90 research outputs found

    Evidence for a possible life-cycle association between Syracosphaera protrudens (heterococcolithophore) and Syracosphaera pulchra HOL pirus -type (holococcolithophore)

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    Abstract. An apparently unambiguous combination coccosphere from the Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea, Greece) is documented involving Syracosphaera protrudens Okada & McIntyre, 1977 and Syracosphaera pulchra Lohmann, 1902 HOL pirus-type. This finding is difficult to interpret in terms of the current understanding of Syracosphaera taxonomy and adds evidence to the hypothesis of a distinctly complex Syracosphaera pulchra life cycle

    Preliminary results of high resolution paleoceanography and paleoclimatology during sapropel S1 deposition (South Limnos Basin, North Aegean Sea).

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    Οι παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικές συνθήκες κατά τη διάρκεια απόθεσης του σαπροπηλού S1 στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο (πυρήνας βαρύτητας Μ-4, μήκους 2,53 m, λεκάνης νότιας Λήμνου) προσδιορίζονται με βάση την ποσοτική ανάλυση μικροπαλαιοντολογικών (βενθονικά και πλαγκτονικά τρηματοφόρα) και γεωχημικών (OC, δ13Corg) δεικτών. Χαρακτηριστικό του πυρήνα Μ-4 είναι η μεγάλη εμφάνιση του S1 που φτάνει το πάχος των 96 cm. Η μελέτη κατέδειξε ότι, το κατώτερο σαπροπηλικό στρώμα S1a αποτέθηκε σε θερμότερες συνθήκες, εντονότερης δυσοξίας, σε σχέση με το ανώτερο σαπροπηλικό στρώμα S1b.. Αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας και καλύτερη διατήρηση του οργανικού υλικού πιστοποιήθηκαν στο κατώτερο τμήμα του S1. Η διακοπή των σαπροπηλικών συνθηκών στα 8,0 Ka BP που χαρακτηρίζεται κυρίως από την αύξηση της σχετικής συχνότητας των συμφυρματοπαγών μορφών των βενθονικών τρηματοφόρων υποστηρίζει συνθήκες υψηλής οξυγόνωσης του πυθμένα και εισροή γλυκών υδάτων.The paleoenviromental conditions during the depositional interval of sapropel S1 in the northeastern Aegean (gravity core M-4, length 2.53 m; south Limnos basin) are studied based on quantitative micropaleontological (benthic and planktonic foraminifera) and geochemical (OC, δ13Corg) analyses. Special feature of core M-4 is the thickness of S1 layer (96 cm). Our study points that sapropelic layer S1a has been deposited in more dysoxic and warmer conditions in respect to S1b. Both primary productivity and preservation of organic material are more intense during the lower part of S1. An interruption of the sapropelic conditions at 8.0 Ka BP which is mainly characterized by the increase of agglutinated foraminiferal forms confirms both higher oxygen bottom conditions and freshwater input

    ELNAIS: A collaborative network on Aquatic Alien Species in Hellas (Greece)

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    ELNAIS is a dynamic online information platform aiming to collect and report spatial information on Aquatic Alien Species in Greek waters. It covers freshwater, marine and estuarine waters, including not only established aliens but also casual records and cryptogenic species. The ELNAIS system includes: News, List of Greek experts, Literature of findings in Greece, List of species with information on their first introduction date and source as well as photos and distribution maps. Data providers are the scientific community (publications, grey literature, and databases) as well as citizen scientists. ELNAIS provides a useful tool towards national obligations and commitments under both the European and global frameworks in respect to Non Indigenous Species (CBD, WFD, MSFD).JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (June 2013)

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    This paper concerns records of species that have extended their distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. The finding of the rare brackish angiosperm Althenia filiformis in the island of Cyprus is interesting since its insertion in the Red Data Book of the Flora of Cyprus is suggested. The following species enriched the flora or fauna lists of the relevant countries: the red alga Sebdenia dichotoma (Greece), the hydrachnid mite Pontarachna adriatica (Slovenia), and the thalassinid Gebiacantha talismani (Turkey). Several alien species were recorded in new Mediterranean localities. The record of the burrowing goby Trypauchen vagina in the North Levantine Sea (Turkish coast), suggests the start of spreading of this Lessepsian immigrant in the Mediterranean Sea. The findings of the following species indicate the extension of their occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea: the foraminifer Amphistegina lobifera (island of Zakynthos, Greece), the medusa Cassiopea andromeda (Syria), the copepod Centropages furcatus (Aegean Sea), the decapod shrimp Melicertus hathor (island of Kastellorizo, Greece), the crab Menoethius monoceros (Gulf of Tunis), the barnacles Balanus trigonus, Megabalanus tintinnabulum, Megabalanus coccopoma and the bivalves Chama asperella, Cucurbitula cymbium (Saronikos Gulf, Greece)

    New Mediterranean biodiversity records (October, 2014)

