192 research outputs found

    Estudio de Aspectos Tácticos y Análisis de Toma de Decisión en Balonmano Playa mediante Análisis de Coordenadas Polares

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    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue doble; primero, crear y validar una herramienta de observación que permita codificar las acciones del portero en balonmano playa y, en segundo lugar, analizar la toma de decisión de los jugadores en balonmano playa y observar su incidencia en el ataque posicional en balonmano playa. Estos objetivos se completaron gracias a la utilización de la Metodología Observacional y a la aplicación de los diferentes tipos de análisis que forman parte de ella, como son el análisis de calidad del dato, análisis de generalizabilidad y análisis de coordenadas polares. La motivación para realizar este trabajo de investigación surge del deseo por ampliar el campo de conocimiento sobre el objeto de estudio sobre el que han girado los diferentes estudios que han servido para justificar esta Tesis Doctoral. El balonmano playa es una modalidad deportiva relativamente nueva que vive un momento de auge en cuanto a su expansión nacional e internacional y es por ello que están proliferando los estudios sobre ella y, más aún, los estudios de tipo observacional. Los resultados obtenidos han servido para justificar los objetivos planteados al principio de la investigación y gracias al procedimiento seguido en cada uno de los artículos, se puede decir que los estudios realizados están dotados del suficiente rigor científico para la divulgación de los mismos, prueba de ello, es la publicación de estos en revistas de alto impacto científico. La bibliografía consultada durante el trabajo de investigación y que ha servido para completar las referencias está totalmente relacionada con el objeto de estudio y la metodología utilizada, además de estar actualizada en relación a las últimas investigaciones que hay sobre esta temática

    Oral health scales: design of an oral health scale of infectious potential

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    Objectives: In this paper we propose a new Global Oral Health Scale that will allow the infectious potential of the oral cavity, clinically manifest as local and focal infections, to be condensed into a single parameter. Study Design: Based on a number of oral health scales previously designed by our group, we designed a final version that incorporates dental and periodontal variables (some of them evaluated using corroborated objective indices) that reflect the presence of caries and periodontal disease. Results: The application of the proposed oral health scale requires the examination of 6 sites per tooth (mesio- buccal, medio-buccal, disto-buccal, disto-lingual, medio-lingual and mesio-lingual). The following variables are analysed: number of tooth surfaces with supragingival plaque, determined using the O'Leary index; number of teeth with caries and the severity of the caries; number of tooth surfaces with gingival inflammation, determined using the Ainamo and Bay index; and number of tooth surfaces with pockets >=4 mm and severity of the pockets. These variables are then grouped into 2 categories, dental and periodontal. The final grades of dental and peri - odontal health correspond to the grades assigned to a least 2 of the 3 variables analysed in each of these categories. The category (dental or periodontal) with the highest grade is the one that determines the grade of the Global Oral Health Scale. Conclusion: This scale could be particularly useful for the epidemiological studies comparing different populations and for analysis of the influence of distinct degrees of oral health on the development of certain systemic diseases

    Proizvodnja ksilitola iz hidrolizata eukaliptusova drva u jeftinim fermentacijskim podlogama

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    Several aspects concerning the bioconversion of xylose-containing hydrolysates (obtained from Eucalyptus wood) into xylitol were assessed. Debaryomyces hansenii yeast strains were adapted to fermentation media (obtained either by prehydrolysis or autohydrolysis- posthydrolysis of wood) supplemented with low-cost nutrients. Media containing up to 80 g/L xylose were efficiently fermented when the hydrolysates were detoxified by charcoal adsorption and supplemented with corn steep liquor.Ispitano je nekoliko mogućnosti biokonverzije ksiloze iz hidrolizata, dobivenih iz eukaliptusova drva, u ksilitol. Sojevi Debaryomyces hansenii adaptirani su na fermentacijske podloge (dobivene predhidrolizom ili autohidrolizom-posthidrolizom drva) uz jeftine hranjive dodatke. Fermentacija je bila uspješna u podlozi s 80 g/L ksiloze ako su hidrolizati bili detoksificirani adsorpcijom na aktivnom ugljenu uz dodatak kukuruznog ekstrakta (CSL)

    Minor salivary gland biopsy in Sjögren's syndrome: a review and introduction of a new tool to ease the procedure

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    Objectives: To review the existing techniques for minor salivary gland biopsy (MSGB) in the lip and to suggest a new approach to ease the procedure and reduce post-operative complications. Study Design: A comprehensive literature review and a descriptive study of a new surgical technique. Results: Diverse incisions have been suggested for MSGB with different designs (ellipse, circular, linear), different directions (parallel, oblique, vertical) and a wide range of lengths (from 1 mm up to 3 cm), but no comparative studies supporting the advantages of a particular type of incision over the others could be retrieved. A variety of features of the existing techniques for MSGB are linked to undesired events and surgical complications which could be minimized by modifying certain aspects of these procedures. The technique described, together with the use of the S forceps, represents a significant improvement over the already described chalazion forceps because it allows for a better access and positioning of the lower lip, improves the ergonomic conditions of the assistant, and facilitates the identification of lip areas with more superficial gland lobules. Conclusions: The suggested approach for lip MSGB includes a specifically designed instrument whose performance during lip biopsy may contribute to minimize post-operative complications

