1,985 research outputs found

    Thermalization from gauge/gravity duality: Evolution of singularities in unequal time correlators

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    We consider a gauge/gravity dual model of thermalization which consists of a collapsing thin matter shell in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter space. A central aspect of our model is to consider a shell moving at finite velocity as determined by its equation of motion, rather than a quasi-static approximation as considered previously in the literature. By applying a divergence matching method, we obtain the evolution of singularities in the retarded unequal time correlator GR(t,tâ€Č)G^R(t,t'), which probes different stages of the thermalization. We find that the number of singularities decreases from a finite number to zero as the gauge theory thermalizes. This may be interpreted as a sign of decoherence. Moreover, in a second part of the paper, we show explicitly that the thermal correlator is characterized by the existence of singularities in the complex time plane. By studying a quasi-static state, we show the singularities at real times originate from contributions of normal modes. We also investigate the possibility of obtaining complex singularities from contributions of quasi-normal modes.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    GERVALOR: valorization of food waste in a hospital food service unit

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    Sequelas da COVID-19 EvidĂȘncia Atual

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    A epidemia de Coronavirus Disease 2019 disseminou-se pelo mundo em poucos meses, levando Ă  sua designação de pandemia. MĂșltiplas medidas de saĂșde pĂșblica foram implementadas nos paĂ­ses afetados para conter e mitigar a disseminação da doença. A necessidade de distanciamento fĂ­sico leva a que esta pandemia tenha um impacto importante na sociedade e particularmente no desporto, provocando cancelamento e adiamento de treinos, competiçÔes e eventos. No entanto, o inĂ­cio da pandemia data jĂĄ de 2019, com preocupaçÔes globais, nĂŁo sĂł na fase aguda da doença com as suas consequĂȘncias imediatas, mas tambĂ©m com as eventuais sequelas a mĂ©dio e a longo prazo e o risco de cronicidade de alguns sintomas, em particular na população jovem. Neste artigo revemos a limitada evidĂȘncia cientĂ­fica atual acerca da relevĂąncia clĂ­nica das sequelas da COVID-19, em particular do foro respiratĂłrio e cardĂ­aco, e finalizamos com recomendaçÔes de avaliação das sequelas em atletas e com indicaçÔes para regresso seguro Ă  prĂĄtica desportiva.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extraction and Fractionation of Pigments from Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus, 2006) Using an Ionic Liquid plus Oil plus Water System

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    There is a strong industrial interest in the development of greener and more sustainable processes based on the use of renewable resources, and a biorefinery based on marine resources, such as macroalgae, stands as a major opportunity toward that end. In this work, Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus), a brown macroalga, was used as a source of pigments to develop an integrated platform that is able to promote the extraction and separation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin in one single step. The process was studied, and its operational conditions were optimized with yields of extraction of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin of 4.93 ± 0.22 mgchl·gdry biomass–1 and 1956 ± 84 ÎŒgfuco·gdry biomass–1, respectively. These results were achieved with extraction systems composed of 84% of an aqueous solution of a tensioactive phosphonium-based ionic liquid (IL) at 350 mM + 16% of sunflower oil, during 40 min, using a solid–liquid ratio of 0.017 gdry biomass·mLsolvent–1. After the separation of both aqueous IL-rich and oil-rich phases, the IL content in both phases was investigated, the oil phase being free of IL. Envisioning the industrial potential of the process developed in this work, the recovery of the IL from the aqueous IL-rich phase of the initial system was attempted by a back-extraction using organic solvents immiscible in water, being shown that 82% of the IL can be recovered and reused in new cycles of extraction. The environmental and economic impacts of the final process proposed for the extraction and fractionation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin were evaluated. Different scenarios were considered, but summing up the main results, the solvents’ recycling allowed better results, proving the economic and environmental viability of the overall process

    Bird collisions in a railway crossing a wetland of international importance (Sado estuary, Portugal)

