2,101 research outputs found
Estudo comparativo da actividade antioxidante en fresas de cultivos de orixe tradicional versus ecolóxico
Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2016/2017[Resumen] En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de la actividad antioxidante en frutos de fresa de la especie Fragaria × ananassa Duch. en diferentes estados de conservación, con la intención de comparar el cultivo tradicional y el ecológico. Para ello, se tomaron fresas de ambos cultivos y se analizaron las características físico-químicas, el contenido fenólico mediante el método Folin-Ciocalteu y la actividad antioxidante mediante los ensayos de DPPH y ABTS. Los resultados no arrojaron diferencias entre ambos tipos de cultivos, pero muestran que en el proceso de deshidratación del fruto se produce la degradación de compuestos fenólicos y, por lo tanto, el descenso de la actividad antioxidante.[Abstract] The present paper deals with the study of the antioxidant activity in strawberry fruits (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) in different conservation conditions with the purpose of comparing traditional and organic cultivation. Various analysis were performed in strawberries from both cultivars so as to determine their physical-chemical characteristics, phenolic content through the Folin-Ciocalteu method and antioxidant activity assessed by the DPPH and ABTS assays. Obtained results do not show differences between the two types of cultivars. Nevertheless, they reveal a degradation of phenolic compounds, which takes place during the dehydration process of the fruit, along with the subsequent decrease of the antioxidant activity.[Resumo] No presente traballo realízase un estudo da actividade antioxidante en froitos de amorodo da especie Fragaria × ananassa Duch. en diferentes estados de conservación, coa intención de comparar o cultivo tradicional e o ecológico. Para iso tomáronse amorodos de ambos cultivos e analizáronse as características físico-químicas, o contido fenólico mediante o método Folin-Ciocalteu e a actividade antioxidante mediante os ensaios de DPPH e ABTS. Os resultados non arroxaron diferenzas entre ambos tipos de cultivos pero mostran que no proceso de deshidratación do froito prodúcese a degradación de compostos fenólicos e por tanto o descenso da actividade antioxidante
Estudo da indución de resistencia en suspensións celulares de pemento (Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum) mediante a elicitación con extractos de folla de Moringa oleifera
[Resumen]: En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio de la inducción de resistencia en suspensiones
celulares de Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum al ser elicitadas con extractos de Moringa
oleifera. Para ello, se iniciaron suspensiones de pimiento a partir de plantas in vitro y se
elicitaron con dos extractos de Moringa para posteriormente determinar el contenido
fenólico mediante el método Folin-Ciocalteu, la actividad antioxidante mediante el ensayo
de DPPH y la expresión de dos genes de defensa, CaBPR1 y CaSC1, mediante PCR en
tiempo real. Los resultados indican un aumento del contenido fenólico, una mayor
capacidad antioxidante y un efecto inductor de la expresión de los genes de defensa.[Abstract]: The present work deals with the study of the defense induction in Capsicum annuum L. var.
annuum cell suspensions elicited with Moringa oleifera extracts. For this, pepper
suspensions were started from vitroplants and elicited with two Moringa extracts to later
determine the phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, the antioxidant activity by
the DPPH assay and the expression of two defense genes, CaBPR1 and CaSC1, by means
of real-time PCR. The results indicate an increase of the phenolic content, a greater
antioxidant capacity and an induction of the expression of the defense genes.[Resumo]: No presente traballo realízouse un estudo da indución de defensa en suspensións celulares
de Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum ó ser elicitadas con extractos de Moringa oleifera.
