6,101 research outputs found

    ¿Pueden los MOOC cerrar la brecha de oportunidades?: La contribución del diseño pedagógico social inclusivo

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user and designed to scale up, allowing for a large number of participants. As such, they are a disruptive new development which has the potential to widen access to higher education since they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation. However, assuring quality learning opportunities to all cannot be simply reduced to allowing free access to higher education. On the contrary, it implies assuring equitable opportunities for every participant to succeed in their learning experience. This goal depends on the quality of the learning design. To be successful, a massive open online learning experience has to empower learners and to facilitate a networked learning environment. In fact, MOOCs are designed to serve a high heterogeneity of profiles, with many differences regarding learning needs and preferences, prior knowledge, contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. In this article, the authors describe the iMOOC pedagogical model and its later derivative, the sMOOC model, and explain how they contributed to the introduction of the principles of diversity and learner equity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also of virtual environments, while empowering participants to succeed in their learning experiences. Using a design-based research approach, a comparative analysis of two course iterations each representing each model is also presented and discussed.Los cursos en línea abiertos y masivos (MOOC) son cursos abiertos disponibles en línea sin costo para el usuario y diseñados para ampliarse, permitiendo un gran número de participantes. Como tales, son un nuevo desarrollo disruptivo que tiene el potencial de ampliar el acceso a la educación superior, ya que contribuyen a la inclusión social, la difusión del conocimiento y la innovación pedagógica. Sin embargo, garantizar oportunidades de aprendizaje de calidad para todos no puede reducirse simplemente a permitir el acceso gratuito a la educación superior. Por el contrario, implica asegurar oportunidades equitativas para que cada participante tenga éxito en su experiencia de aprendizaje. Este objetivo depende de la calidad del diseño de aprendizaje. Para tener éxito, una experiencia de aprendizaje en línea abierta y masiva debe empoderar a los alumnos y facilitar un entorno de aprendizaje en red. De hecho, los MOOC están diseñados para servir a una gran heterogeneidad de perfiles, con muchas diferencias con respecto a las necesidades y preferencias de aprendizaje, conocimiento previo, contextos de participación y diversidad de plataformas en línea. La personalización puede jugar un papel clave en este proceso. En este artículo, los autores describen el modelo pedagógico iMOOC y su derivada posterior, el modelo sMOOC, y explican cómo contribuyeron a la introducción de los principios de diversidad y equidad en el diseño MOOC, lo que permite una clara diferenciación de las rutas de aprendizaje y también de entornos virtuales, al tiempo que permite a los participantes tener éxito en sus experiencias de aprendizaje. Usando un enfoque de design-based research, también se presenta y discute un análisis comparativo de dos iteraciones del curso, cada una representando cada modelo

