29 research outputs found

    Continuar, ou o que significa falar da atualidade da teoria crítica

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    A possibilidade de levar adiante a Teoria Crítica, hoje, enfrenta o desafio de evitar dois opostos igualmente insatisfatórios. Por um lado, a simples repetição de preocupações, problemas e possibilidades de resposta leva à criação de uma ortodoxia que petrifica a teoria e pode, no limite, convertê-la em dogma. Por outro, porém, os intelectuais que elegem o estar up-to-date como seu princípio norteador quase sempre recaem na superficialidade e no oportunismo. O presente artigo discute a forma com a qual a prática da Teoria Crítica pode estar à altura da dialética do presente em relação ao passado em um contexto de internacionalização, e em que medida ela continua sendo uma abordagem frutífera para a investigação dos problemas sociais e culturais contemporâneos

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    Finanzdominierte Akkumulation und die Krise in Europa

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    The present crisis in Europe is just one form of a multiple crisis of the social formationdominated by the capitalist mode of production. More specifically it is a crisis of the financedominatedregime of accumulation which developed as a response to the crisis of Fordismsince the 1980s. In this article, first we analyze the contradictions of the finance-dominatedregime of accumulation and the contradictions of the crisis management of the ruling classes.The present crisis in Europe is just one form of a multiple crisis of the social formationdominated by the capitalist mode of production. More specifically it is a crisis of the financedominatedregime of accumulation which developed as a response to the crisis of Fordismsince the 1980s. In this article, first we analyze the contradictions of the finance-dominatedregime of accumulation and the contradictions of the crisis management of the ruling classes

    Autonomie der Hochschulen in der Demokratie

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    Nach Jahrzehnten der Abhängigkeit vom Staat scheint es, dass die Hochschulen ökonomischen Imperativen unterworfen werden. Diese Entwicklung wirft Fragen nach der Autonomie der Hochschulen auf: Was bedeutet Autonomie der Hochschulen überhaupt? In welchem Verhältnis steht die Autonomie der Hochschulen zur Demokratie? Kann die Politik die Autonomie der Hochschulen besser gewährleisten als die Ökonomie? Können die Hochschulen überhaupt in ihrer Autonomie wirklich eingeschränkt werden? Schließlich: Warum ist Autonomie der Hochschulen überhaupt notwendig und etwas Wünschenswertes? (DIPF/Orig.

    Crisis del sujeto - Perspectivas de la capacidad de acción. Preguntas a la Teoría Crítica del Sujeto

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    This paper analyses the processes of subjectivation in the horizon of the transformations of capitalism in its neoliberal stage, focusing in its social effects. It reflects on the crisis of the subject and reconsiders the critique of the concept of subject within the traditions of critical social theory. Its considerations are led by some questions which mainly refer to the individual?s capacity for emancipatory action; these questions are addressed to Critical Theory in dialogue with poststructuralism.Este artículo analiza los procesos de subjetivación en el horizonte de las transformaciones del capitalismo en la etapa neoliberal y sus efectos sociales. A continuación reflexiona sobre la crisis del sujeto y sobre la crítica del concepto de sujeto dentro de las tradiciones de la teoría social crítica. Las preguntas que orientan la reflexión se refieren de manera fundamental a la capacidad de acción emancipadora de los individuos y están dirigidas a la Teoría Crítica en diálogo con el postestructuralismo

