774 research outputs found

    Chemical transport across the ITCZ in the central Pacific during an El Niño-Southern Oscillation cold phase event in March-April 1999

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    We examine interhemispheric transport processes that occurred over the central Pacific during the PEM-Tropics B mission (PTB) in March-April 1999 by correlating the observed distribution of chemical tracers with the prevailing and anomalous windfields. The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) had a double structure during PTB, and interhemispheric mixing occurred in the equatorial region between ITCZ branches. The anomalously strong tropical easterly surface wind had a large northerly component across the equator in the central Pacific, causing transport of aged, polluted air into the Southern Hemisphere (SH) at altitudes below 4 km. Elevated concentrations of chemical tracers from the Northern Hemisphere (NH) measured south of the equator in the central Pacific during PTB may represent an upper limit because the coincidence of seasonal and cold phase ENSO conditions are optimum for this transport. Stronger and more consistent surface convergence between the northeasterly and southeasterly trade winds in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) resulted in more total convective activity in the SH branch of the ITCZ, at about 6° S. The middle troposphere between 4-7 km was a complex shear zone between prevailing northeasterly winds at low altitudes and southwesterly winds at higher altitudes. Persistent anomalous streamline patterns and the chemical tracer distribution show that during PTB most transport in the central Pacific was from SH to NH across the equator in the upper troposphere. Seasonal differences in source strength caused larger interhemispheric gradients of chemical tracers during PTB than during the complementary PEM-Tropics A mission in September-October 1996. Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

    A meteorological overview of the Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM) Tropics period

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    NASA's Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics (PEM-T) experiment investigated the atmospheric chemistry of a large portion of the tropical and subtropical Pacific Basin during August to October 1996. This paper summarizes meteorological conditions over the PEM-T domain. Mean flow patterns during PEM-T are described. Important circulation systems near the surface include subtropical anticyclones, the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and middle latitude transient cyclones. The SPCZ and ITCZ are areas of widespread ascent and deep convection; however, there is relatively little lightning in these oceanic regions. A large area of subsidence is associated with the subtropical anticyclone centered near Easter Island. PEM-T occurred during a period of near normal sea surface temperatures. When compared to an 11 year climatology (1986-1996), relatively minor circulation anomalies are observed during PEM-T. Some of these circulation anomalies are consistent with much stronger anomalies observed during previous La Nina events. In general, however, the 1996 PEM-T period appears to be climatologically representative. Meteorological conditions for specific flights from each major operations area are summarized. The vertical distribution of ozone along selected DC-8 flights is described using the DIAL remote sensing system. These ozone distributions are related to thermodynamic soundings obtained during aircraft maneuvers and to backward trajectories that arrived at locations along the flight tracks. Most locations in the deep tropics are found to have relatively small values of tropospheric ozone. Backward trajectories calculated from global gridded analyses show that much of this air originates from the east and has not passed over land within 10 days. The deep convection associated with the ITCZ and SPCZ also influences the atmospheric chemistry of these regions. Flights over portions of the subtropics and middle latitudes document layers of greatly enhanced tropospheric ozone, sometimes exceeding 80 ppbv. In situ carbon monoxide in these layers often exceeds 90 ppbv. These regions are located near, and especially south of Tahiti, Easter Island, and Fiji. The layers of enhanced ozone usually correspond to layers of dry air, associated with widespread subsiding air. The backward trajectories show that air parcels arriving in these regions originate from the west, passing over Australia and even extending back to southern Africa. These are regions of biomass burning. The in situ chemical measurements support the trajectory-derived origins of these ozone plumes. Thus the enhanced tropospheric ozone over the central Pacific Basin may be due to biomass burning many thousands of kilometers away. Middle-latitude portions of the PEM-T area are influenced by transient cyclones, and the DC-8 traversed tropopause folds during several flights. The flight area just west of Ecuador experiences outflow from South America. Thus the biomass burning that is prevalent over portions of Brazil influences this area. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union

    Chemical characteristics of Pacific tropospheric air in the region of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and South Pacific Convergence Zone