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    L. Borda-de-Água et al. (eds.), Railway Ecology, chapter 7, p. 103-115Many studies have evaluated bird mortality in relation to roads and other human structures, but little is known about the potential impacts of railways. In particular, it is uncertain whether railways are an important mortality source when crossing wetlands heavily used by aquatic birds. Here we analyze bird collisions in a railway that crosses the Nature Reserve of the Sado Estuary (Portugal) over an annual cycle, documenting bird mortality and the flight behaviour of aquatic birds in relation to a bowstring bridge. During monthly surveys conducted on 16.3 km of railway, we found 5.8 dead birds/km/10 survey days in the section crossing wetland habitats (6.3 km), while <0.5 dead birds/km/10 survey days were found in two sections crossing only forested habitats. Most birds recorded were small songbirds (Passeriformes), while there was only a small number of aquatic birds (common moorhen, mallard, flamingo, great cormorant, gulls) and other non-passerines associated with wetlands (white stork). During nearly 400 h of observations, we recorded 27,000 movements of aquatic birds across the Sado bridge, particularly in autumn and winter. However, only <1% of movements were within the area of collision risk with trains, while about 91% were above the collision risk area, and 8% were below the bridge. Overall, our case study suggests that bird collisions may be far more numerous in railways crossing wetland habitats than elsewhere, although the risk to aquatic birds may be relatively low. Information from additional study systems would be required to evaluate whether our conclusions apply to other wetlands and railway linesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography at one hundred billion frames per second

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    The capture of transient scenes at high imaging speed has been long sought by photographers, with early examples being the well known recording in 1878 of a horse in motion and the 1887 photograph of a supersonic bullet. However, not until the late twentieth century were breakthroughs achieved in demonstrating ultrahigh-speed imaging (more than 10^5 frames per second). In particular, the introduction of electronic imaging sensors based on the charge-coupled device (CCD) or complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology revolutionized high-speed photography, enabling acquisition rates of up to 10^7 frames per second. Despite these sensors’ widespread impact, further increasing frame rates using CCD or CMOS technology is fundamentally limited by their on-chip storage and electronic readout speed. Here we demonstrate a two-dimensional dynamic imaging technique, compressed ultrafast photography (CUP), which can capture non-repetitive time-evolving events at up to 10^(11) frames per second. Compared with existing ultrafast imaging techniques, CUP has the prominent advantage of measuring an x–y–t (x, y, spatial coordinates; t, time) scene with a single camera snapshot, thereby allowing observation of transient events with temporal resolution as tens of picoseconds. Furthermore, akin to traditional photography, CUP is receive-only, and so does not need the specialized active illumination required by other single-shot ultrafast imagers. As a result, CUP can image a variety of luminescent—such as fluorescent or bioluminescent—objects. Using CUP, we visualize four fundamental physical phenomena with single laser shots only: laser pulse reflection and refraction, photon racing in two media, and faster-than-light propagation of non-information (that is, motion that appears faster than the speed of light but cannot convey information). Given CUP’s capability, we expect it to find widespread applications in both fundamental and applied sciences, including biomedical research

    Learning auditory space: generalization and long-term effects

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    Background: Previous findings have shown that humans can learn to localize with altered auditory space cues. Here we analyze such learning processes and their effects up to one month on both localization accuracy and sound externalization. Subjects were trained and retested, focusing on the effects of stimulus type in learning, stimulus type in localization, stimulus position, previous experience, externalization levels, and time. Method: We trained listeners in azimuth and elevation discrimination in two experiments. Half participated in the azimuth experiment first and half in the elevation first. In each experiment, half were trained in speech sounds and half in white noise. Retests were performed at several time intervals: just after training and one hour, one day, one week and one month later. In a control condition, we tested the effect of systematic retesting over time with post-tests only after training and either one day, one week, or one month later. Results: With training all participants lowered their localization errors. This benefit was still present one month after training. Participants were more accurate in the second training phase, revealing an effect of previous experience on a different task. Training with white noise led to better results than training with speech sounds. Moreover, the training benefit generalized to untrained stimulus-position pairs. Throughout the post-tests externalization levels increased. In the control condition the long-term localization improvement was not lower without additional contact with the trained sounds, but externalization levels were lower. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that humans adapt easily to altered auditory space cues and that such adaptation spreads to untrained positions and sound types. We propose that such learning depends on all available cues, but each cue type might be learned and retrieved differently. The process of localization learning is global, not limited to stimulus-position pairs, and it differs from externalization processes.Foundation for Science and TechnologyFEDE

    Phase Transitions, Inhomogeneous Horizons and Second-Order Hydrodynamics

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    We use holography to study the spinodal instability of a four-dimensional, strongly-coupled gauge theory with a first-order thermal phase transition. We place the theory on a cylinder in a set of homogeneous, unstable initial states. The dual gravity configurations are black branes afflicted by a Gregory-Laflamme instability. We numerically evolve Einstein's equations to follow the instability until the system settles down to a stationary, inhomogeneous black brane. The dual gauge theory states have constant temperature but non-constant energy density. We show that the time evolution of the instability and the final states are accurately described by second-order hydrodynamics. In the static limit, the latter reduces to a single, second-order, non-linear differential equation from which the inhomogeneous final states can be derived
