2,068 research outputs found

    Acceptance of an agile methodology in the public sector

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    Software development methodologies have been growing up and suffering a maturation during the past years. The older methods, called traditional methods, are gradually being substitute by the new agile practices. Despite that, in the public sector, that evolution is not as clear as in the private sector. The lack of information regarding the usage of these new methods in the public sector take us to the following question: In what conditions, agile methods, are the best solution to software development in the public sector? These types of organizations have a culture and a modus operandi very different from the private sector, that can make the implementation of these methodologies a challenge. The goal here is to present the process of implementation of a specific agile methodology based in Scrum, in a particular Portuguese public company and test its acceptance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of data variability acquired by multiple profilometers

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    The accuracy and reliability of road monitoring data constitute a major concern among road designers, contractors and road administrations. These data may have foremost implications on rehabilitation strategies and, therefore, on costs and service life. For this reason, this paper aims to provide the interested bodies referred with useful information in relation to the variability of data acquired by road profilometers that is usually required. Five road profilometers, which belong to consultancy companies and research institutions, were used. Macrotexture and unevenness was measured on three selected road trials. Five runs were performed by each profilometer in both lanes of the road trials. The mean and the standard deviation were used to study the variability of the results. In relation to the macrotexture no significant differences were registered. For the unevenness the ratio between standard deviation and average MRI is higher than 20% and about twice the one found for macrotexture

    Análise da variabilidade do IRI obtido por vários perfilómetros

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    A irregularidade longitudinal, caracterizada habitualmente pelo Índice Internacional de Irregularidade (IRI – International Roughness Index), é um dos parâmetros de estado dos pavimentos rodoviários cuja variabilidade pode ter consequências relevantes nas estratégias de reabilitação e, consequentemente, nos custos e na sua vida de serviço. Por esta razão, este artigo tem por principal objectivo proporcionar às entidades referidas informação útil no que respeita à variabilidade do IRI, calculado a partir de dados obtidos por vários perfilómetros. Assim, foram seleccionados cinco veículos do tipo”multifunções”, que pertencem quer a empresas de consultadoria quer a instituições de investigação, e três trechos de estrada com camadas de desgaste em betão betuminoso drenante, betão betuminosos rugoso e betão betuminoso “convencional”. Cada veículo percorreu cinco vezes cada trecho nos dois sentidos de tráfego. O espaçamento adoptado para o cálculo do IRI foi de 100 m. A média e o desvio padrão foram os parâmetros usados para estudar a variabilidade dos resultados. De uma forma geral verificou-se que o valor do desvio padrão do IRI é 20 a 30% do valor da média

    The effect of the electric field on lag phase, β-galactosidase production and plasmid stability of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain growing on lactose

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    Ethanol and β-galactosidase production from cheese whey may significantly contribute to minimise environmental problems while producing value from lowcost raw materials. In this work, the recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC869-A3/pVK1.1 flocculent strain expressing the lacA gene (coding for β-galactosidase) of Aspergillus niger under ADHI promoter and terminator was used. This strain shows high ethanol and β-galactosidase productivities when grown on lactose. Batch cultures were performed using SSlactose medium with 50 gL−1 lactose in a 2-L bioreactor under aerobic and microaerophilic conditions. Temperature was maintained at 30 °C and pH 4.0. In order to determine the effect of an electric field in the fermentation profile, titanium electrodes were placed inside the bioreactor and different electric field values (from 0.5 to 2 Vcm−1) were applied. For all experiments, β-galactosidase activity, biomass, protein, lactose, glucose, galactose and ethanol concentrations were measured. Finally, lag phase duration and specific growth rate were calculated. Significant changes in lag phase duration and biomass yield were found when using 2 Vcm−1. Results show that the electric field enhances the early stages of fermentation kinetics, thus indicating that its application may improve industrial fermentations’ productivity. The increase in electric field intensity led to plasmid instability thus decreasing β-galactosidase production.The authors gratefully acknowledge Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) for the scholarships SFRH/BD/11230/2002 and SFRH/BDP/63831/2009 granted to authors I. Castro and C. Oliveira, respectively

    Preparing multicomponent snack bars based on tapioca flour, Brazil nut, and regional fruits.

