diverse origins. Results We were able to demonstrate 92% concordance between the new technology and classical chequerboard titration using the A. baumannii collection. Two strains could not be analysed by Xactℱ due to their out-of-range MIC of meropenem (>128 mg/L). Conclusions The new test was shown to be diagnostically useful, easy to implement and less labour intensive than the classical metho

    Influence of the initial chemical conditions on the rational design of silica particles

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    The influence of the water content in the initial composition on the size of silica particles produced using the Stöber process is well known. We have shown that there are three morphological regimes defined by compositional boundaries. At low water levels (below stoichiometric ratio of water:tetraethoxysilane), very high surface area and aggregated structures are formed; at high water content (>40 wt%) similar structures are also seen. Between these two boundary conditions, discrete particles are formed whose size are dictated by the water content. Within the compositional regime that enables the classical Stöber silica, the structural evolution shows a more rapid attainment of final particle size than the rate of formation of silica supporting the monomer addition hypothesis. The clearer understanding of the role of the initial composition on the output of this synthesis method will be of considerable use for the establishment of reliable reproducible silica production for future industrial adoption

    Molecular characterization of dengue virus serotype 1 infections in French travelers from Africa between 2013 and 2019

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    Laboratory-confirmed dengue virus (DENV) infections in Africa are rarely reported. In this study, we report 18 DENV serotype 1 (DENV-1) infections, diagnosed by the French National Reference Center for Arboviruses, in patients who had histories of recent travel in Africa. Our analyses revealed two cases, one from Niger in 2018 and one from the Republic of the Congo in 2016, where dengue fever had not been previously reported, and one case from Mauritania in 2015, where DENV-1 had not been previously reported. These cases support the reported spread of DENV outside its well-established tropical and subtropical environment toward the arid deserts of the Sahel. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that a single monophyletic DENV-1 lineage is currently in circulation in West Africa, having spread from East Africa after its original importation from Asia. Our study provides an improved understanding of DENV dynamics in Africa and underlines the importance of surveillance of travel-acquired infections

    Prefixal agreement and impersonal ‘il’ in Spoken French: Experimental evidence

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    Spoken Continental French exhibits a number of properties which were classically argued to characterize null subject languages (Rizzi, 1986b; Jaeggli and Safir, 1989). While it has been shown (e.g. see Gilligan, 1987; Newmeyer, 2005: 45) that this so-called cluster of properties does not characterize all such languages, Spoken French for example appears to allow non-referentia

    Basal Body Positioning Is Controlled by Flagellum Formation in Trypanosoma brucei

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    To perform their multiple functions, cilia and flagella are precisely positioned at the cell surface by mechanisms that remain poorly understood. The protist Trypanosoma brucei possesses a single flagellum that adheres to the cell body where a specific cytoskeletal structure is localised, the flagellum attachment zone (FAZ). Trypanosomes build a new flagellum whose distal tip is connected to the side of the old flagellum by a discrete structure, the flagella connector. During this process, the basal body of the new flagellum migrates towards the posterior end of the cell. We show that separate inhibition of flagellum assembly, base-to-tip motility or flagella connection leads to reduced basal body migration, demonstrating that the flagellum contributes to its own positioning. We propose a model where pressure applied by movements of the growing new flagellum on the flagella connector leads to a reacting force that in turn contributes to migration of the basal body at the proximal end of the flagellum

    Caractérisation, épidémiologie et pathogénie d'un clone de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline portant le gÚne de la toxine du choc toxique staphylococcique (TSST-1)

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    The plasticity of the Staphylococcus aureus genome confers to this specie the ability to gain accessory genes encoding virulence factors as well as antibiotic resistance determinants such as Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec SCCmec that encodes methicillin-resistance. Methicillin resistance first emerged in hospital-acquired strains originally of successful nosocomial pandemic clones, and is also risen in virulent community-acquired strains containing the Panton-Valentine leucocidin. In 2002, we observed the worrying emergence of a new methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) clone that contains the tst gene encoding toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) responsible for both hospital and community-acquired infections. Our study was focused on: (i) new tools for MRSA description, mainly on a SCCmec typing tool, (ii) the characterisation of this new clone by molecular and phenotypic methods, (iii) the epidemiology of this clone, (iv) the pathogenic potential of this clone and the investigation of the genetic features that enhance transmission and virulence, particularly the role of TSST-1. The tst+ MRSA clone is an epidemic clone of genetic background ST5 by multilocus sequence typing that occurs mainly in young people and is responsible for a wide diversity of clinical syndromes including toxin-mediated and suppurative diseases. This clone harbours a peculiar cassette “truncated SCCmec type I” which could play an important role in virulence and transmission but are still under investigation. TSST-1 does not play a determining role (either directly or indirectly) in the pleiotropic pathogenesis of this cloneLa plasticitĂ© gĂ©nomique de Staphylococcus aureus lui permet d’acquĂ©rir des gĂšnes codant des facteurs de virulence mais aussi des gĂšnes de rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques, notamment la cassette de rĂ©sistance Ă  la mĂ©ticilline (SCCmec). La rĂ©sistance Ă  la mĂ©ticilline est d’abord apparue dans des souches hospitaliĂšres Ă  l’origine de grands clones pandĂ©miques nosocomiaux, puis a ensuite Ă©mergĂ© en milieu communautaire chez des souches virulentes possĂ©dant la leucocidine de Panton-Valentine. Nous avons observĂ© en 2002, en milieu hospitalier et communautaire, l’émergence inquiĂ©tante de S. aureus rĂ©sistant Ă  la mĂ©ticilline (SARM) portant le gĂšne tst de la toxine du choc toxique staphylococcique (TSST-1). Notre travail a consistĂ© Ă  : (i) l’élaboration de nouveaux outils contribuant Ă  la description de clones de SARM, notamment d’un outil de typage de la cassette SCCmec, (ii) la caractĂ©risation phĂ©notypique et molĂ©culaire de ce nouveau clone, (iii) l’étude de l’épidĂ©miologie de ce clone, (iv) l’exploration de la pathogĂ©nie de ce clone en recherchant les propriĂ©tĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©tiques qui lui confĂšrent une telle virulence et Ă©pidĂ©micitĂ©, et notamment en identifiant le rĂŽle de la TSST-1. Le clone de SARM tst+ est un clone Ă©pidĂ©mique de fond gĂ©nĂ©tique ST5 en Multi Locus Sequence yping, atteignant principalement les sujets jeunes, et responsable d’infections variĂ©es Ă  la fois toxiniques et suppuratives. Il est dotĂ© d’une cassette SCCmec atypique de type I tronquĂ©e dont le rĂŽle dans le potentiel Ă©pidĂ©mique et de virulence de ce clone reste Ă  dĂ©terminer. Enfin, la TSST-1 ne semble pas jouer un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant, direct ou indirect, dans la pathogĂ©nie plĂ©iotropique de ce clon