Para iso, iniciáronse suspensións de pemento a partir de plantas in vitro e se elicitaron con
dous extractos de Moringa para posteriormente determinar o contido fenólico mediante o
método Folin-Ciocalteu, a actividade antioxidante mediante o ensaio de DPPH e a
expresión de dous xenes de defensa, CaBPR1 e CaSC1, mediante PCR en tempo real. Os
resultados indican un aumento do contido fenólico, una maior capacidade antioxidante e
un efecto inductor da expresión dos xenes de defensa.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.CIE). Biotecnoloxía avanzada. Curso 2018/201
Anorexia nerviosa en adolescentes de la Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Ferrol: cómo afrontan la enfermedad y sentimientos asociados a ella
[Resumen] Los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario son aquellos que se
caracterizan por una alteración en la alimentación que puede estar
asociada a diferentes conflictos psicosociales, baja autoestima y
obsesión por adelgazar. Dentro de estos trastornos encontramos la
anorexia nerviosa, la bulimia nerviosa y un grupo denominado
«trastornos del comportamiento alimentario no especificados».
La anorexia nerviosa es una enfermedad que afecta prioritariamente a
mujeres, aunque también se producen casos en varones. Suele
presentarse en el periodo de la adolescencia o en la edad adulta
temprana. Según el DSM-V, los criterios diagnósticos de esta
enfermedad son: la restricción de la ingesta alimentaria, el miedo
excesivo a la ganancia de peso y la alteración de la forma en la que
se percibe el peso y la constitución corporal.
Muchos de los estudios realizados hasta el momento, confirman que
conocer el afrontamiento de la enfermedad debe ser considerado una
variable importante en estas patologías, con el fin de tener un mayor
conocimiento de la problemática y poder ayudar a las pacientes
partiendo de las dificultades que manifiestan, ya que un abordaje más
general puede mantener y/o acentuar los síntomas y dificultar la
recuperación de esta patología.
El objetivo principal del estudio es explorar la construcción del
proceso de afrontamiento que experimentan las adolescentes con
anorexia nerviosa.
La metodología que se usará será la investigación cualitativa de
enfoque fenomenológico, a través de la realización de entrevistas en
profundidad con las participantes. La población que incluiremos en
este estudio son todas las adolescentes diagnosticadas de anorexia
nerviosa pertenecientes a la Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Ferrol.[Abstract] The eating disorders are those characterized by an alteration in
feeding, that may be associated with different psychosocial conflicts,
low self esteem and obsession with weight loss. Among these
disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and a group called
"eating disorders not otherwise specified."
Anorexia nervosa is a disease that mainly affects women, although
cases also occur in males. Usually it occurs in the period of
adolescence or early adulthood. According to the DSM-V, the
diagnostics criteria of this disease are: restriction of food intake,
excessive fear of weight gain and changes in the way that the weight
and body composition is perceived.
Many of the studies conducted so far, confirm that know coping with
the disease should be considered an important variable in these
conditions, in order to have a better understanding of the problem and
thus, helping patients based on the difficulties manifested, because a
general approach can maintain and/or exacerbate the symptoms and
hinder the recovery of this pathology.
The main objective of the study is to explore the construction of the
coping process experienced by teenagers with anorexia nervosa.
The methodology used is qualitative research of phenomenological
approach, through in-depth interviews with participants. The
population in this study will include all teenagers who are
diagnosticated with anorexia nervosa in the Xerencia de Xestión
Integrada de Ferrol.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2015/201
Cirurgia Oral em Pacientes sob Terapia com Anticoagulantes Orais: Revisão da Literatura e Apresentação de Dois Casos Clínicos
AbstractThe treatment of patients under oral anticoagulation and undergoing oral surgery procedures remains controversial. The current professional practice recommends suspension or reduction of the dosage of anticoagulants, but recent studies emphasize that this behavior causes a greater risk to the patient. In such a way, this paper aims to review the literature concerning pre, per and post operatory care in patients receiving continuous oral anticoagulants and undergoing oral surgery as well as report of two cases.ResumoO tratamento de pacientes que fazem terapia medicamentosa contínua com anticoagulantes orais e que irão se submeter a procedimentos cirúrgicos permanece controverso. A maioria dos profissionais recomenda suspender ou diminuir a dosagem dos anticoagulantes, mas trabalhos recentes mostram que esta conduta causa um risco maior ao paciente. Desta forma, este trabalho tem por objectivo realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre as condutas pré, trans e pós-operatórias em pacientes que utilizam anticoagulantes orais e que se submetem a cirurgias orais, bem como relatar 02 casos clínicos-cirúrgicos
