162 research outputs found

    El conocimiento didáctico del contenido en el dominio de la lengua extranjera y la segunda lengua: una revisión de la literatura científica

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    In this systematic review, 17 articles were analyzed focusing on three research questions: (1) How is pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) conceptualized in empirical research on foreign and second language (FL/L2) education? (2) How is PCK studied in empirical research on FL/L2 education? (3) What are the main conclusions of empirical research on FL/L2 education? An overview of the most important research findings does not reveal generalizable conclusions from research on FL/L2 PCK. The research domain is characterized by a variety of conceptualizations and research methods.En esta revisión sistemática, se analizaron 17 artículos enfocando tres preguntas de investigación: (a)¿Cómo se conceptualiza el conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC) en la investigación empírica de la educación de la lengua extranjera y la segunda lengua (LE/SL)? (b)¿Cómo se estudia el CDC en la investigación empírica de la educación de LE/SL? (c)¿Cuáles son las principales conclusiones de la investigación empírica de la educación de LE/SL? La revisión de los resultados de investigación más importantes de la investigación de LE/SL CDC no revela conclusiones generalizables. Esta área de investigación es caracterizada por una variedad de conceptualizaciones y de métodos de investigación

    Primary school teachers meet learning analytics dashboards: from dispositions to situation-specific digital competence in practice

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    This paper looks into teachers’ use of Learning Analytics Dashboards, visualization tools that present data regarding students’ learning progress in and out of lessons. Based on data of two studies conducted in Belgium and England, we discuss primary school teachers’ dispositions and performance regarding the use of learning analytics dashboards in the classroom. We argue on the importance of looking into specific elements of teacher competence in using such dashboards in their practice but also understanding the broader educational context and the teachers’ goals. We conclude by suggesting further research into the relationship between teachers’ dispositions and how they make sense of the information presented on dashboards in practice, to inform future dashboard design and teacher training opportunities

    Preschool teachers’ selection of picture books for mathematics instruction: an interview study

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    Various studies pointed to the potential of picture book reading (PBR) for supporting preschoolers’ mathematical development. The features of picture books vary greatly, and these features contribute to the effectiveness of PBR. It is therefore important to adequately select picture books for mathematics instruction. We analyzed the general and mathematical PB features preschool teachers take into account when selecting picture books for this aim. Interviews with 66 preschool teachers indicated that they rate general features and features related to basic mathematical skills as most important, and explain their importance based on instructional goals rather than preschooler characteristics. Our results point to the need for professional development initiatives on the selection of picture books for mathematics instruction

    Combining physiological data and subjective measurements to investigate cognitive load during complex learning

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    Cognitive load theory is one of the most influential theoretical explanations of cognitive processing during learning. Despite its success, attempts to assess cognitive load during learning have proven difficult. Therefore, in the current study, students’ self-reported cognitive load after the problem- solving process has been combined with measures of physiological data, namely, electrodermal activity (EDA) and skin temperature (ST) during the problem-solving process. Data was collected from 15 students during a high and low complex task about learning and teaching geometry. This study first investigated the differences between subjective and physiological data during the problem- solving process of a high and low complex task. Additionally, correlations between subjective and physiological data were examined. Finally, learning behavior that is retrieved from log-data, was related with EDA. Results reveal that the manipulation of task complexity was not reflected by physiological data. Nevertheless, when investigating individual differences, EDA seems to be related to mental effort

    Do teachers have a relationship with their subject? a review of the literature on the teacher-subject matter relation

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    Cet article porte sur la relation qu’établit un enseignant avec la discipline qu’il enseigne. Il rend compte des diverses façons dont cette relation est conceptualisée dans la recherche en éducation. Une revue de la littérature a permis de dégager quatre champs thématiques: les croyances des enseignants à propos de leur discipline, la connaissance qu’ils ont de celle-ci, les émotions qu’elle suscite et leur engagement pour leur discipline. Dans chaque champs thématique nous avons décrit les principales résultats au sujet de la relation entre l’enseignant et leur discipline dans la recherche en éducation. Basé sur cette revue, nous insistons sur la nécessité de la recherche qui prend non seulement sérieusement la relation cognitive, mais aussi affective, de l’enseignant avec la discipline.The particular relationship between a teacher and his/her subject is the focus of this article. It reports on an analysis of the way in which this relationship is conceptualized in educational research. Four thematic fields emerged from the review,i.e., teachers’ beliefs on, knowledge of, emotions on, and commitment to the subject. Within each thematic field we described major findings regarding the way in which the relation between the teacher and the subject taught is described in educational research. Based on the review, we stress the need for research that takes not only seriously the cognitive, but also the affective relationship of the teacher with its subject.Este artículo se centra en la particular relación que existe entre un profesor y su asignatura, y en él se analiza la forma en la que esta relación se conceptualiza en la investigación educativa. Cuatro campos temáticos se desprenden de este análisis: las creencias de los profesores sobre su asignatura, su conocimiento de la asignatura, los sentimientos hacia su asignatura y su dedicación a la asignatura. En cada campo temático hemos descrito las principales conclusiones sobre la relación entre el profesor y/o su asignatura en la investigación educativa. Basándonos en este análisis, acentuamos la necesidad de la investigación no sólo de la relación cognoscitiva, sino también emocional, entre el profesor y su asignatura