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    This study aimed to develop and assess the physicoche-mical, sensory parameters, and shelf life estimation of multicomponent snack bars based on tapioca flour, Brazil nut, and açaí or cupuassu pulp. The physicochemical composition of açaí- and cupuassu-flavored snack bars had, respectively, 0.92 and 0.99% ash, 19.22 and 17.02% lipids, 3.02 and 3.03% protein, 1.06 and 1.69% fiber, and 448 and 436 kcal/100 g energy value. The shear stress test showed the consumer needs to bite more strongly to break the açaí-flavored bar. The opposite was observed in the hardness test, in which the bite compression force during mastication was greater for the cupuassu-flavored bar. The bars had water activity below 0.6, which deno-tes microbiological stability. The sensory analysis ranked the bars between ?liked slightly? and ?liked very much,? which was confirmed by the acceptability index above 75% for all attributes assessed. According to the results a significant increase in water activity over storage was observed suggest the packaging used in the tests did not present a satisfactory barrier to water vapor permeability. Only water activity was used to estimate shelf life, which was determined as 58 days and 49 days for the açaí- and cupuassu-flavored bars, respectively. Thus, the snack bars represent an alternative for athletes as well as individuals with celiac disease since they are gluten fre

    Isolation of Surfactant-Resistant Pseudomonads from the Estuarine Surface Microlayer

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    Bioremediation efforts often rely on the application of surfactants to enhance hydrocarbon bioavailability. However, synthetic surfactants can sometimes be toxic to degrading microorganisms, thus reducing the clearance rate of the pollutant. Therefore, surfactant-resistant bacteria can be an important tool for bioremediation efforts of hydrophobic pollutants, circumventing the toxicity of synthetic surfactants that often delay microbial bioremediation of these contaminants. In this study, we screened a natural surfactant-rich compartment, the estuarine surface microlayer (SML), for cultivable surfactant-resistant bacteria using selective cultures of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Resistance to surfactants was evaluated by colony counts in solid media amended with critical micelle concentrations (CMC) of either surfactants, in comparison with non-amended controls. Selective cultures for surfactant-resistant bacteria were prepared in mineral medium also containing CMC concentrations of either CTAB or SDS. The surfactantresistant isolates obtained were tested by PCR for the Pseudomonas genus marker gacA gene and for the naphthalene-dioxygenase-encoding gene ndo. Isolates were also screened for biosurfactant production by the atomized oil assay. A high proportion of culturable bacterioneuston was tolerant to CMC concentrations of SDS or CTAB. The gacA-targeted PCR revealed that 64% of the isolates were Pseudomonads. Biosurfactant production in solid medium was detected in 9.4% of tested isolates, all affiliated with genus Pseudomonas. This study shows that the SML is a potential source of surfactant-resistant and biosurfactant-producing bacteria in which Pseudomonads emerge as a relevant group


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    Introdução: O Síndrome de Gorlin-Goltz é uma condição hereditária autossómica dominante rara caracterizada por: carcinomas basocelulares, queratoquistos odontogénicos, depressões palmo-plantares, calcificações da foice cerebral e malformações esqueléticas. Associa-se também a meduloblastoma e outras neoplasias. Caso Clínico: Adolescente de 11 anos, com antecedentes de macrocefalia. Referenciada à consulta de estomatologia por quistos mandibulares recidivantes. O exame anátomo-patológico revelou tratarem-se de queratoquistos odontogénicos, pelo que é encaminhada para a consulta de pediatria. Objetivamente, apresentava macrocefalia e facies “gros seiro” com bossas frontais e hipertelorismo. Efetuou estudo genético, que detetou mutação do gene PTCH1, confirmando a suspeita clínica. Discussão: Os queratoquistos odontogénicos são o achado mais representativo do síndrome de Gorlin-Goltz nas duas primeiras décadas de vida, sendo de extrema importância um elevado índice de suspeição por parte do pediatra, com especial relevância para as alterações minor. Após o estabelecimento do diagnóstico, é necessária uma equipa multidisciplinar para um adequado seguimento e tratamento atempado.Introduction: The Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant inherited condition characterized by: basal cell carcinomas, odontogenic keratocysts, palmar or plantar pits, calcification of the falx cerebri and skeletal malformations. Medulloblastoma and other tumors are also associated with it. Case report: An 11-year-old female, with a history of macrocephaly, was referred to the Stomatology Department for recurrent mandibular cyst. Histopathological exam revealed odontogenic keratocysts, so the patient was referred to the Pediatric Department. Physical examination revealed macrocephaly and coarse face, with frontal bossing and hy pertelorism. The genetic study performed detected a mutation in PTCH1 gene, confirming the clinical suspicion. Discussion: Odontogenic keratocysts are the most representative finding in Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome in the first two decades of life, therefore a high suspicion level is mandatory among pediatricians concerning detection of minor changes. After the diagnosis, a multidisciplinary team is required for adequate follow-up and timely treatment