9,142 research outputs found

    Use of novel serum markers in clinical follow-up of Sertoli-Leydig cell turnours

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    Background: Sertoli-Leyclig cell tumours of the ovary account for only 0.2% of malignant ovarian tumours. Two-thirds of all patients become apparent due to the tumour's hormone production. Methods: A 41-year-old patient (gravida 4, para 4) presented with dyspnoea, enlarged abdominal girth and melaena. Diagnostic imaging was suspicious for an ovarian cancer. The standard tumour marker for ovarian cancer (CA 125) was elevated to 984 U/mL. Results: Surgical exploration of the abdomen revealed a mouldering tumour of both adnexes extending to the level of the navel. Frozen sections showed an undifferentiated carcinoma of unknown origin. Radical surgery was performed. The final histological report described a malignant sex-cord stroma tumour, a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour, emanating from both ovaries. Analysis of preoperative blood serum showed elevated levels of CYFRA 21-1 (10.4 ng/mL), neuron-specific enolase (36.2 ng/mL), oestradiol (485 pg/mL) and CA-125 (984 U/mL). Adjuvant chemotherapy and regional hyperthermia were performed due to the malignant potential and incomplete resection of the tumour. Conclusions: Undifferentiated Sertoli-Leyclig cell tumours show a poor clinical course. As only two-thirds of patients with this rare disease present with elevated hormone levels, new markers deserve further investigation to offer more specific, individualised tumour monitoring

    Synthetic molecular line observations of the first hydrostatic core from chemical calculations

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    This is the final version. Available from OUP via the DOI in this recordThe first stable object to develop in the low-mass star formation process has long been predicted to be the first hydrostatic core (FHSC). Despite much effort, it has still yet to be definitively observed in nature. More specific observational signatures are required to enable observers to distinguish the FHSC from young, faint, but more evolved protostars. Here we present synthetic spectral line observations for CO, SO, CS and HCO+^+ that were calculated from radiation (magneto)hydrodynamical models, chemical modelling and Monte Carlo radiative transfer. HCO+^+ (1−0)(1-0) and SO (87−76)(8_7 - 7_6) spectra of the FHSC show variations for observations at a low inclination which may allow a candidate FHSC to be distinguished from a more evolved object. We find that the FHSC outflow is unlikely to be detectable with ALMA, which would discount the observed sources with slow outflows that are currently identified as candidate FHSCs. We compare the results of simulated ALMA observations with observed candidate FHSCs and recommend Oph A SM1N and N6-mm as the most promising candidates to follow up.European Commissio

    Playing with nonuniform grids

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    Numerical experiments with discretization methods on nonuniform grids are presented for the convection-diffusion equation. These show that the accuracy of the discrete solution is not very well predicted by the local truncation error. The diagonal entries in the discrete coefficient matrix give a better clue: the convective term should not reduce the diagonal. Also, iterative solution of the discrete set of equations is discussed. The same criterion appears to be favourable.

    The green infrastructure of a highly-urbanized neotropical city : the role of the urban vegetation in preserving native biodiversity

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    The composition of the urban vegetation that comprises the green infrastructure of a highly urbanized Neotropical city was mapped and described in order to assess how it can be used to preserve and maintain urban biodiversity. Supervised classification was used, followed by Map Algebra methodology, to identify the elements that comprise the green infrastructure of the southern region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Species composition of the street trees community was also assessed. Almost half of the study area is occupied by 12 types of woody and herbaceous vegetation, composed mostly by urban parks and gardens. Forty-one percent of the almost 90,000 street trees is composed by 10 species from which only four are native. These results show that the green infrastructure of this urban landscape is comprised by a large amount of different types of green elements, and has a great potential for biodiversity conservation. However, management strategies are needed such as better planning of the urban afforestation process, increasing street tree species richness. This study is the first step towards a better understanding of how such urban landscape influences local biodiversity

    Cassini observations of the thermal plasma in the vicinity of Saturn's main rings and the F and G rings

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    The ion mass spectrometer on Cassini detected enhanced ion flux near Saturn's main rings that is consistent with the presence of atomic and molecular oxygen ions in the thermal plasma. The ring "atmosphere'' and "ionosphere'' are likely produced by UV photosputtering of the icy rings and subsequent photoionization of O-2. The identification of the O+ and O-2(+) ions is made using time-of-flight analysis and densities and temperatures are derived from the ion counting data. The ion temperatures over the main rings are a minimum near synchronous orbit and increase with radial distance from Saturn as expected from ion pick up in Saturn's magnetic field. The O-2(+) temperatures provide an estimate of the neutral O-2 temperature over the main rings. The ion mass spectrometer also detected significant O-2(+) outside of the main rings, near the F ring. It is concluded that between the F and G rings, the heavy ion population most likely consists of an admixture of O-2(+) and water group ions O+, OH+, and H2O+