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    The Collective Article 'New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records' of the Mediterranean Marine Science journal offers the means to publish biodiversity records in the Mediterranean Sea. The current article is divided in two parts, for records of alien and native species respectively. The new records of alien species include: the red alga Asparagopsis taxiformis (Crete and Lakonikos Gulf, Greece); the red alga Grateloupia turuturu (along the Israeli Mediterranean shore); the mantis shrimp Clorida albolitura (Gulf of Antalya, Turkey); the mud crab Dyspanopeus sayi (Mar Piccolo of Taranto, Ionian Sea); the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Chios Island, Greece); the isopod Paracerceis sculpta (northern Aegean Sea, Greece); the sea urchin Diadema setosum (Gökova Bay, Turkey); the molluscs Smaragdia souverbiana, Murex forskoehlii, Fusinus verrucosus, Circenita callipyga, and Aplysia dactylomela (Syria); the cephalaspidean mollusc Haminoea cyanomarginata (Baia di Puolo, Massa Lubrense, Campania, southern Italy); the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Civitavecchia, Tyrrhenian Sea); the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatina (Plemmirio marine reserve, Sicily); the silver-cheeked toadfish Lagocephalus sceleratus (Saros Bay, Turkey; and Ibiza channel, Spain); the Indo-Pacific ascidian Herdmania momus in Kastelorizo Island (Greece); and the foraminiferal Clavulina multicamerata (Saronikos Gulf, Greece). The record of L. sceleratus in Spain consists the deepest (350-400m depth) record of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. The new records of native species include: first record of the ctenophore Cestum veneris in Turkish marine waters; the presence of Holothuria tubulosa and Holothuria polii in the Bay of Igoumenitsa (Greece); the first recorded sighting of the bull ray Pteromylaeus bovinus in Maltese waters; and a new record of the fish Lobotes surinamensis from Maliakos Gulf.peer-reviewe

    Coastal zones as important habitats of coccolithophores: A study of species diversity, succession, and life-cycle phases

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    Coccolithophores are unicellular calcifying eukaryotes with a complex life‐cycle; they are important primary producers, and major drivers of global biogeochemical cycles. The majority of research on coccolithophores has been focused on open ocean waters, while the knowledge of their roles in coastal ecosystems is limited. Early 20th century studies of the Adriatic coast produced major taxonomic papers describing half of the projected diversity of coccolithophores. Afterwards, there have been only scarce records of their diversity and ecology in the Adriatic, and coastal systems in general. We aimed to assess coccolithophore diversity and species succession, and closely examine their ecological preferences in the coastal area of the northern Adriatic. We recorded coccolithophores throughout the year at 100% frequency, documented 52 taxa, abundances as high as 2.4 × 105 cells L−1, and noted the winter domination over the phytoplankton community. Out of 52 observed coccolithophore taxa, 31 were heterococcolithophorids and 21 holococcolithophorids. Moreover, seven pairs of heterococcolith and holococcolith phases were noted, and two strategies of temporal separation of life‐cycle phases were observed. We report ecological preferences of those life‐cycle pairs and give in situ evidence that holo‐ and heterococcolith phases are widening the specie's ecological niches. This expansion allows the species to exploit a wider range of ecological conditions and enables phenotypic plasticity, important in response to changes in the environment. With this study we emphasize that coastal areas are highly productive for coccolithophore studies. Our results indicate that a shift in research effort on coccolithophores in the coastal waters is needed

    Coccolithophore ecology in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean: New perspectives from the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme

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    Coccolithophore species composition was determined in 199 samples collected from the upper 300 m of the Atlantic Ocean, spanning temperate, tropical and subtropical waters in both hemispheres during four Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) cruises over the period 2003 to 2005. Of the 171 taxa observed, 140 consistently represented less than 5% of total cell numbers, and were classed as rare. Multivariate statistical techniques were used on the common taxa to assess variability in community composition vertically in the water column, horizontally across hydrographic provinces (subtropical gyres, equatorial waters, temperate waters), and temporally between cruises. Sharper gradients of statistical dissimilarity in species composition occurred vertically over a few tens of metres than horizontally over hundreds of kilometres. Three floral groups were identified from analysis of the depth of normalised abundance maxima in the subtropical gyres and equatorial waters: the upper euphotic zone (UEZ, >10% surface irradiance); the lower euphotic zone (LEZ, 10-1% surface irradiance); and the sub-euphotic zone (SEZ, <1% surface irradiance). The LEZ includes the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) and nutricline, and was characterised by species such as Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa ericsonii which were also abundant at higher latitudes. It is suggested that this pattern reflects similarities in the light (and inorganic nutrient) conditions between the LEZ and temperate waters. The SEZ is below the depth where light is thought to be sufficient to support photosynthesis, suggesting that deep-dwelling species such as Florisphaera profunda and Gladiolithus spp. may be mixotrophic or phagotrophic, although conclusive proof will need to be gained experimentally. Mixotrophy could also be an important nutritional strategy for species abundant (Umbellosphaera spp., holococcolithophores) in the UEZ where inorganic nutrient concentrations are depleted and limiting to growth, although other nutritional strategies, such as the use of organic nutrients, are also possible. Statistical differences were also found in the species composition between the different cruises, with high levels of similarity for similar timed cruises (May or September-October). Few individual taxa showed significant variability in abundance over the time-span of sampling, except species such as E. huxleyi and G. ericsonii at higher latitudes. In subtropical and equatorial waters, high levels of species richness and low levels of species dominance remained throughout the sampling period indicating that seasonal fluctuations reflected differences in the whole coccolithophore community rather than in just one or a few species. Multivariate analyses of the taxa classified as rare also indicated some level of temporal, as well as vertical, zonation. Such insights into coccolithophore ecology and community composition provide important new perspectives that require innovative research to fully understand their impact on ocean biogeochemistry

    VSI “Updating Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy in Greece and Eastern Mediterranean” of the Hellenic Committee for Paleontology and Stratigraphy in the honor of Professor Emeritus Michael D. Dermitzakis

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    The current Special Issue of Revue de Micropaleontologie, entitled “Updating Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy in Greece and Eastern Mediterranean” includes contributions from the T1S1 special Session [conveners Maria Triantaphyllou (NKUA), Dimitris Kostopoulos (AUTH), George Iliopoulos (UPAT)] organized by the Hellenic Committee for Paleontology and Stratigraphy at the 15th Conference of the Geological Society of Greece (May 2019, Athens, Greece). © 202