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    The Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM)-Tropics provided extensive aircraft data to study the atmospheric chemistry of tropospheric air in Pacific Ocean regions, extending from Hawaii to New Zealand and from Fiji to east of Easter Island. This region, especially the tropics, includes some of the cleanest tropospheric air of the world and, as such, is important for studying atmospheric chemical budgets and cycles. The region also provides a sensitive indicator of the global-scale impact of human activity on the chemistry of the troposphere, and includes such important features as the Pacific "warm pool," the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), and Walker Cell circulations. PEM-Tropics was conducted from August to October 1996. The ITCZ and SPCZ are major upwelling regions within the South Pacific and, as such, create boundaries to exchange of tropospheric air between regions to the north and south. Chemical data obtained in the near vicinity of the ITCZ and the SPCZ are examined. Data measured within the convergent zones themselves are not considered. The analyses show that air north and south of the convergent zones have different chemical signatures, and the signatures are reflective of the source regions and transport histories of the air. Air north of the ITCZ shows a modest urban/industrialized signature compared to air south of the ITCZ. The chemical signature of air south of the SPCZ is dominated by combustion emissions from biomass burning, while air north of the SPCZ is relatively clean and of similar composition to ITCZ south air. Chemical signature differences of air north and south of the zones are most pronounced at altitudes below 5 km, and, as such, show that the ITCZ and SPCZ are effective low-altitude barriers to the transport of tropospheric air. At altitudes of 8 to 10 km, chemical signatures are less dissimilar, and air backward trajectories (to 10 days) show cross-convergent-zone flow. At altitudes below about 5 km, little cross-zonal flow is observed. Chemical signatures presented include over 30 trace chemical species including ultrafine, fine, and heated-fine (250°C) aerosol. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union

    BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes

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    Human shape estimation is an important task for video editing, animation and fashion industry. Predicting 3D human body shape from natural images, however, is highly challenging due to factors such as variation in human bodies, clothing and viewpoint. Prior methods addressing this problem typically attempt to fit parametric body models with certain priors on pose and shape. In this work we argue for an alternative representation and propose BodyNet, a neural network for direct inference of volumetric body shape from a single image. BodyNet is an end-to-end trainable network that benefits from (i) a volumetric 3D loss, (ii) a multi-view re-projection loss, and (iii) intermediate supervision of 2D pose, 2D body part segmentation, and 3D pose. Each of them results in performance improvement as demonstrated by our experiments. To evaluate the method, we fit the SMPL model to our network output and show state-of-the-art results on the SURREAL and Unite the People datasets, outperforming recent approaches. Besides achieving state-of-the-art performance, our method also enables volumetric body-part segmentation.Comment: Appears in: European Conference on Computer Vision 2018 (ECCV 2018). 27 page

    Children Who Acquire HIV Infection Perinatally Are at Higher Risk of Early Death than Those Acquiring Infection through Breastmilk: A Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Assumptions about survival of HIV-infected children in Africa without antiretroviral therapy need to be updated to inform ongoing UNAIDS modelling of paediatric HIV epidemics among children. Improved estimates of infant survival by timing of HIV-infection (perinatally or postnatally) are thus needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A pooled analysis was conducted of individual data of all available intervention cohorts and randomized trials on prevention of HIV mother-to-child transmission in Africa. Studies were right-censored at the time of infant antiretroviral initiation. Overall mortality rate per 1000 child-years of follow-up was calculated by selected maternal and infant characteristics. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate survival curves by child's HIV infection status and timing of HIV infection. Individual data from 12 studies were pooled, with 12,112 children of HIV-infected women. Mortality rates per 1,000 child-years follow-up were 39.3 and 381.6 for HIV-uninfected and infected children respectively. One year after acquisition of HIV infection, an estimated 26% postnatally and 52% perinatally infected children would have died; and 4% uninfected children by age 1 year. Mortality was independently associated with maternal death (adjusted hazard ratio 2.2, 95%CI 1.6-3.0), maternal CD4<350 cells/ml (1.4, 1.1-1.7), postnatal (3.1, 2.1-4.1) or peri-partum HIV-infection (12.4, 10.1-15.3). CONCLUSIONS/RESULTS: These results update previous work and inform future UNAIDS modelling by providing survival estimates for HIV-infected untreated African children by timing of infection. We highlight the urgent need for the prevention of peri-partum and postnatal transmission and timely assessment of HIV infection in infants to initiate antiretroviral care and support for HIV-infected children
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