359 research outputs found

    Neutrinos in a spherical box

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    In the present paper we study some neutrino properties as they may appear in the low energy neutrinos emitted in triton decay with maximum neutrino energy of 18.6 keV. The technical challenges to this end can be achieved by building a very large TPC capable of detecting low energy recoils, down to a a few tenths of a keV, within the required low background constraints. More specifically We propose the development of a spherical gaseous TPC of about 10-m in radius and a 200 Mcurie triton source in the center of curvature. One can list a number of exciting studies, concerning fundamental physics issues, that could be made using a large volume TPC and low energy antineutrinos: 1) The oscillation length involving the small angle of the neutrino mixing matrix, directly measured in this disappearance experiment, is fully contained inside the detector. Measuring the counting rate of neutrino-electron elastic scattering as a function of the distance of the source will give a precise and unambiguous measurement of the oscillation parameters free of systematic errors. In fact first estimates show that even with a year's data taking a sensitivity of a few percent for the measurement of the above angle will be achieved. 2) The low energy detection threshold offers a unique sensitivity for the neutrino magnetic moment which is about two orders of magnitude beyond the current experimental limit. 3) Scattering at such low neutrino energies has never been studied and any departure from the expected behavior may be an indication of new physics beyond the standard model. In this work we mainly focus on the various theoretical issues involved including a precise determination of the Weinberg angle at very low momentum transfer.Comment: 16 Pages, LaTex, 7 figures, talk given at NANP 2003, Dubna, Russia, June 23, 200

    Ultra low energy results and their impact to dark matter and low energy neutrino physics

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    We present ultra low energy results taken with the novel Spherical Proportional Counter. The energy threshold has been pushed down to about 25 eV and single electrons are clearly collected and detected. To reach such performance low energy calibration systems have been successfully developed: - A pulsed UV lamp extracting photoelectrons from the inner surface of the detector - Various radioactive sources allowing low energy peaks through fluorescence processes. The bench mark result is the observation of a well resolved peak at 270 eV due to carbon fluorescence which is unique performance for such large-massive detector. It opens a new window in dark matter and low energy neutrino search and may allow detection of neutrinos from a nuclear reactor or from supernova via neutrino-nucleus elastic scatteringComment: 14 pages,16 figure

    Neutron spectroscopy with the Spherical Proportional Counter

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    A novel large volume spherical proportional counter, recently developed, is used for neutron measurements. Gas mixtures of N2N_{2} with C2H6C_{2}H_{6} and pure N2N_{2} are studied for thermal and fast neutron detection, providing a new way for the neutron spectroscopy. The neutrons are detected via the 14N(n,p)C14{}^{14}N(n, p)C^{14} and 14N(n,α)B11{}^{14}N(n, \alpha)B^{11} reactions. Here we provide studies of the optimum gas mixture, the gas pressure and the most appropriate high voltage supply on the sensor of the detector in order to achieve the maximum amplification and better resolution. The detector is tested for thermal and fast neutrons detection with a 252Cf{}^{252}Cf and a 241Am9Be{}^{241}Am-{}^{9}Be neutron source. The atmospheric neutrons are successfully measured from thermal up to several MeV, well separated from the cosmic ray background. A comparison of the spherical proportional counter with the current available neutron counters is also given.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Performances of Anode-resistive Micromegas for HL-LHC

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    Micromegas technology is a promising candidate to replace Atlas forward muon chambers -tracking and trigger- for future HL-LHC upgrade of the experiment. The increase on background and pile-up event probability requires detector performances which are currently under studies in intensive RD activities. We studied performances of four different resistive Micromegas detectors with different read-out strip pitches. These chambers were tested using \sim120 GeV momentum pions, at H6 CERN-SPS beam line in autumn 2010. For a strip pitch 500 micrometers we measure a resolution of \sim90 micrometers and a efficiency of ~98%. The track angle effect on the efficiency was also studied. Our results show that resistive techniques induce no degradation on the efficiency or resolution, with respect to the standard Micromegas. In some configuration the resistive coating is able to reduce the discharge currents at least by a factor of 100.Micromegas technology is a promising candidate to replace Atlas forward muon chambers -tracking and trigger- for future HL-LHC upgrade of the experiment. The increase on background and pile-up event probability requires detector performances which are currently under studies in intensive RD activities. We studied performances of four different resistive Micromegas detectors with different read-out strip pitches. These chambers were tested using \sim120 GeV momentum pions, at H6 CERN-SPS beam line in autumn 2010. For a strip pitch 500 micrometers we measure a resolution of \sim90 micrometers and a efficiency of \sim98%. The track angle effect on the efficiency was also studied. Our results show that resistive techniques induce no degradation on the efficiency or resolution, with respect to the standard Micromegas. In some configuration the resistive coating is able to reduce the discharge currents at least by a factor of 100.Comment: "Presented at the 2011 Hadron Collider Physics symposium (HCP-2011), Paris, France, November 14-18 2011, 3 pages, 6 figures.

    A novel large-volume Spherical Detector with Proportional Amplification read-out

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    A new type of radiation detector based on a spherical geometry is presented. The detector consists of a large spherical gas volume with a central electrode forming a radial electric field. Charges deposited in the conversion volume drift to the central sensor where they are amplified and collected. We introduce a small spherical sensor located at the center acting as a proportional amplification structure. It allows high gas gains to be reached and operates in a wide range of gas pressures. Signal development and the absolute amplitude of the response are consistent with predictions. Sub-keV energy threshold with good energy resolution is achieved. This new concept has been proven to operate in a simple and robust way and allows reading large volumes with a single read-out channel. The detector performance presently achieved is already close to fulfill the demands of many challenging projects from low energy neutrino physics to dark matter detection with applications in neutron, alpha and gamma spectroscopy.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Tests of the Equivalence Principle with Neutral Kaons

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    We test the Principle of Equivalence for particles and antiparticles, using CPLEAR data on tagged K0 and K0bar decays into pi^+ pi^-. For the first time, we search for possible annual, monthly and diurnal modulations of the observables |eta_{+-}| and phi_{+-}, that could be correlated with variations in astrophysical potentials. Within the accuracy of CPLEAR, the measured values of |eta_{+-}| and phi_{+-} are found not to be correlated with changes of the gravitational potential. We analyze data assuming effective scalar, vector and tensor interactions, and we conclude that the Principle of Equivalence between particles and antiparticles holds to a level of 6.5, 4.3 and 1.8 x 10^{-9}, respectively, for scalar, vector and tensor potentials originating from the Sun with a range much greater than the distance Earth-Sun. We also study energy-dependent effects that might arise from vector or tensor interactions. Finally, we compile upper limits on the gravitational coupling difference between K0 and K0bar as a function of the scalar, vector and tensor interaction range.Comment: 15 pages latex 2e, five figures, one style file (cernart.csl) incorporate

    Test of CPT Symmetry and Quantum Mechanics with Experimental data from CPLEAR

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    We use fits to recent published CPLEAR data on neutral kaon decays to π+π\pi^+\pi^- and πeν\pi e\nu to constrain the CPT--violation parameters appearing in a formulation of the neutral kaon system as an open quantum-mechanical system. The obtained upper limits of the CPT--violation parameters are approaching the range suggested by certain ideas concerning quantum gravity.Comment: 9 pages of uuencoded postscript (includes 3 figures