    SIRS in feline patients : risk factors and prognostic factors using panleukopenia as a model, in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, área científica de Sanidade AnimalSepsis and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) are serious medical conditions, responsible for many deaths among animals and humans, and despite many attempts to determine diagnostic criteria for sepsis in animals and to develop new therapeutic approaches, few advances have been achieved. Understanding potential risk factors for SIRS and sepsis in feline patients, as well as prognostic factors, is crucial for effective management and prompt sepsis identification. The objectives of this study were to test the efficacy of two different diagnostic criteria for SIRS, identify risk factors for SIRS in cats and determine potential prognostic factors for these patients. The study used cats diagnosed with feline panleukopenia virus infection as a model for sepsis, and was divided in two parts. The first part of the study included a cohort of 70 panleukopenia-positive cats and risk factors were determined for these patients. The second part of the study included 25 SIRS-positive cats from the original sample in order to identify potential prognostic factors for cats with SIRS. In the first part of this study, a comparative analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test to determine the validity of the 1991 and 2001 SIRS criteria for the diagnosis of sepsis. Both criteria showed statistical significance (p<0.05) and may be useful in a clinical setting, provided there are two abnormal physical exams within a 24-hour period. Next, univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify independent risk factors for SIRS. Chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test were used for the univariate analysis, and logistic regression was performed for multivariate analysis. Among the variables evaluated, the presence of hypoalbuminemia, hypoglycemia and lymphopenia upon admission were found to be independent risk factors for SIRS in cats (p<0.05), using panleukopenic cats as a model. In the last part of the study, the focus was narrowed to the 25 SIRS-positive cats from the original cohort. Univariate analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test to determine whether any factors were associated with the outcome (survival to discharge or death). The results revealed that the maintenance or appearance of anorexia or hyporexia, dehydration and abnormal mental status during hospitalization, as well as the presence of lymphopenia on admission, were all statistically significantly associated with the outcome and were considered negative prognostic factors for cats with SIRS. These findings contribute to the understanding and clinical management of feline SIRS, enhancing the ability to identify at-risk cats and define a realistic prognosis, in order to manage expectations and tailor strategies to further optimize patient careRESUMO - SRIS EM PACIENTES FELINOS – FATORES DE RISCO E FATORES DE PROGNÓSTICO UTILIZANDO A PANLEUCOPÉNIA VIRAL COMO MODELO, NUM HOSPITAL ESCOLAR VETERINÁRIO - A sépsis e a síndrome de resposta inflamatória sistémica (SRIS) são condições médicas graves, consideradas responsáveis por uma grande porção da morbilidade e mortalidade em ambiente hospitalar, tanto em animais como em humanos. Apesar de diversas tentativas de determinar critérios de diagnóstico de sépsis em animais e de desenvolvimento de novas abordagens terapêuticas, pouco já se concluiu sobre o assunto. A compreensão de potenciais fatores de risco para SRIS e sépsis em felinos, bem como de fatores de prognóstico para estes pacientes sépticos, é crucial para a identificação quase imediata de sépsis e para um maneio eficaz da condição. Os objetivos do estudo foram testar dois conjuntos de critérios de diagnóstico para SRIS, identificar fatores de risco para SRIS em pacientes felinos e determinar fatores de prognóstico para os mesmos, de forma a possibilitar uma identificação mais rápida de gatos com panleucopénia em risco de SRIS e determinar um prognóstico mais realista. Na primeira fase do estudo, foi avaliado um grupo de 70 gatos com diagnóstico positivo de panleucopénia viral felina, determinou-se a incidência de SRIS e foi realizada uma análise comparativa de forma a determinar a validade dos critérios SRIS de 1991 e 2001 para o diagnóstico de sépsis. Ambos os conjuntos de critérios mostraram associações estatisticamente significativas com o desfecho e poderão ser úteis em ambiente clínico, desde que apenas se considere SRIS se houver dois exames de estado geral alterados num período de 24 horas. De seguida, foi realizada uma análise uni e multivariada para identificar fatores de risco independentes para SRIS em gatos. Entre as variáveis avaliadas, foram considerados fatores de risco independentes para SRIS em gatos a presença de hipoalbuminémia (OR=3,2), hipoglicémia (OR=12,1) e linfopenia (OR=2,9) à admissão. Na segunda fase do estudo, a amostra investigada foi de 25 gatos com diagnóstico positivo para SRIS, a partir da amostra inicial. Realizou-se uma análise univariada para determinar alguma associação entre variáveis e o desfecho (alta ou morte). Os resultados revelaram que o aparecimento ou manutenção de anorexia ou hiporréxia (OR=29,2), desidratação (OR=5,9) e estado mental alterado (OR=Inf), assim como a presença de linfopenia à admissão (OR=12,4), apresentavam uma associação estatisticamente significativa com o desfecho e foram considerados como fatores de prognóstico negativos para gatos com SRIS. Estas descobertas contribuem para a compreensão e o maneio clínico de SRIS e sépsis em felinos, aprimorando a capacidade de identificar gatos em risco de desenvolver SRIS. Por outro lado, possibilita a determinação de um prognóstico realista nestes animais, com vista a gerir expectativas e proporcionar terapêuticas mais individualizadasN/

    Students mental representations in classical mechanics: three cases

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    We based our study on the Mental Models Theory proposed by Johnson-Laird. College students were observed during two semesters with the objective of determining the type of mental representation that they would have used during the course, when they solved the problems and conceptual questions included in the instrutional tasks. In addition an interview was carried out at the end of the course with the purpose of finding additional elements that would allow us to infer mental models on concepts used by the students in the elaboration of their answers. The results of this research suggest the importance of the mental models in the understanding of the physical concepts. It seems that the more " elaborated " the mental models are, the more easily the students understand situations and contexts different from those worked in classroom. This paper complements another one in which we presented the categories we arrived: propositionalists, propositional modelers and imagistic modelers. Each case we describe here illustrates one of these categories