    Simulation for training in oral cancer biopsy: a surgical model and feedback from GDPs

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    Objectives: To describe a new bench model for oral precancer/cancer biopsy training and to assess its effectiveness in terms of trainees' perception. Study design: Cross-sectional, descriptive, performed on 424 general dental practitioners (GDP) who undertook biopsies on a pig tongue. The participants were assessed by direct observation for 2.5 hours using specific check- lists and by means of a self-applied questionnaire. Results: The workshop was perceived as "very interesting" even by those with previous surgical experience (Xi - Xj = 0.07; 95%CI= -0.20-0.09). Most GDPs considered themselves able to undertake oral biopsies on real patients after the workshop. Those who had previously received theoretical continuous education courses on oral biopsy scored higher values within the group (Xi - Xj = 0.20; 95%CI= 0.04-0.37). Conclusions: There is a need for including clinical abilities workshops when instructing on oral biopsy techniques. More studies are needed to validate the procedure and to address cognitive and communication skills


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    This work aims at role that the internal control should have in assuming voluntary commitments of the organizations regarding the matter of Social Responsibility. Nowadays, the norms and voluntary codes are guided in the direction to generalize the adhesion of the companies to the values proposed to standardize the information regarding the execution of the commitments assumed about the Social Responsibility. The work sets off from the contributions of the UN- World Pact, from the guidelines of OCDE for the multinational companies, from the Conventions of OIT and from the Global Principles of Sullivan, besides the contribution to the popularization of the relevant information, of Global Reporting Initiative, it guides to the emission of sustainable memories, with the effort that supposes Accountability 1000, developed by ISEA. The article places the main focus of the need of an appropriate mark of internal control that halts the swindles and the Immoral administration makes the commitment with the Social Responsibility a mere appearance purpose. In the work concludes that a moral behavior in the organization strengthens with the establishment of systems of appropriate control to the norms of social demands that allows emitting true information on the maintainable administration of the company. In them converge, with several norms of voluntary adhesion, in some cases submitted to the certifications of the renewed report COSO and the effort to get an appropriate internal atmosphere of control. keyword: COSO. Internal control. Social responsibilityEste trabajo trata del papel que debería tener el control interno en la asunción de compromisos voluntarios de las organizaciones en materia de Responsabilidad Social. En la actualidad, normas y códigos voluntarios se orientan hacia la necesidad de generalizar la adhesión de las empresas a los valores en ellos propugnados y a estandarizar la información respecto del cumplimiento de los compromisos asumidos en materia de Responsabilidad Social. Se parte de las aportaciones del Pacto Mundial de la ONU, de las Directrices de la OCDE para empresas multinacionales, las Convenciones de la OIT y los Principios Globales de Sullivan, además de la aportación a la divulgación de la información relevante, de la Global Reporting Initiative, guía para la emisión de memorias de sostenibilidad, con el refuerzo que supone la Accountability 1000, desarrollada por el ISEA. El artículo sitúa el punto de mira, en la necesidad de un adecuado marco de control interno que impida que el fraude y la administración inmoral hagan del compromiso con la Responsabilidad Social un mero intento de aparentar. En el trabajo se concluye que un comportamiento moral en la organización se potencia con el establecimiento de sistemas de control adecuados a las nuevas demandas sociales, que permitan emitir información creíble acerca de la gestión sostenible de la compañía. En ello confluyen, junto a las diversas normas de adhesión voluntaria, en algunos casos sometidas a la certificación de terceros, las indicaciones del renovado informe COSO y el esfuerzo por lograr un adecuado ambiente interno de control. Palabras clave: Informe Coso. Control Interno. Responsabilidad Social.Este trabalho trata do papel que deve ter o controle interno ao assumir compromissos voluntários das organizações referentes à matéria Responsabilidade Social. Atualmente, as normas e códigos voluntários orientam-se na direção de generalizar a adesão das empresas aos valores neles propostos para padronizar a informação referente ao cumprimento dos compromissos assumidos sobre a Responsabilidade Social. O trabalho parte das contribuições do Pacto Mundial da ONU, das diretrizes da OCDE para as empresas multinacionais, das Convenções da OIT e dos Princípios Globais de Sullivan, além da contribuição à divulgação da informação relevante do Global Reporting Iniciative, guia para a emissão de memórias de sustentação, com o esforço que supõe a Accountability 1000, desenvolvida pelo ISEA. O artigo situa o foco principal da necessidade de um adequado controle interno que impeça que a fraude e a administração imoral façam do compromisso com a Responsabilidade Social um mero propósito de aparência. No trabalho conclui-se que um comportamento moral na organização se fortalece com o estabelecimento de sistemas de controle adequado às normas de demandas sociais que permitam emitir informação verdadeira sobre a gestão sustentável da companhia. Nele confluem, junto às diversas normas de adesão voluntária, em alguns casos submetidos às certificações do renovado informe COSO e o esforço para conseguir um adequado ambiente interno de controle. Palavras-chave: Coso. Controle Interno. Responsabilidade Socia

