129 research outputs found
Quantum Thetas on Noncommutative T^4 from Embeddings into Lattice
In this paper we investigate the theta vector and quantum theta function over
noncommutative T^4 from the embedding of R x Z^2. Manin has constructed the
quantum theta functions from the lattice embedding into vector space (x finite
group). We extend Manin's construction of the quantum theta function to the
embedding of vector space x lattice case. We find that the holomorphic theta
vector exists only over the vector space part of the embedding, and over the
lattice part we can only impose the condition for Schwartz function. The
quantum theta function built on this partial theta vector satisfies the
requirement of the quantum theta function. However, two subsequent quantum
translations from the embedding into the lattice part are non-additive,
contrary to the additivity of those from the vector space part.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in J. Phys.
Aménagements hydro-agricoles et santé (vallée du fleuve Sénégal)
Près de 1 500 personnes résidant dans les villages rattachés au périmètre irrigué MO 6bis (périmètre de Diomandou, département de Podor) ont fait l'objet de prélèvements d'urine et/ou de selle afin de déterminer la prévalence de la bilharziose urinaire, de la bilharziose intestinale ainsi que des autres parasitoses entériques. Chez les riverains du périmètre, 1 295 urines ont été examinées, parmi lesquelles sept contenaient des oeufs viables de #Schistosoma haematobium, ce qui correspond à un indice d'infestation de 0,1%. Il s'agissait là aussi d'un individu dont la contamination avait eu lieu en dehors de la zone d'étude. #Eschirichia coli, #Strongyloïdes stercoralis, #Ascaris lumbricoïdes et #Trichiuris trichiura$ sont rares et ne concernent qu'un peu moins de 2% des sujets examinés. Ces résultats démontrent l'absence, pour l'instant tout au moins, de foyers de transmission des bilharzioses dans les villages du périmètre de Diomandou. Le risque d'apparition de ces maladies est cependant important et dépend à la fois de l'évolution des infrastructures et de l'éventuelle apparition d'hôtes intermédiaires encore absent du réseau hydrographique de ce périmètre mis en place récemment. (Résumé d'auteur
Urban agriculture in Senegal: effect of wastewater on the agronomical performance and hygienic quality of tomato and lettuce
The use of wastewater in urban agriculture has gained a lot of interest in Senegal. The aim of this works was to assess the effect of wastewater on the agronomical performance of two vegetable crops and the hygienic threats as compared to tap water. We also compared the effect of irrigation mode and the addition of fertilizers. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the two irrigation modes. Thesturdiness at 2 months had a positive effect on the number of plant (tomato) at the harvest, the yield and fruit average weight. Considering the following parameters studied (overall yield, corrected yield, number of fruit per treatment and fruit average size, there were significant differences between plants (lettuce) treated with tap water and those treated with wastewater. In a chemical point of view, samples from aspersion and draining watering mode treatments were similar in term of their content in heavy metals. On the lettuce, results showed a low presence of worms on crop watered with wastewater. On the other hand, lettuce watered with theaspersion technique contents much more germs of pathogens than those watered in draining mode. As for tomato, there was a total absence of worms and other pathogenic germs in both irrigation modes. This studysuggests that use of wastewater in horticulture with a moderate fertilization and taking into account soil chemistry could be gainful to urban farmers. The study addresses the issue of preliminary studies on the wastewater and soil quality before deciding on the adequate crop to grow
Theta Vectors and Quantum Theta Functions
In this paper, we clarify the relation between Manin's quantum theta function
and Schwarz's theta vector in comparison with the kq representation, which is
equivalent to the classical theta function, and the corresponding coordinate
space wavefunction. We first explain the equivalence relation between the
classical theta function and the kq representation in which the translation
operators of the phase space are commuting. When the translation operators of
the phase space are not commuting, then the kq representation is no more
meaningful. We explain why Manin's quantum theta function obtained via algebra
(quantum tori) valued inner product of the theta vector is a natural choice for
quantum version of the classical theta function (kq representation). We then
show that this approach holds for a more general theta vector with constant
obtained from a holomorphic connection of constant curvature than the simple
Gaussian one used in the Manin's construction. We further discuss the
properties of the theta vector and of the quantum theta function, both of which
have similar symmetry properties under translation.Comment: LaTeX 21 pages, give more explicit explanations for notions given in
the tex
Impacts de l’utilisation des eaux polluées en agriculture urbaine sur la qualité de la nappe de Dakar (Sénégal)
L’agriculture urbaine de la région de Dakar est un secteur en plein essor. À cause de
la salinisation progressive des eaux de la nappe peu profonde (eaux de Céanes ), des eaux
usées brutes sont utilisées pour irriguer les champs. L’objectif de notre étude est
d’évaluer la qualité chimique et microbiologique des eaux de la nappe sous-jacentes aux
champs irrigués et d’identifier les sources de pollution. Notre travail a été effectué dans
les sites de Pikine et de Patte d’Oie.L’analyse de la qualité chimique des eaux d’arrosage a montré qu’à Pikine, la
conductivité des eaux de Céanes est plus élevée (4822±2411 µS cm-1) par rapport à celle des
eaux usées (3579±1242 µS cm-1 ; p<0.04). Par contre à Patte d’Oie, les eaux d’arrosage
sont moins salées (<3000 µS cm-1). La quantité d’azote total de tous les types d’eaux
d’arrosage est supérieure à la valeur guide de l’OMS (5-30 mg l-1).Salmonella spp. a été isolée dans 35 % des eaux d’arrosage. Un échantillon d’eaux
usées a été positif pour Vibrio cholerae.L’impact des eaux d’irrigation sur la qualité chimique et microbiologique de la nappe
d’eau souterraine est fortement influencé par la pluviométrie et est différent selon le site
considéré.Ce travail a montré que l’irrigation avec les eaux polluées et l’usage de fumiers
organiques peut altérer la qualité de la nappe et constituer des risques pour la