Impact of Multiple Sclerosis and Its Association with Depression: An Analytical Case-Control Investigation
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological, chronic, inflammatory, and progressive disease with musculoskeletal problems and neurodegenerative disorders that causes worsening of the health status of patients. The aim of this study was to determine the level of depression in MS patients compared to a population of healthy subjects. The established sample size was 116 subjects matched with the same age, sex, and body mass index. The subjects were recruited from different multiple sclerosis associations and neurology clinics in different public health areas (case group n = 58) and healthy subjects from the same locality (control group n = 58). The scores and categories of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in its Spanish version were collected. There was a clear statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the BDI scores between both groups. As a result, we found that the subjects with MS presented worse results with BDI = 9.52 ± 7.70 points compared to the healthy subjects with a BDI score = 5.03 ± 5.14. Within the BDI categories, there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.001), which were greater for the MS group. Depression is a dangerous factor for MS patients, being a trigger for a poorer quality of life.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag
Kinesiophobia Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Case-Control Investigation
[Abstract] Fear of movement or kinesiophobia is an irrational fear of physical movement and fatigue
that causes a limitation of functional capacity and decreased physical activity. The purpose of
this study was to ascertain the level of kinesiophobia in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS)
and compare it with a group of healthy people, through the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia with
11 items (TSK-11). Method: A total of 116 subjects were recruited in a multicenter case-control study;
58 subjects suffered from MS and 58 were healthy subjects from different associations and the same
locality. To assess the levels of fear of movement, the Spanish version of the TSK-11 self-questionnaire
was used. Results: Most pwMS suffer from some degree of kinesiophobia (TSK-11 18), and
60.3% had moderate to maximum kinesiophobia scores (TSK-11 25). In contrast, healthy subjects
presented a percentage of kinesiophobia from none to moderate (82.7%). Conclusions: Kinesiophobia
is higher in pwMS than in the healthy control group. Accordingly, individuals showing pwMS should
be assessed and monitored in order to diagnosed initial kinesiophobia levels, to allow planning
treatment and preventive care activities that may improve the foot health and overall health in this
group of patient
La gestión estratégica basada en el gobierno corporativo: un análisis comparativo de los códigos de buenas prácticas
Las circunstancias que rodean las empresas actuales hacen que sus directivos sean claves para su
supervivencia, y por el echo de utilizaren los recursos empresariales, tienen sus comportamientos
constantemente evaluados. Esto exige desarrollar estudios que profundicen en el entendimiento de
estos recursos y su gestión estratégica. En particular, elegimos la perspectiva del gobierno de la
empresa con el objeto de establecer un enfoque comparativo entre los aspectos relativos a las
principales prácticas de buen gobierno adoptadas por países considerando el origen del sistema legal
(ley civil y ley común). Para eso, hemos recorrido datos sobre los códigos de buenas prácticas de 29
países y analizamos comparativamente las más adoptadas. Nuestros resultados demuestran que no hay
una diferencia significativamente relevante entre las prácticas más adoptadas en los países
pertenecientes a uno u otro grupo, consistente con la hipótesis aquí planteada. Sin embargo, siguen
teniendo elevada importancia en el entorno empresarial, mejorando las prácticas de los directivos, la
transparencia de sus actuaciones y han resultado en una mayor protección de los inversores.The circumstances that surround today’s companies cause that their directors are key for their survival,
and by making use of enterprise resources, constantly need to have their behaviour evaluated. This
demands to develop studies that deepen the understanding of these resources and their strategic
management. In particular, we chose the perspective of the firm’s corporate government with the
intention to establish a comparative approach between aspects relative to the main practices of good
governance adopted by countries considering the origin of a legal system (civil law and common law).