    A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation

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    We perform a special number field sieve discrete logarithm computation in a 1024-bit prime field. To our knowledge, this is the first kilobit-sized discrete logarithm computation ever reported for prime fields. This computation took a little over two months of calendar time on an academic cluster using the open-source CADO-NFS software. Our chosen prime pp looks random, and p−−1p--1 has a 160-bit prime factor, in line with recommended parameters for the Digital Signature Algorithm. However, our p has been trapdoored in such a way that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete logarithms in F_p∗\mathbb{F}\_p^* , yet detecting that p has this trapdoor seems out of reach. Twenty-five years ago, there was considerable controversy around the possibility of back-doored parameters for DSA. Our computations show that trapdoored primes are entirely feasible with current computing technology. We also describe special number field sieve discrete log computations carried out for multiple weak primes found in use in the wild. As can be expected from a trapdoor mechanism which we say is hard to detect, our research did not reveal any trapdoored prime in wide use. The only way for a user to defend against a hypothetical trapdoor of this kind is to require verifiably random primes

    A new small-bodied azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of England and its implications for pterosaur anatomy, diversity and phylogeny

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    BACKGROUND: Pterosaurs have been known from the Cretaceous sediments of the Isle of Wight (southern England, United Kingdom) since 1870. We describe the three-dimensional pelvic girdle and associated vertebrae of a small near-adult pterodactyloid from the Atherfield Clay Formation (lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous). Despite acknowledged variation in the pterosaur pelvis, previous studies have not adequately sampled or incorporated pelvic characters into phylogenetic analyses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The new specimen represents the new taxon Vectidraco daisymorrisae gen. et sp. nov., diagnosed by the presence of a concavity posterodorsal to the acetabulum and the form of its postacetabular process on the ilium. Several characters suggest that Vectidraco belongs to Azhdarchoidea. We constructed a pelvis-only phylogenetic analysis to test whether the pterosaur pelvis carries a useful phylogenetic signal. Resolution in recovered trees was poor, but they approximately matched trees recovered from analyses of total evidence. We also added Vectidraco and our pelvic characters to an existing total-evidence matrix for pterosaurs. Both analyses recovered Vectidraco within Azhdarchoidea. CONCLUSIONS/ SIGNIFICANCE: The Lower Cretaceous strata of western Europe have yielded members of several pterosaur lineages, but Aptian pterosaurs from western Europe are rare. With a pelvis length of 40 mm, the new animal would have had a total length of c. 350 mm, and a wingspan of c. 750 mm. Barremian and Aptian pterodactyloids from western Europe show that small-bodied azhdarchoids lived alongside ornithocheirids and istiodactylids. This assemblage is similar in terms of which lineages are represented to the coeval beds of Liaoning, China; however, the number of species and specimens present at Liaoning is much higher. While the general phylogenetic composition of western European and Chinese communities appear to have been approximately similar, the differences may be due to different palaeoenvironmental and depositional settings. The western Europe pterodactyloid record may therefore be artificially low in diversity due to preservational factors

    Point-of-care screening for a current Hepatitis C virus infection: influence on uptake of a concomitant offer of HIV screening

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    Eliminating hepatitis C as a public health threat requires an improved understanding of how to increase testing uptake. We piloted point-of-care testing (POCT) for a current HCV infection in an inner-city Emergency Department (ED) and assessed the influence on uptake of offering concomitant screening for HIV. Over four months, all adults attending ED with minor injuries were first invited to complete an anonymous questionnaire then invited to test in alternating cycles offering HCV POCT or HCV+HIV POCT. Viral RNA was detected in finger-prick blood by GeneXpert. 814/859 (94.8%) questionnaires were returned and 324/814 (39.8%) tests were accepted, comprising 211 HCV tests and 113 HCV+HIV tests. Offering concomitant HIV screening reduced uptake after adjusting for age and previous HCV testing (odds ratio 0.51; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38–0.68; p < 0.001). HCV prevalence was 1/324 (0.31%; 95% CI 0.05–1.73); no participant tested positive for HIV. 167/297 (56.2%) POCT participants lived in the most deprived neighbourhoods in England. HCV RNA testing using finger-prick blood was technically feasible. Uptake was moderate and the offer of concomitant HIV screening showed a detrimental impact on acceptability in this low prevalence population. The findings should be confirmed in a variety of other community settings

    Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat

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    Peatlands are globally important stores of carbon (C) that contain a record of how their rates of C accumulation have changed over time. Recently, near-surface peat has been used to assess the effect of current land use practices on C accumulation rates in peatlands. However, the notion that accumulation rates in recently formed peat can be compared to those from older, deeper, peat is mistaken – continued decomposition means that the majority of newly added material will not become part of the long-term C store. Palaeoecologists have known for some time that high apparent C accumulation rates in recently formed peat are an artefact and take steps to account for it. Here we show, using a model, how the artefact arises. We also demonstrate that increased C accumulation rates in near-surface peat cannot be used to infer that a peatland as a whole is accumulating more C – in fact the reverse can be true because deep peat can be modified by events hundreds of years after it was formed. Our findings highlight that care is needed when evaluating recent C addition to peatlands especially because these interpretations could be wrongly used to inform land use policy and decisions
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