santé.In Dakar capital city of Senegal, the urban agriculture is in high expansion. Since
the progressive increase of salinity in the local groundwater (Céanes water), raw wastewater
is used to water the crops. The objective of this study is to assess chemical and
microbiological quality of the groundwater underlying the irrigated plots and to identify
the sources of pollution. This work was carried out in the sites of Pikine and Patte d’Oie
in Dakar Senegal.Chemical analysis of irrigation water showed that in Pikine, the conductivity of
Céanes water was higher (4822±2411 µS cm-1) than those of the wastewater (3579±1242 µS
cm-1 ; p<0.04), while at Patte d’Oie it was less salted (<3000 µS cm-1). The quantity
of total nitrogen of irrigation water in both sites was higher than the WHO’s threshold
(5-30 mg l-1).Salmonella spp. was isolated in 35 % of the irrigation water. One wastewater sample
was Vibrio cholerae positive.The impact of irrigation water on the chemical and microbiological quality of the
groundwater is strongly influenced by precipitations and is different according to the site
considered.This work showed that the use of polluted water and organic manures can spoil the
quality of the groundwater and constitute a health threat.Urban agricultur
Encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke compliquant des vomissements sur terrain de néoplasie colique
L'encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke est une complication neuropsychiatrique aiguë secondaire à une carence en thiamine. Les vomissements incoercibles compliquant une obstruction intestinale chronique en sont une cause rare. Nous rapportons un cas d'encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke compliquant des vomissements incoercibles sur terrain de néoplasie colique, chez une patiente de 60 ans
Joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles
The density function for the joint distribution of the first and second
eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles is found in terms of a
Painlev\'e II transcendent and its associated isomonodromic system. As a
corollary, the density function for the spacing between these two eigenvalues
is similarly characterized.The particular solution of Painlev\'e II that arises
is a double shifted B\"acklund transformation of the Hasting-McLeod solution,
which applies in the case of the distribution of the largest eigenvalue at the
soft edge. Our deductions are made by employing the hard-to-soft edge
transitions to existing results for the joint distribution of the first and
second eigenvalue at the hard edge \cite{FW_2007}. In addition recursions under
of quantities specifying the latter are obtained. A Fredholm
determinant type characterisation is used to provide accurate numerics for the
distribution of the spacing between the two largest eigenvalues.Comment: 26 pages, 1 Figure, 2 Table
Observation of Changes in the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Single-Crystal YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₆ Accompanying Bromination
To ascertain the role of bromination in the recovery of superconductivity in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+y (YBCO), we have performed polarized multiple-edge x-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements on normal (y~0.6) and brominated (Br/Cu~1/30, y~0.6) single crystals with superconducting transitions at 63 and 89 K, respectively. The brominated sample becomes strongly heterogeneous on an atomic length scale. Approximately one-third of YBCO is locally decomposed yet incorporated as a well-ordered host lattice as nanoscale regions. The decomposed phase consists of heavily distorted domains with an order not following that of the host lattice. Structurally, these domains are fragments of the YBCO lattice that are discontinued along the Cu(1)-O(1) containing planes. The local structure is consistent with the cluster expansions: Y-O(2,3)8-Cu(2)8-..., Ba-O8-Cu(2)4Cu(1)2-..., and Cu-O4... about the Y, Ba, and Cu sites. Interatomic distances and Debye-Waller factors for the expansions were determined from fits to Y K-, Ba L3-, and Cu K-edge XAFS data at room temperature. Br K-edge data reveal that Br does not enter substitutionally or interstitially into the perfect YBCO lattice. However, Br does occupy the Cu(1) sites in a nanofragment of the YBCO lattice, forming Br-O(4)-Ba-Cu2(1)Cu(2)-... nanoclusters. From polarized measurements these nanoclusters were found to be almost randomly oriented with respect to the host crystal, and probably are the nucleus of the decomposed phase. This heterogeneity brings about the unusual structural and electronic properties of the normal state previously reported in the literature. Implications on for diffraction, transport, and magnetization measurements are discussed
Центральна комісія національних меншин (ЦКНМ) при ВУЦВК та її місцеві органи. 1924 – 1934 рр.
We estimate the total land water storage (LWS) change between 2003 and 2013 using a global water mass budget approach. Hereby we compare the ocean mass change (estimated from GRACE space gravimetry on the one hand, and from the satellite altimetry-based global mean sea level corrected for steric effects on the other hand) to the sum of the main water mass components of the climate system: glaciers, Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets, atmospheric water and LWS (the latter being the unknown quantity to be estimated). For glaciers and ice sheets, we use published estimates of ice mass trends based on various types of observations covering different time spans between 2003 and 2013. From the mass budget equation, we derive a net LWS trend over the study period. The mean trend amounts to +0.30 +/- 0.18 mm/yr in sea level equivalent. This corresponds to a net decrease of 108 +/- 64 cu km/yr in LWS over the 2003-2013 decade. We also estimate the rate of change in LWS and find no significant acceleration over the study period. The computed mean global LWS trend over the study period is shown to be explained mainly by direct anthropogenic effects on land hydrology, i.e. the net effect of groundwater depletion and impoundment of water in man-made reservoirs, and to a lesser extent the effect of naturally-forced land hydrology variability. Our results compare well with independent estimates of human-induced changes in global land hydrology
Internal supravesical hernia as a rare cauase of intestinal obstruction: a case report
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens
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