    Low-income youth and long-term school permanence: the senses built up by Prouni scholarship holders in Belo Horizonte (MG)

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    This article is derived from a doctoral research carried out in Belo Horizonte (MG), aiming at learning and understanding the senses low-income youths, who are Prouni (University for All Program) scholarship holders, set up concerning long-term school permanence. The qualitative study is anchored in the theoretical-methodological principles of Socio-Historical Psychology, which emphasizes the constitution of the subject in the socio-historical context, in addition to the subjects’ activity as potential changers of their own context. In order to understand low-income youths’ unique experience of long-term school permanence, we present the notion of youth as a plural category, as well as the Prounischolarship holders’ life contexts, and the senses they develop based on their own experience as university students, which we collected using semi-structured interviews.Keywords: Prouni; Low-income youth; School permanence; Higher education; Socio-Historical Psychology

    Aircraft wing structure benchmark: cantilever vs. braced wing configurations

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Mechanical EngineeringThis thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of aircraft wing structures, specifically comparing cantilever and braced wing configurations across a range of aspect ratios. The study employs Hypermesh, a powerful finite element analysis tool, which is a standard software in the aeronautical industry, to investigate the structural performance of these two wing designs. The objective is to provide recommendations for the use of wing braces in different aspect ratio scenarios, using the Cessna 408 Skycourier as a reference aircraft model for the finite element model (FEM). This work encompasses five different aspect ratios, ranging from 9.8 to 13.8, with incremental steps of one unit. Two critical analyses, SOL101 static analysis and SOL105 buckling analysis, are conducted to assess the structural integrity and stability of both cantilever and braced wing configurations. Through these analyses, the study examines factors such as stress distribution, maximum stress, and critical buckling loads. Also, it includes a connection angle study, to define the angle range for a sized brace. By comparing the performance of cantilevered and braced wing configurations with different aspect ratios, it was shown that the braced wing configuration is more advantageous for the class of aircraft CS 23, particularly in terms of structural weight. This represents a weight saving of around 35%, corroborating previous studies, which translate into greater range, greater payload capacity and lower operating costs.Esta tese apresenta uma análise exaustiva das estruturas das asas de aeronaves, comparando especificamente as configurações de asas em cantilever e com tirantes numa série de razão de aspecto de asa. O estudo utiliza o Hypermesh, uma poderosa ferramenta de análise de elementos finitos, que é um software padrão na indústria aeronáutica, para investigar o desempenho estrutural destas duas configurações de asa. O objetivo é fornecer recomendações para a utilização de tirantes de asa em diferentes cenários de razão de aspeto, utilizando o Cessna 408 Skycourier como modelo de aeronave de referência para o modelo de elementos finitos (FEM). Este trabalho abrange cinco razões de aspeto diferentes, variando de 9,8 a 13,8, com passos incrementais de uma unidade. São efectuadas duas análises críticas, a análise estática SOL101 e a análise de encurvadura SOL105, para avaliar a integridade estrutural e a estabilidade das configurações de asa em cantilever e com tirantes. Através destas análises, o estudo examina factores como a distribuição de tensões, a tensão máxima e as cargas de encurvadura críticas. Inclui também um estudo do ângulo de ligação, para definir a gama de ângulos para um tirante dimensionado. Ao comparar o desempenho das asas em cantilever e com tirantes com diferentes rácios de aspeto, foi demonstrado que a configuração com tirantes é mais vantajosa para a categoria de aeronaves da classe CS-23, designadamente em termos de peso estrutural. Isto representa uma poupança de peso na ordem dos 35%, corroborando os estudos anteriormente realizados, que se traduzem num maior alcance, maior capacidade de carga útil e menores custos operacionais


