799 research outputs found

    CodeVA Elementary Coaches Academy : Impact of Computer Science Implementation in K-5

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    Abstract This study investigated the impact of CodeVA’s elementary coach’s academy (ECA) on computer science implementation in elementary schools across the state of Virginia. The research took a multimethod qualitative and quantitative approach through surveys, focus groups, interviews and observations of ECA coaches and participants, along with the analysis of historical data provided by CodeVA. The capstone research questions were: “What is the impact of the elementary coaches academy?” and “What impacts the effectiveness of CodeVA’s elementary coaches academy?” In general, the data collected suggested that CodeVA has been effective in reaching its intended audience and meeting the needs of cohort participants, but there is still room for improvement. The review of the data resulted in five overarching anchors being identified that produced the following recommendations: “ use evidenced based coaching models to increase impact”; “utilize adult learning principles to create specific professional development”; “create a more structured professional learning community for ECA”; “improve advanced communication of ECA professional development opportunities” and “create a cache of resources to improve outside access to information for facilitators and coaches of the ECA” Keywords: CodeVA, computer science, elementary coaches academ


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of cynicism on the performance of an organization by empowering leadership moderation. The population in this research is the employees who work in food and beverage field in West Surabaya. This research technique is random sampling technique with the total sample of 212 respondents. Data that is obtained in this research is primary data by distributing questionnaires through google forms. This research is quantitative research. Based on the result of the research, the cynicism factor in this research does not affect organizational performance of employees who work in the food and beverage field. Secondly, the empowering leadership factor does not moderate the relation between cynicism and the organizational performance of employees who work in the food and beverage field. The cynicism variable in companies is very difficult to be analyzed in Indonesia, because Indonesian culture has reluctant attitude. This reluctant attitude causes the cynicism variable in this research does not give any effect on organizational performance. This statement supports the result of the research from empowering leadership variable does not moderate the relation of cynicism on organizational performance. This research finds out new hypotheses in which empowering leadership affects directly on organizational performance

    Competitive Interactions Between Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) under the Influence of Rising Temperatures

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    The natural distribution of many freshwater fish species are limited by their thermal tolerances, both because a species cannot inhabit an area outside its tolerance range and because of increased stress when in environments approaching the limits of its tolerance range. Many species may mediate temperature change physiologically, behaviorally, or both but these changes often may change or compromise interspecific dynamics through the effects on feeding behavior, growth rate, immune responses, and social behavior. In the Appalachian Mountains, creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) are found in warm-water and cold-water streams, the latter of which are also inhabited by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Brook trout have a lower tolerance for warmer temperatures than creek chub, and require higher oxygen concentrations, which decrease in warmer waters. As the temperatures of cold-water streams continue to increase due to anthropogenic climate change and land use, brook trout are under more thermal stress, which negatively affects their ability to compete with creek chub. To examine the influences that temperature has on competitive interactions between these species, we observed feeding behavior, aggression, and space use differences at three different temperatures (18°C, 20°C, and 22°C) among dyad pairs for all combinations of species (brook trout/brook trout, brook trout/creek chub, creek chub/creek chub). Results show that an increase in temperature causes decreased appetite and aggression in brook trout and increased competition between the two focal species. This may have implications in the range restriction of brook trout, and the decreased dominance of a top predator may lead to diverse impacts on stream community dynamics

    Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: A Marriage of Innovation in Nursing EBP and Digital Literacy Education

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    Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the foundation of modern health services. It improves patient outcomes and quality of care by combining clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence to guide health care decisions. The ability to find, evaluate and apply evidence is essential for EBP. However, preparing the future nursing workforce with the required knowledge and skills to do so can be a challenge. Objectives: At Murdoch University, we have integrated various digital tools with our personal learning platform to develop an interactive tutorial for final-year nursing students. The tutorial aims to improve skills in the areas of research, critical appraisal and digital literacy. Methods: Using the analogy of a marriage, this paper will present the case study of a collaborative project between the University Library and the College of Science, Health, Engineering & Education (the ‘wedding party’) to develop a self-paced, interactive online tutorial on database searching and systematic reviews, as applied in nursing practice. Four key elements went into planning this marriage: Something old: Camtasia (familiar to both Library and College) Something new: LibWizard (a new Library software acquisition) Something borrowed: PebblePad (managed by the College) Something blue: Digital badging (micro-credentialing) These elements were integrated into a single digital learning object, which was launched in late January 2019 (the ‘wedding’). Results: This innovative online tutorial was successful in engaging students and developing their digital and information literacy skills for evidence-based practice, and future improvements were also identified

    Collegiate Fan Allegiance and Twitter\u27s Role Using the Revised Psychological Continuum Model (PCM): A Case Study of Clemson Men\u27s Basketball Fan