Therefore, we have crossed data on the codes of best practices of 29 countries and analyzed
comparatively the most adopted ones. Our results demonstrate that there is not a relative significant
difference between the most adopted practices for countries belonging to one or another group,
consistent with the hypothesis raised above. Nevertheless, they continue having high importance in
enterprise surroundings, improving the practices of the directors, the transparency of their
performances and have been in a greater protection of the investors
Os prefixos de negação nas gramáticas históricas do português e do galego
We intend in this work to analyse the negative prefixes, giving special attention to data from Portuguese and Galician historical grammars. Previous to the study of that kind of prefixes, we will specify what we understand for historical grammar and, subsequently, we will establish the catalogue of Portuguese and Galician grammars comprised under that designation. Afterwards, we will briefly discuss the statute of the prefixes in those grammars, given that some authors include them in the derivation, while for others they are part of compounding. Finally, we attempt to account for the prefixes properties, with special focus on the characterization of a-, anti-, des- and in- negative prefixes.publishersversionpublishe
Alterations in TRN-anterodorsal thalamocortical circuits affect sleep architecture and homeostatic processes in oxidative stress vulnerable Gclm-/- mice.
Schizophrenia is associated with alterations of sensory integration, cognitive processing and both sleep architecture and sleep oscillations in mouse models and human subjects, possibly through changes in thalamocortical dynamics. Oxidative stress (OxS) damage, including inflammation and the impairment of fast-spiking gamma-aminobutyric acid neurons have been hypothesized as a potential mechanism responsible for the onset and development of schizophrenia. Yet, the link between OxS and perturbation of thalamocortical dynamics and sleep remains unclear. Here, we sought to investigate the effects of OxS on sleep regulation by characterizing the dynamics of thalamocortical networks across sleep-wake states in a mouse model with a genetic deletion of the modifier subunit of glutamate-cysteine ligase (Gclm knockout, KO) using high-density electrophysiology in freely-moving mice. We found that Gcml KO mice exhibited a fragmented sleep architecture and impaired sleep homeostasis responses as revealed by the increased NREM sleep latencies, decreased slow-wave activities and spindle rate after sleep deprivation. These changes were associated with altered bursting activity and firing dynamics of neurons from the thalamic reticularis nucleus, anterior cingulate and anterodorsal thalamus. Administration of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a clinically relevant antioxidant, rescued the sleep fragmentation and spindle rate through a renormalization of local neuronal dynamics in Gclm KO mice. Collectively, these findings provide novel evidence for a link between OxS and the deficits of frontal TC network dynamics as a possible mechanism underlying sleep abnormalities and impaired homeostatic responses observed in schizophrenia
Rotation and lithium abundance of solar-analog stars. Theoretical analysis of observations
Rotational velocity, lithium abundance, and the mass depth of the outer
convective zone are key parameters in the study of the processes at work in the
stellar interior, in particular when examining the poorly understood processes
operating in the interior of solar-analog stars. We investigate whether the
large dispersion in the observed lithium abundances of solar-analog stars can
be explained by the depth behavior of the outer convective zone masses, within
the framework of the standard convection model based on the local mixing-length
theory. We also aims to analyze the link between rotation and lithium abundance
in solar-analog stars. We computed a new extensive grid of stellar evolutionary
models, applicable to solar-analog stars, for a finely discretized set of mass
and metallicity. From these models, the stellar mass, age, and mass depth of
the outer convective zone were estimated for 117 solar-analog stars, using Teff
and [Fe/H] available in the literature, and the new HIPPARCOS trigonometric
parallax measurements. We determine the age and mass of the outer convective
zone for a bona fide sample of 117 solar-analog stars. No significant on-to-one
correlation is found between the computed convection zone mass and published
lithium abundance, indicating that the large A(Li) dispersion in solar analogs
cannot be explained by the classical framework of envelope convective mixing
coupled with lithium depletion at the bottom of the convection zone. These
results illustrate the need for an extra-mixing process to explain lithium
behavior in solar-analog stars, such as, shear mixing caused by differential
rotation. To derive a more realistic definition of solar-analog stars, as well
as solar-twin, it seems important to consider the inner physical properties of
stars, such as convection, hence rotation and magnetic properties.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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