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    O trabalho trata de aspectos da gestão do Programa Universidade Para Todos (ProUni) relacionados a Instituições do Ensino Superior privadas sem fins lucrativos. Na literatura recente da área, encontra-se a informação de que 42,4% das instituições privadas não aderiram ao Programa, dado que motivou a pesquisa em tela, em torno do questionamento de que a implantação dessa política teria como objetivo principal beneficiar o setor privado em detrimento do setor público. Com base em reflexões teóricas recentes sobre o campo da pesquisa em políticas públicas e nos conceitos de ciclo de políticas e de agenda busca-se mostrar que, se por um lado a desoneração fiscal aumentou significativamente a rentabilidade de parte das IES com fins lucrativos, as IES privadas sem fins lucrativos que aderem ao programa têm sofrido impacto negativo no que se refere à sua sustentabilidade, razão pela qual muitas delas ratificam a intenção de não aderirem ao Programa. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo e, para a obtenção das informações pertinentes, além da análise da documentação das IES escolhidas, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gestores das IES e coordenadores do ProUni estão sendo realizadas

    Teachers' narratives of professional experience: building a culture of collaborative inquiry

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    Objectives or purpose The symposium aims at presenting 3 case studies of teachers’ narratives of professional practice, undertaken within contexts of initial and specialized teacher education. The use of journals as reflective narratives of experience aims at promoting inquiry into professional practice by integrating teaching and research, individual reflection and cooperation. The authors will present the rationale, development, and results of the 3 case studies, as well as discuss the potential and constraints of this inquiry-oriented and collaborative approach to teacher development. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework Our aim as teacher educators is to articulate collaborative and critical teacher development strategies with the development of teacher inquiry and autonomy, seeking to study the role of teachers in the co-construction of pedagogical knowledge, through reflective dialogue on the participants’ personal theories on educational situations (Clandinin & Connelly, 1994; Clandinin, 1992). This orientation is associated with the intention of creating teacher and supervisor development situations that will allow (prospective and experienced) teachers to co-construct their professional knowledge in cooperation with significant others. In this way, the road to professional autonomy and emancipation is enhanced, for it becomes a collective endeavor, instead of an individual one (Moreira, Durães & Silva, 2006; Ribeiro, 2006; Melo, 2007; 2008, forthcoming). Using collaborative journals presupposes systematic regulation of the teaching and learning process, as well as the regulation of teacher education processes, so that problems and solutions, potentialities and constraints may be identified. Only then are we in a position to validate its benefits as a teacher development strategy on the road to professional autonomy. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry The approach to data analysis will be inductive, based on the assumptions and procedures of grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). We will be looking at themes that arise from data, aimed at articulating perceptions of practice and espoused theories of action. The theoretical underpinnings and methodology of CDA will be also mobilized in the task of trying to uncover historical and ideological constraints on teachers’ discourse and action (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997; Gee, 1999). Data sources or evidence The main data sources are teachers’ collaborative journals, undertaken within three teacher education courses: initial education of kindergarten teachers, and two Masters’ courses on Pedagogical Supervision. Results, conclusions, and/or points of view Writing a collaborative journal allows the participants to deepen their understanding of vicarious experience and of the process of knowledge production in professional contexts, for it involves writing about feelings and emotions, as well as about thoughts and actions. It allows teachers to dive into the complexities of practice, describe it, confront their perceptions with significant others’ and reconstruct their theories of practice. Besides creating a common space where the I meets the Other, raises awareness of oneself and of situational constraints and thus feels empowered, collaborative journal writing also creates a space for a conversation in which questions are asked, contradictions are exposed, and no definite solutions are reached (Carroll & Cotterall 2007; Moreira & Ribeiro, forthcoming).Research Centre in Education, University of Minho, Portuga

    Hydrochemistry of mediterranean temporary ponds and associated groundwater in SW Portugal

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    Under the project LIFE Charcos we aim to understand the influence of groundwater in the water balance and hydrochemistry of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds, located in Costa Sudoeste in Portugal, to explain the variations observed in biodiversity between ponds. This paper represents a first step for establishing a relationship between the chemical composition of the ponds waters and the chemical composition of its associated groundwater. Most of the sampled waters are circum-neutral with very low mineralization (TDS < 1000 mg/L) and show varied composition. In the north of the Costa Sudoeste the ponds waters are mostly of sodium-chloride type and have mixed composition at south. During the ongoing project surface water and groundwater samples will continue to be collected and results will be updated. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.European Union LIFE programme [LIFE12 NAT/PT/000997