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the Twitter\u27s role in the formation of team allegiance through the revised Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) by creating James and Funk (2006). Although collegiate sports programs are using social media to communicate with their fans, little research about how social media impacts the formation of team allegiance has been done. The primary focus will be to analyze how individuals interact with a sports team via Twitter and how those interactions form allegiance. Twitter, a new communication technology platform, is, at present, one of the most popular sites and communication technologies among both individuals and organizations (Clavio, 2011). Twitter also offers a beneficial platform as a strategic marketing tool, enabling fans to elevate team allegiance within the sports realm. This study will also specifically determine whether observing people’s interactions on Twitter is an effective way to study the developing relationship between individuals’ awareness and emotions related to watching sports games and their allegiance toward specific sports team. This research will also help sports marketers learn about sports consumers’ behaviors, needs, and motivations online, which will help shape internet marketing communication

    Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Titer Anti HBs Pada Anak Usia 10-12 Tahun yang Telah Mendapat Vaksinasi Hepatitis B Lengkap

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    Latar Belakang : Virus Hepatitis B (HBV) pada populasi tertentu termasuk Asia Tenggara, Alaska, dan Afrika merupakan endemik dan prevalensi kronis mencapai angka 20%. Proporsi seroproteksi anti-HBs pada 100 anak pada usia 10- 12 tahun pasca imunisasi dasar hepatitis B lengkap 38%. Persistensi antibodi anti- HBs secara langsung berhubungan dengan kadar puncak yang diperoleh setelah dosis ke tiga vaksinasi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui titer antibodi anti HBs terhadap status gizi baik, status gizi kurang dan status gizi buruk pada anak usia 10-12 tahun yang telah mendapat vaksinasi hepatitis B lengkap Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil: Dari uji chi square, diperoleh nilai p value sebesar 0,074 dengan taraf signifikan (α) 0,05 (nilai value: 3,199). Jadi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan titer anti HBs pada anak usia 10-12 tahun yang telah mendapat vaksinasi hepatitis B lengkap. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan nilai RP (Ratio Prevalency) = 3,879 dengan Confidence Interfals 95% (0,837-17,966). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara status gizi dengan titer anti HBs pada anak usia 10-12 tahun yang telah mendapat vaksinasi Hepatitis B lengkap

    Facial Feature Extraction Using a 4D Stereo Camera System

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    Facial feature recognition has received much attention among the researchers in computer vision. This paper presents a new approach for facial feature extraction. The work can be broadly classified into two stages, face acquisition and feature extraction. Face acquisition is done by a 4D stereo camera system from Dimensional Imaging and the data is available in ‘obj’ files generated by the camera system. The second stage illustrates extraction of important facial features. The algorithm developed for this purpose is inspired from the natural biological shape and structure of human face. The accuracy of identifying the facial points has been shown using simulation results. The algorithm is able to identify the tip of the nose, the point where nose meets the forehead, and near corners of both the eyes from the faces acquired by the camera system

    Positive Self-Concept In Liz Murray’s Breaking Night (2010): A Humanistic Psychological Approach

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    This Study is about Positive Self-Concept in Liz Murray’s Breaking Night (2010) directed by Liz Murray which is analyzed by using humanistic psychological approach. The objectives of the research is to analyze the memoir based on the structural analysis of the memoir and based on humanistic psychological approach by Carl Rogers. This research paper belongs to qualitative research. Data of the research are divided into two, primary data and secondary data. The primary data of the research is The Breaking Night memoir by author Liz Murray in 2010. While secondary data of the research are other materials taken from some books, author biographies, comments, website searching about Breaking Night Memoir that support the analysis. The method to analyze of this data is descriptive analysis. The researcher describes two conclusions in his research. The first, based on structural analysis it shows that Liz Murray successfully combining all the structural elements of the story including character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, theme as well into unity. The second, based on humanistic psychological analysis it shows that in the Breaking Night memoir Liz Murray illustrates psychological phenomena in which in individual is someone who wants to build positive self-concept in herself with always does positive things, thinks positive and has self confidence in living life

    Madison County, Kentucky Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Analysis

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    This report presents the results of a Commodity Flow Analysis of Hazardous Materials for Interstate-75 (I-75) (North and South Bound lanes) conducted by Western Kentucky University in partnership with the Madison County (Kentucky) Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). The only Kentucky County within the study area is Madison County as shown in Figure 1.1. The purpose of report is to give information on patterns of hazardous materials being transported along I-75 as observed from July 25th 2011 to August 5th 2011. A secondary purpose is to summarize incidents involving hazardous materials over the previous 6 years (January 2006 – June 2011). Finally, this report assesses survey information collected from fixed facilities that ship and receive hazardous materials in the I-75 highway. Commodity flow analysis is necessary in order for the LEPC to prepare for future hazardous material releases that may occur along this section of I-75. Data collected from this study will aid the emergency planning process for specific hazardous materials that were observed to frequent the study area during the study period