    Conocimiento pedagógico: explorando nuevas aproximaciones

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    Resumen La formación inicial docente se ha transformado en un nudo crítico para las políticas educativas. Uno de los elementos que muestra importantes deficiencias es la desarticulación del conocimiento pedagógico dentro del proceso de aprender a enseñar. En esta reflexión se propone una reconceptualización del conocimiento pedagógico a la luz de cuatro elementos centrales que debiera tenerse en consideración: el rol de las creencias sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la formación docente inicial; la importancia del conocimiento pedagógico del contenido como un eje articulador en el proceso de formación; la vinculación entre teoría y práctica para contribuir en el desarrollo de un conocimiento de la enseñanza pertinente a los contextos en donde se implementará; y el desarrollo de prácticas reflexivas como una estrategia para articular y confrontar los anteriores elementos en la formación de los futuros profesores. El abordaje de estos tópicos contribuirá no sólo con profundizar temas escasamente abordados en el campo de la formación docente inicial, sino también con desarrollar una mirada más comprensiva de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que debiesen sustentar los programas de formación docente inicial. Se discutirán las implicancias de esta propuesta en los dispositivos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que promueve la formación inicial de profesores y en las posibilidades de innovación que se podrían implementar

    Leerlingen laten schitteren, lukt ons dat?

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    Het masterplan hervorming secundair onderwijs: een meesterplan?

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    The culture and practices in sixth-grade mathematics classrooms. An attempt to unravel relationships between social and individual aspects in problem-solving lessons

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    During the last decades, numerous initiatives have been taken in many co untries to reform and innovate mathematics classroom practices. First, t his reform movement is characterized by a shift in focus from rules, mec hanic procedures, and memorization to students acquisition of higher-or der problem-solving skills. Second, an important role is ascribed to the use of reality in mathematics classrooms. Third, the reform movement pa ys attention to the establishment of an innovative classroom culture inv olving a more active role for students. Inspired by these three characteristics of the reform movement in mathem atics education, scholars have designed powerful learning environments a imed at eliciting in students appropriate mathematics-related beliefs an d problem-solving skills. In Flanders, for instance, Verschaffel et al. (1999) designed, implemented, and evaluated an innovative learning envir onment for teaching and learning how to solve mathematical word problems in upper primary school. The learning environment aimed at students ac quisition of an overall metacognitive strategy for solving mathematical application problems, and of positive mathematics-related beliefs. The b asic principles of this innovative learning environment were threefold a nd clearly reflected the main ideas of the reform movement in mathematic s education: (1) using a set of realistic and complex problems; (2) appl ying a variety of highly interactive instructional techniques and classr oom organization forms; and (3) establishing appropriate classroom norms concerning (learning) to solve mathematical problems. Meanwhile, the reform-based ideas have led to a new generation of mathem atical textbooks. However, the question remains to what extent these inn ovative ideas also effectively impact today s regular mathematics classr ooms. This dissertation aims at a dual goal that has guided the scope an d design of two studies that will be reported. The first goal relates to an in-depth analysis of the way in which problem-solving lessons based on an innovative textbook are implemented in regular mathematics classro oms. The second goal focuses on the analysis of the relationship between teachers instructional approaches to the teaching of mathematical prob lem solving, and teachers and students beliefs, on the one hand, and s tudents problem-solving skills, on the other hand. In the first, exploratory study we investigated the way in which ten six th-grade teachers implemented the same two problem-solving lessons from an innovative textbook. The analysis was based on a coding scheme which covers the three basic principles of Verschaffel et al. s (1999) learnin g environment (i.e., the nature of the tasks, the instructional techniqu es and classroom organization forms, and the classroom norms) that are a ssumed to influence students mathematics-related beliefs and problem-so lving skills. Additionally, the students of all participating classrooms were administered a questionnaire and test to measure respectively thei r mathematics-related beliefs and problem-solving skills.Two teachers wh o revealed in the pilot study a considerably different approach towards learning to solve mathematical word problems volunteered to participate in the second, more extended and more in-depth investigation. We observe d both teachers approaches to word problem solving over a seven-month p eriod (from September until the Easter holidays). The complex and multif arious data were studied from different perspectives, relating to three themes that are characteristic for the aforementioned reform movement in mathematics education: (1) the way in which reality is dealt with in ma thematics lessons, (2) the focus on heuristic and metacognitive skills i n the teaching and learning of problem solving, and (3) the establishmen t of an innovative classroom culture in which students are actively invo lved in making mathematical contributions (i.e., a broad distribution of authority). At the beginning and at the end of the seven-month observat ion period, we investigated students beliefs, the way in which they app roached realistic word problems, and their general mathematics achieveme nt level. Moreover, we conducted in-depth interviews with both teachers and all students about their beliefs about the installed classroom cultu re.status: publishe