    Students at Hessian Colleges on Questions of Politics

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    Political participation and attitudes of Hessian students. Topics: type and content of studies; degree sought; number of semesters; activity before start of studies; most important reasons for current studies; manner of financing studies; attitude to support for college studies from public funds for selected fringe groups; extent of available financial funds and proportion of student aid; rent costs; housing situation; satisfaction with housing; satisfaction with studies; major reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction; current personal burden; reasons for thoughts of interrupting course of study; the role of the sciences (scale); personal college political involvement; most sympathetic and most unsympathetic college group; participation in actions on university reform; frequency of contact with selected groups of persons within and outside of the college; assessment of personal occupation and job market chances after conclusion of course of studies; expectations one´s own professional position in the year 2000; demands and ideal concepts regarding future professional life; time budget for studies, work and political activities; proportion of remaining leisure time; daily and weekly newspapers regularly read; importance of selected leisure activities; preference of values; interest in political events, university policy questions and developments as well as European policies; political participation; most important reasons for political non-involvement; reasons for sooner positive or negative expectation of further political and social development; self-assessment on a left-right continuum in comparison to the majority as well as one´s fellow students; understanding of left and right; degree of agreement of one´s own political stand with various political fundamental philosophies; attitude to political questions and agreement with selected political goals (scale); designation of nations and ethnic groups for which one has particular sympathy or antipathy; perceived threats from political developments and changes of the environment; dissatisfaction with politics; referendums, citizen participation, party reform or increased presidential government as preferred solution for dealing with current political problems; attitude to selected social-political opinions (scale); attitude to a political leadership elite; attitude to selected aspects of the democratically constituted political system (scale); reasons for sympathy with new parties; attitude to selected positions on questions of internal security (scale); sympathy scale for selected political groups, fringe groups and minorities (scale); attitude to Germany as immigration country (scale); psychological self-characterization; nationality; single-parent; social origins.Politische Partizipation und Einstellungen von hessischen Studenten. Themen: Art und Inhalt des Studiums; angestrebter Abschluß; Semesterzahl; Tätigkeiten vor Beginn des Studiums; wichtigste Gründe für das derzeitige Studium; Art der Studienfinanzierung; Einstellung zu einer Förderung des Hochschulstudiums aus öffentlichen Mitteln für ausgewählte Randgruppen; Umfang der zur Verfügung stehenden finanziellen Mittel und Baföganteil; Mietkosten; Wohnsituation; Wohnzufriedenheit; Studienzufriedenheit; Hauptgründe für die Zufriedenheit bzw. Unzufriedenheit; derzeitige persönliche Belastung; Gründe für Gedanken an Studienabbruch; die Rolle der Wissenschaften (Skala); eigenes hochschulpolitisches Engagement; sympathischste und unsympathischste Hochschulgruppe; Beteiligung an Aktionen zur Hochschulreform; Kontakthäufigkeit zu ausgewählten Personengruppen innerhalb und außerhalb der Hochschule; Einschätzung der eigenen Berufs- und Arbeitsmarktchancen nach dem Studium; Erwartungen an die eigene berufliche Position im Jahr 2000; Ansprüche und Idealvorstellungen bezüglich des zukünftigen Berufslebens; Zeitbudget für Studium, Arbeit und politische Aktivitäten; Anteil der verbleibenden Freizeit; regelmäßig gelesene Tageszeitungen und Wochenzeitungen; Wichtigkeit ausgewählter Freizeitbeschäftigungen; Wertepräferenz; Interesse am politischen Geschehen, an hochschulpolitischen Fragen und Entwicklungen sowie an der Europapolitik; politische Partizipation; wichtigste Gründe für ein politisches Disengagement; Gründe für eine eher positive oder negative Erwartung an die weitere politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-Rechts- Kontinuum im Vergleich zur Mehrheit sowie zu den eigenen Kommilitonen; Verständnis von links und rechts; Grad der Übereinstimmung der eigenen politischen Haltung mit verschiedenen politischen Grundpositionen; Einstellung zu politischen Fragen und Zustimmung zu ausgewählten politischen Zielen (Skala); Bezeichnung von Nationen und Ethnien, denen man besondere Sympathie bzw. Antipathie entgegenbringt; empfundene Bedrohungen aus politischen Entwicklungen und Veränderungen der Umwelt; Politikverdrossenheit; Volksentscheide, Bürgerbeteiligung, Parteireform oder verstärkte Präsidialregierung als präferierte Lösung zur Bewältigung der aktuellen politischen Probleme; Einstellung zu ausgewählten gesellschaftspolitischen Auffassungen (Skala); Einstellung zu einer politischen Führungselite; Einstellung zu ausgewählten Aspekten des demokratisch verfaßten politischen Systems (Skala); Gründe für die Sympathie zu neuen Parteien; Einstellung zu ausgewählten Positionen zu Fragen der inneren Sicherheit (Skala); Sympathie-Skalometer für ausgewählte politische Gruppen, Randgruppen und Minderheiten (Skalometer); Einstellung zu Deutschland als Einwanderungsland (Skala); psychologische Selbstcharakterisierung; Nationalität; alleinerziehend; soziale Herkunft. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Kinderzahl; Religiosität

    Authoritarian populism as a neoliberal crisis management strategy

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    In his contribution, Alex Demirovi? uses the term authoritarian populism coined by Stuart Hall and understands it as a particular form of neoliberal crisis management. Similar to the Thatcherism that Hall had in mind, authoritarian populism in the current period is a policy pursued by parts of the power block. It does not contradict neoliberalism, but continues it by other means. As in the preceding phases of neoliberal politics, it is no longer a matter of hegemony, but of seeking to avoid concessions to the dominated classes.In his contribution, Alex Demirovi? uses the term authoritarian populism coined by Stuart Hall and understands it as a particular form of neoliberal crisis management. Similar to the Thatcherism that Hall had in mind, authoritarian populism in the current period is a policy pursued by parts of the power block. It does not contradict neoliberalism, but continues it by other means. As in the preceding phases of neoliberal politics, it is no longer a matter of hegemony, but of seeking to avoid concessions to the dominated classes

    A parcialidade da teoria

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    The author returns to the theme of the entanglement of the production of theoretical discourse and of institutional relations and relations of power and domination, as well as to the theme of the conditions of enunciation of a knowledge that is both true and politically engaged (i.e., of a critical knowledge), a topic that he has been dealing with at least since his main work, The nonconformist intellectual (1999). He approachs the problem of the possibility of a theory at once consciously and explicitly partial and raising universality claims from the analysis of the case of Marx’s classical critical formulation. [Translator’s abstract].O autor retorna ao tema do enredamento da produção do discurso teórico em relações institucionais e em relações de poder e dominação e das condições de enunciação de um saber ao mesmo tempo verdadeiro e engajado (i.e., de um saber crítico), tema do qual já se ocupa ao menos desde sua obra principal, O intelectual não conformista (1999). O problema da possibilidade de uma teoria ao mesmo tempo consciente e explicitamente parcial e com pretensões de universalidade é abordado a partir de sua formulação clássica na obra de Marx. [Resumo do tradutor]

    Continuar, ou o que significa falar da atualidade da teoria crítica

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    A possibilidade de levar adiante a Teoria Crítica, hoje, enfrenta o desafio de evitar dois opostos igualmente insatisfatórios. Por um lado, a simples repetição de preocupações, problemas e possibilidades de resposta leva à criação de uma ortodoxia que petrifica a teoria e pode, no limite, convertê-la em dogma. Por outro, porém, os intelectuais que elegem o estar up-to-date como seu princípio norteador quase sempre recaem na superficialidade e no oportunismo. O presente artigo discute a forma com a qual a prática da Teoria Crítica pode estar à altura da dialética do presente em relação ao passado em um contexto de internacionalização, e em que medida ela continua sendo uma abordagem frutífera para a investigação dos problemas sociais e culturais contemporâneos