    Una reflexión sobre la evolución de los métodos de gestión de existencia y su influencia en el ámbito de la información contable

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolO dinamismo que presenta o contorno empresarial supón para as organizacións empresariais importantes retos; entre eles, é importante o que presenta a reducción do ciclo de vida do producto e, consecuentemente, o risco de obsolescencia técnica ou comercial dos stocks almacenados nas empresas. Neste contexto adquire relevancia a información financeira emitida nas contas anuais das organizacións sobre as existencias e a súa perda de valor recollida nas contas compensadoras. Neste traballo resúmense algúns enfoques seguidos na xestión de existencias que comparten, aínda que non sexa de maneira explícita, unha serie de principios comúns moi vinculados coa organización da “cadea loxística” e co intento de convertela en vantaxe competitiva, facendo notar cómo inflúen na aparición de perdas de valor continxentes nos stocks e no seu reflexo contableThe dynamism shown by business sector involves important challenges for important entrepeunerial organizations; among them it is important the shortening of product life cycle and, consequently the risk of commercial and technical obsolescence of stocks stored in enterprises. In this context, financial information on stocks and their loss of value included in the compensatory accounts and shown in the annual accounts of enterprises acquires relevance. This paper summarizes some of the approaches followed in the management of stocks which share, although not explicitly, several common principles closely related to the organization of the “logistic chain” and with the attempt to turn it into a competitive advantage, pointing out to what extent they exert influence over the appearance of contingent losses of value in the stocks and their accounting procedureEl dinamismo que presenta el entorno empresarial supone importantes retos para las organizaciones empresariales; entre ellos hay que destacar el que presenta el acortamiento del ciclo de vida del producto y, consecuentemente, el riesgo de obsolescencia técnica o comercial de los stocks almacenados en las empresas. En este contexto adquiere relevancia la información financiera emitida en las cuentas anuales de las organizaciones sobre las existencias y su pérdida de valor recogida en las cuentas compensadoras. En este trabajo se resumen algunos enfoques seguidos en la gestión de existencias que comparten, aunque no sea de forma explícita, una serie de principios comunes muy vinculados con la organización de la “cadena logística” y con el intento de convertirla en ventaja competitiva, haciendo notar cómo influyen en la aparición de pérdidas de valor contingentes en los stocks y en su reflejo contableS

    Available web-based teaching resources for health care professionals on screening for oral cancer

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    Objectives: To identify websites with adequate information on oral cancer screening for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and to assess both their quality and contents. Study Design: Websites were identified using Google and HON medical professional search engines using the terms “screening for oral cancer”. The first 100 sites retrieved by each engine were analysed using the DISCERN questionnaire (reliability), the V instrument (contents on oral cancer) and further by the Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Grade Level and the Flesch Reading Ease (readability). Results: The overall rating showed minimal shortcomings in the quality of the information in the websites. The coverage and correctness of information on “visual examination” was rated as fair/good, whereas updating of contents resulted very variable (eg: 81% for visual examination and 18.2% for molecular biomarkers). These results permitted to rank the websites housing relevant information for oral cancer. Top ranking websites were affiliated to the Oral Cancer Foundation (USA), WHO Collaborating Centre for oral cancer (UK) whose webpage is entitled “Oral Cancer Education and Research”, and the Clinical Guidelines maintained by the British Columbia Cancer Agency (Canada) and the British Dental Association (UK) respectively. Conclusions: There are web-based, HCP-addressed, resources on screening for oral cancer housing heterogeneous information both in quality and contents. The use of specific evaluation tools permits the selection of reliable websites on this topic with a potential to improve the existing educational gaps among HCPs

    Analysis of Game Actions and Performance in Young Soccer Players: A Study Using Sequential Analysis

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the performance of actions in a reduced game situation in a sample of young soccer players. This is a game format in which possession of the ball has to be maintained. The sample consisted of 85 young players aged between 12 and 16 years, observing a total of 58 reduced games and using an analysis instrument called the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The essential data quality analyses are carried out, including the use of correlation indexes, Cohen’s Kappa and the Phi index for intra- and inter-observer reliability. Generalizability and invariance analyses are also performed to estimate the reliability, validity and precision of the numerical structure and its generalizability to other samples or populations with similar distributions. An observational design of nomothetic, punctual and multidimensional types is used, and subsequently, a sequential analysis of the game actions is carried out from the observations. The results show significant relationships between decision-making behaviors (adequate and inadequate) and technical execution behaviors (adequate and inadequate). The findings have highlighted a clear relationship of interdependence between technical execution and decision making. This information is very useful for the design and planning of training oriented to the optimization of sport performance in soccer.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag